FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *4 Guilty* #24

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DNA Solves
I didn’t see the connection that Cottonwever did, until I read their comment. I think Charlie is just using an example of beating the system and doing things “under the table”.
He pays malpractice insurance for any claim, yet he would rather pay the patient to remain quiet.
He has talked about these kinds of things in other calls, a sort of boasting of his accomplishments , and how he seems to get away with breaking the law.
Maybe it gives him a thrill and a high.
So he diverts the attention away from reality to go back into his fantasy world of grandiosity.
I’m going to have another listen. Donna stays quiet so he always has an attentive audience with her. He shines with her, she never gives him a hard time or disagrees with him. His momma is proud of her boy..

Charlie seems to me to be saying the dentist should never have gone to the Board, and so he shouldn’t go to the cops. In my experience, dentists don’t “go to” the Board of Dentistry about a patient, I believe it’s the other way around. And yet, in this call, Charlie appears to be saying the situations are exactly the same, him going to the cops, or him “going to” the Board of Dentistry.
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Back in Tallahassee with Mommy, Katie and Tato!

Smug. Seems to be doing well in South Dakota, we'll see if he gets to return there post-trial, or if they'll deposit him back into a FL DC prison. It's been said before but in the court room will likely be the last time he ever sees his mother in person again.
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In his example, I believe the person was accused of doing something by the patient, and the Board found that he had done something wrong. This, in my opinion, is different than someone deciding to go to the authorities themselves about a crime.

Charlie seems to elide this difference when he says the dentist should never have gone to the Board, and so he shouldn’t go to the cops. In my experience, dentists don’t “go to” the Board of Dentistry about a patient, I believe it’s the other way around. And yet, in this call, Charlie appears to be saying the situations are exactly the same, him going to the cops, or him going to the Board of Dentistry.

In the example, it would appear to me that the dentist has actually done something wrong or is being accused of doing something wrong. Charlie, as I understand it, is not being accused of anything at this point, so the situation is, allegedly, completely different.
You are right but I think he is putting himself in the equation as a dentist, yet also identifying as the patient at the same time. So he is looking at himself as the victim (patient) even though he is a dentist and would be the one in trouble.
Smug. Seems to be doing well in South Dakota, we'll see if he gets to return there post-trial, or if they'll deposit him back into a FL DC prison. It's been said before but in the court room will likely be the last time he ever sees his mother in person again.
They have a really good commissary/canteen there. Much better food than Florida there. But only margarine with the meals. I was surprised > i kinda like looking at prison food. You can get decent protein at canteen. Canned Mackarel (Maybe getting more omega 3’s (Vit D) then before.., sardines, salmon , tuna..nuts, sunflower seeds. Turkey Jambalaya annd charbroiled patty.. And also Metamucil to keep you regular lol-and acoustic and electric guitar strings….Kosher bread must be ordered a week in advance!

Compare what they can get here to supplement their diet compared to Florida. It’s like night and day. With money, you can actually eat pretty well.
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So, I’m bored and decided to watch a Netflix documentary on a missing girl from the 80’s and all of a sudden this site comes on!!! Someone in 2009 found Websleuth..lol. It’s good so far. What a coincidence.

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