GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #4 *Arrests*

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yep. shes in this up to her eyeballs. she drove out of her way to lunch by his house to see that it was done.

I'd be satisfied with this scenario, under the condition that Wendi is held accountable as a planner of the murder or conspirator after the fact.
my guess is that KM might be able to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal of about 7 years if she agrees to testify which matches what LR essentially got net (19-12) = 7 - and he was actually there when the crime was committed albeit not the trigger man.

would this be justice?

LR = (19-12) = 7 Years
KM = 7 Years
SG = Life
Masterminds = Life

Sounds good to me. But I don't think Wendi will get life, although I think Charlie will, and Mommy will get maybe 20.

I think the most Wendi's going to get is 5. They all deserve life, but I just don't see it happening.

However, I'm willing to let all three who are now in jail off with lighter sentences if the Adelsons (cowards) get the MAXIMUM. I hope they do.
Sounds good to me. But I don't think Wendi will get life, although I think Charlie will, and Mommy will get maybe 20.

I think the most Wendi's going to get is 5. They all deserve life, but I just don't see it happening.

However, I'm willing to let all three who are now in jail off with lighter sentences if the Adelsons (cowards) get the MAXIMUM. I hope they do.

not sure why Grandma would get less than the son. she's the alleged co-conspirator and the alleged paymaster. in for a penny, in for a pound. evidence presented by LE to date seems to show equal culpability.
(4) ORDER OF THE COURT IN SUPPORT OF SENTENCE OF DEATH.—In each case in which the court imposes a sentence of death, the court shall, considering the records of the trial and the sentencing proceedings, enter a written order addressing the aggravating factors set forth in subsection (6) found to exist, the mitigating circumstances in subsection (7) reasonably established by the evidence, whether there are sufficient aggravating factors to warrant the death penalty, and whether the aggravating factors outweigh the mitigating circumstances reasonably established by the evidence. If the court does not issue its order requiring the death sentence within 30 days after the rendition of the judgment and sentence, the court shall impose a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole in accordance with s. 775.082.

(6) AGGRAVATING FACTORS.—Aggravating factors shall be limited to the following:

(i) The capital felony was a homicide and was committed in a cold, calculated, and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification.
yep. shes in this up to her eyeballs. she drove out of her way to lunch by his house to see that it was done.

Lets not forget that she supposedly seen the 2 perps in the neighborhood the day before. But mentioned nothing of seeing the Prius.

Also; Since Garcia probably forced KM to tell him everything about Charlie and the hit and why and how much.

Then its a good chance that Garcia can implicate the Adelsons without KM. Jmo.
Lets not forget that she supposedly seen the 2 perps in the neighborhood the day before. But mentioned nothing of seeing the Prius.

Also; Since Garcia probably forced KM to tell him everything about Charlie and the hit and why and how much.

Then its a good chance that Garcia can implicate the Adelsons without KM. Jmo.

she drove to the lquor store to get a "bullet" whiskey to celebrate - oh she thought she was so clever with the play on words, like Latex husband and bullet drink celebration...IMO. Also even according to her own admission and definitely according to her ex boyfriend lacasse she heard her brother talk with her many times about hitmen hiring. IMO that in itself is strong evidence.
she drove to the lquor store to get a "bullet" whiskey to celebrate - oh she thought she was so clever with the play on words, like Latex husband and bullet drink celebration...IMO. Also even according to her own admission and definitely according to her ex boyfriend lacasse she heard her brother talk with her many times about hitmen hiring. IMO that in itself is strong evidence.

Agree. Wendi has done a lot of snarky wordplay with Dans Murder.

Which states that she knew something but really didn't respect him enough to not joke about his murder while changing his kids names.

But she still hasn't referenced her family in a joking manner once it was noted that they may have been involved?

So can Wendi please right a book and give a class thesis where she refers to her family in the same comic and sarcastic type of comments?
she drove to the lquor store to get a "bullet" whiskey to celebrate - oh she thought she was so clever with the play on words, like Latex husband and bullet drink celebration...IMO. Also even according to her own admission and definitely according to her ex boyfriend lacasse she heard her brother talk with her many times about hitmen hiring. IMO that in itself is strong evidence.

Ha, missed the bit about Bullet whisky, nobody messes with that missus!
She had spoken with her brother on the phone the morning Markel was killed.

“He knew Danny treated me badly and it was always his joke, he said, "I looked into hiring a hitman

Wendi Adelson drove on Trescott Drive around noon the day Markel was shot. She said she thought the road, which by that time was cordoned off by crime scene tape, was closed because of a downed tree
She went around and bought a bottle of Bulleit Rye Whiskey from the ABC on Thomasville Road to take to a party later that evening.

Before that, she said she had been working at home after fielding the TV repair man that morning.
The couple’s contentious divorce, a motive for Markel’s killing investigators say, was a central theme during the interview.
Adelson was concerned about the safety of their two young children who were at daycare the day their father was killed. She also was concerned about how she would tell the boys what happened and repeatedly asked about Markel’s condition.

“I’m just worried about the kids and am so sorry for his family and his children who are now going to grow up without a father,” she said.
Adelson said Markel was at times emotionally abusive during their marriage, but she couldn’t think of anyone who would want to kill him. They got along for the sake of their kids after they split, she said.

Her family may have been upset with him, but not to the point of harming him.
She nervously called her mother near the end of the police interview to tell her what happened, calling it the “worst day of her life.”

WA could not think of anyone who would want to kill him?
she drove to the lquor store to get a "bullet" whiskey to celebrate - oh she thought she was so clever with the play on words, like Latex husband and bullet drink celebration...IMO. Also even according to her own admission and definitely according to her ex boyfriend lacasse she heard her brother talk with her many times about hitmen hiring. IMO that in itself is strong evidence.

Agreeing with this post! As I see it Wendi told on herself when she admitted going by Dan's house the day of the murder. This said she was aware of the hit and she was checking on what was going on at his house.

To be a lawyer, and supposedly a smart girl/woman, this explanation jumped out at me the first time I heard it. What a lame excuse for her to be in the neighborhood of her ex! The one she could not stand, yet took a cruise to see his house on the exact day after he was shot. Coincidence? We all know better!

My opinions only.
Agreeing with this post! As I see it Wendi told on herself when she admitted going by Dan's house the day of the murder. This said she was aware of the hit and she was checking on what was going on at his house.

To be a lawyer, and supposedly a smart girl/woman, this explanation jumped out at me the first time I heard it. What a lame excuse for her to be in the neighborhood of her ex! The one she could not stand, yet took a cruise to see his house on the exact day after he was shot. Coincidence? We all know better!

My opinions only.


A guilty party would sit in a interrogation room for 5 hours on the day of the murder to try and innocently explain things away.

But true innocent folks would realize that this is a astronomical event; And raise hell about being kept there for so long while they need to get back to their children. While not enjoying the 5 hour interview on the day of the murder.
In exchange for her freedom, I think KM is willing to suffer for a few months longer in jail. Freedom - - meaning no prison, lengthy probation, protection for her and her children. The prosecution probably doesn’t want to seem too easy on KM so quickly.

And, where are the A’s going? Nowhere. They wouldn’t get far, especially with LE watching them.

If KM gets a plea deal for ratting on the A’s, she may be worried that CA has scheduled a hit on her children, with payment arrangements already made

There is always the witness protection program.
1. While investigating the crime, the police surely looked at whatever videotapes existed in the area for the days before the crime. The bad guys casing the house in the Prius. And maybe she is on home security video walking with her boys. Both these things would back up the story of eye contact between the men and WA.

2. Let's assume the eye the contact story was true or LR wouldn't have had a reason to tell it. Now imagine if WA was completely innocent and was trying to help solve the crime. She would have told police she saw two Hispanic men driving suspiciously in the Prius the day before.
I know people are pointing to the case where the in-between woman got probation, reasoning that KM's sentence might be comparably light. I just don't see that happening here. I think she will do prison time - somewhere between 5 and 15 years. If I had to guess, I'd say 8 years. We'll see how it unfolds. She'll wait to make a deal until she knows it's the best she can do.

my guess is that KM might be able to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal of about 7 years if she agrees to testify which matches what LR essentially got net (19-12) = 7 - and he was actually there when the crime was committed albeit not the trigger man.

would this be justice?

LR = (19-12) = 7 Years
KM = 7 Years
SG = Life
Masterminds = Life

Sounds good to me. But I don't think Wendi will get life, although I think Charlie will, and Mommy will get maybe 20.

I think the most Wendi's going to get is 5. They all deserve life, but I just don't see it happening.

However, I'm willing to let all three who are now in jail off with lighter sentences if the Adelsons (cowards) get the MAXIMUM. I hope they do.
It's interesting to see all of the different ideas about how much time all of the conspirators will get. Earlier, I said I would be all for a plea deal for KM just to get the A's convicted. I am no expert in law, but I would not be okay with KM getting by with only probation, or even less than 10 years for that matter. Really, she is more culpable than LR because she coordinated the hit so she knew full well someone would be getting killed. She really deserves life but the A's and SG are even more culpable so KM's testimony is crucial for their conviction. Part of KM's punishment will be her separation from her kids. At least 20 years is optimal b/c that means her children will be adults before she is released from prison.

I think the evidence is stacking up more and more against WA. I think she'll end up with way more than 5 years. I had not caught the "Bulleit" whiskey pun. I think WA cannot resist implicating herself b/c she's so enamored with herself and her perceived wit.
There is always the witness protection program.
I&#8217;m not sure KM would qualify for Federal Witness Protection, but she may qualify for protection by the State of Florida:
The 2016 Florida Statutes
914.25&#8195;Protective services for certain victims and witnesses.&#8212;
(1)&#8195;For purposes of this section, the term:
(a)&#8195;&#8220;Victim or witness at risk of harm&#8221; means a victim or witness who, as a result of cooperating in an investigation or prosecution of a serious felony offense, has been subjected to violence or other forms of intimidation, or who is the subject of a substantial threat to commit violence. The term also includes a member of the victim&#8217;s or witness&#8217;s immediate family.
(b)&#8195;&#8220;Serious felony offense&#8221; means one of the following offenses, including an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit one of the following offenses: murder, manslaughter, sexual battery, aggravated stalking, aggravated battery, carjacking, home invasion robbery, burglary, arson, robbery, kidnapping, racketeering, or trafficking in a controlled substance.
(2)&#8195;A law enforcement agency is hereby authorized to provide protective services, including temporary relocation services, to a victim or witness at risk of harm. Protective and temporary relocation services, as deemed appropriate, shall be provided pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(3)(a)&#8195;The statewide prosecutor, any state attorney, or any law enforcement officer may identify a victim or witness as a victim or witness at risk of harm. Upon such identification, the statewide prosecutor, the state attorney, or the law enforcement officer must notify either the statewide prosecutor or the state attorney who has jurisdiction over the criminal investigation or prosecution, if necessary.
(b)&#8195;The statewide prosecutor or the state attorney, as appropriate, may determine whether an identified victim or witness at risk of harm is critical to a criminal investigation or prosecution. If the victim or witness at risk of harm is deemed critical, the statewide prosecutor or the state attorney may:
1.&#8195;Certify that the victim or witness receive protective services; or . . .
It's interesting to see all of the different ideas about how much time all of the conspirators will get. Earlier, I said I would be all for a plea deal for KM just to get the A's convicted. I am no expert in law, but I would not be okay with KM getting by with only probation, or even less than 10 years for that matter. Really, she is more culpable than LR because she coordinated the hit so she knew full well someone would be getting killed. She really deserves life but the A's and SG are even more culpable so KM's testimony is crucial for their conviction. Part of KM's punishment will be her separation from her kids. At least 20 years is optimal b/c that means her children will be adults before she is released from prison.

I think the evidence is stacking up more and more against WA. I think she'll end up with way more than 5 years. I had not caught the "Bulleit" whiskey pun. I think WA cannot resist implicating herself b/c she's so enamored with herself and her perceived wit.
what i really dont understand is why the prosecution feels it has less on the As than on KM. LR implicates all - he talks about the dentist. There is mounting evidence against the As from all directions. They don't actually need KM to get a conviction.
It's interesting to see all of the different ideas about how much time all of the conspirators will get. Earlier, I said I would be all for a plea deal for KM just to get the A's convicted. I am no expert in law, but I would not be okay with KM getting by with only probation, or even less than 10 years for that matter. Really, she is more culpable than LR because she coordinated the hit so she knew full well someone would be getting killed. She really deserves life but the A's and SG are even more culpable so KM's testimony is crucial for their conviction. Part of KM's punishment will be her separation from her kids. At least 20 years is optimal b/c that means her children will be adults before she is released from prison.

I think the evidence is stacking up more and more against WA. I think she'll end up with way more than 5 years. I had not caught the "Bulleit" whiskey pun. I think WA cannot resist implicating herself b/c she's so enamored with herself and her perceived wit.

No worries. This is exactly why the DA made sure that the Grandjury indicted her on Murder1.

That was just to simply tighten the rope around her neck so she doesn't get too much bravado when negotiating her plea.

So if the DA says that we will not plea for nothing less than 15years. Then she may agree since she would be facing life without parole.

But 15 years in the state prison can still have you released in about 12 years or so.

But anyways. I doubt KM would be offered anything less than 10 years for her testimony against The Adelsons.

You have to wonder what the A's are thinking right now. Unless they are completely oblivious, the anticipation of their likely arrests has to be almost as bad as the incarceration itself. Do they really think KM, a woman who had no problem sealing a man's fate in exchange for a used car, discounted cosmetic surgery, and a few bucks, is going to take a life sentence for them? As soon as she flips, the SA will have LR and KM's testimony, phone records, financial transactions, and other circumstantial evidence. The only question will be, how many A's get indicted. They gave up a life of wealth and ease just because their ex-husband/SIL/BIL got on their nerves. IMHO.
You have to wonder what the A's are thinking right now. Unless they are completely oblivious, the anticipation of their likely arrests has to be almost as bad as the incarceration itself. Do they really think KM, a woman who had no problem sealing a man's fate in exchange for a used car, discounted cosmetic surgery, and a few bucks, is going to take a life sentence for them? As soon as she flips, the SA will have LR and KM's testimony, phone records, financial transactions, and other circumstantial evidence. The only question will be, how many A's get indicted. They gave up a life of wealth and ease just because their ex-husband/SIL/BIL got on their nerves. IMHO.

They have to all have stomach ulcers by now. I do hope nothing happens until after the holidays.....for the boys. So they can have one last "normal" holiday season.
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