GUILTY FL - Blake, 54, & Mary-Jo Hadley, 47, beaten, Port St Lucie, 16 July 2011

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Tyler Hadley resentencing: Uncle calls Hadley's hearing 'gut-wrenching horror show'

Oct. 2, 2018

"FORT PIERCE — Tyler Hadley's paternal uncle urged the judge overseeing his nephew’s resentencing Tuesday to keep him behind bars for life for the brutal slaying of his parents in 2011.

"We've been torn up," said Mike Hadley, 65, of Deland, who insisted their side of the family is united in recommending he remain in prison forever....

The first witness Tuesday, Associate Medical Examiner Linda O’Neil, who performed an autopsy on Mary Jo, said she too had a gaping wound on the back of her head, along with broken ribs and a lacerated lung.

No Hadley family members were in court during the disturbing autopsy testimony.

Tyler kept his head straight ahead as a large screen displayed images of his parents' odies on a screen to his left.

His resentencing hearing lasts through Friday and could go into next week."

Tyler Hadley resentencing: Uncle calls Hadley's hearing 'gut-wrenching horror show'

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
This is Kona the K9 in media room across from courtroom for #TylerHadley resentencing which begins in minutes.


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
In court, #TylerHadley's paternal uncle Mike Hadley leans over Tyler's maternal grandmother Maggie Divittorio seated in wheelchair and hugs her shoulders, "we miss you," he tells her. Family torn apart since Tyler killed his parents Blake and Mary Jo July 16, 2011.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
About 30 people in court waiting for #TylerHadley resentencing hearing to begin, lawyers setting up, Circuit Judge Gary Sweet is on bench. Tyler should enter soon. Like sentencing in 2014, Tyler's dad's family seated by prosecutors, mom's side seated by defense side.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Guards bring #TylerHadley into court, wearing burgundy dress shirt, tie and slacks, with leg chains. As usual, he takes seat at defense table and looks straight ahead.

Jon Shainman‏Verified account @JonShainman 2h2 hours ago
Ready for Day 3 of #TylerHadley resentencing. Defense to present its case. Tyler's maternal grandmother, who testified on his behalf in 2014, is in the courtroom. @WPTV

(video clip: Jon Shainman on Twitter )
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
PD Diamond Litty asks judge to rule life term is not applicable to #TylerHadley because state failed to prove he is the rarest of rare minors who needs to be locked up for life. Both side argue the law, judge denies defense motion. Maggie Divittorio takes stand for defense.

angelarozier‏Verified account @wpbf_angela 2h2 hours ago
Tyler Hadley’s maternal grandmother takes the stand in her grandson’s re-sentencing hearing. @WPBF25News #TylerHadley


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Grandmother says #TylerHadley started to change in early teen years, depressed, would try musical instruments but didn't stick with it, had self-esteem issues, "he always thought he was fat," but teens are chubby, she says. "Teens hate that."

angelarozier‏Verified account @wpbf_angela 2h2 hours ago
Tyler Hadley’s maternal grandmother describes the last night she saw her daughter and son in law alive. They were heading home after dinner with Tyler in the car. @WPBF25News #TylerHadley

(video clip: angelarozier on Twitter )

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Maggie Divittorio says never saw #TylerHadley violent, ever, he and parents loved each other. Defense finishes w/ her. prosecutor Tom Bakkedahl has no questions tells her, "I'm sorry for your loss." She waves at Tyler as she is pushed past him in wheelchair returning to audience
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Next #TylerHadley witness, Dr. Jodi Gilman, professor at Harvard Medical school, she specializes in neuroscience and adolescents, studies effects of drugs alcohol on juvenile brain. Uses MRI, brain scans in studies.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
This is defense witness Dr. Jodi Gilman, her job here is to educate the judge about adolescent brain and effect of drug use. She has a presentation to give in #TylerHadley hearing.


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Dr Gilman in #TylerHadley hearing discusses brain and gray matter "pruning" that happens as prefrontal cortex develops throughout adolescence and how it relates to reward center deeper in brain. Mismatch in these areas in youth, she explains.

Jon Shainman‏Verified account @JonShainman 1h1 hour ago
Next defense witness is Dr. Jodi Gilman talking about affects of alcohol and drugs on juvenile brain. Slide says "Adolescent brain development: All gas pedal, no brakes? #TylerHadley


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
In #TylerHadley hearing Dr Gilman explains prefrontal cortex is decision making area of brain, pragmatic functions, helps temper impulses, but reward center "firing like crazy" in youth, both areas don't communicate well until early adulthood.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
"You have impaired control in adolescence," Dr. Gilman says, now she's discussing effects of addiction on juvenile brain; #TylerHadley smoked pot, took pill ecstasy as teen. She says kids do drugs "for fun," not all become addicted.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Dr Jodi Gilman is schooling Judge in #TylerHadley resentencing how kids become addicted to drugs how that affects the juvenile brain.


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 32m32 minutes ago
Dr Gilman has been dismissed Judge calls 10 minute break in the #TylerHadley resentencing.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 22m22 minutes ago
Ok correction, judge decided to call lunch break early, we’re back at 1 pm in the #TylerHadley resentencing.
State rests in Tyler Hadley resentencing hearing (with clip)

Oct 2, 2018

"FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Tyler Hadley was back in a St. Lucie County courtroom Tuesday morning for Day Two of his resentencing hearing....

On Tuesday the murder weapon was displayed in court.

A medical examiner testified about the brutal attack on Tyler's parents Blake and Mary Jo.

Also taking the stand was Blake's brother Mike who is Tyler Hadley's uncle. He read a victim impact statement and said the murder "tore us apart."...

Tuesday's hearing recessed just after noon. The state has rested its case and the defense will get its turn when court resumes at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday."

State rests in Tyler Hadley resentencing hearing

Live updates from Tyler Hadley resentencing hearing for killing his parents in 2011 in their Port St. Lucie home

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 13m13 minutes ago
Court begins in #TylerHadley hearing. Defense calls prison expert Ron McAndrew to stand, he's former prison warden who testifies about life behind bars for good and bad.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 7m7 minutes ago
In court, Hadley and DiVittorio families return to their seats in #TylerHadley hearing, father Blake relatives sit by prosecution and mom Mary Jo's side sit behind Tyler, his lawyers. Prison expert talking about jobs in prison.
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Jon Shainman‏Verified account @JonShainman 6m6 minutes ago
Next witness for defense in #TylerHadley resentencing is Ron McAndrew. Former prison warden discussing what life is like behind bars.


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4m4 minutes ago
Prison records show #TylerHadley has had jobs as teacher, library clerk, and lived in a faith-based dorm for a year; now is in general population at Okechobee Correctional Institution. He's housed at St. Lucie Co Jail during hearing.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 48s48 seconds ago
Prison expert in #TylerHadley hearing says he visited Tyler in prison in March 2017, nearly 1 1/2 years ago. He'll discuss 2 disciplinary reports Tyler has from prison, one for having a weapon, one for unauthorized absence from a teaching job.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4m4 minutes ago
Prison expert says in 20-6, at a Miami reception center, #TylerHadley was hurt by inmates. "He was assaulted, suffered some injuries," Ron McAndrew says.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 6m6 minutes ago
Prison expert says he saw shank #TylerHadley was caught with. Says it "was for show" after he was beat up in Miami. "He was in fear something would happen to him, this was his publicity, 'please don't hurt me.'" No proof he ever used it. 60 days confinement given.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1m1 minute ago
Prison expert in #TylerHadley hearing says no proof he ever joined a gang in prison, "it tells me he has learned how to stand on his own two feet and avoid protection," McAndrew says.
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 9m9 minutes ago
McAndrew downplayed #TylerHadley's self-reported pot use in prison, he'd told a doctor last year he smoked pot at OCI. "Tells me he was honest w/ his dr," he says. Up played his job as a teaching assistant, called it "position of trust."

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4m4 minutes ago
McAndrew gives #TylerHadley credit for earning a GED in prison, most prison programs not offered to lifers, he said. But Tyler earned about 17 certificates of completion for various programs: teaching, anger mgmt, self-betterment, and more.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1m1 minute ago
When McAndrew said #TylerHadley finished the program "beyond anger," prosecutor Tom Bakkedal swirled chair around, locked eyes with Tyler's paternal uncle Mike Hadley seated behind him, briefly exchanged incorrigible looks.

Jon Shainman‏Verified account @JonShainman 6m6 minutes ago
Prisons expert says #TylerHadley is a compliant inmate who has put his best foot forward and has a good disciplinary track record.


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 47s48 seconds ago
McAndrew says he bills $200 hour, up to $2000 billed in this case, and so far has testified in 15-20 juvenile homicide offender resentencing in Florida. Met once with #TylerHadley and rest of time spent reviewing records provided by defense to prep testimony.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4m4 minutes ago
Cross exam with Ron McAndrew gets testy, #TylerHadley's grandmother Maggie DiVittorio at one point puts hand on face, lowered head, appears upset that prison expert testimony challenged by ASA Steve Gosnell; defense objects, calls cross improper, judge says move along.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 58s58 seconds ago
State prosecutor challenges Ron McAndrew on prison records he reviewed, how much time he spent talking to #TylerHadley asks if smoking pot in prison sign of compliance, "no it is not," he replies. Kind of defiant exchange going on.
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 12m12 minutes ago
ASA Steve Gosnell says shank #TylerHadley was caught with was 6-inch steel weapon with sharp point. "Ever seen that type of weapon kill an inmate?" McAndrew: "yes." He self-reported it was only for show? Yes, McAndrew says.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 6m6 minutes ago
Testimony taking toll on #TylerHadley grandmother, she appears to have breathing troubles, shaking, she's taken out of court by her son Sam DiVittorio. She's visibly upset. Defense lawyers not happy with exchanges. Diamond Litty leaves court w/ grandma Maggie DiVittorio.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4m4 minutes ago
In courtroom hallway, #TylerHadley's grandmother Maggie DiVittorio visibly upset, shaking, crying, sitting in wheelchair, family comforting her, they are leaving courthouse. Grandmother was strong on stand this morning during her testimony.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4m4 minutes ago
Prison expert Ron McAndrew is off the stand in #TylerHadley resentencing, court recessed for the day. Begins again in morning at 9:30 am with defense mental health experts.
Tyler Hadley resentencing: Jodi Gilman of Harvard Medical School talks about brain science (with clip)

Oct. 3, 2018

"FORT PIERCE — At Tyler Hadley’s resentencing hearing Wednesday, the first witness he saw testify was the grandmother who has stood by him since their family was torn apart on July 16, 2011 — the day he killed his parents at age 17.

Maggie DiVittorio, 91, his maternal grandmother, arrived in court in a wheelchair, but she walked to the witness stand to speak in his defense....

Families meet

Before the hearing began, three of Hadley's paternal family members sat behind prosecutors, just feet from DiVittorio, who was seated behind the defense side:

-Mike Hadley of DeLand, Tyler's uncle and Blake's brother
-Mike's wife, Cindy
-Mike's and Blake's father, Maurice Hadley of Stuart, Tyler's grandfather

As Mike Hadley entered court, he leaned over DiVittorio’s wheelchair, hugged her shoulders and whispered, “We miss you.”...

The families have barely communicated since July 2011, and on Tuesday Mike Hadley urged Circuit Judge Gary Sweet to keep his nephew locked up for life....

Juvenile brain

After DiVittorio testified, the defense called Harvard Medical School professor Jodi Gilman, who specializes in adolescent brain development and the effects of drugs and alcohol on the juvenile brain....

His hearing will last through Friday and before it’s over, he is expected to make a statement and may speak directly to his family."

Tyler Hadley resentencing: Jodi Gilman of Harvard Medical School talks about brain science





Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 4h4 hours ago
St. Lucie Co security blocking off media parking spots ahead of day 4 of #TylerHadley resentencing hearing in Fort Pierce.

Michelle Quesada‏Verified account @M_Quesada 2h2 hours ago
Day 4 of #TylerHadley resentencing begins in St. Lucie County. Live stream on @WPTV

(video clip: Michelle Quesada on Twitter )

Michelle Quesada‏Verified account @M_Quesada 2h2 hours ago
Dr. Eugene Beresin first up to testify for defense today. #TylerHadley #resentencing@WPTV


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Dr. Eugene Beresin, a professor at Harvard Medical School takes stand for #TylerHadley he’s a child psychiatrist but hasn’t evaluated Tyler, reviewed records to prep for testimony.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
At #TylerHadley hearing, his maternal grandma Maggie DiVittorio and her son Sam are in court, so is Tyler's paternal uncle Mike Hadley, wife Cindy and Tyler's aunt Linda. Also seated is Dr. Robert Kinscherff, a psychologist and professor at William James College near Boston.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Berensin says not unusual for teen like #TylerHadley who had ADHD, depression, anxiety, drug use to lie to get out of trouble, he's being asked about Tyler's pattern of manipulation, lies after his arrest for killing parents in 2011. Doesn't mean he'll lie forever, he says.

Michelle Quesada‏Verified account @M_Quesada 2h2 hours ago
"I have never seen or heard of a murder without prior history of violent behavior." - Dr. Beresin talks of #TylerHadley case being something he's never seen in his 30 years of practice. @WPTV

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Beresin: "He (#TylerHadley) had no history of violence at all and that was so striking to me ... I've never seen anything like this in my 32 years of practice." Commenting on Tyler brutal killing of parents in July 2011 with no proof he'd been violent in his past.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Dr. Beresin agreed, #TylerHadley after arrest, bragged about murders, lied about it, made up psychosis symptoms, because he thought it would help him. Now he's admitted lies, he's more reflective, which "shows he's matured," he tells APD Katie Alonzo.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Beresin says as a kid and teen, #TylerHadley was put on Adderall, Celexa and other drugs but "no counseling," so got drugs but no psychotherapy as adolescent. Should have had both, dr says on witness stand.
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Earlier I wrote #TylerHadley didn't look at autopsy photos of his parents presented Tuesday, but today I was told that while he didn't turn his head in direction of the screen, he was seen with his eyes looking toward that large screen displaying the graphic images.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Beresin says #TylerHadley's teen bulimia, extreme weight loss, using street drugs and prescribed meds all could take tool on his brain function, behavior before he killed parents in 2011. Also on acne meds, had thyroid problem, "all caused a perfect storm."

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2h2 hours ago
Beresin ponders aloud, why would a kid (#TylerHadley) who showed such strong attachment to especially his mom but dad too, kill them? State prosecutor Tom Bakkedal "judge object to the narrative," Sweet: "objection sustained." Testimony shifts to his teen behavior before killings

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Beresin says when #TylerHadley was evaluated by state psych expert he was "self-aware, reflective" and remorseful for not finishing school, so got GED in prison, teaches inmates, hasn't joined prison gang, "evidence of maturity."

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Dr says #TylerHadley could in future be susceptible to depression, drug use due to past behavior, but may not if he continues doing well. Defense done, 10 minute break before state cross begins, which could last "couple hours" Tom Bakkedahl said.
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1h1 hour ago
Dr. Beresin returns to stand in #TylerHadley resentencing, being crossed by Chief ASA Tom Bakkedahl, who is comparing today's testimony to earlier depositions. Dr being asked his about ability to predict Tyler's future behavior, mostly for "violence and dangerous behavior"

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 58m58 minutes ago
Maggie DiVittorio, #TylerHadley's maternal grandma and his uncle Sam left court during break. They're expected to return later when renowned psychologist Robert Kinscherff, of Boston, takes stand. He's in court now listening to testimony.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 49m49 minutes ago
As he has through most of his hearing, #TylerHadley sits nearly frozen in his seat at defense table, head pointed forward, left hand resting on left side of face as his expert is cross examined by Chief ASA Tom Bakkedahl.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 41m41 minutes ago
Beresin says he looked at school, medical, prison, mental health records, testing, and detective reports to form opinion, but never read numerous witness interviews, #TylerHadley's Facebook posts at time of killings, or his "it's hammer time" autographs.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 31m31 minutes ago
Tom Bakkedahl to Dr, Beresin: I just want to make sure, you're saying he's (#TylerHadley) is done lying?" Dr: "The track record has been pretty clean for the past 7 years."

angelarozier‏Verified account @wpbf_angela 6m6 minutes ago
Lunch break in day 4 of #TylerHadley re-sentencing hearing. Court resumes at 1:30pm. @WPBF25News


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 2m2 minutes ago
A spirited cross examin by prosecutors of defense witness Dr. Eugene Beresin in the #TylerHadley continues into the afternoon. Judge calls lunch break until 1:30. I'll be back!
LIVE: Day 4 of the Tyler Hadley resentencing hearing

"On day four of the Tyler Hadley resentencing hearing, the defense called on Dr. Eugene Beresin, a psychiatrist who reviewed medical records and evaluations conducted on Hadley....

The prosecutor questioned Dr. Beresin if the pictures of the brain now can tell him whether Hadley is going to murder again. The prosecutor pointed out that the doctor only reviewed medical records and evaluations presented to him by the defense, and admitted he never looked over any other witness testimony.

The prosecutor consistently asked Dr. Beresin if he knew based on his professional opinion if Hadley would kill again, the doctor replied that he can only say what the probability is based on his record over the last 7 years. ..."

LIVE: Day 4 of the Tyler Hadley resentencing hearing
angelarozier‏Verified account @wpbf_angela 20m20 minutes ago
Court resumes in Day four of #Tylerhadley re-sentencing hearing. @WPBF25News


Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 15m15 minutes ago
The #TylerHadley resentencing begins afternoon session with state’s cross exam of Dr. Eugene Beresin of Harvard Medical School by Chief ASA Tom Bakkedahl.

(video clip: Melissa E. Holsman on Twitter )

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 7m7 minutes ago
Bakkedahl asking dr Eugene Beresin about many friends and family of #TylerHadley who said he appeared normal before he killed parents. Some, Beresin testified, said he appeared "out of whack" or "off" beforehand.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 3m3 minutes ago
Defense expert Beresin says #TylerHadley could act one way around friends, more angry, moody, and other ways with parents or doctors treating him before he beat parents to death July 16, 2011. Expert says he never read transcript of Tyler's 2014 sentencing of experts called.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 3m3 minutes ago
Beresin agrees with Bakkedahl that based on what was known about #TylerHadley in July 2011, could never have predicted his brutal acts of killing parents with hammer. "That's correct," he tells Bakkedahl.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1m1 minute ago
Bakkedahl notes last guy to see #TylerHadley, now deceased friend Danny Roberts, said he was "regular old Tyler" that day he killed parents.
Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1m1 minute ago
Beresin says yes, at first he believed #TylerHadley killing was "impulsive act," but now says "I don't know" when grilled by state. Says new opinion based on new revaluations Tyler gave to experts in past year about his intrusive, obsessive thoughts of murdering his parents.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 1m1 minute ago
Kinda testy exchange between Beresin and Bakkedahl about definition of violence and what in #TylerHadley 's background consists of violent behavior.

Melissa E. Holsman‏Verified account @MHolsman 5m5 minutes ago
Bakkedahl: "Can you guarantee he (#TYlerHadley) won't kill again?" Beresin: "No I can't, with 100 % certainty." State cross finished, defense now conducts redirect.

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