GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #7 *arrests*

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Okay - I did not realize this case was going on until I looked at my lists.. So here is a summary of the trial dates, etc. I'm posting this, so I can shorten it later.

Friday, Oct. 4th:
*Trial Continues (Day 6) (@ 8:30am ET) - FL – Daniel Eric Markel (41) (July 18, 2014, Tallahassee) - *Sigfredo Garcia (34) arrested & charged (5/25/16) with 1st degree murder, conspiracy & solicitation of murder. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. DP case.
Murder for Hire hit man. They split a $100K payoff for murder.
*Katherine Magbanua (32) (Garcia's wife) arrested (Oct. 2016) & charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy & solicitation of murder were brought together into one case on Tuesday (3/20/18). Plead not guilty. Held without bond.
KM has rejected several offers of immunity for her testimony.
Trial started on 9/23/19 with jury selection. Jury: 10 women & 2 men & 1 alternate (woman); was 2 alternates one got sick & excused on 10/3/19.
9/23/19 Day 1 of jury selection: will start with 50 jurors Monday (9/23) morning. Then 50 in the afternoon. ON an on like that until a jury is selected. Combined defense teams get 20 strikes and state gets 20. Trial could last at least 3 to 4 weeks. The jurors will not be sequestered. No jurors were selected today.
9/24/19 Day 2 of jury selection: 50 more potential jurors. About 90 potential jurors are coming back at 1:15 for more in depth questioning. Over the past day, 150 have come through the doors and been questioned about pretrial media. 14 of the first 21 prospective jurors have been dismissed by Judge Hankinson, leaving 7 of them to remain on the jury. Day two is complete. Day three starts tomorrow at 8:45am.
9/25/19 Day 3 of jury selection: Five more potential jurors retained, nine more dismissed from morning's group. 11 more potential jurors. A new group of 21 are called. Have a jury: 10 Women, 2 men & 2 (women) alternates. Starting around 8:45am in the morning (9/26) with opening statements.
9/26/19 Day 1 Trial: Prosecutor Georgia Cappleman did opening statements. Saam Zangeneh, Garcia's attorney, did opening statements. Tara Kawass, Magbanua's attorney, did opening statements. State witnesses: Betton Hills, neighbor who heard gunshots & found Markel. James Guyger, neighbor who called 911. 911 call played. David Sims, Was with Tallahassee PD, & was first responder. Stewart Schlazer, former FSU School of Arts & Sciences employee that was on the phone with Markel when he was shot. Joanne Maltese, who was a forensic specialist at TPD. Kerri Rosana, forensic specialist. Jurors looked at crime scene photos. William Kornegay, another TPD forensic specialist. Michael Shawn Yao, the forensic supervisor at TPD. Dr. Anthony Clark, medical examiner. Len H. Harvey, director of the fitness center. Andrew Brown, an employee for Star Metro (re security video on bus of Markel leaving gym). Brock Dietz is a detective for the Florida State Fire Marshal. Mike Dilmore, an investigator for TPD that also handles digital forensics. Marcia Rodriguez, a Digital Forensics Investigator for TPD. Andrew Brown, employee from Star Metro, has been brought back to the witness stand for further questioning. Judge dismisses jury for the day, back at 8:45am on 9/27.
9/27/19 Day 2 Trial: State witnesses: Michael Shawn Yao, TPD forensic supervisor back on stand (Yao says the evidence is more consistent with the 6'1 person (Garcia) firing the gun as opposed to the 5'4 person (Rivera)). Craig Isom, was a violent crimes investigator at TPD, lead investigator of case. Jurors watched surveillance video from the Premiere Fitness parking lot and StarMetro buses that show the Prius driven by the suspects tailing Markel. Ronald Whipp, works for T-Mobile in the Law Enforcement Relations Group. Wendi Adelson (Dan's ex). Judge informs her that anything she is questioned about cannot be used against her. Jury dismissed for the day. No court on Monday, 9/30 for Rosh Hashanah. Trial continues on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
10/1/19 Day 3 Trial: State witnesses: Thomas Balboni (SAO investigator) works for the state attorneys office and his focus today is on finger printing. Len Harvey the Executive Director of Premier Fitness is recalled. Officer Bill Brannon (initially cleared Markel's house and guarded the crime scene perimeter). Jeffrey Lacasse (Wendi's former BF). Stephen Luts works security for JP Morgan Chase in Tampa (speaking about camera footage captured from an ATM at JP Morgan Chase in Pembroke Pines that captures Sigfredo Garcia and Luis Rivera making a bank transaction.) TPD Sgt. Chris Corbett, going over evidence of Wendi's phone records. Luis Rivera. Trials ends today, back tomorrow 10/2.
10/2/19 Day 4 Trial: State witnesses: Luis Rivera. Detective Jonathan Grossman from Miami-Dade Police Dept. employee of Dan Markel's children's preschool (no name given). Shodrick Nobles (who met with Rivera and Garcia on their trips to Tallahassee for drugs). Officer Justin Willitz. Waldo Nunez. Car Rental Worker. Elizabeth Richey, ballistics expert. Court is done for the day. ASA Georgia Cappleman said she hopes to be done with her case by midday Monday. Both defense teams say they need half a day to present their cases with the caveat that it could be longer if their clients take the stand. Trial continues on 10/3.
10/3/19 Day 5 Trial: Before the jury is in, Defense teams requesting jury not consider any lesser charges than first degree murder, state wants second degree murder and manslaughter as choices. Judge sides with state. State witnesses: June Umchinda (Charlie Adelson's ex-GF). Yindra Velasquez-Mascaro (childhood friend of KM). Clariza Laredo, employee of Adelson Institute. (Harvey Adelson's dental assistant). Erika Johnson, another dental assistant for both Harvey and Charlie Adelson at the Adelson Institute. One alternate juror is sick, she is excused. TPD Sgt. Chris Corbitt recalled. Trial continues at 8:30 tomorrow 10/4.
10/4/19 Day 6 Trial: Before jury comes in, Judge Hankinson says a witness from yesterday was watching the trial moments before she took the stand. That's not allowed but none of the attorneys asked for any action to be taken. State witnesses: TPD Sgt. Chris Corbitt continues testimony re cell records. Mary Hull was a Criminal Financial Investigator (reviewed bank records for Rivera, Garcia, Magbanua and Adelson family in this case). Special Agent Oscar Jimenez, the undercover FBI agent who approached Donna Adelson in Miami posing as a Latin King member. Jurors watching body cam footage of the undercover approaching Donna Adelson with the news article of Dan Markel. Done for the day. Jury could get the case Wednesday. Prosecution plans to rest Monday. Trial continues on Monday, 10/7.
*Luis Rivera (33) charged with 1st degree murder. Took a plea deal (Oct. 2016) & plead guilty to 2nd degree murder. Will testify against Garcia & Magbanua. Will receive 19-year sentence to run concurrently with his 12 year Federal time, which he is already serving.
But not CA! I think there’s a lot of evidence stacked up against him. MOO

It's a good thing for the defense that I am not on the jury, I see zero possibility that KM is innocent and I can't imagine any testimony going forward that would change my mind. Not only that, I think that indictments for the 4 A's should go out Thursday after the convictions of SG and KM. The only A who has a slim chance of getting off is Harv. DA and CA's guilt is a slam dunk. And Wendy is the only one who could have given then Dan's schedule with any certainty, so she si guilty as well. Oh, sorry if this is a dumb question, what does MOO stand for? From the context in its frequent use, I do have a sense.
It's a good thing for the defense that I am not on the jury, I see zero possibility that KM is innocent and I can't imagine any testimony going forward that would change my mind. Not only that, I think that indictments for the 4 A's should go out Thursday after the convictions of SG and KM. The only A who has a slim chance of getting off is Harv. DA and CA's guilt is a slam dunk. And Wendy is the only one who could have given then Dan's schedule with any certainty, so she si guilty as well. Oh, sorry if this is a dumb question, what does MOO stand for? From the context in its frequent use, I do have a sense.
I am praying that you are right rgrene!
MOO is “my own opinion” I am pretty sure... :)
she called him much worse throughout but to me what is striking about him listed on her phone as such is what Dan was claiming to the court: that WA and her family had no problem disparaging him in FRONT OF HIS BOYS. A divorced couple with little children communicates regularly and kids use the phone of the parent who is with them to call the other parent. At that point, Ben was already old enough to read simple words and what he saw as an incoming call from his dad is not "dad" but jibbers!!
I don't think we need to speculate, it was 100% in relation to the Adelson's impression that he talked incessantly, as the quote from the newspaper above shows.

What is troubling to me about WA's testimony on this point was that she did not concede that this was a derogatory name when asked that question directly. This is incredibly disingenuous. It was a cruel mocking nickname she and her family gave Dan as part of their general obsessive hatred of him. To suggest otherwise is at least misleading, at worst perjury. And it also says a lot that instead of putting his number under the name "Dan" in her cell phone, she actually used the pejorative "Jibbers". Something very petty and cruel is going on there.

I know it's a small detail but if you watch WA's testimony there are countless small misleading statements like this that, IMO, cast doubt on her overall veracity and (again IMO) make her seem more culpable than I at least believed beforehand.
I have a question, and it’s probably a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway.

Is there any chance CA, DA and WA’s cell phones are being wire tapped throughout the trial?

ETA - I bet they are all a mess this week - nervous, anxious, worried and I hope WA has a case of Pepto Bismo in her medicine cabinet!
she called him much worse throughout but to me what is striking about him listed on her phone as such is what Dan was claiming to the court: that WA and her family had no problem disparaging him in FRONT OF HIS BOYS. A divorced couple with little children communicates regularly and kids use the phone of the parent who is with them to call the other parent. At that point, Ben was already old enough to read simple words and what he saw as an incoming call from his dad is not "dad" but jibbers!!
Criticizing their father is going to make the boys feel awful. It will only lower their self-esteem. No wonder Dan was thinking of supervised visits when, I believe DA, was with them. Why couldn't the As have been peacemakers and resolved things the normal ways. Do something called forgive and everything would have resolved itself. Life is too short for this hate and anger.
I have a question, and it’s probably a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway.

Is there any chance CA, DA and WA’s cell phones are being wire tapped throughout the trial?

ETA - I bet they are all a mess this week - nervous, anxious, worried and I hope WA has a case of Pepto Bismo in her medicine cabinet!

I'm quite sure they all took precautions to buy burner phones to discuss the trial. So the answer is.....the feds may have tried, but....probably no.
Why couldn't the As have been peacemakers and resolved things the normal ways. Do something called forgive and everything would have resolved itself. Life is too short for this hate and anger.



I'm a divorced mom of two children. None of my family loves my ex-husband. It is what it is. None of us are entitled narcissists who would want my ex murdered so I could have the upper hand. It's not normal. It's psychotic. What gives them the right to do this??? The Adelsons and their descendants are not more important than anyone else in the world. I wonder why they think they are.
I have a question, and it’s probably a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway.

Is there any chance CA, DA and WA’s cell phones are being wire tapped throughout the trial?

ETA - I bet they are all a mess this week - nervous, anxious, worried and I hope WA has a case of Pepto Bismo in her medicine cabinet!
Good question. Maybe not. I bet they were tapped for quite awhile before we heard about it and have gathered enough information to know exactly who all the players are in the murder. It was two years before an arrest was made so they had plenty of time to investigate the obvious suspects. They want KM to get it off her chest because IMO and beyond a reasonable doubt she is connected to the shooter(s) and the initiators, all of them.
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But I do have to wonder what CA and the ex GF who testified talked And texted about. Wonder if they could retrieve those texts? Surely they talked about the trial, and her testimony.
She was trying to put the genie back in the bottle by being evasive with her stapled $100.00 testimony and stacks of money in a refrigerator sized safe. The investigator had her interrogation taped and then transcribed. IMO. Her testimony helped put a stake through the heart of KM and CA. The jury figured it out and questioned her about contacts with CA .
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