FL FL - 'Fort Myers 8' (1 now UID) WhtMales Buried in Woods, Mar'07

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I wonder if they could have been killed in Hurricane Charlie that destroyed punta Gorda in 2004 which is only 25 miles away.

I would lean towards a serial killer in Florida as we seem to be prone to them.
I really hope we hear more about this ...how horrific :( If we get more info we could compare against the unidentified in that area or anywhere really...
Did they find out any more recently on this?

Last I heard, the site was still undergoing the excavation process. I will keep an ear out on this!
Thankyou.I am very interested in this.

How niced to see our RiverRat! <<wavy guy>>,

About 20 years ago on the mid Oregon Coast they started finding bodies like this. It was awful because the mortician had been stowing the bodies elsewhere than in their respective graves. People had no idea where their loved ones bodies were.

It did get straightened out and the man was found guilty, although I don't remember a trial. I'll have to research that!

Yes,please let me know if anyone finds out any more on this ok?

I am bumping this up ok?I am just trying to figure out where they moved this too.I'm sorry.

I have not heard any updates about this and I live in Florida.

Maybe they are just keeping it tight lipped so they can catch the killer?
I was told it appears in the preliminary investigation that all of the skeletal remains they found are men. I was very surprised about that.I do not know how long they had been out there.I assume they are figuring this all out now.

Anyone know how long it takes to run DNA profiles against DNA on file from missing persons?
If I had a missing relative I would want to have my DNA on file so they could compare with any unidentified remains.
I wonder how much it costs to do that and if LE won't pay for it when a loved one is missing, can a relative pay for it themselves and provide LE with results?
It would seem to me that LE would at least be able to provide an approximate age of the victims at the time of their death and about how long they have been dead.
I also wonder if LE is doing any surveilance at the dump site.

Hearing that the remains are all male does make it hard to write off a possible Daniel Connahan connection. I really kind of hope that it is due to him instead of having a different mass murderer around.
I'm with RR on this one! I've been keeping my eyes open as I live in the area and haven't heard a thing.
I just got this email from another missing group I work with.


May 29, 2007

The skeletal remains found off Arcadia Street in Fort Myers on March 23 were all from adults, police said. How they died is still an open question.

That’s the gist of a preliminary report the Lee County medical examiner has given detectives, said Maureen Buice, a police department spokeswoman.

The preliminary report confirms police suspicions that eight bodies were dumped at the once deserted woodline, Buice said.

A forensic anthropologist’s examination of the remains has matched eight skulls with eight nearly complete skeletons, she added.

The more compelling question of whether they died as a result of criminal homicide is pending.

Bones present a particularly tough mystery both police and the medical examiner concedes.

Absent visible trauma, such as a crushed skull, a bullet hole or bone nicks consistent with a stabbing, its hard for a medical examiner to tell how the person died, police said.

The painstaking digging and sifting where the bones were found also failed to suggest how the people died, or if they even died where they were found, detectives said.

That evidence search, similar to an archaeolgical dig, was supervised by Heather Walsh Haney, a forensic anthroplogist at Florida Gulf Coast University.

For more than a week crime scene technicians from the Fort Myers police, Lee County sheriff’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement dug and sifted. Hoping to find some artifact, like a spent bullet, that would hint at a cause of death, Walsh-Haney said.

Police have not released details of the medical examiner’s report, which Buice cautioned is “very preliminary.”

“We’re still reviewing it and there is still a lot of investigation going on,” she added. “We have some preliminary results now, but all of that is subject to change as more testing and investigation is completed.”

Privately, investigators hope definitive answers will replace the conflicting theories they are now grappling with.

Investigators have to treat the remains as homicide victims until they can prove otherwise, police Lt. Brian Phillips said. Otherwise, what could be valuable evidence could be improperly gathered and inadmissable in a later court proceeding, he added.

“It has all the indications of a dump site,” said Charlie Mesloh, an assistant professor of criminal justice at Florida Gulf Coast University and a former police officer. “But a dump site doesn’t mean a murder. It could be a serial killer’s drop spot or somewhere where someone, like a funeral director, just improperly disposed of remains.”

Dinah Johnson

Government Analyst

Florida Department of Law Enforcement
unbelievable! 8 people! Not a one of them with a name, so very sad. The only way I can think of 8 people missing going unnoticed is if it was just improper disposal from a crematorium or something.
unbelievable! 8 people! Not a one of them with a name, so very sad. The only way I can think of 8 people missing going unnoticed is if it was just improper disposal from a crematorium or something.

We had that happen here in Georgia, the Tri State Crematory case, it was horrible:


The Tri-State Crematory was the subject of a national incident in the United States in the early 2000s leading to litigation and criminal prosecution, in which over three hundred bodies that had been consigned to a crematorium for proper disposal were never cremated but instead were dumped on the crematorium's site.
Checkin on this - if anything has been confirmed where the 8 male bodies came from.

"The remains were all white males between the ages of 18 and 49 years old, said Heathec anthropologist who examined the remains.

"We do not believe there is any immediate danger to the community, Detective Sgt. Jennifer Soto said."

"Soto said police believe this was all past related activity that presented no danger to the public."

RR here - Now that makes it even harder to rule out Daniel Conahan.
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Did not have to enter and info to view it.

Here are the descriptions of the remains. The fact that the remains are all from white males ages 18-49 suggests to me that this is NOT a dump site from a morgue, but the result of criminal activity.

As Fort Myers police try to identify the victims whose remains were found in a wooded area off Arcadia Street on March 23, theyre hoping the information gathered by a forensic anthropologist and forensic dentist will be a help.

The remains are all those of white men between the ages of 18 and 49, said Heather Walsh-Haney, a forensic anthropologist from Florida Gulf Coast University, who police called into the case.

Heres descriptors that family members might recognize:

Individual #1
Age: Late 20s to early 40s, height 5 feet2 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall, in life he had sustained injuries to his legs, forearm and chest. He has three wisdom teeth and has not had current dental care. He could have lived a transient lifestyle.

Individual #2
Age: 20s to 30s, height 5 feet 6inches to six feet tall. This person had healed fractures to his right fibula, nose and collarbone. He does not have wisdom teeth and he may have had braces.

Individual #3
Age: 20s to 30s, height 5 feet seven inches to 6 feet 3 inches, very good dental care with all four wisdom teeth.

Individual #4

Age: 20s to 30s, height 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 11 inches tall, with some dental fillings and all four wisdom teeth intact.

Individual #5
Age: 18 to early 20s, height 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet four inches tall, excellent dental care. One of this individuals wisdom teeth were removed. The other three remain.

Individual #6

Age: late 20s to early 40s, height 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 11 inches tall. This individual could have complained of hip or back problems. All four wisdom teeth are present and there are dental fillings in other teeth.

Individual #7

White male, possibly Hispanic, age 20s to 30s, height 5 feet 11 inches to 6 feet 3 inches. This individual still has all four wisdom teeth. He fractured his right wrist in life.

Individual #8

Age: 20s to 30s, height 5 feet six inches to 6 feet tall, with god dental work andall four wisdom teeth intact. He might have been an athlete, weight lifter, or had a job that required heavy lifting.

An examination of previous x-rays of injuries and dental charts could identify the remains, police said.

Anyone with information can call police at 1-877-667-1296, or 239-339-4008. Messages can also be sent to www.tipline@fmpolice.com

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