GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #4

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Because they where being mouthy! This is just sick:maddening:

TAMPA — Julie Schenecker was sick of her teenage children talking back to her, police say, so on Saturday she bought a pistol and planned their murder and her suicide.
She shot her 13-year-old son after driving him home from soccer practice at 7 p.m. Thursday. Then she walked upstairs and shot her 16-year-old daughter in the back of the head as she did homework, an arrest affidavit states.
With their blood on her clothing, she remained in the Tampa Palms house all night. Police didn't arrive until the next morning, after Schenecker's mother called them from Texas, worried because she couldn't reach her daughter, whom she believed was depressed.
Schenecker admitted to killing her children, police said. She showed no remorse.
Authorities charged her with two counts of first-degree murder.
They're not satisfied with her explanation. Police spokeswoman Laura McElroy wouldn't even refer to it as a motive.
"She did tell us that they talked back and they were mouthy," she said.
Neighbors said they've seen police cars at the home at 16305 Royal Park Court before, although not often. The Department of Children and Families confirmed it investigated the family about two months ago, but the case was unfounded and closed. Spokesman Terry Field said he couldn't provide more details.

Thread#1 Thread#2
Correct me if wrong: the state rested after only 1.5 days of testimony?
Gloria Gomez, FOX 13 ‏@ggome13 49s
Observation: two jurors in back taking notes and two juries

Trial Junkie ‏@Trial__Junkie 17s
Whoa #JulieSchenecker yells at doc on the stand. Judge orders jury to leave

Well, he DID tell her she could drink up to 2 glasses of wine a day -- Parker found his note saying that!
Correct me if wrong: the state rested after only 1.5 days of testimony?

They rested on Wednesday. The Defense started today and is expected to have 2 days of testimony, including today. Surrebuttal is supposed to take 2 days. HTH
They rested on Wednesday. The Defense started today and is expected to have 2 days of testimony, including today. Surrebuttal is supposed to take 2 days. HTH

Damn, that's fast.
Can you imagine the profound effect the murders of the Schenecker children had on Dr. Obregon? From the witnesses we have heard so far, no one saw this coming. This just underscores how deceptive the depth of MI is even to those that work in the field. IMO
Can you imagine the profound effect the murders of the Schenecker children had on Dr. Obregon? From the witnesses we have heard so far, no one saw this coming. This just underscores how deceptive the depth of MI is even to those that work in the field. IMO

I hear you. Sometimes not even the most capable psychology/psychiatry sees things coming. Just a month ago we had a suicide - and a 35+ years experience Clinical Psychologist had been working with this person, emailed the morning of the suicide back and forth, all systems go. Then the next morning, we received notice that the person had committed suicide by hanging.
Is Nancy Schenecker on the Defense's witness list? I would like to know more of what she was like on a daily basis from family and friends.

I believe she is, because Parker & Nancy both got exemptions (or whatever they call it in court terms) to stay in court before they testified.
If she is found not guilty due to insanity, there will be a hearing to decide what her treatment will be.
I had found info about this and posted on the other thread..I'll copy/paste it here:

"From what I understand regarding Florida Law, if she is found 'Not Guilty by reason of Insanity' she would not necessarily be discharged and "go free". A hearing would be held to determine if she would be institutionalized, or receive out-patient care and be assigned a social worker, or if she would not receive any care at all.

This is based on Florida Statute 916.15 - Involuntary commitment of defendant adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity.

The Full Statute can be found here:

This statute states that: "A defendant who is acquitted of criminal charges because of a finding of not guilty by reason of insanity may be involuntarily committed pursuant to such finding if the defendant has a mental illness and, because of the illness, is manifestly dangerous to himself or herself or others."


"In all proceedings under this section, both the defendant and the state shall have the right to a hearing before the committing court."

As well as Rule: 3.217. Judgment of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

which states: "... if the court then determines that the defendant presently meets the criteria set forth by law, the court shall commit the defendant to the Department of Children and Family Services or shall order outpatient treatment at any other appropriate facility or service, or shall discharge the defendant. Any order committing the defendant or requiring outpatient treatment or other outpatient service ...""

One of the TBO news articles said that she'd had several surgeries in the past year or so, and had chronic pain. They didn't say what sort of surgery.

Dr. mentioned them today on the stand.
One was for "her mouth" (I assumed some kind of oral surgery), I forgot what he said the other was though :dunno:
Nancy Grace Mysteries tonight is JS (8PM ET).

Thanks, Nymeria. I'll be watching. :seeya:

I just want to clarify what I said about JS murdering her children before.
That MD tried to adjust her meds from what JS told him of her symptoms, from what I understood from the Tweets today, and accept for the Tardive Dyskensia symptoms, which he could probably see for himself, he took her words for the truth, IMO. He just couldn't take her off all the drugs at once, so he adjusted as she told him her side-affects. She was on meds- I don't remember how many and what they were, before this MD became one of her MDs. Did she have other Mds where she received other drugs, too? Maybe we will see more Mds??

JS denied any psychotic episodes or symptoms, told him she hasn't been going to AA meetings, denied having suicide or homicidal thoughts, she craved oxy (why? was she having pain? Oxy is for pain? Did she just want the rush that the oxy gives? Oxi makes me throw-up and feel sick), and placed a lot of reliance on what she reported to him.

The MD asked Julie 2x to sign release allowing him to share info w/ Parker Schenecker- both times she refused- warned her repeatedly about the risks of mixing prescription drugs & alcohol- "telling her at every juncture to limit or abstain from alcohol", and warned her that mixing drugs w alcohol could make her stay in bed all day. He was concerned that the alcohol use was interfering with treatment. He couldn't , physically, take the alcohol away from her.
The housekeeper/maid said she "hid' her alcohol use from her husband and probably others, IMO.

Yes, she was depressed and needed help, I realize that. If the MD couldn't tell Parker what JS said to him, how could Parker actually help her? Could he commit her himself? On what grounds? Parker did get her help by having the mother come to stay with her and from what I heard, JS didn't want her there (and called her a *advertiser censored*!).

Who is responsible her- her MD, her husband?? What about JS- was she too far gone on booze and meds to understand what she had to do to get her life back on the right track? I think, and I don't really know, so don't throw tomatoes- OK- just a thought: If she was really depressed and nothing was helping her- no pills, talks, etc., why didn't she just listen to the MD and check herself into the psych hospital; they would be able to monitor her pill use, there would be no alcohol, or for that matter, the stressors of everyday life, and she would have people who would take care of her 'til she was well- all the while talking to Mds to figure out what is really going on with her depression and her life. No one can "fix/overcome" what they do not accept as the "problem' that is causing their depression. If JS does not want help and she "has it", well what can others do to help her? Depression is a terrible thing to have.

I need more info- to say she was insane at the time she shot her children, IMO. I need the MDs who first diagnosed her with whatever she is said to have/had, also.

I'm still holding my "judgement" for her insanity plea 'til the trial is over now.

Kimi- thanks for the photos of JS. I think her jaw may just look like she clenches it all the time, IMO- stress?
Dr. mentioned them today on the stand.
One was for "her mouth" (I assumed some kind of oral surgery), I forgot what he said the other was though :dunno:

Knee. IIRC housekeeper mentioned it
Sorry everyone, my guide said NG Mysteries was JS, but it appears to be about a Honeymooner lost at Sea (George Smith?).

The one time I want to watch NG :steamed:
Please continue here for the weekend.

Please do not poke fun at the defendant or the victims in this case, nor the expert witnesses.

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