FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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I tried to register at JenniferKesse.com but it seems that registration is currently blocked for new applicants. The site says "registration is currently disabled". If anyone at this thread is already a member, could you post a link there, to my POI enhancement above? My enhancement might be of some small use to them.

Never ask for someone to register you & never let someone restister for you. Words to either side. Not wise. jmo
My opinions only, no facts here:

I admit that I have always been inspired by the 'Hat Scene' in Sherlock Holmes "Blue Carbuncle" case, starring Jeremy Brett. This scene explores how much you can deduce from very basic, seemingly meaningless evidence. As in the Jennifer Kesse case, where a simple white t-shirt may speak volumes.

OK, regarding the Jennifer Kesse case, I am calling the POI out! (Just like I did in the Mickey Shunick case- check my full Websleuths history for the Mickey Shunick case or my recent post on this thread for a summary of my image enhancement and analysis in that case- BEFORE the suspect was identified and ultimately convicted).

The Jennifer Kesse case is solvable.

My enhancement of the POI in the Jennifer Kesse case is based upon the first two black-and-white security cam photos that were taken through the iron fence. From these photos, it is possible to do a full-body reconstruction that captures the 'flavor' of the POI. Almost everything I need is visible in the pics, except of course- the very front of the face! But, from the overall shape of the head AND the petite appearance of the POI (a small wiry man in my judgment), I presume that the facial profile is angular or semi-angular, and not rounded or puffy, although prognathicism (prominent jaw) cannot be ruled out. To account for this latter variable I have averaged the facial profile between average jaw and prominent jaw.

See my earlier post on Websleuths regarding a sliver of the forward portion of the POI's face that is visible between two iron bars in the second surveillance cam image. From this sliver of the forward portion of the POI's face AND accounting for the fact that the digitial image was snapped while the suspect was moving, I can roughly estimate the vertical position of his right eye socket and the base of his right ear. From this information, I can decipher where his mouth should be.

Let me go through the fashion details of the POI from top to bottom:

The POI is wearing a "newsboy hat". In my day we called these 'skid-row Stetsons' or 'slouch hats'. Even though the available images are in black-and-white, by comparison with all other details in the background, I estimate the color is drab, not bright, and possibly dark green, blue, or brown- in order of my personal preferences. I believe that this hat is a personal style choice of the POI and NOT a requirement of an employer.

The POI is wearing a common loose-fitting white t-shirt. But, I suggest that this detail is of significant investigative value. I do not think that a man would show up at a hospital job wearing a t-shirt. The presence of this simple garment suggests that this guy is headed to a common labor job OR back to his domicile.

In my opinion, the pants are cargo khaki pants, very likely tan in color (by comparison with the shade of the t-shirt). The side pockets cannot be directly viewed in either of the two security cam pics that I used because of foreground obstructions, but the overall pants style and body-fit seems convincing. Further, these cargo khaki pants appear to have elastic ankle cuffs. Such pants in my opinion would either be painter's or male nurse's pants.

The shoes look to be black leather work boots, with ankle support, and possibly are side-zip/slip-on, rather than laced. The shoes are 1 1/2 to 2 sizes too long for the POI's feet (but I don't know about the width). I suspect that the soles are leather too.

The POI underneath his clothes:

The POI is fairly light-complected, but has dark (probably black) short-cropped hair. This is a major clue in itself. Most people with dark hair can tan quite readily, but the POI looks like someone who has not been getting much sun for quite awhile. If this guy labors for a living, it means that he had not been exposed to a great deal of sunlight on his previous job AND had only been on the current job for less than a month. HOWEVER, it is also possible that the POI was a reclusive shut-in who was not an outdoor worker or maybe not a worker at all.

The POI has a confident forward-stepping stride, very male in appearance. He is not "running away" in the surveillance cam images. He is stepping forward with a stride that is hard-wired into his personality (at least on this particular day).

The POI has a long torso, relative to his legs. He has relatively short arms and walks with his fists clenched. These body proportions and habits could distinguish him from other POI's.

The POI is probably not heavily-tattooed on his total body, because if he was, there would certainly be evidence of tattoos on his right arm or even the visible portions of his face. In some ways, this suggests that at the time of Jennifer Kesse's disappearance, he had not spent considerable time in prison or running with gangs.

Now, let us examine the hypothesis that the POI is a painter. Why is it that painters stereotypically wear light-colored clothes? My opinion is that this is the culture of contractors who hire painters. They want their workers to wear white or otherwise light-colored clothing to prove to their clients that their workers are NOT spilling paint all over themselves and the floor! Clean unstained light-colored clothes become the proof of their employees' competency. However, in the real world of painting, clothes become quite blotched with paint and everything else. Why am I bringing this up? To me, the clothes of the POI in the surveillance images look like they are quite clean and unblemished- could the POI have put on fresh unused clothes the morning he parked Jennifer Kesse's car? Were his other clothes stained? Did he need to quickly buy a new outfit the day or so before? In my opinion alone, these are the types of questions an investigator might ask of themself.

The alternate theory is that the POI is wearing a male nurse uniform. First, remember that medical-care workers also wear light-colored clothing to show (for cultural reasons) that they are not covered with blood or dirt, etc. However, I am less inclined to this theory than I was previously. If a male nurse needs pants with elastic ankle cuffs, I believe these would be put on at the Hospital from his locker. I could be wrong about this, but I am not being unreasonable by presuming that Hospitals do not let employees walk in the front door to the operating room or patient room with clothes worn in the street, let alone a t-shirt.

I am calling the POI out! Join me with your enthusiasm! (Or not- I do not take myself that seriously! But I am good at what it is I do).

Hey, for anyone here interested, I very recently posted an exhaustive Holly Bobo case timeline at http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211069&page=2. It does take a long time to read, but this is also a VERY interesting case.

Sleuth On!
Does the cheap camera affect the color of the clothing? Yes, it could. We did a test back in 2007 I think where a woman took her husband who was a pro photog and they established there was a color difference. Better check it.

Male nurse uniform? First time I heard of that, but I always said it could be someone working in the kitchen and I backed those up with photos early on. I even gave photos of people in the area wearing the same clothing including caps. But I am not adverse to it being someone in construction.

The kitchen staff have specific shoes which cut down on accidents. They are agile and have a weird "cut" as to where they bend making them appear larger, imo.

Do I think my ideas will solve this case? Not unless you go back to our ideas in the beginning when we actually thought the police were doing something and we were doing something, too. (Because WE were!) ;) (God speed, Leftcoast. Miss you every day.)
Never ask for someone to register you & never let someone restister for you. Words to either side. Not wise. jmo

But that is not what I asked for, my friend! I asked for someone who is already a member at the JenniferKesse.com site to provide a link from that site to my Websleuths image post.

I have NEVER let anybody register for me at a site and I have been on the internet or intranet since the mid-70's. Yes, even before Al Gore!
If the crime took place inside the condo with Jennifer's body then hidden very closeby, you wonder why would the murderer (or someone working with that murderer) have moved her car from the immediate area? Was it to just throw off the investigating officials or did someone drive it to that location and then walk to meet up with another who was involved and who may have had her body in a second vehicle?

Checking the records as to who purchased the paint, uniforms, etc. for the work that was going on at the condo when Jennifer disappeared is a very good idea. However, exactly how much information would have been obtained from the buyer(s) of those items when the purchase(s) were made?

Cincinnati Kid, Painters pants and carpenter pants/overalls are identical. Serial killer Israel Keyes had a construction co/front. IK was a carpenter. He had ties to FL. IK was an everywhere man, nowhere man.. IK; a hybrid Emulator Predator, dropped the Curriers(Burlington,VT-Ted Cowell/Bundy's birthplace) car off in an apartment complex parking lot approximately 1 mile from their home/abduction site; same distance as Jennifer Kesse's. The Curriers were taken to an abandoned farmhouse where they were tortured/murdered. IK, intended to use their car for a local bank robbery, but due to mechanical issues decided against it.

IK, had the means, motive, and opportunity in Jennifer Kesse's abduction..imo..
Cincinnati Kid, Painters pants and carpenter pants/overalls are identical. Serial killer Israel Keyes had a construction co/front. IK was a carpenter. He had ties to FL. IK was an everywhere man, nowhere man.. IK; a hybrid Emulator Predator, dropped the Curriers(Burlington,VT-Ted Cowell/Bundy's birthplace) car off in an apartment complex parking lot approximately 1 mile from their home/abduction site; same distance as Jennifer Kesse's. The Curriers were taken to an abandoned farmhouse where they were tortured/murdered. IK, intended to use their car for a local bank robbery, but due to mechanical issues decided against it.

IK, had the means, motive, and opportunity in Jennifer Kesse's abduction..imo..

I do not believe that there is any evidence tying IK to the area at that time.
Cincinnati Kid, Painters pants and carpenter pants/overalls are identical. Serial killer Israel Keyes had a construction co/front. IK was a carpenter. He had ties to FL. IK was an everywhere man, nowhere man.. IK; a hybrid Emulator Predator, dropped the Curriers(Burlington,VT-Ted Cowell/Bundy's birthplace) car off in an apartment complex parking lot approximately 1 mile from their home/abduction site; same distance as Jennifer Kesse's. The Curriers were taken to an abandoned farmhouse where they were tortured/murdered. IK, intended to use their car for a local bank robbery, but due to mechanical issues decided against it.

IK, had the means, motive, and opportunity in Jennifer Kesse's abduction..imo..

Thought of IK to. They should match Ik dna with the dna found in her car.
Thought of IK to. They should match Ik dna with the dna found in her car.

I agree 199.9% with you trigger.....My #1 POI has always been IK, so when I started reading, zooming photo's and etc. All are just to very close to dismiss IK...as Foxfire stated, he was a carpenter all his adult life, beginning at 16, he owned a construction company later in his life, but most of it was carpentery and I know 100% he has family members in Orlando..plus 1 very important piece I read said a Man's sweater was found in the clothes hamper, it did not belong to any of JK family nor the men that stayed there that weekend with her brother, size medium??? IK was tall, athletic build and was said to be of medium build, makes me wonder if this was not left there intentionally to throw LE off when they did start to investigate!!!! and also in the Nov. 29th investigative tape they released with him talking, he had said he planned on moving on to other places had he not been caught, he said tornado stricken places were perfect for him to gain work, plus to scout out other victims
He remains my #1 POI and until they prove someone else took her, he will remain #1 in my poor tired out brain...lol:seeya:
I do not believe that there is any evidence tying IK to the area at that time.

bucshunter, they have not proved this as of this date today, but how do we or FBI know where he was on all the (in-between-times) that are simply blank on the timeline they released????...Let me start by saying IK has family members living in this area, his childhood friend lived in Daytona Beach, this says something to me inside.....I may be way off the wall here, but one form of transportation that has never been mentioned as of yet by FBI is Amtrak Travel, I have been all over the state of Fla. and I know there are tons of stations there and you can simply google a map and see where all Amtrak goes...I think for some blank times in the timeline the FBI released it is highly possible he may have just hopped on Amtrak and went many other places that will probably never be known, as I believe it would be hard to track anyone traveling this form of transportation
IK was a carpenter all his adult life..built his 1st cabin at age 16, he traveled all over the US states at various times hunting work and hunting victims, I feel in my heart he may have contracted a job at the condo with all the construction going on at the time she lived there or perhaps he was just an ordinary worker there, there is just 100's of YES it could have easily been that runs through my mind that IK could definitely be the #1 POI.....the POI walking by that fence looks like Keyes build, walk and at one time his hair was cut in this bowl type cut, and even if he had the long hair, IK was known to always wear a knit-type hat, I feel to keep all DNA off victims and he was known to always wear gloves......I feel with all this construction, IK may have had quiet a little spree in Fla....I have enclosed a photo trying to show his various walking strides.....On another site they had a lot of discussion on the type of stance this POI had, it was believed the way he held his upper body that he was walking in some-type of military stance, head forward, not moving his eyes in any direction but straight forward, IK was in the Military as he often bragged of, and this type of clothing was what is shown IK to wear as he was building a home seen on his constuction company site that has now been taken down..but this is all MOO
NOTE*****....The shoes in the POI photo looks much like the black army boots he was wearing during his military stay
I know on a FB site that one man clicked in and stated he knew exactly what kind of shoes the POI was wearing, he had been in the military for over 20 years, he stated these seen in the POI photo was black army boots, he said I know this, I wore them every single day of those 20 years I was in service



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    Keyes Jennifer Picture.jpg
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    KEYES Various WALKING.jpg
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Sorry, I'm a newer poster! I usually just read.

Were there no video cameras in the immediate area surrounding Huntington on the Greens?
I mean the POI had to go somewhere. Obviously I'm from PA and not FL so I don't know what all surrounds that area. But there has to be something!
bucshunter, they have not proved this as of this date today, but how do we or FBI know where he was on all the (in-between-times) that are simply blank on the timeline they released????...Let me start by saying IK has family members living in this area, his childhood friend lived in Daytona Beach, this says something to me inside.....I may be way off the wall here, but one form of transportation that has never been mentioned as of yet by FBI is Amtrak Travel, I have been all over the state of Fla. and I know there are tons of stations there and you can simply google a map and see where all Amtrak goes...I think for some blank times in the timeline the FBI released it is highly possible he may have just hopped on Amtrak and went many other places that will probably never be known, as I believe it would be hard to track anyone traveling this form of transportation
IK was a carpenter all his adult life..built his 1st cabin at age 16, he traveled all over the US states at various times hunting work and hunting victims, I feel in my heart he may have contracted a job at the condo with all the construction going on at the time she lived there or perhaps he was just an ordinary worker there, there is just 100's of YES it could have easily been that runs through my mind that IK could definitely be the #1 POI.....the POI walking by that fence looks like Keyes build, walk and at one time his hair was cut in this bowl type cut, and even if he had the long hair, IK was known to always wear a knit-type hat, I feel to keep all DNA off victims and he was known to always wear gloves......I feel with all this construction, IK may have had quiet a little spree in Fla....I have enclosed a photo trying to show his various walking strides.....On another site they had a lot of discussion on the type of stance this POI had, it was believed the way he held his upper body that he was walking in some-type of military stance, head forward, not moving his eyes in any direction but straight forward, IK was in the Military as he often bragged of, and this type of clothing was what is shown IK to wear as he was building a home seen on his constuction company site that has now been taken down..but this is all MOO
NOTE*****....The shoes in the POI photo looks much like the black army boots he was wearing during his military stay
I know on a FB site that one man clicked in and stated he knew exactly what kind of shoes the POI was wearing, he had been in the military for over 20 years, he stated these seen in the POI photo was black army boots, he said I know this, I wore them every single day of those 20 years I was in service


Looks like IK lived in Washington from 2001-2007. From 2001 to 2007, he worked for the Makah Tribal Council in Neah Bay, Wash. He also appeared to travel without an alias and did not appear to travel anywhere near Florida during this time.

Another interesting bit of information from him: In 2011, he begins to wonder what would happen if he got more publicity. His crimes have gone under-reported, undetected, unquestioned, for thirteen years. He wants to up the ante. To push it further. To get recognition, though only if his name is not connected to the deeds.
Looks like IK lived in Washington from 2001-2007. From 2001 to 2007, he worked for the Makah Tribal Council in Neah Bay, Wash. He also appeared to travel without an alias and did not appear to travel anywhere near Florida during this time.

Another interesting bit of information from him: In 2011, he begins to wonder what would happen if he got more publicity. His crimes have gone under-reported, undetected, unquestioned, for thirteen years. He wants to up the ante. To push it further. To get recognition, though only if his name is not connected to the deeds.

bucshunter, he may have called this his home, but the new updated timeline from the FBI has Keyes all over the US States up until his arrest in 2012 in Texas and if you look very close there are weeks, even up to months that is left blank and that tells me they do not know where he was during the blank times...that is what makes IK so different to many of us that have studied him since the beginning of even knowing who or what IK really was...these are only places they can 100% link him to
and also he used many alias names such as Iz, Israel REYES....REYES, Israel and there is some more that can be read at his BLOG



I know this photo has nothing to do with Jennifer's case, but YES it could have significant meaning....I'm going to post a small photo of what tons of people thinks is IK at the Boca Raton Mall Murders....If you look at the sketch Jane Doe helped them create, it is like looking at a painting of IK himself....
I feel this may help tie this case and others to Fla....been 7 years for the mall murders....8 for Jennifer's and there is 1 other young lady I feel is a HIGH probability that may turn out to be Keyes Victims also in Fla.......as I mentioned I feel it very highly he may have traveled Amtrak to even further throw LE off and that form of travel is very hard to track down a certain individual....but you gotta admit this sketch and photo look almost identical, and there may actually be no findings of him traveling to fla. during the times of these crimes...Remember he has relatives there, his well known childhood friend in Daytona....they could have been for a visit in Wash. and perhaps he rode back down with them...Who Knows...but I refuse to dismiss this...just too much info, links and etc. I have found in the past 1 1/2 yrs of studying this monster.
And as for anything Keyes told investigators...I take that all with a chuckle...Why would he tell them anything that is truth????....He knew he was caught, caged like the monster he was known to be...he would either get the death sentence or he was doomed for LIFE in a Federal Prison in a max. security cell the rest of his life....So would you tell them the truth if you were him???....I know I sure would not knowing I was more or less a dead man either way...I take absolutely nothing he told them to be 100% Truth, he played them like a game of cards in my mind and I feel now that it is known he was bi-sexual and was a known Necrophiliac was the only reason he was ashamed and did not want his names tied to his victims.....He was ashamed his family would see this and then the whole truth would be known to his Mother, Sisters and Brothers plus his daughter and GF......................With all that being said, I definitely do not believe that none of his crimes got much attention, if this was supposed to be true, Why back in his earlier investigations did he tell investigators that after he had done a crime, he could not wait to get to a computer and look up the crime online to see how far off investigators and LE was off in trying to find the one that did the crime...he often said he would read, chuckle to himself and often POST to certain articles???...and he said at one time he got about as much "high" from reading his crimes online as he did doing the actual crime itself...so all that would not make 1 ounce of sense if he choose people that would not be missed and etc. that was just another mind game he played with FBI near the end...I feel he will be linked to crimes that will make all us Sluethers mouths literally fall open when reading, and some will leave us only shaking our heads and asking why....but all this is what is inside my own mind


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Again I just don't see anything that points to him being in Florida in 2006.
Ya I tottally agree i see absolutly no connectionhere to IK But what i really hate now is that every case i have been reading about someone brings him up and it throws people off the topic . I get he was a seriel killer but i believe and trust me i watched those many hours of interegation and im not saying he didn't kill more people but i believe he was doing alot of misdierection in order to make him self seem alot woarse he wanted to be the woarst of the woarst and i think anyway he was alot more talk then actuall kills .and i dont think this was him not this case.
I know it's not a popular theory but, somehow, I still feel this is a voluntary disappearance.
I dont see it as voluntary at all. Nothing going on in her life points to her wanting to go away. Then you have the poi dropping the car also that makes it unlikely to be voluntary.
I can't see anything in the pictures to indicate that it isn't Jennifer - that's my problem.
Ya I tottally agree i see absolutly no connectionhere to IK But what i really hate now is that every case i have been reading about someone brings him up and it throws people off the topic . I get he was a seriel killer but i believe and trust me i watched those many hours of interegation and im not saying he didn't kill more people but i believe he was doing alot of misdierection in order to make him self seem alot woarse he wanted to be the woarst of the woarst and i think anyway he was alot more talk then actuall kills .and i dont think this was him not this case.

I will have to disagree with the above stated, He idolized Ted Bundy and often talked about him...from what I can recall at this minute, I believe I read his official known victims at this time was over 70, Do you really think someone like Keyes having the mind he had would just back off and let Bundy outnumber him in victim counts???...I do not....I have heard some people analysis this monster and they say more than likely he will turn out to be the worst and most meticilous serial killer of our century...I feel 11 will be just the beginning of tearing down his little kingdom of victims and I feel he had those 11 victims in his mind as "HIS" for the time they were questioning him, for whatever reason I do not begin to understand what was in this monster's mind...but he was hung up on the number 11 at that present time....My opinion is that everytime he went on one of those trips, he was not only burying his kill kits, but also he was up to no good all at the same time, maybe perhaps he used that particular kill kit on a victim and was cleaning it and then traveling to bury it to commit another kidnap and kill, but do not kid yourself, he was not just out joy-riding when on all those trips!!!
and may I ask WHY NOT Jennifer???......tons of construction going on at the Mosiac (that would have been right up his line of work) he has relatives living in Orlando, his known childhood friend lives in Daytona, and even if he was just on a visit at this time, he could have easily had clothes as the POI had on and just blended in at that time...her car was not driven far and brought back the very next day, parked about 1 mile away, just as IK did in Bill and Lorraine Currier's case, their car was found about 1 mile from their home and he had parked it in an apartment complex there up against a trash container...It's been over 8 years...seems LE has found no-one to be a positive POI.....and just because they have never linked him to Fla. at this particular time, I still hold onto him being my #1 POI....Amtrak travel has never been brought out by FBI as of this date....very easy to jump on one of those and travel almost anywhere you want to go from Fla, up to Wash. state, Anchorage and beyond...the FBI linked him to Orlando Fla. in 2009...as he told FBI investigators, he enjoyed going back to crimes he committed just to relive the UP he got from thinking over the crime again...just as he had planned on going back to burn the old farmhouse he killed Bill and Lorraine in, he was a necrophillic also (very sickening to me) maybe he returned to have himself "fun" as he called it
I will say I just didn't jump in on Jennifer's thread and start posting, when they released the 1st photo of him even before they knew he had even killed Samantha, it affected me so bad I had to get up and close out my computer and for some unknown reason this POI walking by the fence came to my mind on the 2nd day after they released his photo....I have studied everything I can find on him and Jennifer's case plus 3 others and I will hold onto him being the person that took Jennifer until FBI or Orlando LE comes forth with a 100% proof and have the person that did this to put in prison...8 years and nothing so far....I have a lot of links, people and etc. I would love to share but all would go against the policy here
and NO I will never believe Jennifer left on her own, she met some horrible individual whether it was in her apartment or at her car....She had it all together at this time, just been promoted on her job, new condo, relationship was going good...I see absolutely -0- that would make me think she just up and left on her own...I feel she loved her family way too much to hurt them as leaving would have done....but all is moo
And I have one name for you Ottis Toole he confessed he killed over 300 people .We know now he did kill adam walsh and a few others but he was a liar most physopaths tend to be liars . and IK is no different....
You might as well put IK as the suspect in all the other cases here...nothing ties him to those either
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