GUILTY FL - Doug Benefield, 58, shot and killed by estranged wife, Manatee County, 27 Sept 2020 #2

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I think Ashley and her mother, both are master manipulators and if something doesn’t go their way, they blame anyone they can. She blamed the other judge and wanted them to dismissed on the custody, and everybody’s against her in her mind. I’ve been watching the post online on her site. And Ava also posted in the last few days that a letter went to the court or the judge from somebody, that said Ashley put out or tried to put out a hit on her father and how there was a lot of things being set up so fingers were pointed him and abuse. Also about the money she was going to get from the army and a life insurance policy when he was killed. I guess take it all with a grain of salt who knows. But in my opinion if she gets a retrial, I hope they go after murder. I think she absolutely planned this out and she’s getting off light as it is. She takes no responsibility for any of this.
I don't think cell phones were banned from the courtroom or deliberating room. I can't remember which trial it was but I remember the judge telling the jury they could check their emails or messages during a break but they are all instructed NOT to do any outside research or discuss the case with anyone until the deliberations begin. I don't know if in this particular case the judge banned cellphones completely.

I have a feeling that in most cases people are allowed to keep their cell phones with them as long as they are turned off while they are in the courtroom. There is a reason that judges warn the jurors not to look up any info about the case or discuss the case with anyone before deliberations begin practically every single time they are dismissed from the courtroom. The judges usually ask the jurors again practically every single time they enter the courtroom if they discussed or looked up any info on the case?

So based on this I can see how it might not be a big deal if people hop on their phones during deliberations to check their messages or emails. It wouldn't be something completely out of the ordinary. Most would just assume that the person using the phone isn't discussing the case after being instructed not to do so, so many times by the judge. Furthermore IF in this case the juror texted her brother was it after the jury had made up their minds? Was it over by that point therefore the woman felt she wasn't breaking any rules?

I have no idea. Was it stupid? Of course! Was it illegal? Again, I have no idea. We're going to have to wait to see what comes out of these filings. I am a little surprised that this story hasn't been reported on by most of the media. It seems like this is a pretty big deal if just one of these accusations are true. Maybe there needs to be a new rule about banning cell phones from jurors during a trial or deliberations. I think it may be hard to pass something like that, but unfortunately there will always be people who are willing to do ANYTHING to get likes or bask in the glow of being the 1st to break The Big Story.
Based on the recent cases of alleged jury misconduct, I’m not going to get exercised about this just yet. The defense atty in this case seemed shady to me and I’m guessing he’s significantly exaggerating and this is a nothingburger. These were 5 women, 1 male jurors I believe. The judge and prosecutors also observe the jurors very closely during the trial. Defense teams are getting more desperate these days. It feels like in half of these high profile cases there’re are all kinds of baseless allegations made about jurors.

There seems to be a mentality that defendants have the right to evade justice and accountability and therefore it is OK for these defense lawyers to degrade the system and do whatever it takes to get them out! I’m getting sick of these shady tactics. JMO
Breaking News kids.(smile)

Peter@ The "Lawyer You know" is now an approved source at WS.
Peter did this video today on the juror issues/problems in both trials.

'LIVE! Major News On Ashley Benefield And Murdaugh - Will Juror Misconduct Overturn..."​

I think Ashley and her mother, both are master manipulators and if something doesn’t go their way, they blame anyone they can. She blamed the other judge and wanted them to dismissed on the custody, and everybody’s against her in her mind. I’ve been watching the post online on her site. And Ava also posted in the last few days that a letter went to the court or the judge from somebody, that said Ashley put out or tried to put out a hit on her father and how there was a lot of things being set up so fingers were pointed him and abuse. Also about the money she was going to get from the army and a life insurance policy when he was killed. I guess take it all with a grain of salt who knows. But in my opinion if she gets a retrial, I hope they go after murder. I think she absolutely planned this out and she’s getting off light as it is. She takes no responsibility for any of this.

A gal on her Youtube crime show (unapproved source here) read the email sent to the judge and also showed the footage of Eva reading part of it etc.
The guy signed his name and there's the email address for what it's worth?
There's quite a bit of incriminating evidence against AB if the email is legit and the sender has the goods.
There's a few sketchy things though the guy claims that make no sense in his opening to Judge Whyte on why he didn't reach out to him sooner.

A gal on her Youtube crime show (unapproved source here) read the email sent to the judge and also showed the footage of Eva reading part of it etc.
The guy signed his name and there's the email address for what it's worth?
There's quite a bit of incriminating evidence against AB if the email is legit and the sender has the goods.
There's a few sketchy things though the guy claims that make no sense in his opening to Judge Whyte on why he didn't reach out to him sooner.
the email is also uploaded to the manatee court page and is public. Along with ALL the motions for a retrial and the dismissal of the judge. While i get its the defense attorney's job to WORK for your client, this is an 'ick' one for me too, just like Jose Baez and Nurmi.
I believe she is evil beyond words- I recall seeing a program about this case a few years ago and thought the same thing: she is a horrible piece of work-- all those awful allegations against Doug that were not true!! just nasty- I feel so bad for his daughter Eva. She is dangerous and will remain so-
I believe she is evil beyond words- I recall seeing a program about this case a few years ago and thought the same thing: she is a horrible piece of work-- all those awful allegations against Doug that were not true!! just nasty- I feel so bad for his daughter Eva. She is dangerous and will remain so-

She is not normal as demonstrated by the poisoning and child abuse accusations against Doug. Wouldn't be surprised if Munchausen by proxy was in play with Ashley. Clearly, she was willing to do anything to keep Emerson to herself, including the supposed move to Maryland which even her own divorce attorney indicated Ashley had an escape plan to keep Doug away.

Does anyone remember if she had researched Doug prior to meeting him at the Ben Carson function ?
Does anyone remember if she had researched Doug prior to meeting him at the Ben Carson function ?
I belive the family spokesperson (Doug’s cousin) said that she did in the post verdict interview on CourtTV. I’m sure you can find it on YouTube if you want to confirm. It was a short interview with Vinnie.
After watching the 48 hours last night (both of them) i'm convinced more than ever this was a plan, and Mom knew. There is no reason to take Emerson out at that point when they were 'moving' together. I hope they are watching her closely....and DCF is involved. Emerson needs out of that house. The way they paraded her in front of the courthouse is crazy. And AB doing the no makeup scared 'act' for the trial, SO different than her even a few days earlier. She was totally in charge of that lawyer and it came out when she thought no one was watching. I didn't research yet but the only 'performance' i saw of her professionally on the show was at the MD childrens ballet. Sarasota has a ballet company, yet she was working as a model and for trump 'getting people excited'???? Very strange IMO.
I belive the family spokesperson (Doug’s cousin) said that she did in the post verdict interview on CourtTV. I’m sure you can find it on YouTube if you want to confirm. It was a short interview with Vinnie.

I did find the post-verdict interview Julie-Court TV did with Tommie Benefield where he stated he found information on Doug's laptop indicating Ashley was checking him out prior to the political dinner in South Florida. Would love to know what that info was.
After watching the 48 hours last night (both of them) i'm convinced more than ever this was a plan, and Mom knew. There is no reason to take Emerson out at that point when they were 'moving' together. I hope they are watching her closely....and DCF is involved. Emerson needs out of that house. The way they paraded her in front of the courthouse is crazy. And AB doing the no makeup scared 'act' for the trial, SO different than her even a few days earlier. She was totally in charge of that lawyer and it came out when she thought no one was watching. I didn't research yet but the only 'performance' i saw of her professionally on the show was at the MD childrens ballet. Sarasota has a ballet company, yet she was working as a model and for trump 'getting people excited'???? Very strange IMO.
Yes Kakidoll^^^….. exactly! I also watched the latest 48 Hours episode last night.

And I thought the exact same thing on the mother having removed the infant from the house. That IMO is too calculated and premeditated it seems. Too ‘clean’. The child removed from the scene in advance of the slaying. IIUC one reason he had come up was to see the child and help with the move? Makes me wonder exactly what AB had indicated to DB then about where the child was at that moment? Perhaps that led to a confrontation - and the final fatal moments - enabled or planned by AB?

And on balance, IMO AB comes out even less likeable in this 48 Hours episode if that was possible. And subjecting the infant to the hyperbaric treatment? And all the allegations of poisoning, etc. way over the top. And to see her overly theatrical performance for the jury during her testimony under cross, demonstrates how poorly the act was IMO. The jury was unconvinced too.

And is it just me or what…… but that last lunch with IIUC AB, her mother, DB, and the infant. The mother’s IMO over the top laugh. It seemed IMO slighty delayed on her part, forced, and extremely boisterous. I wish the timing and exact date of that lunch in the overall lead up to DB murder was more clear. From all the evidence given and testimony it seems AB is now exactly where she finds herself due to her actions. MOO

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