GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 *arrests* #10

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If I was HA, DA, CA - I'd already be long gone and living in luxury in Morocco. No extradition treaty with the US.

What's the status on KM's new trial?

KM's new trial is supposedly to be in Sept /Oct depending on Judge Webster's diary. THere is a case management review set up for sometime in May and hopefully a hard date will be set then.

As for Morocco you are full of . The status is that Morocco will extradite to foreign countries on serious criminal cases. That is Moroccan law. THey won't extradite to the US on a civil or commercial case. People think of some guy Scott Rothstein I think his name was. He was a collapsed fraudster. That's a commercial matter so he gets/would get a pass as long as he gets to Rabat.

HOWEVER If the State of FL is after you with a murder rap then being in Morocco won't save you.
All cars bulletin- we know that Wendi was generally swanning around loose as a goose on the Friday of the murder. Does anyone know her official status on the Thursday when Rivera says he saw her at Truscott ? Was she doing part time work at the university ?

Did she have a full day off ? I have been listening to some police testimony and it seems they did not properly fully investigate her telephone records for the 17th July because they thought (or at least one investigator though) she was at the university and could not therefore be at Dan's place dropping children off.

I know - it's an ask but it is something that needs to be highlighted to Jack Campbell if there is a slip up here. Regards, KG
KM's new trial is supposedly to be in Sept /Oct depending on Judge Webster's diary. THere is a case management review set up for sometime in May and hopefully a hard date will be set then.

As for Morocco you are full of ***. The status is that Morocco will extradite to foreign countries on serious criminal cases. That is Moroccan law. THey won't extradite to the US on a civil or commercial case. People think of some guy Scott Rothstein I think his name was. He was a collapsed fraudster. That's a commercial matter so he gets/would get a pass as long as he gets to Rabat.

HOWEVER If the State of FL is after you with a murder rap then being in Morocco won't save you.

Well, aren't you charming! All of my research tells me that Morocco has no extradition treaty with the US in criminal matters. Scott Rothstein's Ponzi Scheme was a criminal matter. Murder, obviously, is a criminal matter. Please post a link to prove me wrong.

Scott Rothstein: Why Come Back From Morocco?
Does anyone here have any feeling for whether Wendi had that whole week off from the FS university or was working part time .?? That's the week of the killing.

There is evidence that the police did not fully investigate the WA phone records because she was allegedly working elsewhere on the Thursday and she "could have not been" where Luis Rivera said he saw her. I refer the audio of the OCT 3rd Trial video (Tallahassee Sentinel version) at around 1:37 in and a minute or two following.

Did Wendi for instance take a sickkie break from the University work for those couple of days ? there might be some reference to that somewhere else in the trial data .

Does anyone have some inside running on this mater. ? If it looks as if the Police were less than diligent then I will send Jack Campbell an email on what has been found. KG
Well, aren't you charming! All of my research tells me that Morocco has no extradition treaty with the US in criminal matters. Scott Rothstein's Ponzi Scheme was a criminal matter. Murder, obviously, is a criminal matter. Please post a link to prove me wrong.

Scott Rothstein: Why Come Back From Morocco?
Hold your beer, I have a hard link on that matter to UN evaluation of the Morocco status.. I a not dredging this out of my fundamental orifice as lawyers sometimes tend to do (if you join up the Justice4Dan FB site and go to Community you will see where my friend has posted material showing J Lauro , FL lawyer definitely pulled material out of his *advertiser censored* and lied on Wendi's relationship with Magbanua in a threat to prosecute a website.

As for criminal I used the word as in crime of violence as opposed to a commercial criminal case. ...Not the most accurate use of the English language on my part. I shall do some Maoist self criticism over that. Rest assured.. .now hold that thought.
Morocco is covered in this Erudite document - it is likely a translation from French hence the water mark. Go to Page 6 to look at Extradition.

There is no extradition treaty intra MOR to USA as far as I know but that does nto change the general principle of all UN countries being willing to extradite to the country of alleged crime for serious crimes such as murder - it just takes a little longer. I suggest read the PDF. The whole matter is quite nuanced...

best regards, Kidon Gadol

Re Scott Rothstein The point is that running a failed Ponzi scheme might not meet the Moroccan definition of a serious felony in that country. Hence they left Scott alone. he most likely made a few gifts to senior people there so they read the law to his benefit :))) .

Scott most likely said he has bad luck in business and anti semites in the US were after him !! THere's a lot of that sort of Narrative about.

All the best and if anyone can help on my recent queries please advise. yours, Kidon Gadol
Morocco is covered in this Erudite document - it is likely a translation from French hence the water mark. Go to Page 6 to look at Extradition.

There is no extradition treaty intra MOR to USA as far as I know but that does nto change the general principle of all UN countries being willing to extradite to the country of alleged crime for serious crimes such as murder - it just takes a little longer. I suggest read the PDF. The whole matter is quite nuanced...

best regards, Kidon Gadol

Re Scott Rothstein The point is that running a failed Ponzi scheme might not meet the Moroccan definition of a serious felony in that country. Hence they left Scott alone. he most likely made a few gifts to senior people there so they read the law to his benefit :))) .

Scott most likely said he has bad luck in business and anti semites in the US were after him !! THere's a lot of that sort of Narrative about.

All the best and if anyone can help on my recent queries please advise. yours, Kidon Gadol

My point is that if you were facing down the barrel of a probable first degree capital murder charge in the United States, would rather be a sitting duck living in the United States or would you rather be in Morocco? Where is your greater chance to evade Justice?
My point is that if you were facing down the barrel of a probable first degree capital murder charge in the United States, would rather be a sitting duck living in the United States or would you rather be in Morocco? Where is your greater chance to evade Justice?
I take your point but it gets even better (and by the way if you know that either Donna A or Wendi A has ever made published statement re flight to Morocco please give me a reference and I will send it on to the Canadian branch as it were - if you don't understand what is goin g on there you have a lot to learn - specifically someone on WS said that Donna had made such a statement but never backed it up.)

Ok cut to the chase. OJ Simpson. Brilliant defense, Jury found in his favour. The families of Ron and Nicole then took him to court in a civil case - wrongful killing. But look at the Morocco rules - if it is civil case they just won't be interested in extradition. That's the real worry - someone tries to slap a subpoena on Wendi or Charlie and they simply become unavailable for twenty years and the small amount of justice available to the Markel family via a serious financial penalty becomes even harder to achieve.

I have thought whether I should be this explicit in an open forum like this - but I'm sure that the Adelsons will have expensive and competent legal advice and they will have worked out this facet of the action a long time back.

Kidon Gadol.
If I was HA, DA, CA - I'd already be long gone and living in luxury in Morocco. No extradition treaty with the US.

What's the status on KM's new trial?

Her next hearing is a case management hearing on 5/6/21. No trial date set.
“Suspected co-defendants have the financial means to flee the country and to not return, and in fact, have already been discovered talking about leaving,” TPD’s legal counsel Theresa Flury wrote in a May 26 motion that successfully sought to have Sigfredo Garcia’s arresting documents sealed.

TPD concerned other Markel suspects may flee
“Suspected co-defendants have the financial means to flee the country and to not return, and in fact, have already been discovered talking about leaving,” TPD’s legal counsel Theresa Flury wrote in a May 26 motion that successfully sought to have Sigfredo Garcia’s arresting documents sealed.

TPD concerned other Markel suspects may flee

I will have a look at the link but I was going to say Yaffe Yafffe - beautiful and forward it on to Shelly Markel but we are talking about non Adelsons here . - it is interesting but not useful I think in terms of trying to get passport canceled at the initiation of a future legal action - not to say I'd be giving any advice on what course of action might be.

By the way there is one person who potentially could give evidence that would be devastating to Wendi and that is Amy Adler of NY. Amy may well know what Wendi must have known of D Markel's intended movements because as much as they hated one another WA and Daniel Markel had to liaise all time on child custody transfer. Remember Wendi made privileged statements in the first trial but if that information can be obtained by another route then it can be used against her at her trial for abetting the murder. I know that Jack Campbell knows to follow up on this because; I told him so. Since this is a FL trial and not federal if Adler wants to be sulky and not be called as a witness there's not that much the state attorney's office can do about it . It is critical to get A Adler, law professor at NYU , down to this retrial so what she has to say is formally entered into evidence (I my humble opinion). Material that perhaps you never knew.

Regards . Kidon Gadol
Issue - was Wendi Adelson present outside Markel's house in Betton Hills on afteroon of 17t July 14 as L Rivera testified and if she was - where are the cell phone tower records for this time ??

Reference video
Issue - was Wendi Adelson present outside Markel's house in Betton Hills on afteroon of 17t July 14 ?? and did she make the phone call which Rivera said he saw being dialed through is rear vision mirror in the Prius that afternoon. (It could of course be a fail to connect call attempt).
Source "tallahassee sentinel - phone records discussion please" start at 1:13:37 approx.

Here we have Cappelman examining a Police officer on the times of mobile phone events. She asks about if WA could have been present in the street as Rivera says she was . On top of this there is the aspect of that call to or from Sig Garcia / other party Magbanua. This does not even get a mention. It is not in the charge sheet. That mentions Mr Nobles on that date but nothing on specific to from phone calls.
The cop says it would be very tight as she would be travelling from work. This sounds like horsescheisse to me. Why ? Because we know on the Friday she was not at work; she was buggering around getting Tvs fixed and so on . Was she really working on Thursday ? Do you know if they investigated this. It seems to me they are going extra soft on WA because they need her as a witness. It seems the police poured concrete over this area but I see it as an attempt to get the trial of Magbanua and Garcia to move smoothly. I don't see any Adelson payoff to the police or prosecutor at work here.

Perhaps Wendi did work part time at the FSU on Thursdays.. I simply have not got the time to review every WA witness verbal moment and see if this was mentioned .

What we do know is that Dan Markel had custody of the kids overnight, as he delivered them to the childcare in the AM , on the way to the gym where SG and L Rivera were waiting for him in the car park . So how did the boys get delivered to Dan Markel ?? - dropped off by Battlestar Galactica. I think not.
Does anyone here have any feeling for whether Wendi had that whole week off from the FS university or was working part time .?? That's the week of the killing.

There is evidence that the police did not fully investigate the WA phone records because she was allegedly working elsewhere on the Thursday and she "could have not been" where Luis Rivera said he saw her. I refer the audio of the OCT 3rd Trial video (Tallahassee Sentinel version) at around 1:37 in and a minute or two following.

Did Wendi for instance take a sickkie break from the University work for those couple of days ? there might be some reference to that somewhere else in the trial data .

Does anyone have some inside running on this mater. ? If it looks as if the Police were less than diligent then I will send Jack Campbell an email on what has been found. KG
Wendi would not need to take a sick break to walk down the street that day -- professors at law schools have all the flexibility in the world. unless you are teaching [which is very limited hours, a couple of days a week, if at all during a semester - and this was in the summer, so most professors did not have courses] you don't report to anyone on your hours or whereabouts and you certainly don't need to be in the office all day.
Wendi would not need to take a sick break to walk down the street that day -- professors at law schools have all the flexibility in the world. unless you are teaching [which is very limited hours, a couple of days a week, if at all during a semester - and this was in the summer, so most professors did not have courses] you don't report to anyone on your hours or whereabouts and you certainly don't need to be in the office all day.

You have made my day with this insight into the work in the sweaty coal mines of academia. It seems highly likely therefore that she did have the time to be loitering about the Markel place in Betton hills. I also raises a query if we believe Rivera... did Wendy have a second phone that has not been accounted for. ?? Imagine if she just drove near home and then either walked back, got a cab to the general area or got a friend drive her to the general area. Her KNOWN phone is now in the car , emitting signals from there, stationary.

General comment - If you were helping plan a murder and were giving away details on the movements of the intended victim, it might be a very good move to have throw phone, esp. if you had legal training and had some previous case history knowledge...

There are quite a few possibilities but Rivera lying is one of the lower probability ones. We have already seen Wendi lying on the stand on her movements on the 18th July so she has form in the lying department...
Wendi would not need to take a sick break to walk down the street that day -- professors at law schools have all the flexibility in the world. unless you are teaching [which is very limited hours, a couple of days a week, if at all during a semester - and this was in the summer, so most professors did not have courses] you don't report to anyone on your hours or whereabouts and you certainly don't need to be in the office all day.

This also raises question - Rivera says he Saw WJA using her mobile phone via his RV mirror. If true and the police have no record of this conversation is it to imply that WJA had two SIM cards or even two phones and the police have no idea of this fact or the fact of this and other calls?? She may well have laid in another cheap phone , untraceable, for just this sort of reason. That would have her main phone in her car, parked elsewhere , still with battery in it giving a false location that could be used for alibi purposes should this idiotic trip (even she must have known how legally risky it was) come to light.

An alternate is that she Pretended to use phone, knowing or assuming that the killers had possibly IDed her ... to give them a reason to flee the area AT THAT TIME because she did not want to be implicated should hot metal start flying that afternoon.

Wendi Adelson's OFFICIAL cellphone number at the time was 954 803 0079 this sis give in the YT video "Dan Markel case (Oct 1 Afternoon)" .

There is a mystery number that comes up later in a subsequent trial video : it is 305 934 6615. But I believe that Cappleman may have messed up the sequence (she simply does not have the precision in th court room to be rightly expected of a Snr prosecutor ) it could be (934) 305 6615 and SGT Corbitt in examination refers to it by those last 7 digits. This number was rung by Magbanua twice late on the evening of 17th July 14. at 11:40 pm and again just afterwards. This may represent a phone and sim card that are untraceable because they were bought second hand , with false Id or any other of multiple methods. What is not stated is what tower records exist for this phone . (The police may well know but have no intention of using them in this specific case).

My guess that this cellphone may have been traceable to the WJA residence for a short time and was then disposed of. I 'd posit that this was the emergency phone that WJA attempted to use on the afternoon of the 17th when she saw the Prius with SG and LR inside at 2990 Trescott.
Either the call LR says she attempted did not go through, she go the number wrong (working from memory) or the other party did not answer.

There a very strong reasons why Wendi Adelson would not want certain numbers in the address book of a drop phone or "burner phone", she might be carrying but of course that works against you in an emergency.

If the police are looking a near location for 954 803 0079 at the time on the 17th that SG and L Rivera are at 2990 Trescott there are very good reasons why they are not going to find it where they would expect to find it. INstead it is likely to be at a decoy location. You can do that when you have an unidentified second handset.

Have a listen to
around 1:12:24 in for more insight.

best regards, KidonG
305 is Miami area code.
I take it that this means Magbanua was phoning a land line ? IS that what you are saying or do cell phone numbers have state locators in the numeric sequence in the USA. ? I am not from The US so I can't be expected to know all the ins and outs of the telephone digit sequences. KG.
I take it that this means Magbanua was phoning a land line ? IS that what you are saying or do cell phone numbers have state locators in the numeric sequence in the USA. ? I am not from The US so I can't be expected to know all the ins and outs of the telephone digit sequences. KG.

Yes, cell phone numbers have area codes specific to each state/region of state.
305 is Miami area code.
I take it that this means Magbanua was phoning a land line ? IS that what you are saying or do cell phone numbers have state locators in the numeric sequence in the USA. ? I am not from The US so I can't be expected to know all the ins and outs of the telephone digit sequences. KG.
Yes, cell phone numbers have area codes specific to each state/region of state.
That is interesting and sounds archaic too... I thought that the 305 prefix would imply K M phoned a land line and therefore what was all the fuss about. Someone has to be registered as the subscriber of that line.. .someone must be paying the fees and likely with a credit card so the whole thing is very traceable (so why the questioning in the courtroom ?) but if it is a cell phone purchased in an incognito way, a stolen and reused phone or whatever then obviously the police / FSP have a lot of trouble finding it. In Australia for instance you can buy a Recharge voucher with cash and nobody this side of the grave knows who really owns or is operating the phone. This phone referred to MAY be a second phone held by Wendi. If so it is long gone into an alligator's mouth. I would hope that this phone/number has been tracked within FL from cell tower dumps because it could be critical if it were found to be associated with the address environs of WJA. I simply don't trust the FSP to get this right. In the charge documents for K M it states the Grey Prius was examined and no forensics were found... whohaQQQ!!! there was a bloody great 38 cal hole in the floor pan (I'd guess that LR bought a new floor mat for the Prius before delivering it back unless he was totally coked out of his tiny little mind ...) and presumably the FSP also found a repair on the shot out fuel line. (the reports of these finds were in a Tallahassee Sentinel article covering the trial).

We no longer have full access to that source as we have looke at it many times an a paywall has fallen down on us now.

Later the car was recovered again and evidence of a handgun bullet hole was found. Don't be too harsh- at the time the charge for KMagbanua was written, L R had not given evidence in court. It is possible that this fine detail of the revolver mess up by Garcia and the AD was known to the prosecution but not to the police at that point or even not even to the prosecution.

all the best , KidonG
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