Identified! FL - Big Cypress Natl Preserve, Male Hiker, Denim & “Mostly Harmless” July 2018 - Vance Rodriguez #3

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Enough people spoke to him along the way. There is a major difference in the way someone from Louisiana talks vs the speech patterns of a person from NY.

Stephen Colbert is from South Carolina and had an accent before he took measures to neutralize it.

I am from eastern North Carolina and I can pinpoint that accent immediately upon hearing it. For instance, the lead prosecutor in the documentary "The Staircase" is from Durham, NC, and I swear I can smell the pig pickin' vinegar BBQ at the Southern Baptist Church when I hear her voice, it is that distinct to me.

As for myself, I was in the military for over 10 years and my accent is very, very, faint if I still have one at all. After meeting so many people from so many different parts of the country, and the world, I am almost always asked if my accent is from California.

The point is, MH may not have had an accent at all, be it from Louisiana or New York. I speculate that he may have spoke with a neutral accent due to being used to addressing a room of people (like Colbert) and/or travelling to and living in many different parts of the country and the world (like me).

The thought has been put forth that MH may have been a veteran, but that is dismissed because of fingerprints. I still have a very slight belief that he may be a vet, because believe me you if anyone was going to lose something, misplace something, mislabel something, throw it away by accident, or completely forget to log it at all, it would be the military and DoD government contractors.

This is merely speculation though :)
Stephen Colbert is from South Carolina and had an accent before he took measures to neutralize it.

I am from eastern North Carolina and I can pinpoint that accent immediately upon hearing it. For instance, the lead prosecutor in the documentary "The Staircase" is from Durham, NC, and I swear I can smell the pig pickin' vinegar BBQ at the Southern Baptist Church when I hear her voice, it is that distinct to me.

As for myself, I was in the military for over 10 years and my accent is very, very, faint if I still have one at all. After meeting so many people from so many different parts of the country, and the world, I am almost always asked if my accent is from California.

The point is, MH may not have had an accent at all, be it from Louisiana or New York. I speculate that he may have spoke with a neutral accent due to being used to addressing a room of people (like Colbert) and/or travelling to and living in many different parts of the country and the world (like me).

The thought has been put forth that MH may have been a veteran, but that is dismissed because of fingerprints. I still have a very slight belief that he may be a vet, because believe me you if anyone was going to lose something, misplace something, mislabel something, throw it away by accident, or completely forget to log it at all, it would be the military and DoD government contractors.

This is merely speculation though :)

Isn't that the truth?! My Hubby has been out for 15yrs and he still doesn't have his whole file because they can't find it!! LOL
He also has been to many places, but was mainly raised in Florida, but you'd swear he was from the midwest or even the north east because of the way he says certain words. He has no southern accent at all. Military life is very hard on the joints, my Hubby pretty much eats Ibuprofen or as he calls it "Ranger Candy" to help with knee, hip and back pain. I honestly would not be surprised if MH was a Vet.
Also wanted to add that the Hubby is late 30's and he's been going gray since his early 20's, so I definitely wouldn't use MH going gray as a means to guess his age. IMO, MH was mid 30's to early 40's. Especially after seeing that beautifully enhanced picture by EricaJ4u2 and Ursamajr...thanks to both for those!!
Where your parents are from and where you learned to speak are important. We moved to NJ when I was 3. Neither of my parents are from there and I learned to speak before I moved there. I don’t have an accent. My sister was born there and has an NJ accent, but not as strong as her peers whose parents had one.

I don’t think this guy grew up in NYC. I picture him being from an isolated farm somewhere. He didn’t get along well with his family and moved to NYC after college. He mostly lost touch. He worked freelance gig jobs and rarely saw coworkers. He didn’t socialize much. His face isn’t particularly memorable, and it’s easy to be anonymous in the city.

I bet if you went to Unclaimed Funds in New York State, he is in there somewhere. But we don’t know his name.
Stephen Colbert is from South Carolina and had an accent before he took measures to neutralize it.

I am from eastern North Carolina and I can pinpoint that accent immediately upon hearing it. For instance, the lead prosecutor in the documentary "The Staircase" is from Durham, NC, and I swear I can smell the pig pickin' vinegar BBQ at the Southern Baptist Church when I hear her voice, it is that distinct to me.

As for myself, I was in the military for over 10 years and my accent is very, very, faint if I still have one at all. After meeting so many people from so many different parts of the country, and the world, I am almost always asked if my accent is from California.

The point is, MH may not have had an accent at all, be it from Louisiana or New York. I speculate that he may have spoke with a neutral accent due to being used to addressing a room of people (like Colbert) and/or travelling to and living in many different parts of the country and the world (like me).

The thought has been put forth that MH may have been a veteran, but that is dismissed because of fingerprints. I still have a very slight belief that he may be a vet, because believe me you if anyone was going to lose something, misplace something, mislabel something, throw it away by accident, or completely forget to log it at all, it would be the military and DoD government contractors.

This is merely speculation though :)

I could totally believe he was a defense contractor. Defense contracts come and go and the people who are hired on them can get let go on very short notice. Middle Carbuff is a contractor in Germany and every year when the contract comes up for renewal, we have a few anxious days. If he ever doesn't get renewed, he will have like two weeks to pack up and leave Germany because his visa status expires with the contract...

But anyway, that could be why he found himself suddenly unemployed. If he's at the older end of the age range, he might have found himself rather unemployable as well.
I could totally believe he was a defense contractor. Defense contracts come and go and the people who are hired on them can get let go on very short notice. Middle Carbuff is a contractor in Germany and every year when the contract comes up for renewal, we have a few anxious days. If he ever doesn't get renewed, he will have like two weeks to pack up and leave Germany because his visa status expires with the contract...

But anyway, that could be why he found himself suddenly unemployed. If he's at the older end of the age range, he might have found himself rather unemployable as well.

Thats really cool, I was stationed in Stuttgart a little over a year ago. I am now a contractor, too.

Does he have an IT background? I still work overseas and we could always use more people. Who knows...maybe he even works for the same company as me, just a different location.
I could totally believe he was a defense contractor. Defense contracts come and go and the people who are hired on them can get let go on very short notice. Middle Carbuff is a contractor in Germany and every year when the contract comes up for renewal, we have a few anxious days. If he ever doesn't get renewed, he will have like two weeks to pack up and leave Germany because his visa status expires with the contract...

But anyway, that could be why he found himself suddenly unemployed. If he's at the older end of the age range, he might have found himself rather unemployable as well.
I remember reading about this gentleman when his body was first discovered and thinking about Denim/Mostly Harmless/Ben:
Veteran dead in his DeSoto apartment for 3 years finally laid to rest as questions still linger

Man found in apartment 'died three years ago'

And I still think there is some sort of connection to Turkey or the Turkish language (as I understand, “ben bilmem” in Turkish translates to “I do not know” in English ;)): bilmem
I remember reading about this gentleman when his body was first discovered and thinking about Denim/Mostly Harmless/Ben:
Veteran dead in his DeSoto apartment for 3 years finally laid to rest as questions still linger

Man found in apartment 'died three years ago'

And I still think there is some sort of connection to Turkey or the Turkish language (as I understand, “ben bilmem” in Turkish translates to “I do not know” in English ;)): bilmem
View attachment 253148

I have a very close connection to this, but cannot say too much :mad:
Oh no ... I’m so sorry :(. I just saw your last post. It makes sense.

Only if you don’t mind answering: In your experience, are most of those who become contractors ex-military?

Oh! The connection isn't to the deceased..don't worry

To answer your question, yes most contractors are former military. Largely in part to the experience with specific systems (be it IT, vehicle mechanics, etc), and also due to the fact that many contract positions require a clearance of some kind, that most civilans haven't previously had, and must go through processes to get.
Oh no ... I’m so sorry :(. I just saw your last post. It makes sense.

Only if you don’t mind answering: in your experience, are most of those who become contractors ex-military?

I work in an area with a large military base, and at least around this one contractors are former & retired military.

Re: Naval Veteran White. How does a landlord not check a property for 3 years??? I guess the rent was set up as a direct payment? But, if the gentleman did not report to work for 3 years, was he still paid?

Yes, military retirement or disability could just continue with a monthly deposit -- but, phone bill, cable TV, safe deposit box -- questions, questions!

Was Denim accessing a regular payment like this, or as suggested above did he take put the balance in a 401K/403B/retirement account?
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