FL - Henry Sengaroun for rape of 8yo girl, St Petersburg, 2006

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southcitymom said:
What happened to her may well have a similar effect on this mother as your family's personal tragedy had on you and your sisters. I really liked your statement about "I do what I have to do in order to put my own mind at ease."

I GET that - I think every parent does. My best friend - and mother to my terrific 6-year-old goddaughter - was a victim of childhood abuse. She and I were discussing this case and she made a similar statement.

I went through some truly organic terror when my first child was born. I was absolutely unprepared for how vulnerable it made me feel - like me heart had been placed unprotected in the world.

I've been through so much that I always felt like I could survive anything and live to tell the tale....but for the first time in my life, I came face-to-face with the thought of a hurt I could not survive - something happening to my child. Like every other parent, I have had to find my and my child's comfort zone with that.

Excellent post. I can deal with anything that happens to me too, but not one of my kids. Most of us would jump in front of a speeding train to save them. I guess that's why we're so incensed when we see other parents being what we might consider less than diligent with their children.
Jeana (DP) said:
I was being sarcastic.
If you truly believe this child's mother had no malice and never intended her child harm, why allow post #266 to stand?
southerngirl said:
If you truly believe this child's mother had no malice and never intended her child harm, why allow post #266 to stand?

I feel that this was 100% preventable if she had only taken the kids with her. She's got culpability in this. Lots of times kids get hurt through negligence of the parents, even when that's not the intent. The main issue here is that somene should have known better and it wasn't a 7 and 8 year old. I'd feel the same way if she left a loaded gun in the room with them or if she left and the house burnt down around them. She's their line of defense and she didn't do her job.
Jeana (DP) said:
I feel that this was 100% preventable if she had only taken the kids with her. She's got culpability in this. Lots of times kids get hurt through negligence of the parents, even when that's not the intent. The main issue here is that somene should have known better and it wasn't a 7 and 8 year old. I'd feel the same way if she left a loaded gun in the room with them or if she left and the house burnt down around them. She's their line of defense and she didn't do her job.
Post # 266 speaks of this mom "offering her daughter up...." This implies intent and a conscious decision to do her daughter harm.
Jeana (DP) said:
I feel that this was 100% preventable if she had only taken the kids with her. She's got culpability in this. Lots of times kids get hurt through negligence of the parents, even when that's not the intent.
Now this I agree with. I only wish it could have been worded like this back on page 1 of the thread. Others took it too far in some of their comments calling her a bad mother or that CPS should look into their family.
southerngirl said:
Post # 266 speaks of this mom "offering her daughter up...." This implies intent and a conscious decision to do her daughter harm.

You put your own implication in there. I did not.
southerngirl said:
How would YOU interpret "offering her daughter up?"

IMO this post should be removed.
I agree. That is a horrible thing to have written. Jeana, it's clear you don't think of the mother as a victim, but that statement is both cruel and unnecessary.
Masterj said:
I agree. That is a horrible thing to have written. Jeana, it's clear you don't think of the mother as a victim, but that statement is both cruel and unnecessary.

Move on please.
LinasK said:
I too have no nannies and my daughter still has 24/7 protection- it's either myself, my husband, friends, neighbors, or daycare/school, but she is never by herself and she never walks anywhere or rides her bike by herself!

Sorry, but I disagree again! I know personally for a fact that some mothers are oblivious to their children being attacked sexually. Some DO NOT care or are in denial. This mother is probably one of those! I agree with Jeana and this was a totally preventable crime, which is why the mother must be held accountable as well as the perp. NObody is letting him off the hook, but the mother bears responsibility too. It was her stupidity not to take her children with her when she went to turn the stove off that caused this crime, it's like offering her daughter up.:furious:

What right do you have to say that this mother is probably one who would NOT care if her child was being sexually attacked?
NO it was NOT her stupidity that caused this crime. It was a Sick predator that caused this crime.
What right do you have to say she was offering her daughter up?

Now you may continue to say that this mother is not being attacked, this post is definately attacking her.
We're going to stop this now. I've already made my decision and I'm done with this discussion. If her daughter wasn't out there alone, this wouldn't have happened. Now you can slice that up any way you want, but any continued efforts on anyone's part to rehash this argument yet again, will result in some time outs.
This may be true, but we need to do everything in our power to keep them safe. We can see dangers that little children are not aware of in this world.

I agree about the mother. I think she has learned her lesson (and will relive it in her mind over and over). I hope the daughter will be getting therapy. The whole thing is so sad.

We need to watch when this guy comes to trial to see if he actually gets a sentence that matches his crime.
SewingDeb said:
We need to watch when this guy comes to trial to see if he actually gets a sentence that matches his crime.
In all of the articles I read about this case, this guy had no history of this type of heinous attack. It sounds like the local police knew about him and he was sort of a weirdo gadabout, but his minimal record was for low-key, non violent things.

Has anyone seen anything about him that might have indicated this sort of predisposition to sexual assaul of little girls? I know the mother was afraid of him and he is obviously mentally ill, but this particular attack seems peculiar based on what I have read of his background.
southcitymom said:
In all of the articles I read about this case, this guy had no history of this type of heinous attack. It sounds like the local police knew about him and he was sort of a weirdo gadabout, but his minimal record was for low-key, non violent things.

Has anyone seen anything about him that might have indicated this sort of predisposition to sexual assaul of little girls? I know the mother was afraid of him and he is obviously mentally ill, but this particular attack seems peculiar based on what I have read of his background.

I wonder about his juvenile record...sometimes we don't hear about that, even though it could show a previous pattern.

Also, this may have been a fantasy of his that no one knew about. They get started sometime. This was a particularly horrendous act, seemingly out of the blue, but it may have been on his mind for a long time.
SewingDeb said:
I wonder about his juvenile record...sometimes we don't hear about that, even though it could show a previous pattern.

Also, this may have been a fantasy of his that no one knew about. They get started sometime. This was a particularly horrendous act, seemingly out of the blue, but it may have been on his mind for a long time.
Yes, these are good points. I would suspect that all sexual predators have fantasies long before acting them out. And it's obvious that his mother was frightened of him - though, in what way I do not know.

However, the brazeness of this attack really confounds me. Most child rapists grab them and go. They are smart enough to know what they are doing is wrong and illegal and they don't want to be caught.

This guy didn't seem concerned with WHO was watching. Things were fairly populated where this happened because people chased him off. I think this boldness on his part will bolster his mental illness defense. And I do think he is mentally ill.
Neighbors in St. Pete take back their park

http://www.tampabays10.com/inside/team/member.aspx?storyid=27613By: Valerie Boey
St. Petersburg, Florida -- Aaron Chambliss feels good about bringing his children to Central Oak Park, as long as they're supervised, “I see more kids coming to the park now, everyday I guess people feel a little safer now.” But when we talked to Aaron one month ago he felt differently.

Aaron chased a man away after seeing him sexually batter an 8-year-old girl right outside the park, “She was begging and pleading for him to stop and it touched my heart I got kids of my own.”


Sounds like the 8-year-old victim in this case still returns to the park to play. What an amazing little girl.
Molesters are known to hangout in parks and it is even riskier for children to be molested in parks. Other places molesters frequent are libraries, department stores, movie theaters, children's school bus stops, public bathrooms etc. These misfits are everywhere stalking innocent children and it is up to parents keep a close watch over their gifts from God. I do not condem the poor mom. She rationalized her two children would be safe for a few minutes. Unfortuanately she learned the hard way when her precious child was violated by a monster and she wasn't there to protect her little girl. This incident spurs all of us on to watch our children every minute.

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