GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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That wording about "keeping her name" is actually extremely common in the NY Times wedding announcements section. Not weird or out of the ordinary at all. A random search of the phrase comes up with a lot of announcements that say it.

Totally agree about the oddity of wording the **wedding announcement** that way. Tacky.
And boy did she rack up some pricey, private, Ivey-ish scholastic tuition costs! Oh wait, I'm sure they were all paid for in advance. Yep.

The Justice for Dan Facebook page was created immediately after Dan's death by his friends as a way to connect his network and follow the investigation. The focus on the 'Get Gang' was not a deflection, it was the best theory going. Even if some privately speculated about the Adelson's, nobody who knew Dan was going to post accusations out of deference for the boys.

To mention it is one thing, but the continued inference to the rabbis involvement is something else all together.‎

DM wasn't the proverbial 'self hating Jew,' he loved his faith and (MOO) would have been absolutely appalled to know the rabbis were repeatedly referred to in the context of his murder absent any proof or logical basis whatsoever.‎

Maybe his friends who weren't Jewish don't quite understand lashon hara, but DM understood it very well and so do his jewish friends (self hating or otherwise.) The very thing that's kept them from speculating about WA & her family's involvement should have been the same thing that kept them from speculating about a possible Chassidic assassination. To proffer or suggest one theory (repeatedly) at the expense of another's reputation while overlooking the more likely scenario has the feel of all things disingenuous, imho. ‎I understand wanting to protect his kids but they're not at the age where sleuthing the internet is a problem. And again, even if one isn't orthodox in their observancy, Chassidism has a special place in Judaism. While there are always a few that go astray in any religion, hassids are well respected and revered in the Jewish community.

‎No one wants to believe someone they know or like is capable of such cruelty and I don't begrudge anyone who prefers to live in denial until it can't be avoided any longer. But it's not okay to push a false narrative at the expense of others (and in this case, especially fellow jews) in order to justify that denial. I feel confident DM would feel the same way.‎
The above is my opinion only (and primarily in the context of Judaism / professional courtesy.)
Has anyone looked at the Facebook page Justice for Dan? I noticed as recently as May 26 WA had posted some replies in the comments. I am wondering if the page was set up to deflect attention from WA and her family as possible suspects? Several posts indicate that is unlikely, a lot of posts try to push the rabbi/get case theory, and the page stopped posting case updates once the probable cause affidavit was unsealed and connected things to WA's family.

I did go there recently, and after reading some of the posts, thought the Adelson's had started and or promoted this site.

Surprised that more was not made of the online threats made to DM, wondering now, if they were manufactured by his killer/s and their handlers as a pre-emptive red-herring.

It still seems hard to imagine a" nice Jewish boy" from "Toronto the Good", was allegedly murdered by PR gangsters, presumably because of an " ill-fated" marriage.
Don't lawyers fight things out on paper, ultimately so that disagreements are not settled through murder?

imo, speculation.
I think it was deleted specifically by someone but the deletion doesn't show until you see the original post???? Do you recall the date she posted on?

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Wendi replied to the op. Then someone replied to the op but referenced it to Wendi. But Wendi deleted her own post. But you can still see the other person post that was asking Wendi a question. Btw. I never seen what Wendi said.
That wording about "keeping her name" is actually extremely common in the NY Times wedding announcements section. Not weird or out of the ordinary at all. A random search of the phrase comes up with a lot of announcements that say it.

Yes, you are right & I stand corrected. A quick google of the NY Times shows 29.5% of women with wedding announcements are keeping their maiden or previous last name.

Learn something new every day!
I live just south of Tallahassee and this case has intrigued me from the very first news reports.

Not sure if it has already been posted, but here is an interesting interactive graphic published on Thursday by our local Tally newspaper. Any way you manipulate the suspects (and potential suspects) in this case using the graphic, it seem like all connections point to one person...WA.

Here's the link:

Sometimes free access can be a bit tricky on the site. You can go to Tallahassee Democrat's Facebook page and link to the article there, or the Google link should provide complimentary access.

I will theorize that DSA & WA will toss CA to the wolves before all is said & done. They're going to let him take the fall like a lone wolf vigilante. I almost feel bad for CM. Almost. *‎
Snippets of lengthy article

Markel called his family’s exodus a “plundering” and “his worst nightmare,” in divorce filings. He likened it to infamous military attacks: “A Visigoth-like sacking of the marital home” part of a “Pearl Harbor style separation.”

Adelson, court documents filed by Markel said, took whatever furniture and belongings she wanted for herself and the boys. No pajama bottoms, no diapers, no wipes, not even the elder son’s bed remained at the house. All that was left was a crib mattress on the floor. She also took Markel’s tennis racket and family jewelry, and removed hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and equities from their bank and investment accounts.

For weeks, Markel said, Adelson gave “no correct information” on where the boys lived. He would later learn Adelson and the children moved to her parents' Coral Springs home.

She filed for divorce on Sept. 10, 2012, and it became final with a marital settlement agreement on July 31, 2013, just less than a year before Markel was killed. The agreement included a 50/50 custody arrangement and shared parenting guidelines. Markel would have to pay Adelson $841 per month as well as a $120,000 lump sum payment. He got the house. Investments accounts, vehicles and other property were divided between the two.

But the official end of the marriage proved to be the beginning of more vitriol.

Subsequent court filings showed they tussled over everything: financial disclosures, family heirlooms, signing the boys up for soccer, snacks at McDonald’s, how often they Skyped their dad, kindergarten plans.

Their war was waged in back-and-forth court motions, peppered with personal and moral attacks. While their attorneys filed them, the couple's scholarly pedigrees were evident in the documents, which were layered, dense with case law and full of venom.

The filing noted it was always the intent of Markel and Adelson to move to South Florida because Markel — a devout Jew — wanted to live in a bigger city with a larger Jewish community than Tallahassee’s.

But much to Adelson's displeasure, her motion to move said she was now “stuck in Tallahassee until (Markel) decides that the time is right for him to leave.”

In addition, she alleged, he'd made life at the law school difficult by telling her colleagues she had mental health issues and had stolen money from him.

“She is divorcing the husband due to her unhappiness with him and the marriage and she only moved out of the home because she knew that (Markel) would not,” the filing said. “He simply is having difficulty accepting her decision.”

Markel challenged the motion, saying it was “vague, filled with rank and obvious falsehoods, and the legal analysis is fundamentally inept.”

He asked the judge to award costs to him and took shots at the Adelson family. Adelson’s “affluent parents,” his motion said, were “bank-rolling” her litigation. If costs weren’t awarded to Markel the “vexatious and groundless litigation” would persist and inhibit the parents from raising the children together.

Leon County Circuit Judge Barbara Hobbs denied Adelson's request to leave because she could not prove the relocation would be in the best interest of the boys. The parents, it was ordered, would stick to a temporary parenting schedule. According to the plan, the boys were to be with Markel the July week he would end up being shot in the head.
Valentine’s Day accusations

Five months before he'd be killed — on Valentine’s Day 2014 — Markel went on the offensive.

Markel claimed Adelson filed a false and misleading financial disclosure form that shorted her assets by more than $240,000. He also said she raided the couple’s safe deposit box, taking a 2-carat diamond ring belonging to Markel’s late great-aunt, a Holocaust survivor.

Adelson, his filing said, was not “a helpless character in this drama” and she “helped herself to over $600,000 in cash, liquid equities and other assets upon separation.”

Her wealthy parents, he contended, placed her in a “financial cocoon” and by paying her legal fees, she was able “to take the most aggressive and unsubstantiated legal postures possible.”

Grandma says she hates you’

Convinced Adelson was limiting his time with and access to the children, on March 26, 2014, Markel had his attorney file a 16-page motion seeking to enforce parenting rules detailed in their divorce agreement.

In it — amid a litany of accusations concerning the boys' day-to-day lives — Adelson's mother, Donna, was targeted.

The motion calls Donna Adelson a source of "parental alienation efforts," and condemns his ex-wife for violating their parenting agreement by letting her mother take care of the boys without first asking if Markel could watch them.

The motion asserted that on three occasions, after the children spent time with Donna Adelson, the boys reported to Markel, “Grandma says you're stupid.” When Markel asked why she would say that, the boys replied, “She says you are trying to take her ‘Sunshines’ from her.”

A hearing to take up Markel's request was scheduled for May 15, 2014, but it was continued after a request from Adelson. Because of a conflict of interest, Kristin Adamson, Adelson’s Tallahassee-based attorney, opted to withdraw as her counsel. Adelson said she needed time to get another attorney.

Police point to Markel's effort to limit the boys' alone-time with their maternal grandmother as a key factor in the motive for his murder.

Why is Donna Adelson connected to Luis Rivera in this graph? I haven't read anywhere that she has a connection to him. Have I missed something?

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Maybe she is good at giving orders? ^^^^ working at a dental office, she may be an experienced Drill Sergeant, lol.
imo, speculation.
DM had this family's number. He knew the truth about these people. He was about to beat them at their own game and they knew it. I feel so sorry for him.

I bet WA has very few friends. Haven't seen much speculation about her involvement until recently, but I haven't seen any real support for her.

"A hearing to take up Markel's request was scheduled for May 15, 2014, but it was continued after a request from Adelson. Because of a conflict of interest, Kristin Adamson, Adelson’s Tallahassee-based attorney, opted to withdraw as her counsel. Adelson said she needed time to get another attorney."

An attorney excused herself from representing a fellow attorney in the middle of litigation. That's massive.
"A hearing to take up Markel's request was scheduled for May 15, 2014, but it was continued after a request from Adelson. Because of a conflict of interest, Kristin Adamson, Adelson’s Tallahassee-based attorney, opted to withdraw as her counsel. Adelson said she needed time to get another attorney."

An attorney excused herself from representing a fellow attorney in the middle of litigation. That's massive.

I wonder what KA's conflict of interest is in this case that caused her to remove herself? Is she a relative?

"A hearing to take up Markel's request was scheduled for May 15, 2014, but it was continued after a request from Adelson. Because of a conflict of interest, Kristin Adamson, Adelson’s Tallahassee-based attorney, opted to withdraw as her counsel. Adelson said she needed time to get another attorney."

An attorney excused herself from representing a fellow attorney in the middle of litigation. That's massive.
There was massive upheaval around May 15, 2014. Lots of reassignments and resignations.
See court documents in last thread.

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I wonder what KA's conflict of interest is in this case that caused her to remove herself? Is she a relative?


Speculation only but no, I don't think she's a relative. She was WA's counsel during earlier litigation, so I wouldn't think the conflict arose due to a sudden familial connection. Provided the request to withdraw wasn't initiated by WA in order to delay proceedings, I think it was most likely the result of having an unreasonable client. MOO
Maybe she is good at giving orders? ^^^^ working at a dental office, she may be an experienced Drill Sergeant, lol.
imo, speculation.
Dotr, you are funny! 😂

But in all seriousness, what does tax blog have that we don't? There needs to be a smoking gun (and one they can verify) for them to put that line from DA
to Luis Rivera and then publish it!

Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk
But in all seriousness, what does tax blog have that we don't? There needs to be a smoking gun (and one they can verify) for them to put that line from DA
to Luis Rivera and then publish it!

That connectivity diagram actually originated in an article from

I still have some questions about its accuracy though. I spent way more time yesterday than I care to admit looking at that diagram and then looking at the evidence we know so far and trying to map it out for myself. I don't believe the facts we know and the diagram match up, JMO.
Quote Originally Posted by Razz
Why is Donna Adelson connected to Luis Rivera in this graph? I haven't read anywhere that she has a connection to him. Have I missed something?


The link to the grandmother was that she was the reason Dan was murdered. Dan was keeping her from being with the children unsupervised. IMO
That connectivity diagram actually originated in an article from

I still have some questions about its accuracy though. I spent way more time yesterday than I care to admit looking at that diagram and then looking at the evidence we know so far and trying to map it out for myself. I don't believe the facts we know and the diagram match up, JMO.

Yeah, it seems like the diagram was merely an afterthought to enhance the 'Anatomy of a Hit' headline. JMO
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