FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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Thanks for the link Truthful Lies, this is the case that got me onto sleuthing the net. I've been to the crime scene(s) many of times and it's heart breakng this case hasn't had any light shed on it in years...

Shin, thank you. I just posted my "story" with this case and how hard it's haunted me. Thank you for your dedication - I'd give my life to give Jennifer back to her family.
I have stated this before but for the last few years any case involving unclear photos the FBI actually sends the pictures to NASA for enhancement the NASA computers and photo department ,not to mention the satalite photos that iam sure they can pin point right in on her latitude and longitude and get a shot at the very time but thier euiptment makes the FBI enhancment look like a joke so i dont know if NASA has ever gotten the photos doneand if so i would love to seee them..Also have any of you seen the show Fact or Faked but its a group that gives 5 idea;s and they pick 2 and they do them and see if they are fact or not and i seen the one where they redid the moon landing i mean to a T as to be faked i mean you could not tell one difference and what iam wondering is give them the phots let them react this guy walking get guys that are 5'4 5'5 5'6 5'7 5'8 untill its a perfect match then once they get the height do it with no fence get the clothing down to a match untill we can say ya thats what it was or even options we all think we know what it is but i think these guys at fact or faked could determine it maybe not down to one but too or 3 for sure same with the clothing ..i just think its worth a shot get the height down for everyone not an approx because even the LE say he was aprox but get it right..
Has anyone ..I am not good enough on a computer but in the famous poi pic has anyone ever tried to put that shot in to like paint and u can tell the collours of the clothing just not hes face really but use paint program to match the clothes and whipe out the bars ..anyone ever done that.
Monday at 9m est there is a new series which will feature Beth Holloway called "Vanished". She is Natalie Holloway's mother. It will feature a bit on Jennifer. Not sure if she is out to help find justice for the victims etc. I believe it will feature other cold cases as well.
So sorry. This series starts on May 9th on the Lifetime channel. Should be on between 8pm-10pm est. Please check your local listings.

Maybe she can help shed light on this case so it can be resolved once and for all.
Happy 30th Birthday Jen, we miss you!
From Jennifer's website:

May, 2011
Friday, May 20th, is Jennifer Kesse’s 30th Birthday. Jennifer, we love you, miss you and hope to bring you home soon. Hard to believe how time flies and also reminds us, her family and friends, that time does not stop for anyone or anything. Although we feel as if it was only yesterday that Jennifer’s Abduction occurred, it has now been over 5 years and 3 months since anyone last spoke and/or saw Jennifer. In that time we have seen her friends join in marriage, give birth to beautiful children and even have lost some good friends. May 30th, on A & E’s Lifetime Channel, Jennifer’s case will be profiled on the new show “Vanished” with Beth Holloway. Please check your local listings for exact channel and time in your viewing area.

We thank all of those who continue to this day on a volunteer basis to help spread the image and information about Jennifer and one day that will pay off. We also ask that you continue to pass on this website to all in your address book as well as visit her Facebook pages under Jennifer Kesse groups and causes.

wow i too have been so interested in this case because she reminds me so much of myself, i no see we are 30 days apart in age
New to this thread but not to the story. A few thoughts: Someone here mentioned that Jennifer was very careful. However, I lived a few miles from her residence/disappearance site (moved there right after she went missing) and have a couple of observations. A local person told me that she would NEVER "let" her daugher live in that area, but especially that building. The MM area backs up against a wooded area known to be habituated by itinerants/drug dealers. In addition, the building in which she lived was virtually unoccupied while she lived there, and I believe even she expressed some discomfort at living there. Most of the people around were workers (and in FL, probably many, many itinerant/illegal).

Also, re: the topic of trafficking that comes up over and over here. Looking at JK, it would seem that she would be a highly unlikey target -professional woman, close to family and friends, gainfully employed at an office where she was required to be present at everyday. Her looks just say money, friends, family..... therefore, I'd think she'd be the last
....con'td (sorry!) type of person to become a victim of this. I'd think that someone who seemed a little less "connected" would be a much easier target -someone who appeard to not have that much in the way of resources and interest in her recovery.

However, on balance, perhaps it just seemed "too easy"; she seemed to live alone and so was frequently seen alone, near/in her condo building and the whole area was pretty ripe for that type of thing --not many residents, mostly itinerant-kind of seeming workers.

With that being said, I think that there are two distinct possibilities in her disappearance in general: One that someone had stalked her and watcher her for a while, realizing that she came/left about the same time each day. That would suggest to me an employee/worker around the area, especially the building. However, what perhaps is not in favour of this is that I believe that she was away for the previous week. Seems like someone watching daily activity patterns wouldn't pick a time when she'd been away on vacation (unless he'd been watching her for a long time.

The other possibility is that someone hadn't been watching her but just happened upon her, which could be either someone like the above or someone not from the area.
I have followed this case for a while but there were a couple things that I found out watching the 48 Hours show. Could someone more familiar with the case clarify a few things for me?
-The only fingerprints found in Jennifer's car were her own? Is that true? The reason I ask: It doesn't look to me like the driver of the car is wearing gloves in those camera pics. He might have taken them off after getting out of the car but it doesn't seem like there was enough time for that in the video. He gets out and starts walking right away.

-Why was the DVD player in the backseat? Was it broken? Was she supposed to take it somewhere? Did it sit in the back of her car the entire time she was on vacation? The reason I ask: Maybe she actually did leave the complex in her car and was abducted somewhere else having to do with that DVD player.

-It was news to me that her cousin (or her brother) and friends who stayed in her condo while she was gone. Did they notice anything while they were there? Any of their friends fit the description of the guy in the photos?

-I am taking for granted Jennifer was not the only attractive woman in that complex. Any other women report being followed? Any attempted abductions in, say, six months prior to Jennifer disappearing? More to the point, has anybody done a search for crimes committed in the complex leading up to Jennifer's disappearance? There is usually a way to find out that info.

-Has anybody tried to figure out what clothes of Jennifer's are missing? I know that might be tough but if someone could even figure out what shoes are missing it would give a good idea of when she went missing. For example, if a pair of fancy shoes are missing then she was on her way to work. But, if no shoes are missing, then there is a very good chance she was abducted from the shower.

In the early days there was 'talk' of a partial print from the car plus DNA evidence.
There was no print and if there is DNA it is a tiny sample that will require waiting for future technology to be of any use.
I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one.

There seems to be confusion about the DVD player. IIRC it was given to her by her boyfriend. It may have been strapped in by him or as some think by the tow truck driver who picked up her car from Huntington on the Green.

As far as I'm aware all those who stayed at her condo were interviewed by LE and cleared. People looking at this mystery have wondered about the person who left the cell phone behind. There is not much public knowledge about the activities of those her stayed at the condo that weekend.

There were only three of four occupied condos in the block where Jennifer lived. Apart from one young lady having an unpleasant encounter in the Mosaic gym I'm not aware of any other incidents. Of course that doesn't there weren't any.

I'm not sure about the clothing. It is generally accepted Jennifer was abducted at of near her car.

Over five years ago the lead detective stated 'this is as close to a vanishing as I have ever seen.'
Sadly, that is still true today.
You can watch the episode of Vanished about Jennifer at link below (first half is Jennifer's story). It was good.

I found this piece of info interesting:

"...even though there were workmen in the condo next door and landscapers working throughout the complex, no one claims to have seen Jennifer leaving her apartment that morning."

"The clothes appear to be a painter or construction type person within an apartment complex or a condo complex somewhere in the area."

"The morning that Jennifer vanished, there were workmen next door to her apartment."

Found this picture while surfing the net, it says New Mexico, possible Sighting? looks like her..



It was a picture from a either television show or recent web series.. didnt have time to look into it deeply

i reported it to crimeline, i know its a longshot.. but I will keep you guys posted
On "Vanished" they said that the driver of her car remained in the car for 32 seconds before exiting, plenty of time to remove gloves or clean off the steering wheel, etc...
I've always thought that the person that parked the car was just an illegal that was hired by the kidnapper to drop off the car. I don't think he had anything to do with the kidnapping itself. Also, the pants always looked to me to be tied at the bottom. They aren't straight leg, they actually look like at the ankle they are rubberbanded or tied in some way...leading me to believe that it was a worker who painted/ spray painted for a living. An illegal would be transient, perhaps not even speak the language, have no access to television, etc...or would certainly NOT go to police even if he did know something because of his illegal status and would not want to be deported. If this scenario is true, the kidnapper was quite clever in hiring an illegal to drop off car. Almost guarantees that the drop off person would never contact police
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