FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #8

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Another thing. I would really like to know how the dad and the gf met. When did they meet? Did they immediately starting dating upon meeting? Or - has dad known gf for a long long time - like maybe he knew her brother growing up?
How far away is little Adji's home from all of this, and are there any other missing childrens cases at the moment around the same age, locally. She had Turner's, Adji had a disability, same doctor and/or clinic someone from that aspect tracking them??

I just keep thinking that someone is out to prove people a lesson about children. There seems to be a huge spike in children abductions, in florida. (Maybe my imagination) Little Caylee's case brought some real shady character's to the fore front.

Can someone tell me what Turner's is. Must have missed that previously. Thanks in advance.
Kimster, Thank you for the article so those of us who aren't caught up can get caught up! Nothing's worse than having to repeat yourself 80 gagillion times when people like me ask questions that have already been answered!:slap::smiley4:
Wish we knew why CPS was out there - and those reports (the Sheriff) said that CPS had been involved with the dad and the gf and the kids. WHO was doing WHAT?

I've also thrown around that maybe this was set up between the gf and the bio-mom - to get away from abusive dad. But I can't figure out why the lil bro would not have been involved. Unless he was only abusive toward females.

I do think she was abducted. If the gf had a part -

It sounds like bio mom and dad had a court fight over the kids. CPS could have been involved with that. As simple as evaluations of the homes. Or biomom could have been the type that called CPS on dad everytime she got ticked off.

I watched the gf on Greta tonight and she reminds me so much of Susan Smith. My hinky meter went on red alert.

I pray that little angel is okay but I fear the worst.
You are welcome, Gypsy Road! I'm glad it was helpful!

Friends, I am off to bed. I pray, and pray HARD, that our little Haleigh will be found by the time I'm awake - SAFE AND SOUND!


What I find odd is the GF keeps referring to "them", as in more than one abductor.

Here is the interview

Croslin said she doesn't blame herself, but she's emotionally devastated and just want to know that Haleigh is safe.

"I wished they'd took me instead of her, because I could have fought," Croslin said. "She's only 5; she can't really do anything. What do they want with a little 5-year-old?"
I agree LaLaw!
I found one video a while ago, and can't seem to locate it again darnit, where the maternal grandmother was talking about the control dad had over her daughter (bio mom) was talking about how he kept close watch on her, wouldn't let her have a job, and took her car that she had given her daughter..
If this is true, then chances are, he hasn't changed at all..I can't help but wonder if gf is lying because she is afraid, or either she did something so he would make her leave..

I went from thinking Misty was responsible, to now thinking they are both in it together. The dad is just more convincing than she is. Or he thought he was. I hope I'm wrong. I wonder how GA will feel when/if he finds out he has sided with another murderer.
What immediately struck me about the Dad's demeanor during the 911 call was his intense anger. It may be just me, but I think this is kind of off here. I can see him being angry, but not to that point. IMO, he should have been more upset than angry.

I think the Dad, GF, and the bio Mom are all acting strange. I honestly believe that Haleigh's disappearance is within the family somehow.

*snipped by me*
great post!
I feel Dad and GF are responsible. I also think bio-mom is acting strange, but, and please don't take this wrong, I feel she is too disinterested in her kids to be involved in the plot. Or maybe she is thinking about that insurance money that would come in handy (if that story is true). I wish I wasn't thinking this. I don't want to be accusitory, but no one seems to be able to look into the camera and convince me they want Haleigh back. The dad never calls her by her name and Misty is talking in past tense. I said it before, something stinks for raw fish.
All JMO. :eek:...go to dinner, take a nap, and a thousand new posts popped up.

popped out for a hour and 8 pages sprung up !

To the poster re the 17 yr old position, I was generalizing because *most* 17 yr olds are not ready to have a baby let alone take on baby sitting / mummy duties to a 4 and 5 year old

You would be one of the very odd ones out there that wanted it and loved it

I havent read ALL The threads on this because there is just too many too fast but has this been read this transcript


I havent seen anything about A BRICK behind the door mentioned

And Misty the g/f referring to Haleigh as *our* daughter

And she was cleaning at 10 pm ???
911: “OK when did you last see her?”

Misty Croslin: “Um, we like just, you know…it was about 10 o’clock- she was sleeping- I was cleaning…

And the dad on record saying

Ronald Cummings: “if I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I’m killing them…I don’t care- I will spend the rest of my life in prison….you can put that on the recording…I don’t care.”

And then this
911: “It’s OK sir, we’ve got them on the way…ok- can you give me…what kind of description of pajamas was she wearing? “

Ronald Cummings: “I don’t f%$ know!”

Cummings:” Hello”

911:” OK sir let me just talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her. “

Misty: (inaudible) crying. “I don’t wanna…(inaudible)”

911: “Can I talk to her? OK”

Misty: “inaudible”

Cummings: (inaudible, in background ) “Where my daughter at?”

hmmmm not sure if he is directing that at his girlfriend ?

And then this

Ronald Cummings: “they better bring f’ing something out here- because if I get my hands on that mother f’er I’m going to kill him…I don’t give a f%*)@# about prison…mother F’ing prison doesn’t scare me.”

911:” ok, we understand- we’ve got them on the way

What’s her name…{redacted}…how do you spell her first name…{redacted}…what’s her middle name? …{redacted}. And the spelling of the last name is? …{redacted}.”

Misty: “well, that’s my last name”

911: “What’s her date of birth?

Ronald Cummings: “i’m going to f’ing kill somebody”

911:”Tell him we understand- we need to get her date of birth.”

Misty: “what’s her date of birth?”

Ronald Cummings: “F her date of birth- we need to find her- f her date of birth.”

And then the last bit this

(backgroud noise)

911: “tell him we’ve got them coming, he’s got to calm down a little bit. The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can’t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there ok?”

Misty:” Uh huh…”

Ronald Cummings: “where is my f’ing phone…we’ve got better people to talk to then some mother f’ers who ain’t coming.”

Can someone tell me what Turner's is. Must have missed that previously. Thanks in advance.

I doubut Adji and her went to the same doctor.

Turner syndrome (TS) is a medical disorder that affects about 1 in every 2,500 girls. Although researchers don't know exactly what causes Turner syndrome, they do know that it's the result of a problem with a girl's chromosomes (pronounced: krow-muh-soamz).
Most girls are born with two X chromosomes, but girls with Turner syndrome are born with only one X chromosome or they are missing part of one X chromosome. The effects of the condition vary widely among girls with Turner syndrome. It all depends on how many of the body's cells are affected by the changes to the X chromosome.
Girls with Turner syndrome are usually short in height. Girls with Turner syndrome who aren't treated for short stature reach an average height of about 4 feet 7 inches (1.4 meters). The good news is that when Turner syndrome is diagnosed while a girl is still growing, she can be treated with growth hormones to help her grow taller.
I heard him say that, so somebody had to unlock it from the inside (unless the lock was picked - but would a perp stand there and try to pick a lock on a trailer if people were IN the trailer? Wouldn't a window be easier? What time did the b/f go to work? Was g/f home the entire day with the children - from the time b/f went to work until the time the child went missing or was she out and about?

On the Nancy Grace show tonight (Thurs.), they said that the b/f went to work at 4 pm. We don't know if the g/f was home the entire day with the children but on NG they said the father picked Haleigh up from school on Monday at 3 or 3:30 pm. Hopefully we will get some more info as LE continues to investigate. They sent the cinder block to a lab in Jacksonville to analyze any evidence that might be on it (dna, fingerprints, etc.)
You are welcome, Gypsy Road! I'm glad it was helpful!

Friends, I am off to bed. I pray, and pray HARD, that our little Haleigh will be found by the time I'm awake - SAFE AND SOUND!



Goodnight, Kimster, and thanks for the information.

Not saying the same doctor maybe a clinic?? Possibly insurance from the state. There are clinics and specific doctors they would see. I know the difference between the two, thanks.

I was just saying with the problems(disabilities) they both had they would be considered for free health insurance....
Just my opinion but if she is a person that does illegal drugs, it'll make anyone slow after awhile.

She is probably ripped out of her mind in that interview.
Again just my :twocents:

And excellent point why she may have waiting to call 911. The timing is just so suspicious, child missing exactly right b4 the dad gets home?

My opinion exactly. Not trying to be mean, but she does appear to be brain damaged, maybe an accident, but could be long use of drugs. Maybe.
*snipped by me*
great post!
I feel Dad and GF are responsible. I also think bio-mom is acting strange, but, and please don't take this wrong, I feel she is too disinterested in her kids to be involved in the plot. Or maybe she is thinking about that insurance money that would come in handy (if that story is true). I wish I wasn't thinking this. I don't want to be accusitory, but no one seems to be able to look into the camera and convince me they want Haleigh back. The dad never calls her by her name and Misty is talking in past tense. I said it before, something stinks for raw fish.

I agree that something does stink here! I have faith in LE and the FBI solving this, and TM & TES finding Haleigh!

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