Found Safe FL - Boy, 2, missing while parents slept, Brooksville, Hernando County, Feb 2023

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- Joining me right now is Hernando Sheriff, Al Nienhuis. Thank you so much for your time. During the press conference, a few minutes ago, you were talking about how the K9 unit caught a scent of 'JJ' - does that give you any hope in finding the missing boy?

Sheriff - Well, you know, K9s are animals and you have to read them so we're not 100% sure that we got a scent but we did get an indication he might have went in a particular area and that's the direction that we've been focusing a portion of our resources. Obviously, we've been doing things, as I said, checking sexual predators just in an abundance of caution. We have our volunteer mounted unit out here, we have the air unit, as you can see, drone units and probably about 50 to 60 law enforcement personnel, just from the Sheriff's Office and that doesn't include the dive team from Citrus and the K9 from Pasco and K9 bloodhounds from Department of Corrections.

Reporter - We do know that local law enforcement, your agency, was called to help find 'JJ' right at noon and right at 5:46 I received an FDLE alert of 'JJ'. He's missing, it was sent to my phone - what was the delay? Why did it take almost six hours for that alert to be sent out?

Sheriff - Well, typically, amber alerts which most people are familiar with, require an abduction or some evidence that an abduction took place, so this isn't technically an Amber Alert but what we do have the ability... once we've exhausted all the local search area then we want to expand it. Now, it's important to know that we do what we call a code red, locally within a geographical area around the scene, to let people know on their home phones and their cell phones if they're in the area, to look for him. It's actually a recorded message, so this is just expanding that even further. Even though we have no reason to believe that 'JJ' is more than 700 yds or 1/4 mile from the house, just in case he was able to get further away we want to make sure that we do everything we possibly can to make sure everybody's looking for him. As you know, we put out his picture and his name almost immediately to the media, so we were getting it out and on our social media page as well.

Reporter - Thank you so much Sheriff. We appreciate your time and taking time from the search to talk with us.


- My name is Hernando County Sheriff, Al Nienhuis. We're here out at Cheever Rd. in Hernando County, for reference it's just a little bit north of Yontz Rd. between Cobb Rd. and Pastillion. It's in a fairly rural area of Hernando County, the lots are very large and most of them are very wooded, there's some farm animals around and so forth.

Around, almost exactly, at noon today we received a call from this residence, advising that 'JJ' their son was missing. He's about 2 yrs. old, he has blond curly hair and, according to the mother, he had been missing for about an hour at the time she called us. We have done a neighbourhood canvas several times, not only talking to neighbours but also searching homes in the area and we're relatively confident that a witness, a fairly reliable witness, as far as we can tell, saw 'JJ' in the front yard playing with the dogs at about 10:40 a.m. So, we believe that he disappeared somewhere between 10:40 and 11:00, if the mother is accurate at the time she gave us.

Unfortunately, we haven't been able to locate him. We have well over 50 law enforcement personnel from the Hernando County Sheriff's Office, between 50 and 60 of them out here, doing everything you could possibly imagine to find 'JJ'. We have individuals from the Department of Corrections with their bloodhound. We have Pasco Sheriff's Office with a bloodhound, we have the Citrus County Dive Team up here looking at some bodies of water that are very close to the house but, as of right now, we have no indication that he was abducted or he wandered off. We just don't know what happened. Unfortunately, the time delay did not help us any, but we have been scouring the woods with the bloodhound's, with our regular patrol K9s and deputies have been coming back just covered in Sandburs looking for little 'JJ' and calling out for him. We've had the helicopter up with the FLIR and the camera, trying to see any indication of him and unfortunately we have not been able to get any indication at all where he might be. We have also checked any sexual offender or sexual predator in the area. We have checked them all off the list and every single one of them, without exception, was cooperative. Even let us come in and look in their house and search their house, just to rule that out as a possibility.

I can tell you that we're not going home until we find 'JJ'. The family is being very cooperative with us and they know that we're out here working extremely hard to figure out exactly what happened. As I said, it's a challenge because it's a very wooded area and it's very difficult to see from the helicopter. We're thinking, maybe, as the sun goes down the forward-looking infrared cameras might be able to give us some indication where he might be and I'm also told that some of the bloodhounds might work a little better as the sun starts to go down. So, everybody out here, the Hernando County Fire Rescue has been out here, helping us. Everybody is dedicated to finding little 'JJ'.

Now, I do want to tell the audience out there that if you live anywhere near this location to please check your property. He's a 2 yr. old but I'm told he's a very very rambunctious 2 yr. old, probably acts a little older than he actually is, as you might expect. And so, he might have gotten further away than we anticipate and he might be hiding in someone's shed or their garage. So we would certainly appreciate everybody that's probably within a mile or two at least at this to check their property, three or four times, to make sure 'JJ' isn't hiding in a car or in a shed or something like that. Also, if you have a family member, again, we don't have any indication he's been abducted, but if you have a family member that's acting strange, we're going to check out every lead that comes in until we find 'JJ'. So, if anybody is acting weird please give us a call and let us come talk to him or her and see if we can rule that person out as a possible suspect, if, God forbid, 'JJ' was abducted. I can't answer much questions because we don't have many answers, but I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have.

Reporter - Has the K9 picked up any scent or trace of JJ?

Sheriff - There have been some indications. I don't want to go into too much detail, they've had some direction and we've been working really hard in that direction. Of course, in these situations there are a lot of possibilities, that's why we have a lot of different resources here with different abilities and we hope, obviously, that we find him alive and well, that's our hope.

Reporter - Is there any chance the parents aren't being forthcoming?

Sheriff - As of right now, I've been talking to my detectives and, of course, nobody is ruled out as a suspect but I can tell you that my detectives and I.. a couple of my best detectives were interviewing them and they.. at this point in time, we don't have any reason to believe that any family member or any associate of the family appears to have anything to hide at all and they want to find 'JJ' just as much as we do.
Reporter - Did the witness notice the toddler in the yard at 10:45, was that his yard or.. ?

Sheriff - That was in his front yard. A neighbour happened to be going by and saw him in the front yard. I think he saw, with some of the dogs, and didn't think anything of it. Unfortunately, the family didn't notice him missing for quite some time and then, again, another thing that anybody who's ever missing a child - call enforcement instantly, don't look for the child for an hour before you call us, because obviously, the quicker... we'd much rather get here and get cancelled on the way or have you find the toddler than have an hour lag time. But, this individual was pretty adamant that he saw... he knows the young boy, hasn't interacted with him but he's seen him in the yard before and he didn't think anything of it, but he had the exact time because he went and got gas and had the gas receipts, so he was able to tell us exactly when he saw the kid.

Reporter - You were asking the public earlier not to come to this area?

Sheriff - Well, I will tell you that, again, it makes it difficult for the dogs and so forth, but I think if people do want to volunteer, particularly on the outskirts, again, we don't think he got past Yontz Rd. or Cobb or 98 but we may have people start checking those areas, just in case. We've been in that block area, it's a lot larger than a city block, but that area, bounded by these three streets, we've been searching frantically in that area. We think it's very unlikely that a 2 yr. old could cross any of those major roads without somebody seeing him, but we'll definitely take that help. Just keep in mind that anybody who comes, we're going to run their background to make sure that they don't have a criminal history and so forth and then you're welcome to check some of the areas and, again, it's a very very difficult area to search because he's very small and some of these woods and the trees make it very difficult to see, sometimes even a few feet because the grass is so high

Reporter - Was there any surveillance video or ring doorbell.. ?

Sheriff - We've been looking into that and we actually are looking, right now, at a delivery truck driver that we understand may have delivered a package in the area, around that time, and may have some camera footage, but I haven't got that confirmed yet, but unfortunately because the houses are so far apart and set back if there are any with ring cameras it's not going to show a whole lot, but we've been checking and double checking that, but I don't think we've had anything specific come up yet.

Reporter - (inaudible) a race against time. I mean, just how concerned are you that every minute that goes by makes it tougher to find someone?

Sheriff - Right and, again, starting as I said.. I don't blame the parents because I'd probably do the exact same thing, I would spend time looking for my kid because I wouldn't want to bother law enforcement, so I'm not being critical of them, they're dealing with something that's unimaginable to most of us. But, that being said, even that first hour really put us behind and now every hour that goes by, another five hours so far, it certainly doesn't make us more hopeful. If anything, it's less hopeful.

Reporter - Did 'JJ' have any experience around water? Is there any reason to think that he might have gravitated towards water?

Sheriff - Well, I will tell you that anybody who's raised small children know that they tend to gravitate towards water, so that is obviously something that we're looking at. The Citrus County Dive Team is here, searching. I'm happy to report that they haven't found anything yet, because if they find something the news is probably going to be pretty grim, but the body of water they're looking at is fairly large and anybody who's been in this area and seen a pond it's very difficult to search, it's literally inch by inch. So, we're probably going to have additional dive teams come in tomorrow and help search that particular pond, as well as maybe some other bodies of water in the area that are a little further away. Pretty unlikely that he got that far away but we're not ruling anything out, we're going to uncover every stone we can until we find him.

Reporter - Can you re-iterate exactly how the parents thought he got out? They were sleeping?

Sheriff - What I'm being told, and obviously, that isn't our first priority right now while we're trying to find him, but my detectives have been interviewing them to see if they could get any additional information from the parents, but it's my understanding that a relative dropped him off about 9:45 and he was sleeping. The caregiver was also sleeping and he was, apparently, put next to that person or whatever and so that's why they know.. they could only say 9:45 and then didn't call us till noon. But, again, somebody apparently saw him in the yard around 10:40 and, according to the mother, she believes he was discovered missing around 11. So, we think we're talking about a 20 minute window but obviously that's all subject to change as we get more information.

Reporter - Does he have special needs or anything like that?

Sheriff - Other than being a toddler, no, not that I know of.

Reporter - Where are the parents now and how are they doing?

Sheriff - Well, you can... they're down by the command post and, as you can imagine, they are distraught, they're upset, they're frustrated, like we are, they are just holding their breath and they're... I'm sure they're praying hard.
The minute we know anything, hopefully we'll know something sooner rather than later, but we're going to be out here for the duration and we have plans set up for tonight as well as tomorrow for additional resources to come in and as anything breaks we'll certainly get you more information. But again, if the public could keep their eyes open for him and if they know of anything strange, whatsoever, we even.. it's a little bit, I don't want to say humorous, but we even had somebody from out of state call in claiming to be a psychic and gave us an address, so we went and checked it out, it was very specific and it turned out to be nothing but if we'll follow a lead from a psychic, we will certainly follow a lead from a family member that says 'my family member's acting a little strange and we think that person might be involved' so make sure you give us a call.

Reporter - A mountain unit is coming up (inaudible) ?

Sheriff - I didn't say that.. our civilian mountain unit volunteers are out here looking through the woods and they have a very unique advantage when they're sitting up high and they can just go about anywhere, so they're very useful for this type of thing.

Reporter - Can we expect routine updates?

Sheriff- We'll be trying to put out something as often as we can and if we find something we'll definitely let you know.

Reporter - Do you anticipate coming back out here?

Sheriff - If we don't find anything I don't know if there's anything I can really say.
I am really uncomfortable with this scenario of him being dropped off with a caregiver who was sleeping & don't understand it.

I hope more clarity is released about who dropped him off "asleep," how the caregiver is related to that person (friend, grandparent, babysitter?) & why that time of day.

While we have no reason to doubt the info given, I can't imagine dropping off a toddler without talking to the person assuming responsibility for his care.

I don't think a quarter mile search area is adequate. Hoping he has not entered a body of water. Really sad it's dark there now but littles are resilient & there have been success stories that give me hope in spite of the odds.

^From the interview above, the sheriff said: “Even though we have no reason to believe that 'JJ' is more than 700 yds or 1/4 mile from the house, just in case he was able to get further away we want to make sure that we do everything we possibly can to make sure everybody's looking for him.”
IMO That concentration to 1/4 mile is worrisome. We’ve seen young children move a lot further than that in a short amount of time. Don’t most searches typically start at a 2-mile radius?
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed> A parent or caregiver cannot be asleep when in charge of a toddler, outside of normal night time schedules.
It sounds odd that the adults were asleep around 9:45 am, and did not awake even when JR was left with them ?
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I am really uncomfortable with this scenario of him being dropped off with a caregiver who was sleeping & don't understand it.

I hope more clarity is released about who dropped him off "asleep," how the caregiver is related to that person (friend, grandparent, babysitter?) & why that time of day.

While we have no reason to doubt the info given, I can't imagine dropping off a toddler without talking to the person assuming responsibility for his care.

I don't think a quarter mile search area is adequate. Hoping he has not entered a body of water. Really sad it's dark there now but littles are resilient & there have been success stories that give me hope in spite of the odds.

I agree, that story certainly makes me uncomfortable. I also just posted my concerns about the quarter mile search as well. Isn’t it usually 2 miles? 2-year-old Noah Chamberlin was found 1.5 miles from where he was last seem. And we’ve had cases where small children were even further away.
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Are we really going there already?....

ETA: I've seen it many times go either way, so I prefer to wait at least a couple of days and arm myself with more info. before I get all judgy.
I really hope that I am wrong, but it gives me quite an ominous feeling that none of the search dogs was able to pick up a definite scent anywhere. I know how thoroughly those dogs train and what level of skill they have to demonstrate in order to be certified as search dogs, so multiple dogs not being able to find him in decent weather within hours of his disappearance is really unusual, IMO.
There's no indication of an abduction at this time .... but I worry that someone besides the witness may have spotted him out wandering by himself, and clearly not with an adult ?
If anyone saw JR obviously alone and unattended, they should have gone and picked him up and called 911 !
Two years old is just a baby !!!
I'd like to think no one saw him and went about their business ?
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LE was somewhat cagey about answering the question re. SAR dogs :



- My name is Hernando County Sheriff, Al Nienhuis. We're here out at Cheever Rd. in Hernando County, for reference it's just a little bit north of Yontz Rd. between Cobb Rd. and Pastillion. It's in a fairly rural area of Hernando County, the lots are very large and most of them are very wooded, there's some farm animals around and so forth.

Reporter - Has the K9 picked up any scent or trace of JJ?

Sheriff - There have been some indications. I don't want to go into too much detail, they've had some direction and we've been working really hard in that direction. Of course, in these situations there are a lot of possibilities, that's why we have a lot of different resources here with different abilities and we hope, obviously, that we find him alive and well, that's our hope.
Snipped for focus.
Emphasis mine.

If JR wandered away, or even fell (hopefully not !) into a pond, the dogs should have tracked him to the edge.
If he walked out of his yard, the dogs should have been able to track his scent for a while ?
This might help show the area. It is the County GIS Map from the property Appraiser's website. You can see Cheever Rd running North-South, then it curves to the right. There are 5-6 homes on the road. All older manufactured homes except the home to the far right, which is $400k, larger home.
You can see Yontz Rd to the south. This is a pretty busy road. The Sheriff noted, he did not feel like a toddler could have crossed unnoticed.
The second photo is to the north (if you watched the live coverage on WFLA the house to the north east was shown several times on the stream). It is very "woodsy". To line up the two photos, the home above 8.4 is the home in the bottom photo at the end of the drive (center of photo).

I am really uncomfortable with this scenario of him being dropped off with a caregiver who was sleeping & don't understand it.

I hope more clarity is released about who dropped him off "asleep," how the caregiver is related to that person (friend, grandparent, babysitter?) & why that time of day.

While we have no reason to doubt the info given, I can't imagine dropping off a toddler without talking to the person assuming responsibility for his care.

I don't think a quarter mile search area is adequate. Hoping he has not entered a body of water. Really sad it's dark there now but littles are resilient & there have been success stories that give me hope in spite of the odds.

Seperate articles state a relative dropped the sleeping child off to a 'caregiver.' Other articles state the child was dropped off and placed beside his sleeping mother.

I'm going with a 'relative' dropped the sleeping child off to the mother, laying the child next to mom.

An article stated the child was dropped off around 945 am, and a neighbor saw him in the yard at 1040 am playing with dogs.

The relative that dropped JJ off may have thought since he was asleep with his mom he would be fine; and most likely locked the doors on the way out. If this mom works 3rd shift; this all does make sense.

What doesn't make sense is the dogs are not hitting on the child outside the property. From the confirmed sighting at 1040 to the time the mom found him missing; anyone could have walked onto the property.

An article said something about a delivery van in the neighborhood around that time; would they have camera's?

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