FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #26

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Has Fox said anything new? Or are they rehashing this mornings presser?
so here is my latest scenero. GF puts kids to bed at 8pm but then she goes out. She gets wasted/high and someone brings her home. They come in the front door and flip the kitchen light on. Help GF to bed. GF passes out. GF wakes up around 3am either because she really had to go to the bathroom or to make sure everything was fine so BF didn't know she was out or had anyone over. She discovers back door open and child missing. She is freaked and can't tell Bf exactly what happed without incrimating herself. Therefore she comes across as "hinky" because she is only telling half the truth. She looked really bad in that interview today on CBS. I think it is a combination of the guilt and her being scared that someone is going to find out what happened for real and then her relationship with BF is history. She really looks scared to me. Exhausted from being worried about herself.

OMG! I almost posted this same scenario this morning. I even went as far as thinking her b/f has a SO past, so even more the reason why she must lie.
Are the "18 wheels angels" putting flyers all over the country? Or is this just been kept within the county?

Don't know about anyone else, but I printed out fliers for my '18 wheel angel' this morning.. he will be dropping them off all along his trip from VA to MA.
I first thought this abduction had a connection to the relatives or AC guy in the house at 5:00 that day. Not sure now, but
I know WillenFan thinks that Haleigh must have known this person and went with him/her? willingly. If her footprint was on the path in the woods this would seem likely; otherwise this person would have carried her or there would have been more signs of a struggle?

I'd like to know what other people think. Did Haleigh go with this person willingly or not? If so what do you think was the ruse?

Was so praying for a miracle this am... :( This was my very first thought too concentric, until I reread and saw it said prints went down path... "and back." This is what started me thinking Haleigh may have stayed outside playing still during daylight hours after neighbor kids, gf's nephews left... and possibly for some time. She could have gone missing much earlier than the account we've been given, there is no one thus far to my knowledge who can place Haleigh after 5 or 6pm, which leaves gaps in timeline we know of, anyway. :confused:

I know, I don't want to think it, but if the perpetrator did manage to get her and himself on an open freight car, he most likely molested her and killed her right there. Then what? Probably tosses her body off the side into a weeded area. Who knows how long it would take to find her. I wonder if they are walking the entire length of that train track with the dogs.

Definitely need to do this if they haven't already. Tracks along Hwy 17 no doubt follow extremely remote, rural stretches and if she was put on train, she could have been discarded anywhere along there. :(

Wow I just now got to watch that. How sad. Misti looks awful. She is pale, her eyes are all sunk in, she looks like she hasn't eaten since last week. I don't know, She doesn't look like she is hiding anything to me besides guilt for being the last person to see this little girl.

Or maybe I am just gullible, I don't know. My heart and prayers go skyward for Haleigh and her dad and all involved.

I feel it may be gf's negligence, which led to the worst, by someone else. But maybe I'm just gullible too.

I would question why she was so exhausted.
The kids? Ron? housework? partying?
At 17, kids usually have allot of energy.
Is she pregnant? ill?

If at 17 a child had gone missing under my watch, I'd been sleeping in a tent, interrogated extensively, hounded by media, surrounded by both families, dealing w inevitable feelings of guilt and dad's emotions on top of it, I might be slightly stressed and worn out too. JMO

For whatever it is worth, I am still very much on the fence as to whether or not I think that a sex offender is involved, if Misty is lying, if Ron is involved, if it is a custody-related issue, or any other scenario. I simply cannot make heads nor tails of all the discrepancies in the stories and with the almost total silence from law enforcement, I have no idea in which direction to turn my sights.

Obviously, someone is either lying through their teeth or there is a completely and totally unrelated scenario that none of us has been able to figure out.

(snipped) Have personally ruled out custody ploy. Do not feel gf is personally responsible for more than negligence put Haleigh in jeopardy; feel dad himself also not directly responsible tho he may also feel guilt on some level if there was anything about his lifestyle, associations, decisions or judgment which he believes could have put his daughter at risk. And strongly believe there IS an SO involved. JMO

I'll go along with that one, except that the person she was with would have nothing to hide if they didn't take Haleigh, and would have come forward by now.
AND they would have sold their story to the enquirer by now. When they get down there and start throwin $$ around, ALOT of sh** is going to come out.
Has Fox said anything new? Or are they rehashing this mornings presser?

All I'm seeing on the news channels right now is the A-Rod/steroid q and a. May be different for others though.
OMG! I almost posted this same scenario this morning. I even went as far as thinking her b/f has a SO past, so even more the reason why she must lie.

Also in my version, the b/f put Misty to bed and then took the child. Or he came over for a little hanky panky after the kids were in bed per the usual. Maybe drank or got high with Misty and when she crashed he took HC.
Fox News says presser coming up...new lead may lead to Haleigh....(I don't trust Fox on this. Probably just a recap of this morning)

I agree, they are still saying that Haleigh is the one who got up for water. UGH!
so here is my latest scenero. GF puts kids to bed at 8pm but then she goes out. She gets wasted/high and someone brings her home. They come in the front door and flip the kitchen light on. Help GF to bed. GF passes out. GF wakes up around 3am either because she really had to go to the bathroom or to make sure everything was fine so BF didn't know she was out or had anyone over. She discovers back door open and child missing. She is freaked and can't tell Bf exactly what happed without incrimating herself. Therefore she comes across as "hinky" because she is only telling half the truth. She looked really bad in that interview today on CBS. I think it is a combination of the guilt and her being scared that someone is going to find out what happened for real and then her relationship with BF is history. She really looks scared to me. Exhausted from being worried about herself.

That's along the line of my initial thoughts. From the 911 call she sounded really groggy and like she was in a fog, possibly still high or drunk. My thought is she was high. I'm thinking she put the kids to bed, went out and partied and maybe got a little too wasted. Friends brought her home, she crashed and they took Haleigh or after they left someone else took Haleigh.
I really don't think Misty has any idea "what" happened to Haleigh because she was wasted out of her head. Whoever took Haleigh knew Misty was out of it. I really don't believe someone just broke into the home and took her with Misty only sleeping and just a few feet or inches from her. Who ever took her knew Misty would not wake up. JMHO of course.
Don't know about anyone else, but I printed out fliers for my '18 wheel angel' this morning.. he will be dropping them off all along his trip from VA to MA.
Thank you for something positive. This just doesn't seem to be able to get off the ground.
That's along the line of my initial thoughts. From the 911 call she sounded really groggy and like she was in a fog, possibly still high or drunk. My thought is she was high. I'm thinking she put the kids to bed, went out and partied and maybe got a little too wasted. Friends brought her home, she crashed and they took Haleigh or after they left someone else took Haleigh.
I really don't think Misty has any idea "what" happened to Haleigh because she was wasted out of her head. Whoever took Haleigh knew Misty was out of it. I really don't believe some just broke into the home and took her with Misty only sleeping and just a few feet or inches from her. Who ever took her knew Misty would not wake up. JMHO of course.

I agree with these scenarios to an extent but the cinder block propping the door open, to me, seems staged and nothing else. I can't shake that feeling.
I agree with these scenarios to an extent but the cinder block propping the door open, to me, seems staged and nothing else. I can't shake that feeling.

I feel the cinder block was staged also...by Misty. When she woke up and HC was gone. This was all she could come up with in the heat of the moment.
I agree with these scenarios to an extent but the cinder block propping the door open, to me, seems staged and nothing else. I can't shake that feeling.

I can't explain why whoever took Haleigh didn't just use the front door unless it's because they just didn't want to be seen by neighbors or unless they carried a passed out Misty into the house from their auto. Maybe they pulled up to the side/back door since you'd be able to pull closer to the door there. Probably propped the door before carrying passed out Misty in. Put Misty on the bed or wherever and took Haleigh. Out the door they went and never looked back. JMHO
Ron and Misty have said a locksmith or someone able to pick the lock is the only way that door got opened.....can LE tell if a lock was "picked"?
I just keep thinking that too much emphasis is being put on that back door from RC and MC.

RC parks out front, has no recollection of cinder blocks being beside his shed, only has used the backdoor maybe 2 times to take the vacuum out so he could vacuum his car. Well if you were in the backyard vacuuming your car it is more than likely that the 2 children were running around in the backyard playing while you are doing it and if you were paying any attention to them you surely would have noticed the concrete blocks beside your shed.

Also, what would make you use the backdoor to take the vacuum out the back door if it was so hard to shut/open. Why would you not just carry the vacuum out the front. Of course, I guess maybe there was an electrical outlet closer to the backdoor than to the front. IDK

Something about that backdoor and the cinder block propping open the door is bothering me!
Or the whole scene was staged....the house is the crime scene and Misty is the one with the answers.
There should be a way for LE to tell if the lock was "picked", but I am only guessing.

I have always thought the perp (if there is one) came in the front door and left out the back. I haven't seen where anyone has stated the front door was locked only the back.
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