FL - Doug Benefield, 58, shot and killed by estranged wife, Manatee County, 27 Sept 2020

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Also, once she shot him she ran over to the neighbors house instead of calling 911. Think about that! That ensured that he wasn’t rescued in time to survive his injuries. At first I thought it was an apartment building and she just ran next door. No. She ran a whole house over. Knocked on the door. The neighbor initially ignored it because she didn’t repeat right away. Then knocked again a few minutes later. Think of all the time she wasted while Doug bleeds out alone!

Did Doug not have a phone nearby? Think of what’s going through his mind in those moments. No matter what you think of the victim’s flaws, no one deserves to be shot and left to die alone. Ugh.

IANAL but I had a feeling they might. I think they messed up their cross examination of the defendant.
"think" ?
You're too kind.

The worst case a state put on that I've ever seen.
I'm familiar with just a few high=profile pretty recent cases, these 2 especially.

George Floyd
Ahmaud Arbery
Prosecution' wants lesser degree(s?)
Manslaughter being discussed with the judge.

They should have done it from the start.

2nd degree murder charge
shows overconfidence of Prosecution.

Too bad.

Just My Opinion!!
If you like his delivery and legalese don't forget to check out Peter's Youtube

"The Lawyer You know"
imo he has the best videos out there on this case.
Why the hell is this being discussed?
DB wasn't an intruder.

'The castle doctrine is a legal principle that gives people the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to protect themselves against an intruder in their home. It's also known as castle law or defense of habitation law. The doctrine is an exception to the duty to retreat before using deadly self-defense if someone is in their own home'
"think" ?
You're too kind.

The worst case a state put on that I've ever seen.
I'm familiar with just a few high=profile pretty recent cases, these 2 especially.

George Floyd
Ahmaud Arbery
No I would say the recent prosecution case in MA vs Karen Read was way worse! I'd also include WI vs Kyle Rittenhouse but I think that is in a whole different category of its' own as those two prosecutors were utter crooks IMO.

I actually thought at the start of this trial that the state showed quite a lot of restraint by only charging 2nd Deg and not 1st, but I'm glad they did. I'm so fed up of prosecutors these days overcharging defendants these days. But now I think they've got a much better chance of getting her on manslaughter.
As to how long Doug lived, his cousin Tommie was on CTV last week and he stated Doug lived an hour and 20 minutes after he had been shot. He said nothing else about what Doug may have said to paramedics though. If only he had said something about Ashley shooting him out of spite.
Even if DB had been able say that, the way things have been suppressed, that would have been considered hearsay.JMOO
Being deceased, Doug never got the chance to testify to what went on in his own words. Add to that, much of AB's bad acts have been suppressed and she has been able to lie about events and circumstances and embellish her poor little me defense. The scales of justice have been unbalanced throughout this whole trial. Sorry for Doug and Eva if that prevents them from receiving justice for his murder. JMOO
Also, once she shot him she ran over to the neighbors house instead of calling 911. Think about that! That ensured that he wasn’t rescued in time to survive his injuries. At first I thought it was an apartment building and she just ran next door. No. She ran a whole house over. Knocked on the door. The neighbor initially ignored it because she didn’t repeat right away. Then knocked again a few minutes later. Think of all the time she wasted while Doug bleeds out alone!

Did Doug not have a phone nearby? Think of what’s going through his mind in those moments. No matter what you think of the victim’s flaws, no one deserves to be shot and left to die alone. Ugh.

Gezz..I didn't know it took that long for the 911 call to be made.
The reality is we don't even know if AB stayed in her house before running to the neighbors.

So the judge didn't allow the state to ask questions pertaining to AB's actions and non actions?
I just don't get and wish I knew what Lawyer's legal minds have been saying about the judge.
Gezz..I didn't know it took that long for the 911 call to be made.
The reality is we don't even know if AB stayed in her house before running to the neighbors.

So the judge didn't allow the state to ask questions pertaining to AB's actions and non actions?
I just don't get and wish I knew what Lawyer's legal minds have been saying about the judge.
The witness that was walking her dog said she heard the shots and then right after she saw AB leave her house and head next door.
Interesting Taylor wants no lesser included. I think that is smart and this could easily be a split jury and a compromise would be the answer rather than hung.
As of right now a hung jury looks real good.

A re-trial with different prosecutors who need to look at what other lawyers have said throughtout the trial on how the state prosecuted this case.

A terrible prosecution and I would be shocked beyond belief if she's found guilty.
I now highly doubt the state's closing will be any different .
Also, once she shot him she ran over to the neighbors house instead of calling 911. Think about that! That ensured that he wasn’t rescued in time to survive his injuries. At first I thought it was an apartment building and she just ran next door. No. She ran a whole house over. Knocked on the door. The neighbor initially ignored it because she didn’t repeat right away. Then knocked again a few minutes later. Think of all the time she wasted while Doug bleeds out alone!

Did Doug not have a phone nearby? Think of what’s going through his mind in those moments. No matter what you think of the victim’s flaws, no one deserves to be shot and left to die alone. Ugh.

I think the reasonable thing is to pick up a phone. I do not think this was planned so my take on that is she was almost in shock....hysterical was the term that was used. She seemed to know this kind man so I get why in her panic she ran over there.
Just seems to me all the things she was accusing Doug of in the past year or two before she shot him were not proved.

He poisoned her and the baby. No poisons found in her system. Not proved.

He stalked her and placed a tracker on her car. No tracker found on her car after it was searched. Not proved.

He was looking in her window and a neighbor saw him and identified him by his voice on Ashley's phone recording. Not proved.

Complaints of sexual abuse and child abuse to their daughter. No evidence found. Not proved.

How anyone can believe anything she says about Doug is beyond me.

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