FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *3 guilty* #14

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The defense definition of “extortion” is so weak, you almost don’t really need the murder. Why wouldn’t they just have said “we will kill your family unless you pay us money?“ Why kill Dan? Just another layer of why this doesn’t make sense.
Listening to @katiecoolady now on YouTube (she’s reporting from there) and she says she asked a man sitting behind Charlie (a prison preacher) what JU said to Charlie on her way out and he gave that initial statement “I hope you win.” Which got repeated. But clearly he heard it wrong. I don’t think JU would say that frankly. JMO

Hope it’s ok to post this, mods!
The defense definition of “extortion” is so weak, you almost don’t really need the murder. Why wouldn’t they just have said “we will kill your family unless you pay us money?“ Why kill Dan? Just another layer of why this doesn’t make sense.
And that I don’t understand (and pardon me if I don’t because I’ve just come back from dinner with my gf’s and had two martinis so my brain is slightly pickled), but don’t you usually extort someone with the threat of killing them and if you don’t pay the money - they will be off’ed? But no, the defense theory is - they killed Dan and then wanted the money.

Everyone in the Adeldon clan HATED Dan. Why the heck they gonna pay Katie and Co money AFTER his death?

I mean “ Cripes ole mighty!” as my dad would say.

Makes zero sense. Ludicrous. I’d be so embarrassed to put on that defense.
I feel bad for her in a way but omg…
I’m know, right? Somebody help her. Someone get her into the therapy! She’s cute, although ditsy, she could easily find a nice man. Someone tell her Charlie ain’t all that! In fact, he’s pretty darn bottom of the barrel! She’s still romanticizing the “good times” with him. Let it go June! Find yourself a gentleman while you are still young and vibrant! CA is not worth it!
In case you don't know, I'm attending the trial and making at least twice a day recaps on youtube from the courtroom. Here is the latest one I've made but you can also see others from this week on my channel there.

Absolutely loving your videos and the insight you’re providing from inside the courtroom. Thank you!

UPDATE 10/27/2023 2:36 P.M.

June Umchinda was called to the stand. She was Adelson's girlfriend at the time of the arrest.

There was a brief recess. The state could not find June Umchinda in the courthouse.

Umchinda entered the courtroom around 1:44 p.m.

She said she met Adelson in 2015.

Umchinda said they broke up in 2017 but she spoke with him the day before the arrest. She said she still has feelings for him.

Umchinda said she was confused for Magbanua by a reporter in June. That's when she learned about the murder.

Umchinda said Adelson told her not to talk to the police.

Umchinda said she saw Magbanua's name come up on his phone around this time.

Adelson's ex-girlfriend said she was not aware of Magbanua was working for the Adelson Institute at the time they were dating.

Umchinda said Adelson slept in a bedroom with a gun. She testified that he had a safe, stapled money and that "...hundreds were like ones to him."

Umchinda said Adelson was not speaking with Wendi because of something about the case.
Dan wanted to see the kids every night when they were with Wendi? That’s unusual, and it’s unusual that he would’ve thought it would be allowed.
They would FaceTime the kids on non-custodial nights. Something like that. Recall that the kids were preschoolers, 22 months to 4 years old around this time between the divorce and his murder.
GC has been like this for the last 2 trials as well imo. She’s not a methodical, detail oriented prosecutor like many I’ve seen over the years. She doesn’t use silence effectively. She doesn’t use sarcasm or incredulity effectively. She has rushed through all the witnesses so far. She finished Luis Rivera’s direct exam in 30 minutes! That’s crazy! She asks a lot of leading questions and Rashbaum lets her get away with it. I remember Hankinson called her out a couple times during the 1st trial.

I will say her frustration has shown much more in this trial. She’s way more rushed this time.

It’s only DAY 2!!! And she’s already making little snide comments under her breath. Not a good look. This jury knows nothing about this case. They are not convinced Charlie is guilty like we are. And it’s part of a prosecutor’s job to build rapport with a jury and get them to like and trust her! She rushed through Rivera today without asking about Garcia and Magbanua’s relationship and children!!

Totally agree about GC. Non-methodical is a great way to describe it. She has always been very sardonic and a little off the cuff in these trials, and I think that could potentially backfire with jurors. Particularly in this trial which seems to be moving very fast anyway, as they are not having to present the same mountain of evidence used in the SG and KM trials (all the cell phone stuff, financial record stuff, etc.)
Oh man -- Judge Judy the YT Lawyer has the transcript of June's 2018 interview by investigators. This is the interview where CA has a baby and baby momma in his house. Upload date is Nov 12, 2022.

'Except for the murder -- he was like my dream guy.'
I have not followed this trial or case at all. Did not even know about it! Caught the opening yesterday and watching todays hearing now.
As an outsider I don’t really know the key players in this.
But I will say I’m already pro state!
Just my newbie opinion. Lol.
Please chip-in with any unpopular opinions too. ( I lost my objectivity long ago so it's always great to get a check from WS-ers new to a case)

How did you feel about June or Lacasse or even Georgia's approach?
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Please chip-in with any unpopular opinions too. ( I lost my objectivity long ago so it's always great to get a check from WS-ers new to a case)

How did you feel about June or Lacasse or even Georgia's approach?
I think June is still holding on to a fairytale or fantasy, and I feel sorry for her. Lacasse, to me, is the most believable witness in this case. I think he was truly in love with WA, and she used him or strung him along. I think GC is handling this case better than I could if I was an attorney. The whole thing is frustrating and mind boggling.

On another note, I wonder if WA was being truthful when she said she had a great life in Tallahassee. I think in retrospect, she probably thinks it wasn't so bad. Time goes by so quickly, and her boys would be off to college. At that point,she would be free to go anywhere she wanted. She wasn't stuck in Tallahassee forever, but she is stuck coming back here to be grilled by the courts year after year. So, yeah her life in Tallahassee wasn't so bad. JMO
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