FL - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 40 counts, classified documents and obstruction of justice, June 2023, Trial May 2024 #2

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Document Updates:
# Date Description
595 06/02/2024 NOTICE of Compliance by Filing of Redacted [138] Motion for Leave to Disclose by Waltine Nauta re [558] Order, [589] Order (filed: 06/02/2024)
1. Exhibit A

- 06/03/2024 Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings in case as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira [592] MOTION to Modify Conditions of Release. (per Order DE 594) Responses due by 6/14/2024. Replies due by 6/21/2024. (filed: 06/03/2024)

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652re
Document Updates:
# Date Description
598 06/03/2024 Unopposed MOTION for Leave to Participate in Oral Argument as Amici Curiae in Support of President Trump's Motion to Dismiss [ECF No. 326] by Former Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and by Citizens United Foundation, Citizens United, Gary Lawson, Steven Calabresi, Edwin Meese, III as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira. Responses due by 6/17/2024. (filed: 06/03/2024)
1. Text of Proposed Order

- 06/02/2024 Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings in case as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira 592 MOTION to Modify Conditions of Release. (per Order DE 594) Responses due by 6/14/2024. Replies due by 6/21/2024. (filed: 06/03/2024)

599 06/03/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER: The Court is in receipt of Defendant Nauta's Notice of Filing [595], which attaches the overdue redacted filing [138] but fails to fully comply with the Court's Order to Show Cause [589]. Defendant Nauta is reminded that, on or before June 3, 2024, he must "show cause, in writing, why he failed to comply with the Court's instructions by the original deadline of May 28, 2024." Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/3/2024. (jf01) (filed: 06/03/2024)

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652re
Document Updates:
# Date Description
600 06/03/2024 Supplemental RESPONSE to Standing Discovery Order by USA as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira (filed: 06/03/2024)

601 06/03/2024 MOTION for Leave to Participate in Oral Argument as Amici Curiae in Opposition to Defendant Donald J. Trump's Motion to Dismiss The Indictment by Constitutional Lawyers, Former Government Officials, and State Democracy Defenders Action as to Donald J. Trump. Responses due by 6/17/2024. (filed: 06/03/2024)
1. Exhibit List of Amici Curiae
2. Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652re
Hope this is the right thread, why on earth is it taking the the Supreme Court sooo long to decide the immunity question? Besides the obvious? IMO
For the past 30 to 40 years, SCOTUS has been very reluctant to make big decisions that settle long standing problems that are split on mostly party lines, like qualified immunity or Chevron. A lot of state supreme courts are the same way. For example, MI Supreme court did that with a lot of the Governors Covid executive orders and by the time they finally made a decision, most of those orders had been rescinded or expired.
So, SCOTUS will wait as long as they can, in hopes that the court cases are resolved in a way that lets them off the hook on making a decision on Presidential Immunity.
Looks like the review bombing coordinated judicial complaints against Judge Cannon have had an effect.
Thousands of copy/paste complaints have been tossed and any new complaints that are copies of previous complaints will be ignored.
And more updates...

Document Updates:
# Date Description
602 06/03/2024 NOTICE of Compliance by Waltine Nauta re [599] Order, [558] Order, [589] Order (filed: 06/03/2024)

603 06/04/224 PAPERLESS ORDER: In light of Defendant Nauta's Response to the Court's Order to Show Cause [602] and his earlier Notice of Compliance [595], the Court's Order to Show Cause [589] is DISCHARGED. Defendant Nauta is reminded to comply with all Court directives and deadlines. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/4/2024. (jf01) (filed: 06/04/2024)

604 06/04/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting Motions for Leave to Participate in Oral Argument as Amici Curiae [590] [598] [601]. The representatives designated in the respective filings (Josh Blackman, Gene C. Schaerr, and Matthew Seligman) will be permitted to appear on behalf of amici curiae and present oral argument at the June 21, 2024, hearing on Defendant Trump's Motion to Dismiss the Indictment Based on the Unlawful Appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith [326]. Approximately 30 minutes reserved for each. Seating to be reserved for representatives presenting argument. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/4/2024. (jf01) (filed: 06/04/2024)

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652re
They might as well just throw out this case, and let presidents take whatever classified documents they want when they leave office. Store them in their bathrooms in public venues where anyone can get to them.

This case is never going to get to trial.

Cannon is now going to allow people not involved in the case to express their opinions and argue who is right and who is wrong.

“The fact these motions are even being entertained with a hearing is itself ridiculous. That third parties are being allowed to opine at the hearing is absurd”
Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid

Evidently Garland was questioned by congress today and had some interesting revelations about Jack Smith. This is from CSPAN -

This is not new. Every time there's a special counsel, someone tries to make this argument but it never goes anywhere.

Until now maybe with Cannon and her novel judicial approach. Talk about rigged. This is an open and shut case that should have been tried by now.
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This is not new. Every time there's a special counsel, someone tries to make this argument but it never goes anywhere.

Until now maybe with Cannon and her novel judicial approach. Talk about rigged. This is an open and shut case that should have been tried by now.
I'm so glad our congress has nothing to do for us, thier supposed employers. IMO
Judge Aileen Cannon rips up court schedule in Mar-a-Lago case in ways that benefit Trump - CNN

Judge Aileen Cannon is again ripping up the court schedule in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case – pushing some of the legal questions that have been before her for months even further down the road.

Cannon is planning on holding a sprawling hearing on Trump’s request to declare Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel invalid, signaling she could be more willing than any other trial judge to veto the special prosecutor’s authority.
Similar challenges from Trump and other high-level targets of special counsel probes have flopped from coast to coast in recent years: Hunter Biden’s attorney didn’t get anywhere with judges in Los Angeles and Delaware; Paul Manafort’s arguments fell flat when the former Trump campaign chairman challenged special counsel Robert Mueller’s authority; and Andrew Miller, a former associate of Roger Stone, also lost his challenge to Mueller’s authority.

Even with other federal trial-level judges allowing special counsels’ criminal prosecutions, Cannon could rule differently.
While others have moved swiftly to trial – including special counsel David Weiss trying his case against Hunter Biden in Delaware this week, eight months after indictment – Cannon has moved slowly on pre-trial issues from Trump and his two co-defendants.
This is not new. Every time there's a special counsel, someone tries to make this argument but it never goes anywhere.

Until now maybe with Cannon and her novel judicial approach. Talk about rigged. This is an open and shut case that should have been tried by now.
This is why I get so plssed off when people say the judiciary system is being weaponized against Trump- it's total BS, in fact quite the opposite. Trump's being coddled in the courts like he has been all his life. Plus don't forget he had his bond lowered in the civil fraud case- would that have happened to an ordinary citizen?

Since Trump was first indicted a year ago, Cannon has dragged out the proceedings in ways that have flummoxed legal scholars and put a trial initially scheduled to begin last month on hold indefinitely.

Several attorneys who have practiced in front of Cannon – and who spoke to CNN for this story – pointed to her isolation as one explanation for her conduct. Cannon’s solitary post in the Fort Pierce courthouse, one that rarely sees high-profile action, deprives her of the informal, day-to-day interactions with more seasoned judges who sit at the other courthouses and could offer her advice, the lawyers told CNN.

They also said Cannon’s lack of trial experience, both as a lawyer and a judge, is apparent. In her seven years as a Justice Department attorney, Cannon participated on the trial teams of just four criminal cases.  And on the bench, she’s only presided over a handful of criminal trials – and Huck took over one of them.
Those tendencies include a penchant for letting irrelevant legal questions distract from core issues, a zero-tolerance approach to any technical defects in filings, and a struggle with docket management that allows the type of pretrial disputes that other judges would decide in weeks go unresolved for months.

“She is not efficient,” said one attorney who practices in south Florida. “She is very form over substance.”

Another attorney described her as “indecisive.”

A third attorney who’s had cases before Cannon said, “She just seems overwhelmed by the process.”
Defense attorneys CNN spoke to described Cannon as a judge who gives minimal deference to defendants and as a “notoriously” tough sentencer. To that end, the long leash she’s given the Trump team in the pretrial phase of the case has struck a chord with them.

“She’s certainly not sympathetic to most defendants, and she’s certainly playing a different game with the current defendant before her,” another lawyer told CNN, in reference to Trump.
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Document Updates:
# Date Description
606 06/06/2024 MOTION for Leave to Present Oral Arguments by Jessica Nan Berk and Hilda Tobias Kennedy as Amici in Support of Defendant Donald J. Trump's Motion to Dismiss (ECF 326) Pursuant to the Court Order. Responses due by 6/20/2024. (filed: 06/06/2024)
1. Exhibits
2. Proposed Order

607 06/07/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER denying [606] Motion for Leave to Present Oral Arguments. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/7/2024. (jf01) (filed: 06/07/2024)

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652re
Document Updates:
# Date Description
608 -6/10/2024 ORDER denying Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Indictment for Pleading Deficiencies and Granting in Part Motion to Strike [352]. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/10/2024. See attached document for full details. (jf01) (filed: 06/10/2024)

609 06/10/2024 STATUS REPORT by Donald J. Trump (filed: 06/10/2024)

610 06/10/2024 MOTION for Extension of Time of the Deadline for Rule 16 Expert Disclosures by Donald J. Trump as to Donald J. Trump, Waltine Nauta, Carlos De Oliveira. Responses due by 6/24/2024. (filed: 06/10/2024)

612 06/10/2024 MOTION to Dismiss [85] Indictment, based on Spoliation of Evidence in Violation of Due Process by Donald J. Trump. Responses due by 6/24/2024. (filed: 06/10/2024)
1. Exhibit 1
2. Exhibit 2
3. Exhibit 3
4. Exhibit 4
5. Exhibit 5
6. Exhibit 6
7. Exhibit 7
8. Exhibit 8
9. Exhibit 9
10. Exhibit 10
11. Exhibit 11
12. Exhibit 12
13. Exhibit 13
14. Exhibit 14
15. Exhibit 15
16. Exhibit 16

link: https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/USA-v-Sealed/flsd-9:2023-cr-80101-648652re

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