Identified! FL - Davie, WhtFem 21-35, 554UFFL, in canal, blonde, gapped teeth, Feb'84 - Lori Jane Kearsey

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Glad she has been identified!
Honestly, her backstory is not what I expected in any way. Just goes to show that we can speculate all day long about these cases but until identification is made there is no way of knowing someone's true story. Really hope that the person or people responsible for taking her life are brought to justice.
“I was so overwhelmed because I resigned myself to the fact that I thought I’d probably never know what happened to her,” Smith told the station.

Smith was 5 years old when her mother, then 23, left her behind as she took off for Florida with her new husband — the last time she ever saw her mom.

“She had dropped me off on the weekend and just didn’t go back,” Smith said. “I think, ‘What was she doing down here,’ like she didn’t feel like, call anybody, and I just can’t even imagine what that feeling was like for her and it’s heartbreaking.”

Smith traveled to Florida to view her mother's remains this week

“And I think the feeling of even picking up her remains, thinking I probably haven’t touched any part of her in 41 years, is just a little surreal feeling,” Smith said.

In an interview with Fox News Smith said her mother had married "into a pretty infamous Boston crime family."

"I always knew that she was [married to] someone in a crime family and it was in the early '80s," Smith said. "They were married for just eight months before she was murdered. It's so painfully obvious but it's so hard to prove cases."

"They're hoping they'll get a little bit more leads now that the public knows. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose the name of her husband — I really wish I could," Smith told Fox News, adding "He's still alive."

She said that even before she gave investigators a DNA sample her family "knew" Kearsey was the missing woman "based on pictures and sketches [police] had, even without the DNA."

“Investigators used several resources to assist with forensic digital imaging, DNA extraction and identification of a potential family tree,” Davie Police Sgt. Kevin Urbaez told WSVN. “Using all those resources, investigators were able to locate the victim’s daughter.”

"This man probably has children and grandchildren who adore him," Smith told Fox News

. "Him going to jail doesn't do anything to my life. But he probably won't sleep very well for the rest of his life. Whoever did this can always be wondering — there are so many new answers in testing evidence, they'll be scared that the one thing they thought would never come up came up. That's good enough for me." ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

I’m her daughter. I’ve been looking at this page everyday since we found out. I’m so happy that she’s officially identified and I pray for all the unknown souls & their families ❤️
My sincere condolences to you @megsmith78 May justice come swift.

I really like this picture of your mother. She was beautiful.


As an aside: I find Carl's recon so incredibly accurate.

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