GUILTY FL - Astronaut Lisa Nowak arrested in kidnap attempt, 5 Feb 2007

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curious1 said:
You can be stalked without having met or even know who your stalker is. That's part of the fear in being stalked, they know what you look like, where you go, what you do and you may have no idea who they are or what they look like so you scout crowds looking at people wondering, is that her? She just looked at me funny, was she staring is that her? It can be very scary.
I wasnt making light of it, didnt mean for it to come across that way- I was responding to someone who wondered why she didnt recognize her- and wondering myself what else she had gone thru-- sorry it came across the way it did
j2mirish said:
I wasnt making light of it, didnt mean for it to come across that way- I was responding to someone who wondered why she didnt recognize her- and wondering myself what else she had gone thru-- sorry it came across the way it did
I was the one wondering why she didn't recognize her; didn't realize that they had never met face to face until that night.
Smurf said:
What about the hammer, knife, gloves and trash bags. What was she going to do with them?
'swimming with sharks'

its a movie, starring kevin spacey, where an over stressed lackey (ooh it resembles this case) kidnaps his boss and tortures him for a whole weekend.
just to make him hurt.
its a REALLY good movie, about people pushed to extremes.

and kevin spacey does not die.

j2mirish said:
I wasnt making light of it, didnt mean for it to come across that way- I was responding to someone who wondered why she didnt recognize her- and wondering myself what else she had gone thru-- sorry it came across the way it did
Oh no j2mirish, I didn't think for a minute you were taking this lightly. I just want to explain a bit. I wondered why some people were keying in on the part about them having never met until that night. It seemed like some people thought you had to know your stalker if you were being stalked. Sorry if you thought I was picking on you. I know you would never take this lightly. We may make a few wisecracks :D , but that's just us. But I know none of us takes this lightly. I know we are all glad it turned out the way it did instead of the headline reading....."TX Astronaut Goes Missing After Trip to FL, Body Turns Up 2 Weeks Later Beaten and Mutilated"
Sassygerl said:
Here's an interview with Lisa that will now not be in the Ladies Home Journal May issue, but it's online...

Reading this article is absolutely heartbreaking. It is so hard to imagine this being the same person who (IMHO) planned a murder. It really makes you wonder if she is physically ill, because the person in this article doesn't seem like the type to ditch her family and commit a felony over some man.

Her son telling her he still thinks she should go into space after Columbia, and the description of her daughter trying to cross the barrier to get to her mom brings tears to my eyes. How could she do this to them?

Q. How do you think, in the long run, your profession will affect them?

A. I think in a very positive way. Probably nowadays, it's not so unusual for women to have careers and have kids and families and do all those things. It's never easy. But I think it's important for them to see that you can make those choices and they don't have to be mutually exclusive. When I was going through some of my navy training, and meeting various women in the navy, it seemed to me that there weren't a whole lot of examples to follow. That somebody had proceeded in a career and made it pretty far, either they weren't married or things didn't work out, or didn't have any kids. Or some others, at the point where they decided to do that, then they stopped doing their other job. And those are all fine choices, but I was sort of almost resigned to the fact that maybe that's the only way you can do it is do one at a time. But I'd never accepted that it had to be that way, so I just had to kind of find my way as I went. And through the support of a lot of people, you can do that. But I would never tell anyone that it was easy, or that you could do it without help.
curious1 said:
Oh no j2mirish, I didn't think for a minute you were taking this lightly. I just want to explain a bit. I wondered why some people were keying in on the part about them having never met until that night. It seemed like some people thought you had to know your stalker if you were being stalked. Sorry if you thought I was picking on you. I know you would never take this lightly. We may make a few wisecracks :D , but that's just us. But I know none of us takes this lightly. I know we are all glad it turned out the way it did instead of the headline reading....."TX Astronaut Goes Missing After Trip to FL, Body Turns Up 2 Weeks Later Beaten and Mutilated"
nah, I didnt think you were picking on me-- ! just didnt want you to think I didnt have any sympathy for someone being stalked :eek: :eek:
I am really curious about the extent of the relationship. Was it all in her head, a little in her head or a lot of promises that he never intended to keep. Irregardless, it in no way excuses her behavior and I still feel she was planning to murder Colleen regardless of what her lawyer tries to say.

She so reminds me of Glenn Close's character in "Fatal Attraction."
jillybean said:
I wonder if it had been a Male Astronaut would he still be in jail. Why do some give such sympathy just because it's a woman who committed the crime, instead of a man.

Women can be just as Evil, IMHO.

Sometimes even more so.
That article is way more in-depth than anything we have been getting. Thanks. I totally believe now from the ex-MIL that Nowak and Billy-O were actually involved (in the biblical sense).
Oh yeah, her sister commented about her losing friends in the Columbia tragedy and maybe that affected her mentally somehow.

People lose people tragically all the time and they don't flip out like that....I'm not giving her an inch just because she lost 3 friends in Columbia. Everyone else at NASA lost them too.
Smurf said:
That article is way more in-depth than anything we have been getting. Thanks. I totally believe now from the ex-MIL that Nowak and Billy-O were actually involved (in the biblical sense).
I know belive there is more to this then we know.Also her sisters remark does not bother me. remember we all react differently.I saw the Husband of one on the shuttle who dead on TV the other night.He said they were close freinds .
It doesn't bother me too much either but I am starting to see a pattern of people around her making excuses because she was in a high-profile job and a mother and wife. She doesn't need excuses made for her. Somewhere in her mind and heart she had to know that she was breaking the law. She just thought she wouldn't get caught.

Remember Candace Montgomery and Betty Gore here in Texas years ago. She hacked that woman to peices with that ax and didn't serve any time. Her lawyers conviced the jury that she flipped out due to a repressed memory of child-hood brought out by the 'shhhhh' sound that the victim was making. Who remebers reading that book Evidence of Love? The love triangle aspect in this case is what made me think of it.
<she didn't have hang-ups about daipers as she'd used them for professional purposes in the past.>

i don't think most women would go this psycho (oops-- i mean, 'have an attack of personality disorder'-- lol) without the guy sleeping with her and stringing her along. i'm placing my bets on this.
kato said:
Originally Posted by Dalilah
No. It is not. And, I am personally offended by this statement.

Same here.
not to pick a fight, but if either of you were in that car, stalked 900 miles by a diaper wearing , pistol packin , freaked out space woman.....
you might say the same thing.


(the original was calling her a psycho b@!@#$ )
<stalked 900 miles by a diaper wearing , pistol packin , freaked out space woman>

LOL! that cracks me up!

obviously dalilah totally missed what i was trying to say, and took it as an opportunity to turn the attention around to herself for whatever reason.
reb said:
i don't think most women would go this psycho (oops-- i mean, 'have an attack of personality disorder'-- lol) without the guy sleeping with her and stringing her along. i'm placing my bets on this.
hee! Apparantly you have not known some of the women that I have known. I had a supervisor that was going on and on about this guy she was 'dating' and how she was going to leave her hubby. Hubby comes home on their 20th anniversary and she has his bags packed for him. Found out from another co-worker the guy she was 'dating' was some guy in CA that she had meet online while playing an on-line game and they had been im'ing and e-mailing each other for about 3 months. She had only seen pictures of him. I agree he may have been stringing her along, but she had never even met this guy. So I have to question if he was even stringing her along. Some people are just :crazy: and not in the legal sense where they can use it as a defense, just plain ol' every day :crazy: .

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