Identified! FL - Big Cypress Natl Preserve, Male Hiker, Denim & “Mostly Harmless” July 2018 - Vance Rodriguez #3

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Going back through the replies on the link I posted, it seems like comments are suggesting known missing persons, so they would have almost surely already been ruled out. And now I notice the case was originally posted months ago, so I'm not sure why it appeared on my feed suddenly today. But it's good to see many people care and want to help.
Many people are saying he has been identified and they saw it on 'some site' they were on. I saw the post you are talking about from Jan. 4th. I don't believe this man was homeless, just traveling. The police said his teeth were perfect. To me that means very little dental care was done on his teeth because he took care of them. I also believe he is younger then he looks.
Just found out the story I wrote about Mostly Harmless for Adventure Journal is going to be published this month and it is NOT going to be online. Only in print. Although they do post smaller stories online, they don’t post the magazine stories. It’s unusual but I guess it’s their way of getting folks to buy the magazine. I don’t work for the magazine. I’m a freelancer.

It’s not cheap, either and I’m not sure what stores carry it. Perhaps Barnes and Noble. I subscribed online.

While I understand their motivation, it’s a bummer because I think the story needs to be shared online, with more and more people in the tech world. I put a lot of work into it and like all of you, I’m fairly obsessed with the case.

Anyway, just letting everyone know.
Many people are saying he has been identified and they saw it on 'some site' they were on. I saw the post you are talking about from Jan. 4th. I don't believe this man was homeless, just traveling. The police said his teeth were perfect. To me that means very little dental care was done on his teeth because he took care of them. I also believe he is younger then he looks.

I agree, he doesn't strike me as a person who was homeless. My opinion is he's from a middle class or upper middle class family, attended at least some college, and was a restless, adventurous person who chose the trail hiking lifestyle for his own reasons but not out of lack of financial resources. He may even have not only a sister but at least one parent out there wondering about him.

I think it's surprising no relatives or former friends have come across his case.

I assume the people saying he's been identified are thinking of a different case (but which?)
Just found out the story I wrote about Mostly Harmless for Adventure Journal is going to be published this month and it is NOT going to be online. Only in print. Although they do post smaller stories online, they don’t post the magazine stories. It’s unusual but I guess it’s their way of getting folks to buy the magazine. I don’t work for the magazine. I’m a freelancer.

It’s not cheap, either and I’m not sure what stores carry it. Perhaps Barnes and Noble. I subscribed online.

While I understand their motivation, it’s a bummer because I think the story needs to be shared online, with more and more people in the tech world. I put a lot of work into it and like all of you, I’m fairly obsessed with the case.

Anyway, just letting everyone know.

Did I find the correct website - it's $60 for a print subscription of 4 issues or past issues are $18 each? After it's published, do please let us know exactly which issue # has your article. It looks like a well-done journal, IMO.
I agree, he doesn't strike me as a person who was homeless. My opinion is he's from a middle class or upper middle class family, attended at least some college, and was a restless, adventurous person who chose the trail hiking lifestyle for his own reasons but not out of lack of financial resources. He may even have not only a sister but at least one parent out there wondering about him.

I think it's surprising no relatives or former friends have come across his case.

I assume the people saying he's been identified are thinking of a different case (but which?)
I think a lot of people are confused because the name Ben Bilemy is attached to him. They see he has "a name" and think that means he's been identified.
I doubt very much that a dentist would remember a patient for not having or needing treatment. Most people would only visit the dentist if work or treatment was required. I know in the UK, even a 5 minute routine check-up is not cheap, I can't begin to imagine the cost in the U.S. It would seem like a waste of money unless he felt the need to book in. His up-bringing and home life must have been a healthy one given the age we are at when we tend to have our baby teeth replaced with our adult set. The care has been given from day 1. It is a telling clue and I think the condition of his teeth says a lot about the kind of home that MH was bought up in. Somebody raised him with tender, loving, care. Nobody would neglect or abuse anybody whilst ensuring they look after their teeth! Somebody loved him X
I have worked closely with OIT for many years with my job. In my area (ME) they are often contract employees and aren’t always around for long. However long the contract is. Usually a year. They come in for a special project and they’re gone.
I doubt very much that a dentist would remember a patient for not having or needing treatment. Most people would only visit the dentist if work or treatment was required. I know in the UK, even a 5 minute routine check-up is not cheap, I can't begin to imagine the cost in the U.S. It would seem like a waste of money unless he felt the need to book in. His up-bringing and home life must have been a healthy one given the age we are at when we tend to have our baby teeth replaced with our adult set. The care has been given from day 1. It is a telling clue and I think the condition of his teeth says a lot about the kind of home that MH was bought up in. Somebody raised him with tender, loving, care. Nobody would neglect or abuse anybody whilst ensuring they look after their teeth! Somebody loved him X
Most people go to the dentist at least for an annual or 6-month check up/cleaning. Depending on insurance, it's free or there's a small copay. No offense but in the US, the perception of dental hygiene in the UK is...not great. That tells you a little about ours. Also...a routine check up should take more than 5 minutes. Oh boy.

But I don't think not needing work is enough of a reason to make him memorable.
I doubt very much that a dentist would remember a patient for not having or needing treatment. Most people would only visit the dentist if work or treatment was required. I know in the UK, even a 5 minute routine check-up is not cheap, I can't begin to imagine the cost in the U.S. It would seem like a waste of money unless he felt the need to book in. His up-bringing and home life must have been a healthy one given the age we are at when we tend to have our baby teeth replaced with our adult set. The care has been given from day 1. It is a telling clue and I think the condition of his teeth says a lot about the kind of home that MH was bought up in. Somebody raised him with tender, loving, care. Nobody would neglect or abuse anybody whilst ensuring they look after their teeth! Somebody loved him X

It costs me $115 every six months for a checkup, and I pay for x-rays every couple of years. It usually takes 1/2 hour for a cleaning, sometimes longer if the hygienist is chatty.

I am over age 50 and have had three fillings in my lifetime (two are in wisdom teeth.) My brother is three years younger, and has fillings in most of his teeth. We're both "Crest Kids" and have always had regular dental care, as well as orthodontics. Genetics gave me the bad eyes and good teeth, he got the bad teeth and good eyes.
I doubt very much that a dentist would remember a patient for not having or needing treatment. Most people would only visit the dentist if work or treatment was required. I know in the UK, even a 5 minute routine check-up is not cheap, I can't begin to imagine the cost in the U.S. It would seem like a waste of money unless he felt the need to book in. His up-bringing and home life must have been a healthy one given the age we are at when we tend to have our baby teeth replaced with our adult set. The care has been given from day 1. It is a telling clue and I think the condition of his teeth says a lot about the kind of home that MH was bought up in. Somebody raised him with tender, loving, care. Nobody would neglect or abuse anybody whilst ensuring they look after their teeth! Somebody loved him X

In at least one of the interactions with MH, he mentioned an abusive father that challenged him to a fight in their yard. (Take this with a grain of salt: True Crime Society - Unidentified and Mostly Harmless)

This could also have been hearsay, or misunderstood as I have told stories about my dad that I thought were hilarious, and the listener was horrified.

On the other side of the coin, MH could have had a very narcissistic upbringing that demanded the highest appearance standards, which included dental care.

Lastly, I do agree it is not impossible he was highly loved. You post also made me wonder if someone he was close to was a dentist...mother? Father? Aunt? Uncle? Etc...
Any thoughts that he, his family and friends were not hiking enthusiasts, therefore, making it harder to locate within the hiking community? I don't think he was all that experienced in hiking. It was a bucket list opportunity and he went for it. Also, in all honesty, how many former co-workers have you ever looked for? I have never looked for any of my former co-workers after a period of say, three or four years. I'm just throwing this out there. They may not be looking for him, and his family maybe doesn't even know he went hiking.
Any thoughts that he, his family and friends were not hiking enthusiasts, therefore, making it harder to locate within the hiking community? I don't think he was all that experienced in hiking. It was a bucket list opportunity and he went for it. Also, in all honesty, how many former co-workers have you ever looked for? I have never looked for any of my former co-workers after a period of say, three or four years. I'm just throwing this out there. They may not be looking for him, and his family maybe doesn't even know he went hiking.

IMO, he was novice hiker. It's almost like he stepped out on the trail as a thru-hiker, just like that. That was his path in life at that moment. All or nothing. I'm sure he had some hard lessons learned along the way. My experience has always been hikers are a great group of people who try to look out for each other. I think the hiking community took it as far as they could with gathering information about him for LE. But then it hit a brick wall.

I agree with you, I don't think his circle were hiking enthusiasts.
I'm also stuck on the perfect teeth as a decent identifier. IMO - I'm almost certain in the Sheriff office released podcast, they stated he had perfect teeth, zero dental work. It was the reason they highlighted his teeth in such a strange way on the sketch they released. IMO

I do remember that being clarified; that his own teeth were perfect, no work at all.
I think the most logical explanation for MH as of yet not being identified would have to be that both parents are deceased or he himself was declared dead at some point.
I've read comments from people who think he looks ill but to me he just looks normal. Bright eyes, boyish looks under all that hair.
When you look at his pictures, what age would you say he was?? X
Also, a photo showing him holding something, using both hands.. I often wonder why are the tops of his fingers bright white in colour, compared to the rest of his hand? X
I think the most logical explanation for MH as of yet not being identified would have to be that both parents are deceased or he himself was declared dead at some point.
I've read comments from people who think he looks ill but to me he just looks normal. Bright eyes, boyish looks under all that hair.
When you look at his pictures, what age would you say he was?? X
Also, a photo showing him holding something, using both hands.. I often wonder why are the tops of his fingers bright white in colour, compared to the rest of his hand? X
Maybe this?
Raynaud's Phenomenon Treatment, Causes, Symptoms & Pictures

Source: MedicineNet
''Raynaud's phenomenon facts
  • Raynaud's phenomenon is a type of vascular disease characterized by a pale to blue to red sequence of color changes of the digits, most commonly after exposure to cold.
  • Raynaud's phenomenon occurs because of spasm of blood vessels.
  • The cause of Raynaud's phenomenon is unknown, although abnormal nerve control of blood-vessel diameter and nerve sensitivity to cold are suspected of being involved.
  • Symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon depend on the severity, frequency, and duration of the blood-vessel spasm.
  • There is no blood test for diagnosing Raynaud's phenomenon.''
  • Raynaud's Phenomenon : OSH Answers
  • ''Blanching or whitening of the fingers, usually without affecting the thumb.''
"Ben Bilemy" John Doe | Echoes Path

Here's a closeup of his fingers. Imo, it appears his right hand is sunburned as if he'd been holding the strap of his hiking gear or had his hand in a pocket. Raynaud's tends to affect the fingers in a more random or splotchy pattern as in the photo posted by @dotr. There's not usually such a fine, straight line as shown in Denim's photo above. There are some patient photo examples at the following link.
raynaud's syndrome at DuckDuckGo
"Ben Bilemy" John Doe | Echoes Path

Here's a closeup of his fingers. Imo, it appear's his right hand is sunburned as if he'd been holding the strap of his hiking gear or had his hand in a pocket. Raynaud's tends to affect the fingers in a more random or splotchy pattern as in the photo posted by @dotr. There's not usually such a fine, straight line as shown in Denim's photo above. There are some patient photo examples at the following link.
raynaud's syndrome at DuckDuckGo
That line on his hand is pretty straight like a tan line, you are probably right!
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