FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #26

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OMG! I almost posted this same scenario this morning. I even went as far as thinking her b/f has a SO past, so even more the reason why she must lie.

ummmm great sleuthing minds think alike. :woohoo:
I was wondering...being new here and all..is there a prize for the person who guesses right?!

J/K!!!! Thought ya'll might need a laugh..:D

Gold-plated customized Hinky Meter and a pan of biscuits.....;)
(Trade it all for Haleigh back safe & sound)
I agree with these scenarios to an extent but the cinder block propping the door open, to me, seems staged and nothing else. I can't shake that feeling.

I don't know. If I was going to carry something out a door that had screen door and I didn't want it to slam because I had both my hands full then i would prop it open with something. Then got get what i need to get and leave quietly.
Here ya go. I think they live down here full time now - maybe they retired.

SATSUMA, FL -- Donald Bard remembers the phone call early last Tuesday morning that woke him up.

His wife Phyllis answered the call.

"We were sleeping and then we received a phone call, the automated phone call that Haleigh Cummings was missing in our neighborhood," said Phyllis Bard.

The Bard's recognized the name right away.

"The home where Haleigh was taken from belonged to my parents," said Phyllis.

It sits right next door to her own home, and Phyllis began renting it out a few years ago after her father died of diabetes complications and her mother died in a car crash 80 days later.

The Bard's first met Haleigh's father, Ron Cummings, last August.

Phyllis says, "They first moved next door to us, and then they needed a bedroom for each of the children he said, and so he asked to rent that house and we rented that to him in November."


So the B's would certainly have a key to 202 Green Ln., since they own the property and it was Mrs. B's parents home at one time. I would assume they keep copies since Mr. B appears to rent to SO's and felons regularly. I wonder if they keep the keys to all their properties together. Another renter could have easily noticed this, maybe when the B's obtained their key from wherever they keep them.

I wonder if the B's felt any duty to warn Ron that they rent to SO's too, and to keep a close eye on their children, especially when they're outside.

Maybe that's where Misty slipped up. Could explain why Ron was so certain someone "stole" Haleigh. If they HAD been warned, and Ron was counting on Misty, because he HAD to work, this would explain his outburst.
((((feeling invisible here)))) so I'll ask again...was Jr. home during the day everyday?? He didn't go to PreK or anything did he??

Since he just turned 4 would he be in pre school? We don't have a free preschool here unless you are on assistance(welfare) and then you get on the Headstart program. Not sure how FL is
(bold mine) Have posted, and find plausible, ideas bolded. Am vascillating between wandering off/SO abduction scenario, and acquaintance intruder scenario (possibly also SO). But I do believe she knew at least casually any intruder. It is difficult (tho not impossible) to otherwise explain the silence, swiftness and seeming ease w which she was removed. And have always believed that IF it was second (home invasion) that they entered the front door. (So much attention being focused upon back door, simply because it appears point of exit!) Don't think any abductor would have presence of mind or risk wasting time leaving false trails all over, w a kidnapped child. Also don't believe adult's prints were found w Haleigh's tho IIRC, and think those may be prints from after other kids left and she was outside--by herself. JMO


There are some scenarios I could think of to explain that -- GHB? What if Misty had a visitor that used it on them? Thought I saw in court records from years back that Ron had been in possesion of GHB, so it's obviously availalbe in the area. Or - chloroform used to knock Hailey out before she was taken?

.Still trying to catch up. No real new news yet today.

According to the tax records a Donald Bard owns the home that Haleigh lived in as well as others and he has his tax bills sent to an address in PA but also shows a phone number at 201 Monroe Ave as well. Landlady who lives next door could be the person who is the 'agent' for the owner. Do you happen to know what the address was or what her name was? Anybody who has ties to that house would have the potential to have keys or know the layout. There appears to be only 3 homes on Green Lane and Green connects to Monroe Ave. but 201 is further up and is on the corner of Monroe and Buchanan Cir not in eye view of Haleigh’s home but may be considered ‘next door’ so that makes me wonder if the owners are snowbirds and live down there and come back up north in the hot season.

Also in that article I posted Ronald lived in the trailer next to her, that she rented to him. from Aug. to Nov. when he moved to the current address of 212 Green.
The door would need to be propped open regardless of WHO took her out. So it does not necessarily point to an abductor of even an alive child. But yeah the way they harp on it does seem strange.
Just a reminder about how little ones can remember and tell of events.
Jessie Davis' case. Her little 2 year old son was the one who gave the details of her death. Mommy was crying,” Blake told deputies. “Mommy broke the table… Mommy’s in rug.”

I really believe if something happened earlier in the day the young boy would be talking.

Well that is IF Jr. was present or able to observe (eg frantic search, drowning, abuse) It could conceivably have taken place eg while he was napping, playing outdoors, etc

It would raise too much suspicion, If this is the case... It's playing out beautifully. She's safe and right now everyone is looking at dad and his girlfriend.. LE isn't even pressuring for a poly-graph from bio-mom or her family they have signed to take one supposedly and LE just hasn't acted upon it.

But you've already anticipated or "poked" the obstacle I see to this theory. It would never work because Haleigh could tell all. How I wish this could be true though!

Maybe she felt first the daughter, as she was more at risk in that household? I don't know.

I'm sure that LE is pulled in multiple directions on this one.

If a five year-old was at risk (which she clearly was), a three (now four) year-old was in at least as much danger of everything except girl SA. But we have not heard any concerns, reports or allegations being made of any possible SA w Haleigh have we? JMO

I'm just guessing here, but the fact that Ron was living with and sleeping with an underage girl might have been enough in court to regain custody?? Not to mention the child not attending school. Both together - so long as mom is clean and not using - she would have both kids without having to steal them.

as for an accident inside the house (child ingesting alcohol or drugs or accidentally drowning or choking or the other million ways kids can hurt themselves) that would be a reason to lie - to not lose custody of the remaining child. jmho

(bold mine) I agree. This would involve dad. Unless he has channeled or morphed his genuine grief at witnessing or discovering Haleigh's death into anguish at a "missing" child, he AND gf have some serious acting skills... JMO
ITA...I also think Ron has some of the answers we are looking for!

ITA, ksgirl78. If Misty's story seems hinky to us, just imagine how a guy like Ron (who owns a 9mm and isn't afraid to use it) would react. He certainly wouldn't be standing behind all of her story changes.

This is JMO, but Misty strikes me as a girl who would tow the line and do exactly as she's told in relationships. Only a girl with that kind of emotional makeup would be in a relationship with RC to begin with.
Since he just turned 4 would he be in pre school? We don't have a free preschool here unless you are on assistance(welfare) and then you get on the Headstart program. Not sure how FL is

I'm in KS now, and my boys are too old now for me to really know anything about the Pre-K/Headstart here, but the town where I used to live in OK had a Headstart program that was open to anybody who wanted to enroll their children, after the classes were full they didn't take any other students I would presume.
I wonder if the landlord is the one who sent the ac guy over to the cummings home?

I'd like to know if they have a caretaker. They are not young people the Bards. They may have someone who takes care of their properties....
a cinder block;

the ramp goes out from the house, not next to the house. It has siderails on both sides and is made of wood.
It appears to be about six to eight feet long, and is probably 30" wide. They are usually hollow underneath, and make noice when you walk or wheel on them. Childen usually enjoy playing on them. The like taking their wheeled toys of any kind including the ones you ride on, and flying down and across the yard. anything from bikes, to the little hot rod cars, to skate boards. etc. It would be surprising to me if one had children, that they didn't take advantage of such a wonderful long lasting playing device. jmo :)
I find it slightly unbelievable that if they lived there for 4 months, that RC didn't know there were cinderblocks on his property. Men usually know what is available to build stuff with or store their tools. RC appears to be a controlling person, and he surely is paying attention to every detail going on when he is on camera. It would surprise me very much if after 4 months he didn't know about the blocks, even if they are in a far corner. My husband would have known about them in the first week, and by the third would have figured out what to use them for. :)

In that small area, are people particular about locking their doors, while they leave their family there. Did he feel unsafe there for some reason?
I am convinced that whoever took and did something to Haleigh that it was someone she knew. I think she was alive and walked to the pond and to the end of those tracks hence the reason why her scent stopped at the end of them. I think whoever it was that had her made her walk there and the fact that she KNEW them explains why she would have willingly went with them and didn't make a noise. They could have easily lied to her to get her to go with them if it was someone she knew and I have though since the day this news broke Haleigh knew whoever it was that took her and that this person knew their way around that house. It also explains why they knew exactly what room to go to and why they got out of that place with no one in the house knowing.

It's possible it was someone she knew. It's also possible that she didn't know the person - I'm thinking of the Danielle Van Dam murder case in which the child was removed from the house by the perpetrator and no one knew she was gone. At the time of that case, I didn't believe it either, but there was good proof that the crime happened that way. There are other cases like that as well, so it's not always someone in the family.
We really have no info about that evening/night except from Misty. After 5:30-5:45 pm....if her story about brother and nephews and ac guy is true...she's the only person, besides Jr., that saw Haleigh. For all we know, she could have taken Haleigh somewhere and bashed her head in...or gave her to someone....and came back and staged a break in.
Well, I can't find it in the gazillion pages of previous threads, but someone yesterday did some sort of research on the ownership of the trailer and discovered that the PREVIOUS TENNANT is now incarcerated - SO!!!!!!!!!!

Who could he have given keys to? Or what roommates or "friends" could he have known that maybe thought he was still there? I wish I could find it - need his name...

Going to look for it ~ is there a way to save a post somewhere or just copy/paste into a word doc? I'm gonna start a virtual notebook on my comp!!! :banghead:
We really have no info about that evening/night except from Misty. After 5:30-5:45 pm....if her story about brother and nephews and ac guy is true...she's the only person, besides Jr., that saw Haleigh. For all we know, she could have taken Haleigh somewhere and bashed her head in...or gave her to someone....and came back and staged a break in.

We really don't have any information at all. Daily routines/Night time routines. I'd be happy to hear what happened just that day/night! That could tell us a bit more, IMO.
I just do not see Misty staging this with a cinder block to hold the screen door open. If you were staging that a stranger came in wouldnt you take something like a knife and pry around the lock to make it appear it had been broken into?
The door would need to be propped open regardless of WHO took her out. So it does not necessarily point to an abductor of even an alive child. But yeah the way they harp on it does seem strange.

Unless an abductor really was just trying to cut down on the noise of opening and closing to door multiple times.

Could it be that Ron knows that if he fingers one of the SO's around there that they know enough about Ron's activities to put him away for a long time, too? At the least he would lose Junior, too. If he's up to anything shady again, it's most likely common knowledge.

This could explain the whole "I don't care if I go to jail for the rest of my life" outburst. Could explain why Crystal is standing by him, too. If she knew what he was up to, but let the kids stay there, she might not get Junior either.
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