Do you believe that wendi needed to Call charlie re TV 7/18:
1. Because she was so upset that Dan wanted to pick up the boys early and take them swimming.She just had to talk to Charlie about it.
2. To Discuss whether to fix a fix less TV or buy a new one?
Those are her reasons for calling him and talking ot him for 18 minutes.
Do you actually believe her?
Oh and #1 was at one Katie trial and the other was at another Katie trial.
Just as the alternating versions of either being on Trescott or not being able to turn onto it.
Charlies version of why he said she called him:
-to discuss his relationship problems with Katie with her. He needed to talk to his sis about his woes with Katie. As if he or she even would care about his relationship with Katie. That was laughable.
Do you believe any of these reasons?
Interesting to note that in the police report of Swartz the BBguy he says he thinks she is texting (not calling) her brother.
If you know where that police report is, maybe you can find it.’I found it accidentally looking for something else on the case and tried for hours to find it.
It is not the handwritten report by him-its the typed up one.
Records I’ve seen from police interviews with an employee of the school state that Dan was supposed to pick them up that day. (I don’t know where I saw these, I think it was on Jay’s channel, not sure if I am allowed to mention him.)
In her police interview, if I recall correctly, she says SHE wanted to pick them up early, but he wanted to take them swimming. As I recall, she reads the last text, which is her telling Dan “I guess I will see you at 4:30”, which to me sounds like he was going to pick them up.
On the stand in Charlie’s trial, in my recollection, she says SHE was supposed to pick them up that day. This appears to me to be inconsistent with her own words at the police station and with what the school employee appears to me to have told the police.
The BB guy, in a police report I’ve seen, said he left at 9:15, and he saw her texting before that and assumed it was with her brother. (I believe it was with Dan). Per her police interview, the texting with Dan happens around 9:12, if I recall correctly. If I recall correctly, the call to Charlie occurs just after that, at around 9:15.
In my opinion, the call to Charlie may have possibly been to tell him that she would not be able to pick the kids up early that day, and that Dan would be picking up the kids and taking them swimming at some point and so he would have them during at least part of the day/afternoon.
According to Wendi herself as I recall from her police interview, Charlie told her not to worry about it.