A few points"
1) There was no sign of forced entry or indication of any crime happening in the apt.
The only items missing we THINGS SHE WOULD HAVE TAKEN WITH HER TO WORK. Per her mother, the cloths on her bed were consistent with her habit of trying on different outfits before deciding what to wear. (I don't know if they know what she was wearing that day). PROBABLY she was abducted after she left her apt.
2) I doubt there is much foot traffic between housing developments in Orlando. The odds that an uninvolved person "just happen" to leave the one housing block just as Jen's car was being "dumped" and walk a mile to her housing block, is pretty remote. (And should be easy to find since he would have ties to both units). If "Shorty" were just some guy paid to "move a car", he would have come forward and claimed his reward by now. This guy is PROBABLY the perp.
3) LE had sufficient information to make an accurate estimate of the perps height. I think we can give Orland PD (and the FBI) the benefit of the doubt that did this workup correctly. The perp is PROBABLY white or Hispanic, 5'3" - 5'5", slender build with short hair.
4) A "shoe leather" survey of employees and residents of the Millennia and surrounding units and business, (and any other local that he could have encountered Jen) would have identified a relatively small number of men fitting the above description; each one could have been checked out pretty thoroughly. Perhaps they have identified someone (or just an AKA) but can't make a case or can't find him. If they did a through survey (a big IF) and couldn't identify any suspect, then we have a slick organized operator who is PROBABLY capable of doing it again and again. (And now he knows about video surveillance).
It seems that the boyfriends alibi is about as solid as it gets. He was definitely at work in Ft. Lauderdale that morning (In ever heard he late for an appointment) He is unquestionably NOT Shorty.