GUILTY FL - Carlie Brucia, 11, Sarasota, 1 February 2004

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Babcat said:
Dear God,

This was a taller, well developed 11-year-old and this Joseph Smith most likely thought she was a teen of about 15. But there are men out there who target kids of her age who look their age too. Broad daylight... Sunday morning... familiar neighborhood. Unbelieveable.


I have an eleven-year-old girl who is less than three months younger than this child, and a thirteen-year-old about the same physical development level. No wonder I couldn't sleep well last night. The videotape was a miracle for finding her killer... but it didn't prevent her death. Never rely on anything to protect your kids but you.

I have one the same age, Babcat. I feel exactly as you did. I agree Smith probably thought she was older.

But she was still such a little girl. I am just so sickened over this.
I must say, this is one of the first times I have actually cried over someone I didn't even know. My heart goes out to her family.......and I hope that *advertiser censored* gets what he deserves FAST!!!!

So... the *advertiser censored* was aquitted TWICE of attempted abduction... once in 1997 and once in 1998. I guess all these sickos need is to get tatoos and then they can claim that women "misinterpret their intentions" (despite the fact that Smith was laying on top of the victim threatening to "cut" her) when they go to trial.

How touching that he was so good with his own kids and had a sign that read "Caution:Children Playing". What a generous neighbor-dad. :sick:

I would argue that the man's extreme act of murdering the girl seems to indicate that he knows her. But, of course, there is no way to know if he would have murdered the women he failed to abduct during his previous attempts. And the frightening thing is that there has been quite a time span since 1997, most of which cannot be accounted for with prison time. How many more girls are dead and stashed somewhere in a cold case file?
MSNBC says he negotiated. So what was he promised, given, anything? And can/will/do LE go back on such promise?
Since Florida has the death penalty...

I would think, that if he talked, he was trying to get life in prison without parole, and not the death penalty... which is probably why he told where she was.
sorry, I hope this goes here and if it has already been posted I apologize in advance. yesterday I posted info on Joseph Smith's prior arrests (thread this has me terrified for Carlie) but inadvertantly forgot to attach the link...

scroll down and on the right hand side, click on external links

and then click Florida Dept of Corrections record for Joseph Smith
Court records chronicle a troubled life

seems a bit contradictory to me:

Joseph P. Smith was heavily in debt, addicted to drugs and unable to hold a job.

In court filings, Smith often said he was unemployed and broke, and needed public defenders to help him fight the charges

He owed Sarasota Memorial Hospital $70,000 dating back to 1994, and the Internal Revenue Service $13,000, according to court records.

In divorce papers, Smith listed his gross income as just less than $9,000 and his only possession a 1983 pickup truck worth $200.

One year later, Smith married Luz Castrillon on New Year's Eve, and they now have three daughters, all under 6 years old.

They bought a pink, stucco house on Ingot Street in North Sarasota for $65,000, and lived there for six years.

I guess I am naive but how could he buy a house??? :confused:
I'll try not and sugarcoat this....

the Bastar* needs to go down, I wish it were legal for us WS to dole out his just punishment, may he burn in hell ETC ETC I think today I can say I am no longer conflicted on where I stand on the death penalty.

I am royally pissed off. Seems this is happening all too often. Our children are endangered and as a parent I feel helpless and scared.

To those jurors who acquitted, there is blood on your hands today.
To the judge who disregarded the probation officer's recommendations, there is blood on your hands today.

Evil,disgusting,cruel psychopaths cannot be given second chances!! Children's lives are at stake!!
This is just sickening! God Bless young. How are we going to stop this......... other than following our children around, keeping them almost under lock and key! This should have been on AMBER alert immediately.
She goes missing last Sunday and 24 hrs go by before the AMBER alert was activated. This could happen anywhere.......we can't wake up every single morning of our lives and spend the day wondering if our children are going to be safe that day! It's outrageous!

I happen to live next door to a High School....and just up the street one block, is our middle school. Four block's away is our local Elementary School.
I am going to write a letter today to their Principal's and to their PTA's ..........then a letter to our local newspaper to make sure all three schools have in place a program that teaches their students what to do in case of an attempted abduction. Both our High School and Middle School have lost their City School Police Officers because of the cut's in our City budget.
They were trained police officer's that the children frequently saw and liked.
It's a damn shame!

If all of us could check with our schools this coming week and also send a letter to your local newspaper, it might really help. It's pretty obvious that we all need to work together.
Something that has not made the mainstream media I guess but has been reiterated locally many times.

Joseph Smith was brought before the judge in November for violation of probation when he tested positive for drugs. The judge looked the other way and did NOTHING. He was again brought to the attention of the SAME Judge in December for violation of probation, this time for nonpayment of fines, etc... AGAIN the Judge decided to DO NOTHING. Twice in the last 3 months this man could have been sent back to prison to complete his sentence which was way to lenient to start with, but the Judge was too lazy or cared so little about others that he chose to leave this monster out in the public where he was obviously getting more and more violent in his criminal endeavors. The judge needs to be charged for failing to do his job!
Heads Up...

Larry King Live tonight.... a full hour on Carlie's life and death, interviews with neighbours... etc..

Tonight CNN 9:00pmEST
Tears are falling for the lovely Carlie. How has the United States (land of the free) become a land where children can not walk home without something like this. We use to play outside from sun up to sun set and never worried about someone taking us. What can we do as a nation to stop this. I really do not understand what has happened to change our nation. Is it the sex on tv, in music, internet, or the laws that let these creeps go free??? I just do not understand-----excuse me for rambling-- but my heart is broken---
This is frustrating, I can not find any articles about his lastest 2 ducks from arrest warrants. I think it is because the Judge is responsible and this is only being reported by the Not so liberal radio stations. I will find it somewhere and post it.
Our laws need to be changed. Hopefully for the brash video of this *advertiser censored*'s balls to do this will drive the decision makers of our legal system to do what they should have done loooonnnnng ago..ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CRIMINALS. NO PAROLES, NO WAY OUTS. NO SUGAR COATING ONCE QUESTIONED..NO ATTORNEY'S THAT DEFEND THEIR RIGHTS WHEN THEY ARE SUSPECTS (NOT just IF FOUND GUILTY...BUT SUSPECTS). Innocence lost is more at stake than "IF" their rights have been violated. I would expect the same treatment to myself. It's EXPECTED. That Drew has still not been found.. That sob is still not talking. HIS attorney is no different than these jurors with poor judgement. What part of holding a woman down DESERVES acquittal??? And for those neighbors in shock??? PULEEZE. ANYONE can have a child...that is meaningless. ANyone can put on a 'show'. All you have to do is look at his prison sentences, him being on parole, his DRUG addiction and know he isn't ozzie and harriett! HIs children deserved better and who knows what they put up with ... At the very least this person's selfishness protected his children as he assumed they deserve better just noone elses. I guess we can be thankful for that. But who really knows what happened or could have happened with guy since he was obviously a drug addict ...THAT in itself is dangerous for him to be that way at the expense of his children.
I assume the obvious "norm' for these twisted 's. Nude, raped and bludgeoned/strangled. I hate to state that but his brazen evil to such a young, helpless victim to show the public more than outrage...WE NEED TO HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE when these freaks show the signs. We need to be more accountable to any form of disrespect to another person's freedome and body..

HEAR THAT JANET JACKSON? You send a wonderful message to these freaks who not only enjoy watching sexual harrassment as entertainment...they take it the next extreme? We all are accountable.
I too, am heartbroken. I ache for Carlie's family and friends. I can not imagine what these people are feeling right now, because I am feeling absolutely terrible over this, and I didn't even know this beautiful little girl.

Tougher laws on these creeps. I am SO sick of hearing about their rights day in and day out. It's time for us all to get more active in our communities and government. There are so many people on here that are articulate, passionate people and I truly do think we can all make a difference if we get active.

I look at my baby boy, who is going on three, and I am scared silly about his future. I don't want him to grow up in a world so sad. He deserves better and so do all of the other children out there. Better yet, all of the humans deserve better.
You know, the scary thing is, if there was no video tape of this monster taking Carlie, he might have never been caught and he would have been out there to do this to another child.

It sickens me that he was let go several times without being put in prison. I was under the impression that if you violate your parole you were put in prison, end of story. I guess I was way off with that thought. That judge should be ashamed of himself. TWICE he violated his parole, TWICE. Disgusting.
Rubydoo67 said:
I must say, this is one of the first times I have actually cried over someone I didn't even know. ...
I cried too. I was watching our local news when I read a ticker tape scrolling at the bottom of the screen. I had so hoped that they would find this little girl alive. It was such a senseless murder of an innocent, young girl.

When I watched the tape, I wondered if the guy hadn't approached her saying that someone with her description was reported as stealing something from an establishment. He approached her with such aggression and grabbed her by the wrist. I am sure that the girl was totally confused. I, as an adult, don't know how I would respond if someone accused me of something and grabbed me. I can imagine that this little girl was in shock.

Thank God the car wash had a video and this abduction was caught on tape. How did they figure out Carlie took this route (shortcut) home? Did she tell someone that she was going that way?

I hope that LE did not delay in taking action to find this girl. I have heard they suggested that she possibly was a runaway. Parents know their children best. I believe LE should do everything possible right away because it is the first hours that are the most important.

I agree that children need to see the tape and know they are not to go with anyone. If someone grabs them, they should scream, kick, do anything to bring attention to themselves. Don't worry about getting into trouble. It is better to err on the side of personal safety. No adult, no matter how justified, should accost a child. If it were legitimate, this wouldn't have happened.

I also noticed that Carlie wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. I believe that she was looking down and slightly moved to one side when approached by this guy. Kids should be aware of their surroundings, especially if they are alone. They should move to the opposite side of the road or out of reach if someone is headed directly towards them.

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