GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 *arrests* #12

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Also thinking that of the three children WA became a lawyer, CA a dentist like dear old dad… but the other brother, the estranged brother, he became a MD. And he is in a very competitive, elite medical specialty. Which, to the status obsessed, would probably be THE accomplishment.
Yes, RA’s independence helped him flourish. And, RA got out of town and on his own. Very telling. WA couldn’t stand to be away from mommie. She just had to get back, with her boys, back to the compound in South FL.
Lots of insightful observations about the family dynamic here and the marriage. Lawyers are very hierarchal and I can totally see Dan making Wendi feel inferior. That’s what it seems like and it makes sense but I also am uncomfortable saying it because with narcissistic types like Wendi who are great at controlling the narrative you never really know. She most certainly was unreasonable and didn’t want to be an equal partner. She also knew how he was before she married him. I can imagine that his reasonable view of their roles within the family was just unacceptable to Princess Wendi. She doesn’t seem that bright or ambitious to me honestly. People who have been coddled like her tend to be entitled.

She was probably mirroring him a lot at the beginning. I bet he had no idea who she really was. Then 2 kids later reality set in and she wanted out.

I suspect it's right that WA would only have been happy with a servant-spouse along the lines Lacasse seemed to be at the beginning (per his police interview testimony) when she talked about being enchanted by WA's "sensuality" and said he'd have done anything for her. And that might explain why she reacted so negatively to Dan: Not only did he not worship her as she wanted but just the opposite, thought she was beneath him. A narcissist might not accept a spouse wanting to be equals, but they'd likely be enraged by one thinking *they* were the lower-tier one.
I I just can’t figure out whether Wendi knew about the plot in advance. She has a lot of plausible deniability. I don’t see why they would have involved her, it would make it too hard for her to seem surprised when it happened. Plus, from what I read she was the golden child. Yes, as everyone notes, Wendi had a reason to want him out of the picture. But Donna did, too, independently. Maybe even more so. I think Donna did this with Charlie out of desperation and thinking she knew what was best for Wendi and the boys. I think Wendi did not know the hit was going to happen, when, where, or how. There is no evidence linking her to any money transfer, no phone conversations, nothing to tie her to anything in this case, so far. I think when she sits on the stand and says “I don’t know who killed him,” she can do so with a straight face, because “technically“ she doesn’t. She wasnt there. She didn’t plan it. She doesn’t know how it went down. Even if she could “stop the madness” and go to the cops, what could she tell them? If Charlie and/or Donna didn’t tell her anything, all she could say is “I think my brother did it.”. Charlie has already thought of this, it’s one of his scenarios in the Dolce Vida. And he’s right. Let’s say she does say “my brother did it,” they’re going to ask her what proof she has, and what can she say? Nothing. She may suspect, (she does in the police interview), but she “technically” knows no facts. That said, I could be wrong. She could be a very good liar. it’s extremely suspicious that she drove by the house, and that she told the cops about that, almost immediately when she was called in. It’s suspicious that the killers knew Dan was going out of town. (One explanation is that Donna asked her about this without telling her why she wanted to know. Or, she just told Donna, because she’s very close to her, and she was probably upset that he was going to visit Amy and so she mentioned it. I think theres nothing about that marriage, and their schedules, that Donna didn’t know.) I think that Wendi was deliberately kept in the dark, and I think this worked, at least until the arrests were made In 2016. (You can hear Donna on the wiretaps talking about how she doesn’t want Wendi to ask about why she suddenly has to go take the boys to see Charlie in the middle of the day). Once the arrests were made, especially when she saw that they had arrested Katie, I think she refused to learn anything about what happened. I do think that she isn’t stupid. She has to have put it together by now. She should have cut off all contact or cooperated at that point. But there isn’t enough to convict her unless there‘s evidence we don’t know about. I do fault her for not coming forward if she did learn after the fact.
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Revisiting WA’s long police interview video which is online, it’s striking that virtually the first thing she tells Craig Isom is that she saw the police tape and a police car on Trescott. When Isom tries to figure out why she would take that route past the Trescott house she says she does it as a way to come to terms with her divorce.
She then segues into being in the liquor store and a guy working at the liquor store complimented her on her eyes being really blue and Isom says “You have contacts?” Love that, he’s the best.

She really puts emphasis on not leaving her residence until noon that day. When she testified last week on direct it came up again that the TV repair appointment window (set up by DA though WA doesn’t want to acknowledge that) was 8am to noon. IMO that was her preset alibi and she made sure to send emails and call friends and run errands and have lunch plans after the repairman left to further bolster her alibi.

Also she tells Isom her and Dan were exchanging messages the morning of the murder and Dan had left her a message he would call her after he was done at Premier gym at 1030 (to discuss their latest dispute about where to enroll their eldest in kindergarten— which is the subject Dan was talking to someone on the phone about when he was shot). They were in communication that morning, she knew where he was and that the kids were dropped off at preschool.

Anyway the whole 5 hour video on you tube is pretty fascinating especially as the case moves on to the Adelsons as the architects of the plot.
I was a few houses away from the Markel home on the day he was murdered. Wendy claims there was an electrical storm in her latest testimony. This woman is the exact definition of a narcissistic sociopath. I made the same drive that day, down Trescott Drive, was stopped by the same crime scene tape, and Officer Brannon signaled for me to turn around. It was terribly difficult to turn around without questioning what had occurred so close to my family home. WA should be used as an example, for law enforcement, to teach officers about what a GUILTY suspect is capable of. WA is the only one that knew Dan's itinerary, she is 100% involved!
.... I just can’t figure out whether Wendi knew about the plot in advance. ...
I would ask you whether you believe Jeffrey Lacasse (Wendi's ex-boyfriend) when he testified that a couple weeks before the murder Wendi confided in him that Charlie had investigated hiring a hitman to kill Markel and found it would cost either $15k or $50k. If you believe his testimony it suggests Wendi gave him the green light and her behavior suggests she was aware the crime was going to go down when it did. I agree that there may simply be insufficient evidence to convict her, but I'm reminded that when they asked Garcia's lawyer what he felt the "biggest lie" was that Wendi told on the stand, he said unquestionably it was her statement that she knew nothing of the plot.
1. I don't believe CA and DA would kill the father of WA's children without asking WA first.
2. WA appears to have provided DM's schedule and other info to the killers directly or indirectly.
3. If you believe Lacasse, WA knew about a plot and quite possibly tried to set him up as the patsy.
4. I think CA and DA will be tried together. I think DA will be picked up this coming week. Probably at a time like 3am they will bang down the door and take her just like CA. WA might be involved but I don't know if they can prove it. DA spoke in code and hand wrote and signed sequential murder checks to KM. It wasn't CA's office. It was DA's and HA's office. DA ran the place.
“Remember what Donna said to June out on the balcony that day? She feels like Dan is haunting her from the grave. The weight of this thing is heavy on these people! The weight of this crime is inescapable and it is squarely on this defendant’s shoulders!” – Georgia Cappleman
GC gave us a preview of CA's possible defense -

"I was just joking about killing DM and KM went ahead and hired someone to do it to ingratiate herself to me! I paid her and played along because of what I thought were gang threats to my life and my family's life."

what does KM do if/when she hears CA throw her under the bus?

DA's possible defense -

"I knew nothing. I just went along and did whatever CA told me to do."

HENCE - I think it is IMPERATIVE that the State try CA and DA together so DA can't attempt this defense. And I'm sure their defense teams will fight like hell to avoid a joint trial of CA and DA.
If it went down as it seems, the family would almost certainly try to insulate WA because LE would obviously zero in on her as a person with an obvious motive. I think it's possible that WA freaked out because she had told several people about her brother hiring a hitman and disclosed it in the police interview to try to get out in front of it, as opposed to the cops finding out later from someone else what she had said. Speculating of course. JMO.
If it went down as it seems the family would almost certainly try to insulate WA because LE would obviously zero in on her as a person with an obvious motive. I think it's possible that WA freaked out because she had told several people about her brother hiring a hitman and disclosed it in the police interview to try to get out in front of it, as opposed to the cops finding out later from someone else what she had said. Speculating of course. JMO.

IMO - i disagree. i would agree if CA acted alone and tried to insulate everyone. but he got his own mother involved! CA never thought he would get caught - he thought he was too smart and untouchable. getting caught never struck his mind - he thought he planned the perfect crime - so much so he had is near 70 year old mom involved. why not his sister too? again - i don't think they kill the mother of his children without telling her - and also getting info from her like schedule etc. and i believe Lacasse.
I suspect it's right that WA would only have been happy with a servant-spouse along the lines Lacasse seemed to be at the beginning (per his police interview testimony) when she talked about being enchanted by WA's "sensuality" and said he'd have done anything for her. And that might explain why she reacted so negatively to Dan: Not only did he not worship her as she wanted but just the opposite, thought she was beneath him. A narcissist might not accept a spouse wanting to be equals, but they'd likely be enraged by one thinking *they* were the lower-tier one.
This makes sense. I think Markel and Lacasse are too emotionally intelligent to be slaves to this personality type. They’re too cerebral to be manipulated for too long.
IMO - i disagree. i would agree if CA acted alone and tried to insulate everyone. but he got his own mother involved! CA never thought he would get caught - he thought he was too smart and untouchable. getting caught never struck his mind - he thought he planned the perfect crime - so much so he had is near 70 year old mom involved. why not his sister too? again - i don't think they kill the mother of his children without telling her - and also getting info from her like schedule etc. and i believe Lacasse.
It may be a poor attempt at insulation.... but an attempt nevertheless. He did (allegedly) use a middleman to hire the killers. A middleman is an attempt at legal insulation. JMO.

He didn’t get the mom involved. It was the mom’s idea. He didn’t come up with this on his own. Who hated Danny? Donna. Who got what she wanted? Donna. She has Wendi and the boys living in South Florida. Maybe Charlie told Donna he could get something like this done. But she ran with it. I do think it’s interesting that Wendi says in the police interview that she doesn’t think she will be going back to work. And then immediately moves, permanently, to Miami two days later. Suggests she knew something, and she also lawyered up right away. But Donna definitely had motive, means, and opportunity, all on her own or with Charlie. I don’t think he wanted Dan gone so bad, I think he wanted to help his mom and / or sister. He may be always trying to show off and please the mom. Remember on one of the tapes where she tells Charlie Harvey is mad and doesn’t want to see him that night? “Maybe some other time, but thanks for the offer.” Cold. There are a lot of personalities and dynamics in those calls.

i don't think it was DA's idea. i think the Maestro (Wannabe Scarface) cooked this one up and DA and possibly WA went along with it. if you listen to the calls and the surveillance, the Maestro was clearly directing and calling all of the shots.
If it went down as it seems, the family would almost certainly try to insulate WA because LE would obviously zero in on her as a person with an obvious motive. I think it's possible that WA freaked out because she had told several people about her brother hiring a hitman and disclosed it in the police interview to try to get out in front of it, as opposed to the cops finding out later from someone else what she had said. Speculating of course. JMO.
Agree that getting out in front of her hitman statements would be a reason to bring it up in the police interview. In law school when learning about eliciting testimony one of the concepts taught is to be the one to get potentially harmful info out there, so you can then defuse it and try and control the narrative.

Per JL, a few days before the murder she had just told him that CA had looked into hiring a hitman the previous summer (dead serious, no joke). She had to know JL would tell police. Also didn’t she say she told the Geek Squad repair guy that morning the TV was a divorce present her brother joked he got her instead of a hitman? Could be more defusing there, as insane as it seems. In this case I think many say, ‘she must not have known, because then she would never have relayed CA’s hitman “jokes” to police she is too smart’. I think David Lat is one commentator on the case that took that view.

If I was her and didn’t know this was going down, I would be extremely angry at my relatives. They put two armed criminals in proximity to her little kids— trawling around their preschool parking lot and around their home—one of the hitman so unstable and or high on drugs and alcohol that he accidentally discharged the gun in the Prius before the murder.
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Agree that getting out in front if the hitman statements would be a reason to bring it up in the police interview. In law school when learning about eliciting testimony one of the concepts taught is to be the one to get potentially harmful info out there, so you can then defuse it and try and control the narrative. In this case I think many say, she must not have known because then she would never have relayed CA’s hitman “jokes” to police. I think David Lat is one commentator on the case that took that view.

If I was her and didn’t know this was going down, I would be extremely angry at my relatives. They put two armed criminals in proximity to her little kids— trawling around their preschool parking lot and around their home—one of the hitman so unstable and or high on drugs and alcohol that he accidentally discharged the gun in the Prius before the murder.
This case is such a fascinating study in psychology and family dynamics.
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On a podcast in 2015, WA reported that her husband was shot in the back of the head by a hitman.
While sitting in his car.
With the rear window intact.
A year before a hitman was arrested.

Episode 6
On a podcast in 2015, WA reported that her husband was shot in the back of the head by a hitman.
While sitting in his car.
With the rear window intact.
A year before a hitman was arrested.

Episode 6
He was shot in the face, I believe, am I mistaken?
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