FL FL - Jean Stewart, 16, Miami Lakes, 25 March 1980

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Scorpion said:

This website might be worth a look if you want to recover a copy of the True Detective article:-


thank you so much for the info. I have sent an inquiry. What a wonderful service he offers for those of us interested in cases that predate the internet. thanks again!
meggilyweggily said:
Here's to hoping you get answers in Jean's case someday. I wish it was possible for me to see what she really looked like -- if the police had no lost all of those photographs.
Thanks! That is one of the reasons i am interested in finding the old article in the Detective Magazine. It had more photos in it as well. Appreciate your concern, not just for Jean but for all the lost and missing souls.
Hi Monkalup,

Any updates with the Blue Earth Jane Doe? Did you find her make up bag?

pugsley said:
Hi Monkalup,

Any updates with the Blue Earth Jane Doe? Did you find her make up bag?


Fairibault County sheriff (Blue Earth jurisdiction) has so far refused to cooperate at all with us. We have even written the Attorney General of MN and learned that there is no way he can compell the sheriff to cooperate. so next step is the legislators who finance the office....GRRRRRR This is despite the fact that a former police chief from the area also believes this may be Jean and he has searched for this Does identity for nearly 25 years.

Sadly, no word yet on make up case, but I do have some folks in Pgh trying to track her family.

Many thanks!
I had a heart attack on Monday, Jean. And came very close to dying. All I kept thinking about in the ambulance was that I still hadn't found you after exactly half of my life til now has been spent looking for you. I am fifty and have searched for you for 25 years. That great white light that enveloped me Monday night let me return to continue my quest. I thank you for that. I will have surgery on this upcoming Monday and then I shall return to my search for you. Still loving and missing you, Lauran
I've just replied to your message on e-mail, sweetie. I'm sorry you are going through this trial right now. There will be many of us covering you in prayer while you're in surgery and long afterwards.

Prayers for comfort and peace and complete recovery.

In Christ, your sis and friend, Lanie
Lauran's surgery was pushed back a bit, as the doctors felt they should give her time to recover from the heart attack before doing open heart surgery.

I just received this update from her dear friend, Gloria

Hi Lanie:

I wanted to let you know this update on Lori and ask you to please let other doe-net members know.

Early this afternoon Lauran had another heart attack, while at home waiting for her surgery which had been pushed back till this coming Tuesday. She was rushed to the hospital where they did an emergency angioplasty and put two stents in her main front artery, which had completely closed.

They were taking her from the cath lab to CCU when I left the hospital. She was alert and able to smile at us before I left.

I know she would want people updated. I'll update again when I know more.


Please continue to pray for this precious woman.
Many thanks to all.
Love in Christ, Lanie
Hi Lanie,

I'll be praying for her.

love in Christ Jesus,

Ariel :)
Hi all. I want to thank you all for your prayers and words of well wishes. It is these kind of loving gestures that help sustain us in times of crisis.
I did have a second heart attack, just fifteen days after the first. God works in mysterious ways, however, and that second heart attack was actually a blessing for me.
I was facing triple by pass surgery and was completely terrified...not of the surgery but of my body's adverse reactions to medications, particularly sedatives, barbituates and narcotics. The second heart attack made the use of "stents" necessary to save my life a week ago tonight. the "stents" are balloon like, permanent structures placed in the arteries leading to the heart. They kind of act like wall paper. In my case, they were used to open the artery but when they went in, they discovered my artery was actually torn. the "stents" actually sealed the breach...and made surgery unnecessary.
I will have to have a couple more inserted, but you are awake for this procedure, and so it is far less scary for me. Afterwards, they gave me a child's dose of Dilaudid (sp?) that was supposed to help with pain for three hours. i slept for 36 hours. :eek:
So although two heart attacks weren't fun, in an odd way, it probably saved my life by allowing me to avoid the sedation that I probably would never wake up from.
Anyway, now that I have given you far more information than you probably wanted, let me say again how much I appreciate your prayers. I know the good Lord wasn't ready for me yet, but I think you all convinced him.
There is no better medicine tha to come home to so many wonderful messages of love, hope and support. Again, let me thank you all again!

Please remember Jean in your prayers as well. we are rapidly approaching Jean's 25th anniversary, this March 25. I have not been able to do the things I wanted to do for her in terms of publicizing her case, but I would ask you all to read her case, visit her sites and light a candle for her recovery.
thank you all again!
I still have trouble getting my mind around 25 years, Jean. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to do for you what I had planned. I still miss you and love you, still look for you everywhere. I hope. wherever you are, you have some measure of peace...Love, Lauran
lisag said:
She was going to be going to her sisters wedding - do you know her married name ?
It might not be hard to find out the married name, if you remember the date, or even the week the wedding was to take place. You could (or have someone in the PA area ) check marriage records for those dates...if her sister had the same last name as her, Stewart, then it shouldn't be too difficult to find by looking up in the the Brides records at a courthouse of the county she was married in.

My thoughts are prayers go out to you in this search....
monkalup said:
I still have trouble getting my mind around 25 years, Jean. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to do for you what I had planned. I still miss you and love you, still look for you everywhere. I hope. wherever you are, you have some measure of peace...Love, Lauran
Best wishes and prayers for your recovery from surgery. Good Friday is the 25th Anniversary of Jean's disappearance, and the 30th anniversary of the Lyon Sisters' disappearance. I will be praying for all.
Two heart attacks, angioplasty, stents, artificial heart pumps, surgery and I am still here, Jean. Still searching. Still missing you. Please come home...
monkalup said:
Two heart attacks, angioplasty, stents, artificial heart pumps, surgery and I am still here, Jean. Still searching. Still missing you. Please come home...

Peace for you and Jean. I am sorry things have been so bad and hoping for her recovery as well. Breaking hearts deserve lots of hugs. :blowkiss:
concernedperson said:
Peace for you and Jean. I am sorry things have been so bad and hoping for her recovery as well. Breaking hearts deserve lots of hugs. :blowkiss:
Thanks I needed that today!
Jean's family has been located and is going to give DNA for the data base. Small steps in a long journey!

Still looking, Jean. Still missing you!
monkalup said:
Jean's family has been located and is going to give DNA for the data base. Small steps in a long journey!

Still looking, Jean. Still missing you!
Any progress with the DNA? Was it ever tested with the girl found in MN?

Remembering Jean.
A new year... Hopefully Jean will be found.

Is there any process with the DNA? Do Jean's family have any thoughts on what might have happened to her?
Jean's parents have given DNA and we are awaiting the results of several different possible matches. The waiting seems to get harder, not easier...sigh.

Still searching for you Jean. No matter what...
monkalup said:
I wish I did. Our families were not close. Jean had a somewhat troubled relationship with her folks, and was living with us as a result. My brother went to school with Jean. Jean was one of several young teens who lived with my family over the years. She had moved with my family when we moved from Pgh to Miami. I do not know her sister's married name.

Just as an aside, I also went on to take in foster children, as I never had any children of my own. I only took teenagers, though, 27 of them. You think I would have learned something?? LOL!

Thank you again for your interest and suggestions. I am going to contact LE and see if they can't stir something up regarding the wedding. It was to take place two days after Jean disappeared, In PGh, so how many could there be with maiden name of Stewart? Thanks for a great idea.

Lauren, You sparked my interest with your PM tonight. I haven't visited this thread in a long time. I just wanted to tell you something before I finish reading the entire thread again. I wanted to thank you for taking in older foster kids. My parents took in young ones after my brother and I moved away from home. I think they were suffering the empty nest syndrome. Teens are harder to place, and I think they need the most help. Actually, I think they all need love, but teens are less likely to get taken in by a caring family. You are a wonderful person. :clap:

Now, back to reading...

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