GUILTY FL - Jason Rodriguez accused of shooting 6 coworkers in Orlando, 1 dead

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His quote to the news camera; "They left me to rot".

And you won't be hearing from him again .........
I wonder if something like this (BBM) happened to Rodriguez? ETA: may explain his 'they left me to rot' comment.

Sept. 14, 1989
Joseph Wesbecker, 47, shoots and kills eight and injures 12 at Standard Gravure in Louisville, Ky . He then committed suicide. Wesbecker had stopped receiving disability income for depression and manic depression at the time he carried out the shooting.

from 'Deadliest Office Shootings' article here

In an interview with FOX News anchor Shepherd Smith, a woman who identified herself as Rodriguez's former mother-in-law described the suspect as a tremendously jealous and paranoid individual.

"He was a little unpredictable. Very jealous. He would imagine things sometimes, like for example: 'People are after me, people are looking for me, they hate me,'" recalled the woman, who did not giver her name. "He was under help his mind," she added. "If I am not mistaken, they had him in a mental [facility] about six months ago.. I know he had mental problems."

more here


He had been laid off recently, according to Renato Gonzalez, a manager at the firm.

"I know that we was not very happy with the layoff," Gonzalez told the Sentinel. He said that Rodriguez made disgruntled comments when he left the firm, but nothing indicated he would carry out a violent act. "He took a little worse than most people."


The Sentinel adds that Rodriguez filed for bankruptcy in September.

I think this shooter has been stewing over his layoff for a while & the bankruptcy was final straw.

He's lost his wife, kid, job & financial security in the past 3 years.

I have to wonder if the shooting in Ft. Hood gave him 'ideas', given his purported mental instability.
Wow, that was intense today. We had our customers locked in. Then, on my way home my husband called and told me NOT to come home because a helicopter had just flown extra low overhead and through a loud speaker was telling residents to get in their homes and lock their doors. Sheesh. Turns out they're looking for a missing kid and are using heat seeking devices and didn't want other bodies showing up. My prayers are with that family as well and hoping they find the child soon.
Wow, that was intense today. We had our customers locked in. Then, on my way home my husband called and told me NOT to come home because a helicopter had just flown extra low overhead and through a loud speaker was telling residents to get in their homes and lock their doors. Sheesh. Turns out they're looking for a missing kid and are using heat seeking devices and didn't want other bodies showing up. My prayers are with that family as well and hoping they find the child soon.

What a stressful day for you, RO!! (((hugs))) Are they still looking for the missing kiddo?

also, found some more info on the perp


"Because they left me to rot," said Rodriguez, who recently told a bankruptcy judge he was making less than $30,000 a year at a Subway sandwich shop and owed nearly $90,000.


Rodriguez worked on drawings in the firm's transportation group, but his supervisors said his performance was not up their standards, and when he did not improve, he was fired. The company did not hear from him again.

His mother-in-law, America Holloway, told The Associated Press that Rodriguez and her daughter, Neshby, were married for about 6½ years before divorcing several years ago. They have an 8-year-old son who lives with Neshby in Kissimmee, about a half-hour away.

Holloway said the couple lived with her in Orlando for several years while they were married and that Rodriguez abused her daughter and once threw all her clothes into the street.

"I used to tell my daughter he was crazy," Holloway said. "He was always fighting, always yelling. There was always problems."


......boy asked his father why he did not come over, too.

"He said, 'Because I don't have any money. I don't have a job. I don't have anything to eat. When things get better, I'll come see you,'" Holloway said Rodriguez told his son.

more here
OMG, all these shootings, killing! Unbelieveable.............
OMG, all these shootings, killing! Unbelieveable.............

I hate to be the harbinger of bad news, but IMO, I fear there may be a few more.

The US standard of living is correcting to the global ecomonic standard of living (i.e. downward).

Gun sales are at an all time high. Ammunition is sold out - I can not even find ammunition to replace what I use at the range.

Unemployment is getting worse. The US government has kept the unemployement number low by NOT passing the latest unemployement extenson (keeping folks off of unemployement, thus NOT counted as unemployed).

Foreclosures at an all time high. Personal bankruptcies high.

Apparently, folks do not like being left to "rot"?

And the coup de grâce, the US is addicted to violence.

Lawyer: Fla. office shooting suspect mentally ill

ORLANDO, Fla. – The engineer accused of fatally shooting one employee and wounding five others at the firm where he once worked is "very mentally ill" and crumbled under the stress of his divorce, bankruptcy and unemployment, his attorney said Saturday.

Jason Rodriguez, 40, was ordered held without bail at the Orange County Jail, where he is under suicide watch after Friday's shooting. His mother, Ana Rodriguez, also apologized Saturday, telling reporters she is "so sorry for everything that has happened."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I hate to be the harbinger of bad news, but IMO, I fear there may be a few more.

The US standard of living is correcting to the global ecomonic standard of living (i.e. downward).

Gun sales are at an all time high. Ammunition is sold out - I can not even find ammunition to replace what I use at the range.

Unemployment is getting worse. The US government has kept the unemployement number low by NOT passing the latest unemployement extenson (keeping folks off of unemployement, thus NOT counted as unemployed).

Foreclosures at an all time high. Personal bankruptcies high.

Apparently, folks do not like being left to "rot"?

And the coup de grâce, the US is addicted to violence.

I noticed an upswing about a year ago. I started keeping count of victims of mass shootings (3 or more) when the Xmas Eve Santa Claus shootings happened. I stopped counting in mid-spring when the death toll was approaching 100.

Updated: Thursday, 10 Dec 2009, 1:35 PM EST
Published : Thursday, 10 Dec 2009, 11:56 AM EST


ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - Discovery documents have been released in the Gateway Center shooting investigation. They indicate that the man killed in the shooting was held up as a better employee to Jason Rodriquez, the man charged in connection with rampage.

Otis Beckford, 26, was killed and five others were wounded in the shooting.

According to the documents, a former supervisor told police that Beckford was pointed out to Rodriguez as someone who was "doing a better job than he was."

Jason Rodriguez, 40, has been charged with first-degree murder.

more here
Isn't this the same situation as the Thanksgiving Day murders? Paul Merhige felt that his twin sisters received more attention than he did. He seemed to respond to Makayla Sitton with the same sort of jealousy. He recognized that she was talented and beloved and he couldn't bear the jealousy. Yes, he's a monster and so is this man. But why can't some people bear the same emotions we all successfully process in a given day. Who among us has not despised someone at work or been horribly jealous of a relative's gifts or success?

IMO, emotions such as jealousy and resentment are so often the triggers for those with long-standing mental health issues. You and I can just roll our eyes and talk ourselves out of "sour grapes" feeling. We turn to our coping skills and go for a run or grab a bag of chips or ask for a hug. These people get guns.

I have no answers but I do wish that each and every family would step forward and take a good long look at their more fragile members and make certain that they are getting the health care and support they need. In my heart of hearts, I don't think that most of these killers started out evil. I really don't. I think their illness and personality deficits caused them to crack or to bubble over. I always think "there but by the grace of God...." that I don't have that flaw in my brain.
RANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A man charged with killing a former colleague and wounding five others in a rampage at an Orlando engineering firm has been declared incompetent to stand trial for the time being. Judge Belvin Perry Jr. did not ruled out the possibility that Jason Rodriguez could, after treatment, still face trial.
Jury being seated; as soon as it's picked WFTV states they will go live with opening statements:

BackStory on "sharptooth" the voice that lives in this defendents head. He is full of it; imo he is malingering. What say you?

Hearing Part 1 Video Def on the Stand:
OMG it's LindaDranBurdick and Judge Belvin Perry!

Redo Part Deux, lmao~ I was catching up too and see omg here comes Linda on cross and Judge Belvin Perry on the Bench....oh my.

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