FL - George Zimmerman injured in Lake Mary shooting, police say

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iirc I posted a tweet with a statement from a witness that said they saw MA open fire on GZ.
Sorry. I wasn't sure what you meant in your post.

It's possible that Zimmerman brandished his gun that day. I'm just not seeing any evidence that supports that while I am seeing reasons to believe that Apperson went crazy when he spotted Zimmerman and shot at him.

Your right that time will tell and we will learn more of what happened.


With Apperson not being arrested right away shows me LE did a thorough investigation before proceeding with charges. For them to say MA shot GZ without provocation, imo, they have evidence to support it. This probably includes eye witnesses that have come forward and even camera footage in the area. I don't think these charges are based on the words of GZ only......not by a long shot.

I said early on that I believed MA was obsessed with GZ and wanted to be the one to take GZ down.

When I look at this case I remove any emotions I may have concerning GZ.

It does look like MA has a fixation with GZ and is a very dangerous person.

Back to wondering how MA seemed to know that GZ was back in town and his whereabouts. Or, just a coincidence ? I just wonder if GZ pulled into Waymont and saw MA and then left and MA followed? Just seems like there was some interaction BEFORE they were both driving on Lake Mary. Dunno. JMO Did any witnesses hear a verbal exchange, or only witnessed the firing upon GZ?
IIRC in one of past incidents MA imagined he was being stalked by GZ because GZ's truck was parked at a building near where MA works. It ended up being GZ's doctors office. GZ said he was on this road again because he had a doctor's appointment. It's possible that GZ had already went to his appointment. MA may of saw his truck parked there, and waited to follow him.
Witnesses told Local 6 that the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman and later turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help.

I have scoured that article and can find nothing that says "Witnesses told Local 6 that the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman and later turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help" or anything like it. Maybe it was from another article?
I have scoured that article and can find nothing that says "Witnesses told Local 6 that the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman and later turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help" or anything like it. Maybe it was from another article?

It is in this one http://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-george-zimmerman-involved-in-florida-shooting-incident/

Witnesses told CBS affiliate WKMG the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman, who turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get he
Play Video
"Please call 911, I just shot George Zimmerman!"

and this one http://www.news9.com/story/29033092/report-george-zimmerman-involved-in-florida-shooting-incident

Witnesses told WKMG the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman, who turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help.

and this one http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/George-Zimmerman-shot-at-in-apparent-ongoing-feud-303344821.html

Witnesses told CBS affiliate WKMG the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman, who turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help.

HTH. Google is my friend :biggrin:

...just goes to show how major networks just pick up on other affiliate/non-affiliate articles and cut/paste as their own :giggle:
Witnesses told WKMG the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman, who turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help.

Thanks. I have found 7 or 8 other references to the 'saying'. Many are other CBS sources simply repeating each other. Most reference the original WKMG / Local 6 article, and yet, it does not say that in either the article or the video. My best guess is that the original article said that (in error) and that everyone else just glommed onto it.

If you think about it, it really doesn't make any sense that an eyewitness would see a shooting between two vehicles going one direction and then watch while the one vehicle presumably goes to the signal, maybe has to wait for a light to change, then makes a U-turn and goes in the opposite direction for a distance to turn into Waymont Court. Unless the witness was following in a vehicle, they would not be able to see all of that, imo.

Regardless, its copycat reporting of the worst kind. And, its bad editing. Probably it should have said something like 'sources' say ... . I think it was originally said in haste and carelessness to get the story out.
Local news is reporting in a hearing this morning a judge has set bond for MA at 35,000. He must surrender his guns and stay away from GZ. Wesh.com
I then would ask why he chose to use that instead of his Glock 22 that was in his vehicle

Pretty simple answer. Because he wanted to kill George Zimmerman.

A 357 is THE caliber for stopping human threats. Out of all the handgun calibers it's pretty effective.

Not that the 40 cal Glock is a slouch but if he deliberately choose the 357, consciously cocked the hammer and fired...he was shooting to kill, not to wound, not to scare....to kill.

There's a lot of people I don't like in this world. But what makes us a civilized society is that we don't kill people we don't like. Those that do or try to, belong in jail...like Mr Apperson.
Two Stupid macho men, losers with guns, looking for trouble.
If, I was George Zimmerman, I would be thanking my stars that I am not in jail for the rest of my life.

But, instead of putting his head down and appreciating his second chance at a good life, George Zimmerman continues to invite trouble.

I no longer agree with his innocent verdict. Damn. He must have had a good lawyer.

And he does this how?
This isn't going to be a popular post but here goes nothing. LOL

It occurred to me today that many here want an explanation as to how Zimmerman invited this violence from Apperson in the context of this one incident. The fact is that maybe he didn't do anything THIS TIME to invite the violence but we can't ignore the glaring obvious truth as to why this is national news in the first place.

Zimmerman put himself in this position by his actions years ago with Trayvon. It doesn't matter whether you or I personally feel he was justified in that shooting or not. The fact is that many feel he should have been convicted of murder and the fact that he wasn't made him a target for some.

As time went on, that "targeting" would have probably lessened however Zimmerman has continued to keep himself in the spotlight by his actions with his girlfriends/wife, and other altercations he has been involved in. Even with Apperson, LE has said they had an ongoing feud. To say George is completely blameless ignores the obvious. If he were completely blameless we wouldn't be talking about this at all because he wouldn't still be in the news and we would have no idea who he is.
I'm curious. How did Nejame know yesterday that MM's bond would be thirty five thousand. He didn't go before a judge till this mornings?
So far everything that has happened with the two incidents last year and this one this year have all been right by where MA works and there is at least one piece of video footage that supports what MA has previously said about Zimmerman...actually there had been a couple of things:
Last year Circle K video footage showed GZ's car leaving as MA went into Circle K and the second time last year when MA said that GZ was by his place of work LE found GZ nearby. MA's actions this time seem questionable, but I wouldn't say it's a pattern as far as MA is concerned as it's just happened by where MA worked with the first video footage partially corroborating, the second GZ found nearby and now this which could be totally wrong on MA's part but I don't see as part of a broader pattern.

That really tells nothing though to me. Just because GZ was in the area doesn't mean he was there because of MA. Does he even know this man? I know he said to the police this time he did not recognize the shooter. Is there footage where they both are talking with each other at either of the first two locations? Or is it just video showing them in the same areas? I think the reason charges were never filed on either case is because both times GZ showed LE he had a reason to be in the area even though he is a free man and can go anywhere he wants to go. There was no RO restricting him from freely going anywhere in the city.

I truly think MA is some whacked out obsessed nut who wants to play vigilante and be the ONE to take GZ down. He thinks he will be hailed as a hero by those who also have extreme hatred for GZ. And I am sure he would be by some if he had murdered him in cold blood.:(

I am not even sure GZ ever threatened him either. Unless there is a video or witnesses that heard it that have no linkage to MA I am inclined to disbelieve it now that all of this has happened.

In fact since this has come out I have been wondering if MA has been setting this up all along as an excuse to shoot GZ and then claim self defense.

Whatever the case may be I see MA as a very dangerous man perhaps with some mental issues.

I had suspected all along that MA had a fixation with Zimmerman and now even the police believe it to be true. What he said is not a self defense statement imo. It shows premeditation when he said 'I hope I got him this time.' Does that mean he meant to get him the other times? Sure sounds like it. That statement will come back to haunt him as it should.

As an aside, NeJame's comment that they only arrested MA because he didn't give them a statement is absolutely ridiculous defense attorney spin and he knows it. The police don't arrest people because they don't give them a statement.

And if NeJame was correct that all it took was GZ's statement then he would have been arrested and charged the same day he shot at him. But that was not the case. LE said they investigated the case and came to the conclusion MA shot at GZ and there was no provocation on GZ's part. They will have evidence to support the charges or they never would have filed them in the first place. I imagine they not only have eye witnesses but also have camera footage of the area where the shooting happened.

I hope if the cases are proved BARD, (I don't think the DA would charge if he didn't think he could prove it).......he will be sent away to prison for a very long time. Vigilantism is not only illegal it is psychotic thinking, IMO. I was so glad to see they also charged him with shooting a weapon from inside a vehicle.

Its a wonder the bullet didn't strike some child or another innocent person.:mad:

In fact I think the charges should be upped to attempted murder since MA said he hoped he killed him this time. Does it now go before a GJ?

JMO though
This isn't going to be a popular post but here goes nothing. LOL

It occurred to me today that many here want an explanation as to how Zimmerman invited this violence from Apperson in the context of this one incident. The fact is that maybe he didn't do anything THIS TIME to invite the violence but we can't ignore the glaring obvious truth as to why this is national news in the first place.

Zimmerman put himself in this position by his actions years ago with Trayvon. It doesn't matter whether you or I personally feel he was justified in that shooting or not. The fact is that many feel he should have been convicted of murder and the fact that he wasn't made him a target for some.

As time went on, that "targeting" would have probably lessened however Zimmerman has continued to keep himself in the spotlight by his actions with his girlfriends/wife, and other altercations he has been involved in. Even with Apperson, LE has said they had an ongoing feud. To say George is completely blameless ignores the obvious. If he were completely blameless we wouldn't be talking about this at all because he wouldn't still be in the news and we would have no idea who he is.

Using your logic, every famous/notorious person out there is inviting trouble. If you are in the news, it's your own darn fault for anything that happens to you.
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