FL - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 40 counts to classified documents and obstruction of justice, June 2023, Trial May 2024

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JUL 10, 2023
In a new filing later Monday, Trump’s defense team and the special counsel’s office said July 18 would be an agreeable date for the first appearance before Cannon on classified information procedures. The hearing will not be on the schedule until the judge orders a date.

Nauta and Trump also face a deadline Monday for filing their response to the special counsel’s proposal that the trial begin in mid-December. Smith has already previewed that the defendants have some objections to that proposed date.

The hearing to discuss the Classified Information Procedures Act had previously been set for Friday. But an attorney for Trump’s valet Walt Nauta, who was charged alongside the former president, said he has another bench trial this week in Washington preventing him from appearing Friday in South Florida.

The attorneys said in their filing that they can appear at the pretrial conference to go over the 1980 law on July 18, adding they had also checked with U.S. attorneys on moving the date.


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Chris Christie said Trump might take a plea deal because he 'goes to bed every night thinking about the sound of that jail cell door'​

"I'm telling you, no matter what he says, no matter how he's bragging and going on and on about him not being afraid, he goes to bed every night thinking about the sound of that jail cell door closing behind him," Christie said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

The former governor of New Jersey said that in his view, the Department of Justice has a tendency to send defendants who turn down a plea deal and get convicted to jail.

"Part of what the Department of Justice has always done under all of the attorneys general that I've seen in my lifetime is if we offer you a plea — which I'm certain they will — and you turn it down and you take us to trial and you're convicted, that judge is sending you to jail," Christie said.
DOJ rejects push by Trump for a criminal trial after the election and calls his suggestion that the Presidential Records Act offers a defense to the charges “borderline frivolous.”

“Many criminal defendants have busy schedules.”

-4,500 “key” pages of unclassified documents (out of 800,000 pages turned over)
-340 classified documents -Select excerpts of security footage.

Special Counsel Jack Smith asks Judge Aileen Cannon to proceed w/ jury selection in Trump criminal case on Dec. 11

JUL 13, 2023

On Thursday, prosecutors on special counsel Jack Smith’s team responded by asking U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to not postpone the trial beyond the December date they recommended.

They rejected the idea that any of the legal arguments the defense intends to raise requires postponement of the trial, saying they’ve already produced grand jury transcripts and unclassified witness statements. They said that in the next week, they will produce witness statements for interviews conducted through June 23, or two weeks after the indictment was returned.


Defense lawyers had also argued that Trump’s busy campaign schedule for the 2024 Republican nomination needed to be taken into account in scheduling a trial. But prosecutors said that, too, was not a basis for an indefinite delay.

“Many indicted defendants have demanding jobs that require a considerable amount of their time and energy, or a significant amount of travel,” they wrote.


“To be sure,” they added, “the Government readily acknowledges that jury selection here may merit additional protocols (such as a questionnaire) and may be more time-consuming than in other cases, but those are reasons to start the process sooner rather than later.”
DOJ rejects push by Trump for a criminal trial after the election and calls his suggestion that the Presidential Records Act offers a defense to the charges “borderline frivolous.”

“Many criminal defendants have busy schedules.”

-4,500 “key” pages of unclassified documents (out of 800,000 pages turned over)
-340 classified documents -Select excerpts of security footage.

Special Counsel Jack Smith asks Judge Aileen Cannon to proceed w/ jury selection in Trump criminal case on Dec. 11

Wow! They sure make Trump's attorneys look like idiots!

Wow! They sure make Trump's attorneys look like idiots!


So the big question is? What will Judge Cannon do? will she show preference for Trump as she has in the past because if she agrees to that delay you can be sure the DOJ will ask her to reconsider or recuse herself and possibly wind up appealing to the 11th circuit. There is no good reason for a delay: this is how Trumpf has operated his entire lifetime in his interactions with the court (which in his case are numerous). This request for a delay will tell us all we need to know about Judge Cannon. I would like to think she learned her lesson but I won't count on it
I will shorten this up a bit...

Tuesday, June 27th:
*Arraignment Hearing (Nauta) (@ 9:45am ET) - FL – *Donald John Trump (76/now 77) indicted (6/8/23), charged & arraigned (6/13/23) with 31 counts of willful retention of classified documents, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, 1 count of withholding a document or record, 1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record, 1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation, 1 count of scheme to conceal & 2 counts of making false statements & representations. Plead not guilty.
Count 1-31: Willful retention of National Defense info, Count 32: Conspiracy to obstruct justice, Count 33: Withholding a document or record, Count 34: Corruptly concealing a document or record, Count 35: Concealing a document in a Federal investigation, Count 36: Scheme to conceal & Count 37: False statements & representations. Southern District of Florida (Miami) Federal Court
Trial set to begin on 8/14/23. Trump only.

Co-Conspirator *Waltine Nauta indicted (6/8/23) & charged (6/13/23) on 6 charges stemming from special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents probe, including conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheming to conceal & making false statements to federal agents.
Count 32: Conspiracy to obstruct justice, Count 33: Withholding a document or record, Count 34: Corruptly concealing a document or record, Count 35: Concealing a document in a Federal investigation, Count 36: Scheme to conceal & Count 38: False statements & representations. Trump: Plead not guilty & released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond (Personal Surety Bond) & no travel restrictions. Nauta: No plea entered & released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond (Person Surety Bond).
Indictment: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0.pdf
U.S. District Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon. In addition to Cannon, Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart's name also appeared on the summons sent to Trump on Thursday, 6/8/23.
Trump’s lawyers are Todd Blanche & the former Florida solicitor general Chris Kise & maybe Lindsey Halligan.
Waltine Nauta will be represented by Stanley Woodward.

Case & court info from 4/2/23 thru 6/9/23 reference post #371 here:

6/12/23 Update: Press Coalition Motion regarding the arraignment of former president Donald Trump. Motion just filed: Press Coalition asks the Court both to permit limited, prehearing photographs & video recordings & to deploy its integrated audio equipment to record & release same-day official audio recordings of the proceedings in this case, beginning with the arraignment currently scheduled for June 13, 2023.
6/12/23 Update: Chief U.S. District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga for the Southern District of Florida issued order prohibiting "journalists" from being phones or any electronic device into courthouse for Trump arraignment on 6/13/23 & Nauta’s arraignment on 6/13/23.
6/13/23 Update: Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman — not U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was randomly assigned Trump’s case — handled Trump’s arraignment & bond matters. Charges were read. Trump plead not guilty. Trump was released on his own recognizance with no monetary bond & no travel restrictions. There were conditions that he not have any communications about the case with any witnesses. Prosecutor David Harbach told the Judge that his team would prepare a list of witnesses with whom Trump cannot communicate about the case before trial. Judge said Trump could have no contact with any witnesses in the case-including Nauta. Nauta didn’t enter a plea & his arraignment was postponed until 6/27/23 because he did not have local counsel as his lawyer was not currently authorized to practice in the Southern District of Florida. He was granted the same bond as Trump & released on his own recognizance on a "personal surety bond". Nor did they have to surrender their passports or pay a monetary bond. The U.S. Marshals Service confirmed that both Trump & Nauta had been booked. There was no mugshot taken of Trump & a public photo was used for the procedure, a U.S. Marshals official said.
Following Trump's plea, attorneys will have an opportunity to review the indictment charges & make motions regarding the case, including seeking to have the charges dismissed or evidence suppressed. It is unknown when the trial date will be, but legal experts say based the on venue of the case, the Southern District of Florida, it may be soon. The district is known to be a "rocket docket" court, a term used by legal professionals for venues that adhere to the swift trials. The judges in the Southern District of Florida adhere very strictly to the Speedy Trial clock, which, with limited exceptions, requires trial or conviction to occur within 70 days.

6/15/23 Update: Judge Aileen Cannon has entered an Order directing all current/"forthcoming" lawyers for Trump to get in touch with DOJ asap to expedite getting necessary security clearances squared away--compliance notice that they've done that due 6/20/23.
6/16/23 Update: Government's Rule 14 Motion for protective Order limiting disclosure of discovery information filed by Jack Smith. Defense has no objections to this motion or the protective order. The protective order is meant to ensure that neither Trump nor co-defendant Walt Nauta, his presidential valet, disclose sensitive information obtained during the discovery process, where prosecutors will show the defense what evidence it has amassed during their investigation.
6/19/23 Update: Government's Rule 16 Protective Order. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart has ordered restrictions on the handling of evidence provided by Justice Dept. to Trump's legal team: "Discovery materials, along with any information derived therefrom, shall not be disclosed to the public or the news media, or disseminated on any news or social media platform, without prior notice to & consent of the United States or approval of the Court" Judge's order also specified Trump "shall not retain copies of Discovery Material.” Trump may only review case materials “under the direct supervision of defense counsel or a member of defense counsel’s staff.”
6/20/23 Update: U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has issued an Order “Omnibus Order Setting Trial Date & Establishing Pretrial Instructions & Sentencing Procedures” & setting 8/14/23 trial date for Trump, with arguments to be heard in her courtroom in Fort Pierce. Delays in a trial are not uncommon & Judge Cannon said Trump’s case, which is relatively complex & will require security clearances, could be pushed back. All pretrial motions must be filed by July 24, according to the order. The trial’s start date is subject to change & Judge Cannon scheduled a calendar call for the parties to check in on 8/8/23. The trial is expected to take two weeks, she wrote. If the schedule holds, Trump’s trial would likely end well before the Republican presidential caucuses & primaries, in which polls show Trump is the leading candidate. Any change of plea must be taken prior to 5pm on the last business day before trial is scheduled to begin.
6/22/23 Update: Special Counsel Jack Smith informed Judge Cannon that the Justice Dept. has made its first production of unclassified evidence available for review by Trump's defense team. Among other things, includes some grand jury testimony, statements by Trump & Nauta & CCTV footage
6/23/23 Update: Government's Motion to implement special condition of release. Motion for continuance & proposed revised scheduling Order. [To delay Trump/Bauta's trial to 12/11/23 & to file a sealed list of witnesses that Trump/Nauta are prohibited from speaking to about case]. Motions for a pretrial conference pursuant to the classified information procedures Act & appointment of a classified information security officer.
6/26/23: Judge Aileen Cannon denies the Special Counsel's request to file under seal a list of 84 potential witnesses that Trump & Nauta are not allowed to communicate with about the case. The motion was denied without prejudice. Judge Cannon says that the Special Counsels motion didn't provide sufficient information as to why it would be necessary to file the witness list under seal.

Wow, and thanks for the info, mans draugs!
The special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump'shandling of classified documents has taken new steps to examine possible efforts to obstruct the probe, threatening potential charges against a Trump Organization employee who is suspected of lying to investigators, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

Special counsel Jack Smith in recent weeks transmitted a target letter to the staffer indicating that he might have perjured himself during a May appearance before the federal grand jury hearing evidence in the classified documents probe, the sources told ABC News.

The target letter to the employee, signals Smith's growing interest in the Trump Organization's handling of the surveillance footage and potential efforts to avoid sharing it with investigators.

Was wondering if there was an update from the Judge regarding the decision for a pretrial hearing on 7/18/23?

TIA if anyone can help!
 Girl Waving Hello Smiley
Was wondering if there was an update from the Judge regarding the decision for a pretrial hearing on 7/18/23?

TIA if anyone can help!
 Girl Waving Hello Smiley

This one?

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon said in a brief order Tuesday that the conference, which involves matters relating to the use of classified material as the case proceeds, would be pushed back four days, from Friday to July 18. The proceeding is set to take place at the federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida, where Cannon sits.
This one?

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon said in a brief order Tuesday that the conference, which involves matters relating to the use of classified material as the case proceeds, would be pushed back four days, from Friday to July 18. The proceeding is set to take place at the federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida, where Cannon sits.

Thanks! :)
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