GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 *arrests* #10

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Prosecutors have added Ramzi Nader as a potential witness. He's the owner of Fate Nightclub where KT worked. Looks like they are going to try and poke holes in KT's story concerning her income.


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You mentioned that Jack Campbell admonished you, first time I've heard that reported on Websleuths, so I'm not going to provide any further information. There's lots of stuff you're not supposed to know, it's an ongoing investigation.
I'm not going to provide any further corrections, but Lauro didn't commit perjury, not even close.
c u Later GATOR.
I got is goat because I implied that Cappelman was unfocused at time and probably not worth feeding. Though I did not say that explictly. JC is used to getting his own way.. his father used to be a law man and there are strong suggestions of corruption in that Campbell senior used to hand Jnr cases he could not lose in prosecution. Oh Golden days but now they've gone because Dad has retired.

Now he has a case that is hard to win. He's a bit tetchy. Poor old Jacko...he might be sweating a bit. This also explains partly why he is so cagey about prosecuting dear old Chales J Adelson.

all the best, KG.
KM has will have been locked up for over 5 years by the time the trial starts!
She could have solved that by
1. Telling the truth at the first trial
2. NOT getting involved in a murder for hire just before a Covid outbreak- any damn fool knows that this is NOT a smart thing to do. Covid restrictions have pushed out the trial by at least 14 months.

Poor old Katy. And she can't take her silicon implants back and dump them on the counter and walk away from this train wreck. I have a strong vibe that when she is tried on her own she may well go down. KG.
She could have solved that by
1. Telling the truth at the first trial
2. NOT getting involved in a murder for hire just before a Covid outbreak- any damn fool knows that this is NOT a smart thing to do. Covid restrictions have pushed out the trial by at least 14 months.

Poor old Katy. And she can't take her silicon implants back and dump them on the counter and walk away from this train wreck. I have a strong vibe that when she is tried on her own she may well go down. KG.
Totally agree. She deserves this and more!
Prosecutors have added Ramzi Nader as a potential witness. He's the owner of Fate Nightclub where KT worked. Looks like they are going to try and poke holes in KT's story concerning her income.
I think the income thing has been done to death already.. there is already the sequence of chqs from Donna for well... doing nothing much at the Dental surgery but a hell of a lot in terms of organising a murder (this was made abundantly clear to the last jury) . I'd guess it is more along the lines of here possibly approaching bouncers and tough guys on the staff perhaps (which was reported back to Nader under the no fraternisation rules):

1. Before she organised SG as the potential killer perhaps shed decided to try to do it all outside the "family " and she was trying to sus out a rough man to do her dirty work.

2. After SG and LR returned from the north as failures in early July she might have decided to give LR the axe as a hired killer and try and find another crime partner for hubby. For Magbanua it is clearly all about the money.

3. I am convinced that the revolver that LR bought on the street came without 38 cal ammo at purchase. LR may have equipped it (he says he provided ammo but at the time he told the police that he had nothing to lose by telling the odd lie.). Perhaps Magbanua heard Garcia griping about the ammunition situation and she tried to suss out if she could get a handful of 38 ammo on the side from people she knew in the business. Just a thought.

many other possib. All the best KG.
I think the income thing has been done to death already.. there is already the sequence of chqs from Donna for well... doing nothing much at the Dental surgery but a hell of a lot in terms of organising a murder (this was made abundantly clear to the last jury) . I'd guess it is more along the lines of here possibly approaching bouncers and tough guys on the staff perhaps (which was reported back to Nader under the no fraternisation rules):

Testimony from Nader that KM approached bouncers in a murder for hire plot would likely be inadmissible hearsay (unless he was standing there and overheard the conversation). And even if it was admissible, it would distract from the clean conspiracy that prosecutors have established between KM, SG, and LR (and arguably Charlie and Donna). KM's testimony that she regularly made $1500 a night at Fate went largely unrebutted in the first trial which potentially weakened the prosecutors' narrative. Nader's value would be rebutting that assertion as he would have direct non-hearsay knowledge regarding what his employees earn. But I guess we'll find out at trial if he testifies.
...and in Rivera's proffer, there's a long discussion of where he got the ammo, so we have persistent (and wild) speculation regarding facts already in the record.

I assume that Naber has some records falsifying the claim that Katie made big money as a bottle girl. But, we'll see. In general the prosecution will close the gaps from the last trial (e.g., Dolce Vita video) while presenting much the same case. Advantage, prosecution, for sure.
...and in Rivera's proffer, there's a long discussion of where he got the ammo, so we have persistent (and wild) speculation regarding facts already in the record.

I assume that Naber has some records falsifying the claim that Katie made big money as a bottle girl. But, we'll see. In general the prosecution will close the gaps from the last trial (e.g., Dolce Vita video) while presenting much the same case. Advantage, prosecution, for sure.
Apparently the prosecution has digitally filtered audio from Dolce Vita which make show the conspiratorial situation KM / CJA much clearer. Considering they had something like three years to prep the original case and DSP techniques have been around for 15 plus years you wonder what the hell was going on down at the prosecutor's office in terms of case prep. given they had some excellent back up on other digital /audio material on this case.
Testimony from Nader that KM approached bouncers in a murder for hire plot would likely be inadmissible hearsay (unless he was standing there and overheard the conversation). And even if it was admissible, it would distract from the clean conspiracy that prosecutors have established between KM, SG, and LR (and arguably Charlie and Donna). KM's testimony that she regularly made $1500 a night at Fate went largely unrebutted in the first trial which potentially weakened the prosecutors' narrative. Nader's value would be rebutting that assertion as he would have direct non-hearsay knowledge regarding what his employees earn. But I guess we'll find out at trial if he testifies.
I am wondering why this Ramzi Nader (possibly a son of those CA Iranian types ?? He is definitely a CA type) is suddenly having this revelation to come forward and testify. Just what made him fall off his horse on the way to Damascus ? I hope he adds something of extreme value. My guess is that as the operator of a strip club et al in Miami the FSP have something on him and a deal as per Mr Nobles (but not so explicitly) has been done.

If he comes in to court with a loose camel driver's shirt, Jesus beads and a bald head and gold teeth hell, the retrial will have been justified on that performance alone. I'm afraid we will perhaps never see Mr S Nobles again, which makes me sad. KG. Edit - It could be that the strip club where KM worked was yet another place , separate from the Fate nightclub. KM's night life is so complex, it "kinda " spins my head.
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An interesting idea - regarding traffic analysis on the Magbanua and WJAdelson telephone traffic -

why not do a statistical frequency plot over time of the phone calls from K Magbanua to SUM(CJ Adelson + Segfredo Garia) from say July 8th 2014 forward and lay that alongside a plot of calls from Wendi J Adelson to all her family members ? This obviously is for presentation to the upcoming court case.

it will be seen than there is a trigger event about the 18th that affects calling frequency in exactly the same way - phone usage will shoot up in a statistically excessive manner I 'd suspect (way outside the two sigma limits of the previous statistical tracking earlier in the month) . Wendi Adelson's will stay high for longer as she is a semi - suspect and on top of that there's a funeral to be organised. I think presenting this to a jury would be very

If you run a line of best fit through the frequency totals in groups of three x 6hr periods periods and then run a line through the centroids of each of those lines in turn you will get a smoothed resolution of the data.
I'd expect some sort of Chi-square looking distribution with the WJA one taking longer to tail off because of all the loose ends like child custody and trying to grub money out of the estate of Dan Markel and the funeral.

Which all proves what ? It will show explicitly that Magbanua's telephone conversation usage will closely track the event that triggered the event that got WJA talking so regularly. The odds of that happening in a random manner are just zero.

Well , I guess Jack Cambell and his merry band of men are paid megabucks to be the best sleuths in the state of FL, so they will come around to this idea sooner or later.

dear Charie and Wendi - we'll meet again . As usual, all the best , KG.
Me too. You could not find anyone that quickly in Houston. I wonder if they were concerned for her and the children's whereabouts. It sounded like they knew the children were OK as they told her at the restaurant. How did they know that? I would not tell a mother that unless I knew for sure. They also thought they were still married.

I think she was caught off guard by everything happening so quickly. She underestimated the abilities of TPD. It was very impressive. NONE of them thought this would ever be linked to South Florida.

It is easy if the phone was unlocked /no password. They just have a look at the recent texts. If he has her as Wendi or Ex or whatever and the neighbours have a name to give them... easy. OR they break open the house under whatever law and since he essentially lives alone there are sure to be legal papers re the divorce accessible. Then they do the deed and phone the number. I 'd guess the police have people avail 24/7 to break passwords on mobile phones but entering the house under an emergency judicial order is going to be faster. KG

I'd suggest you alert Jack Campbell to what you found out re Donna retaining GErstein to represent them at some possible date. It is clear to me that the Adelsons found out some other way to prevent KM from talking ** and therefore they pulled the pin on the Gerstein law firm. Old Gershey will have been billing them once a month or so for keeping the file open (this is back in 2016) . but Talk about Dumb and dumber - instead of going in and dumping a few stacks of stapled greenbacks on Gershey's front counter, they went to Law and litigated the matter <modsnip>

** That's my reading of the tea leaves.

Now there is a stinking record in the Broward county litigation system. I don't think Gershey will claim client privilege, if Jacko goes and tells him to "stick 'em up ". They (Donna and H) tried to rip him off by not paying invoices they would have been warned were coming. If there is any chance that old Jacko does not know about this then I suggest you send the link through to him . Because, as apart from the earlier Donna bitchery emails and the Chqs written out to KM (which she can easily say were done under CJA's or Harvey's instruction for work done at the surgery ... liar liar , pants on ...) , Donna is not really tied closely to the case .

Full disclosure. Old Jacko don't like me much - I suggested to him via email from various trial faults that Cappelman was almost not worth feeding. Also I think he suspects I might have Israeli connections.

BTW - Fun fact - Cappelman's husband is or was a PI . that provides plenty of opportunity for CO Interest - I am not sure how the SA keeps this under control - I guess she has to write up stuff for the SA on this matter from time to time . Many many PIs of course are ex cops (or cashiered lawyers).

all the best, KG
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Re the Adelson versus Gerstein and Baret money affair. HA had been served with a subpoena on a criminal matter - date not specified. It is unlikely this is relating to the Markel case - and Donna is not included (by implication) in the process, so it seems far more likely that this matter was related to H Adelson's business or perhaps his tax affairs. We know or think we do that HA and DA were never charged or served with anything much on the Markel case. There remains the possib that by agreement HA and Gerstein lied in the court docket (Why does Gerstein owe HA any favours ? after all HA appeared to be trying to break a contract for legal services ) so as not to uncover the fact that this related to the Markel case and HA was trying to rig up some legal muscle ahead of time in case the police broke Magbanua under interrogation. But that is a guess , a punt. It is not based on factual evidence. And I thought we had a bit of pure gold there.

All the best - KG.


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RE - cops find Wendi El Pronto - "It is easy if the phone was unlocked /no password." - clarification - the cell phone was lying on the car seat or floor near to Markel's unconscious and dying body. KG.
Prosecutors have added Ramzi Nader as a potential witness. He's the owner of Fate Nightclub where KT worked. Looks like they are going to try and poke holes in KT's story concerning her income.
Marvin, can you check on the Leon county list and advise us if Cappleman is calling Wendi Adelson this time around ? She told lies last time so I am wondering if the Prosec is going to dispense with her and avoid giving her further immunity .
2. This mad man Cole Raybourne who alleges stuff about Cappelman's coloured folders signifying that Rivera should change his testimony... .Is CR still on the witness list for the defense or hast that piece of madness been scrubbed. ?? CR is up on a capital murder charge and he is thrashing around for something like a plea deal to save him. M Lawyer advised sometime back that Kavass had tried to introduce C Raybourne into the witness list of this trial.
all the best, KG.
Readers - Do you know anyone in FL state who could put in a complaint to the Dental board of FL over the corrupt behavior of one of their members , Mr C Adelson who was allegedly involved in the murder of FSU law professor Daniel Markel ? - the twist now is that the defence attorney is using his alleged involvement as if it is a fact to defend her client.

The defense attny is trying to defend someone who is also highly implicated on the basis that Adelson did certain things - if his is true he needs to be struck off the dental register for FL. If he did not do them then he is assisting her , Tara Kawass , in Perjury in which case he should also be struck off. If this happens she would have to change her theory of the crime back to what the Prosecution is saying as Charlie Adelson will back off and then this Magbanua will likely get convicted and that may lead to a charge against CJ Adelson an others.
Start this video from Court TV at 1:30 in and see what rubbish that Kawass is now going to use to defend KM.

THe issue is she can't say this without having CJA on side. Whichever way you look at it, his dental and dental drug licences (anaethetic) need to be suspended until the outcome of the trial is known.

This is the place to file the complaint -

Florida Board of Dentistry » Licensing and Registration- Licensing, Renewals & Information

The way I see it the dental board would send an agent to see Tara Kawass and then decide on the basis of that interview what action to take . If TW refuses to speak then the action has to be taken on the prima facie evidence of Kawass's public announcements because Lawyers never lie.

Someone needs to ramrod this through. I can't - as I am outside the US.

This is the chap in question - he does not list his licence numbers.
South Florida Periodontist Charles J. Adelson

all the best KGadol
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So wonderful and refreshing to hear these well-reasoned thoughts from a juror who served on this case. My oh my. A must listen. ‎Over My Dead Body: Tally: Markel Murder Trial Update #5: The Juror on Apple Podcasts
Even though an Apple podcast this will play on a regular PC.
The juror does not mention that S G changed his shirt after the killing . He had a white floppy shirt on before hand and the second lot of bus footage shows it removed. She says the LR made a deposit at an Atm . That was never proved.
It might have been a deposit or withdrawal. Given Siggy's and Luis's clear and evident cocaine habit - is really likely they Made money they needed to deposit ?? :))
My suspicion is he either bought money for petrol so his car hopefully would not be full photographed at the Petrol Servo OR ... they suddenly realised they had to replace the car mat that had the hole shot through it - unless SG pushed the mat to one side before he tested the gun - I am sure that 's what that was all about. There was definitely no hole in the mat when the car was returned - only in the body of the car and the carpet underneath the mat. The hole was eventually found by police but the first forensic inspection of the car was clearly incompetent because it was not found at that time. The car had been sold possibly a couple of times before it was relocated to check on the 0.38 calibre hole.
It sounds like this juror thinks that JUNE Umchida was paid off by the Adelsons as her statement before the trial and her behavour on the stand were inconsistent. OR she was threatened by the Adelsons. The Florida police should be investigating that, in particular if her withdrawals suddenly reduced (because she had a stack of cash to pay bills with ) or if she made some large deposits into her bank account in the period of interest .

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