GUILTY FL - Cherish Perrywinkle, 8, Jacksonville, 21 June 2013 #3

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I joined websleuths because i want to be able to help give people peace of mind about their loved ones, some who have been missing for years. Where has compassion & empathy gone? We dont have to agree with others behaviours. Its not for us to crucify others clearly poor decisions that they have to face alone for the rest of their lives long after we move onto the next case. We have the opportunity here to help change rules for CPS visits, state/federal laws etc by all joining together in a common goal. We all want to protect people from predators and sadly sometimes themselves thats why we are here. My question is this....what can we all do moving forward to give a voice to Cherish into the future & possibly help prevent something like this happening again?

R.I.P Cherish xxxx

i think examining the mothers actions does help prevent this from happening again. even decent, caring moms sometimes need a reminder to be extra vigilant.
I've browsed this thread but I may have missed it... I'd like to know how common it is for perps to approach a parent with a child and manage to separate them. Does anyone know of other cases?
I agree. Its good to examine all angles. Just think we could focus on what should happen next. Cherish is no longer with us, The Perpetrator is in custody. A family is grieving. To help minimise a future terrible event does that mean lobbying to change family custody laws, sentence lengths for perps, what purpose does our thread currently serve? Fact is, mum is grieving for the loss of her daughter. She has the eyes of the world on her, judging her. Nothing she can say in many peoples eyes will change their opinion of her. She is the one who has to live with herself. We dont. I struggle with the events of that night as we know them. I have no idea of what it is like to be in her situation . I hope i never will. Maybe i am an idealist but i want some positive to come from such a negative, horrifying event. There are awesome people on here with great minds just want to see what we can come up with for Cherish :-)
Remember, there are other people who will be facing the pain and consequences of her poor decisions for the rest of their lives too. That is why people are held accountable for their negligent actions in a court of law.
Absolutely. The law let the perpetrator out after serving his time & he reoffended. He sought a vulnerable adult. Thats what sexual predators do. They attack the vulnerable. He made his move. A little girl lost her life. Mum did not go down to the shop wanting that outcome. All of that family are suffering & i feel for all of them. I wish i could change the court decisions for Cherish. I wish we all could. :-)
I've browsed this thread but I may have missed it... I'd like to know how common it is for perps to approach a parent with a child and manage to separate them. Does anyone know of other cases?

I havent seen anything like this, however there are many web articles about victim grooming & the targeting of adults as a way to get to their kids. Its just awful & eye opening how easily they can manipulate to get what they want so quickly.
I've been following this case as its in my own backyard, but the similarities to Somer's murder have made it hard to post. Reading all the articles, seeing the way the mother is being crucified make me ill. Yes, she made terrible choices that resulted in her daughters death, but please don't forget she is also a victim of this monster.

IMO, Cherish was a victim of this monster. Her father is a victim of this monster. Her mother handed her off to this monster and should count her blessings that he "only" took Cherish because <modsnip>. This woman made decisions that are completely inconceivable. A child lost her life because the person that was supposed to protect her <modsnip>. I can't feel sympathy for a woman that failed to act as a reasonable adult or decent parent. I just can't ... not when a beautiful child died because of her failures.
Do NOT bring facebook discussion here, please. ESPECIALLY is the facebook is private. That is a TOS violation of the highest order and will result in TOs.

A social media site that is private - is private. Sneaking in through a back door or friending the page so you can bring info here is NOT allowed. Not to mention that facebook info is considered rumor and is not to be discussed here.


I've been following this case as its in my own backyard, but the similarities to Somer's murder have made it hard to post. Reading all the articles, seeing the way the mother is being crucified make me ill. Yes, she made terrible choices that resulted in her daughters death, but please don't forget she is also a victim of this monster.

Yes, I agree. It's not going to be of popular opinion, but I cringe at the attacks on the mother. I am a mom of three, two littles and one out if the nest and I would never allow the unchaperoned freedoms my oldest enjoyed 10 years ago with my littles, because I am more aware/ fearful. On the same token, I can give at least 10 examples in the last week when I have seen young kids doing things that the parent would could be considered negligent. Here's the thing, the law is grey, it's not considered negligent until SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS, even then; not criminally.
Sidebar, There is also an expectation to be polite here in the south, and NOT talking to a seemingly well-intentioned person is considered rude, and kids pick up on that-no matter what you teach them.
I do, however; think those two little girls that are still in that house need to be protected. I do think there is a mentally ill mom that is unintentionally endangering them. If something happens to them, I feel like blood is on all our hands.
However, putting this woman behind bars is not the answer, and who would get released in her place. And who would take care of those girls? The boyfriend/dad? Look, there is probably a good reason she didn't leave those girls at home and go shopping solo. I don't think it was because she was working a con.
She could be helped, so get her in a program to do so. Sexual animals can't be helped and they need to be put away without hesitation.
Sorry, I know this is a bit off topic, I will go back to brainstorming in the facts of this case and trying to figure out where that stroller is.
However, putting this woman behind bars is not the answer, and who would get released in her place. And who would take care of those girls? The boyfriend/dad?
I have never thought it was any kind of answer. I don't believe I have noticed anyone else saying, that it was an answer. I can only speak for myself, but I want her to suffer the legal repercussions, of a crime I think she committed. Not because, I'd like to burn her at the stake or get revenge. I do not hate the mother. I simply think she broke the law, and I don't believe she is above the law, because her daughter died. (In fact, I think that makes her even more criminal, in this instance.) I also think it's VERY clear neither her or the live in, should be raising children. I don't know who should get them, and that is for the state to decide.
I have never thought it was any kind of answer. I don't believe I have noticed anyone else saying, that it was an answer. I can only speak for myself, but I want her to suffer the legal repercussions, of a crime I think she committed. Not because, I'd like to burn her at the stake or get revenge. I do not hate the mother. I simply think she broke the law, and I don't believe she is above the law, because her daughter died. (In fact, I think that makes her even more criminal, in this instance.) I also think it's VERY clear neither her or the live in, should be raising children. I don't know who should get them, and that is for the state to decide.

the state decided. >:-(
I have never thought it was any kind of answer. I don't believe I have noticed anyone else saying, that it was an answer. I can only speak for myself, but I want her to suffer the legal repercussions, of a crime I think she committed. Not because, I'd like to burn her at the stake or get revenge. I do not hate the mother. I simply think she broke the law, and I don't believe she is above the law, because her daughter died. (In fact, I think that makes her even more criminal, in this instance.) I also think it's VERY clear neither her or the live in, should be raising children. I don't know who should get them, and that is for the state to decide.

What law did she break?

See I think we need to tread very very carefully, because if she isn't a victim because she was made poor judgement choices, and instead we are saying she participated in a crime instead of being victim. That she is equally guilty.
This is where we were years ago in rape cases.
I've browsed this thread but I may have missed it... I'd like to know how common it is for perps to approach a parent with a child and manage to separate them. Does anyone know of other cases?

I think it's pretty uncommon. Most perps (if they don't know the family) go for children playing or walking alone.
Very brazen to approach a child with mother present. But that's how this guy appears to roll. His previous crime involved calling child's family claiming to be a child protection worker.
I have never thought it was any kind of answer. I don't believe I have noticed anyone else saying, that it was an answer. I can only speak for myself, but I want her to suffer the legal repercussions, of a crime I think she committed. Not because, I'd like to burn her at the stake or get revenge. I do not hate the mother. I simply think she broke the law, and I don't believe she is above the law, because her daughter died. (In fact, I think that makes her even more criminal, in this instance.) I also think it's VERY clear neither her or the live in, should be raising children. I don't know who should get them, and that is for the state to decide.

Exactly. I'm not advocating for burning her at the stake or tossing her in front of a firing squad but letting her walk away unscathed doesn't set well with me. She made choices with zero regard for the safety of her children and a young child died as a result. If not for her choices Cherish would likely still be alive so I can't get behind the "her daughter died and that is punishment enough" argument. Cherish suffered horribly because her mother failed her and to then use her death to excuse her mother from being held responsible is just further insult to her, IMO. I don't think we would even be having this discussion if it was her father, a step parent or a random babysitter than had been responsible for setting this tragedy in motion.
What law did she break?

See I think we need to tread very very carefully, because if she isn't a victim because she was made poor judgement choices, and instead we are saying she participated in a crime instead of being victim. That she is equally guilty.
This is where we were years ago in rape cases.

A poor choice is letting a child overload on caffeine and sugar. Putting children into a van with a strange man, letting that man accompany a young girl to the dressing room and then letting that stranger walk off with your little girl is not just a poor choice. <modsnip>
In NY (not sure of other states) if an adult is caught DWI and there is a child in the car then it is an automatic felony punishable with up to four years in prison.

If an adult can go to prison for DWI with a child present, which is beyond disgusting and horribly negligent, then why should an adult not be equally punished for an even more egregious negligence? Both situations intentionally and knowingly put a child in harm's way to the point of potential death.
I've browsed this thread but I may have missed it... I'd like to know how common it is for perps to approach a parent with a child and manage to separate them. Does anyone know of other cases?

One of the most pertinant questions asked in this case, imo
Resources to help guard our kidz/grandz against sexual assault:

And let's not forget internet predators:

How to deal with abuse disclosures:

Abuse warning signs:

Final one:

"Myth: He hugs and cuddles my child in healthy ways right in front of me, and my child doesn&#8217;t resist or fuss. So obviously nothing&#8217;s happening.
Fact: Molesters themselves say that they deliberately do this so that your child, the victim, thinks you approve of the way the molester touches them. A child assumes his parents know what&#8217;s going on, so when the molester hugs him in front of you and you&#8217;re fine with that, the child thinks you&#8217;re OK with what happens in private too."

"If I Can&#8217;t Tell Who They Are, What Can I Do?
Fortunately, many things.
Listen to your instincts. If you feel a deep disquiet or unease around someone, simply don&#8217;t let that person have access to your child&#8211;especially not alone time."
What law did she break?

See I think we need to tread very very carefully, because if she isn't a victim because she was made poor judgement choices, and instead we are saying she participated in a crime instead of being victim. That she is equally guilty.
This is where we were years ago in rape cases.

I don't know if you mean to speak for everyone, but I don't need to tread carefully. I have an opinion, and I completely stand behind it. She willingly and negligently put ALL her children in harms way, and one ended up dead. Is it not possible to both be a victim, and have broken the law? She facilitated both Cherish, herself, and Cherish's family...becoming victims. Cherish being the ultimate victim. Facilitating, is different from participating. IMO.

Also IMO, I think she SHOULD have to live with this every day. And just living with it, is NOT punishment enough. Laws exist for a reason, and people should not be excluded, because of pain.
Has she been charged with something? I haven't read everything in this thread yet. TIA
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