FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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I've always thought that the person that parked the car was just an illegal that was hired by the kidnapper to drop off the car. I don't think he had anything to do with the kidnapping itself. Also, the pants always looked to me to be tied at the bottom. They aren't straight leg, they actually look like at the ankle they are rubberbanded or tied in some way...leading me to believe that it was a worker who painted/ spray painted for a living. An illegal would be transient, perhaps not even speak the language, have no access to television, etc...or would certainly NOT go to police even if he did know something because of his illegal status and would not want to be deported. If this scenario is true, the kidnapper was quite clever in hiring an illegal to drop off car. Almost guarantees that the drop off person would never contact police
That's a very plausible scenario and one that I've never heard mentioned before. Who do you think the abductor would be then? A non-illegal who worked at the Mosaic condos? It seems like the abductor would have to at least known the illegal to some extent before asking him to do this, maybe they worked together at Mosaic? Or maybe neither worked there at all. I think all evidence points to the abductor having a lot of familiarity with Mosaic though, so I lean towards the idea he worked there, maybe just as a private contractor.
That's a very plausible scenario and one that I've never heard mentioned before. Who do you think the abductor would be then? A non-illegal who worked at the Mosaic condos? It seems like the abductor would have to at least known the illegal to some extent before asking him to do this, maybe they worked together at Mosaic? Or maybe neither worked there at all. I think all evidence points to the abductor having a lot of familiarity with Mosaic though, so I lean towards the idea he worked there, maybe just as a private contractor

Frankly, I think the person that dropped off the car WAS a worker at Mosaic, which is why the dog tracked her scent back to the building. The worker parked her car because he was paid to, and then walked to the building to go to work. Those workers will NEVER be found again and certainly won't offer up any info. It's almost to perfect. The killer gets away as no one suspects him...everyone is focused on the workers and the feelings she had of being uncomfortable around them. I personally think that she was chosen, or stalked, and the perp snatched her. He knew her routine and was waiting for his opportunity...I certainly don't think it was some random serial killer roaming around. He could have seen her in her office, he could have been shown a condo by someone in her office, but the initial meeting could have been thru her work. Just my opinion of course. The bringing back of her car was simply diabolical on the part of the killer because as we all know, that is ALL people are focusing on...the guy that brought the car back. Perfect. I also think the guy on the videotape is not wearing a hat, but perhaps a "do-rag" tied around his head. Painters wear those, construction workers, etc. The bandannas tied across their foreheads and knotted in the back. Regardless, I think the car being brought back and the POI are a red herring purposely done by the real killer..and it worked like a charm.
Also wanted to add that the illegals that work are very comfortable and familiar with people approaching them and offering them money to do something for them..a little of this..a little of that...drop this car off at this location for me...I think an illegal wouldve jumped at the money for such an easy job. Why else would he be so casual about dropping car off in broad daylight? He had no idea whose car it was...he was just doing a quick job.
Very interesting theory, jashrema. Unfortunately the chances of this case being solved don't seem very good, and if the POI is indeed simply an illegal paid to drop off the car that makes matters even worse. The POI photo is the biggest (perhaps only) clue this case has; if he's out of the picture then what is left?

This is just a case where it seems so many different things could have happened, precisely because we have so little to work from in the first place.

The only thing near certain is that the abductor got away with a "perfect crime." Truly maddening, and tragic...
The illegal would have most likely come forward, as this was a well publicized case. I don't think they would have paid him that much to keep quiet.
I think the POI in the car video and pic. is one of the abductors. The short guy.? 5'5".
I agree, Jennifer had a stalker.
I set a lot of store by the fact that Jennifer felt uncomfortable about the workers at her condo. People have instincts. Security expert Gavin de Becker, in his book The Gift of Fear, makes the point that when he asks victims about who might be responsible for threatening them, breaking in (etc.), in the end they often admit that there is someone who made them feel uncomfortable or concerned. I think Jennifer's instincts were right on target.
The illegal would have most likely come forward, as this was a well publicized case. I don't think they would have paid him that much to keep quiet.
I think the POI in the car video and pic. is one of the abductors

the only reason I don't agree is because

1. I don't think it would take that much money
2. And I don't know where it is at this point, but I do recall reading that the illegals present during the time of the abduction were basically gone by the time the cops got around to try to interview them.

The question being for me..What is the POINT of bringing the car back?? Why not drive it into water, burn it, strip it down so that it is never found. WHY bring it back so closely to her home? What would be gained from that? Why would the kidnapper do that? The only answer I can come up with it that he did it to throw everyone off the track.
I think bringing the car back was so people wouldn't think Jennifer had gone very far. That she may be very closeby, a decoy(the car). Where as in fact she may have been very far away quickley. To have LE search close to home and bide some time.
Do we know how much time elapsed between her being taken and the car turning up in the lot, as a radius as to how far he drove?
Do we know how much time elapsed between her being taken and the car turning up in the lot, as a radius as to how far he drove?
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the POI was captured parking her car at about noon. As far as what time she was taken, it's impossible to know exactly; most contend it was around 7am (when she left for work), but it really could've been as early as 10pm the night before.
Per Jenn's website, they are assuming she may have gone missing as early as Monday night January 23rd. The POI dropped the car off January 24 @ 1:00 PM and it wasn't found until 2 days later on the 26th. I'm assuming no one can tell how many miles it was driven as one would had to have known her mileage before she went missing. sooooooo frustrating.

I still think the POI is a decoy and had nothing to do with her kidnapping and was just paid by someone to drop off car...only my opinion tho.

I thought her things in her bathroom showed signs that she probably showered and dressed for work in the morning?
Yes, I think he/they caught her on her way to work. But we can't know for sure.
If the POI was a native of Orlando someone would have recognized him from the photos.
Even though his face is hidden he does have a 'look'. And, a rather unique appearance at that.

Perpetrators often talk to someone about the crime they committed. Has this one 'talked'? Who did he tell?
Is the perpetrator living in Florida or even the USA?
I think not.
You're right, someone for sure would have recognized him if he lived in Florida.
I agree the perp is not living nearby, maybe not even in the USA.?? I think the abduction was commited by more than one person. They sure doing a good job at being tight lipped.
I originally thought they had gone on a cruise, but what they had done was go to st. croix. kinda a random location for people in fl.
I didn't think the video was that recognizable...maybe to someone who knows the person very well, but if you are not thinking that a person you know could be the person in the video, you might not make the connection...

Anyway, just thinking about Jennifer and hoping that somehow, LE and the people of Florida have time and energies to turn back toward her case now that the Anthony case is, for better or worse, concluded.
St Croix isn't that random. Being part of the US Virgin Islands, it is a lot easier to travel there than else where in the Carribbean. You do not need a passport for there.

I originally thought they had gone on a cruise, but what they had done was go to st. croix. kinda a random location for people in fl.
Where is Jennifer?

I have to say that this case crosses my mind every day. It's all just so heartbreaking.
Sorry but too things i have read are so obsured one of course the illegals are comfortable theres more of them then there are americans ..and 2 who in thier right mind would give a 20 OR 50 OR 100 to a illegal and the dam keys for one your just asking for him to take off with it and no u dont want that because chances are he cant drive will be pulled over and finger who payed him and from the illegals side you think hes not gonna know something is up when this good summaritin gives him 50 bucks and the keys and says park it a few blocks at the mosiac , he knows dam well no one is gonna do this he knows the only reason someone is doing this is because its a set up trust me he came here to make money not be throwen in jail ...the perp is the illegal the perp did all those things and we seen him do it he is a painter he is a dime a dozen look aloke in stature and build .
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