FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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Just as a follow up to Mr. Noatak's post, usually guys, that wear a size 8 or 7 have a hard time finding their size in retail stores, i worked at the penny's at that time as a shoe manager and constantly sold size 9 or 91/2 because that what size the shoe runs started. The most common shoe at that time was a Sketcher non slip work shoe that looked like this

they crease like a loafer shoe as well due to the hard leather..

My opinions only, no facts here:

This is exactly the kind of post I like to see. A big thumbs-up. You have to deconstruct and reconstruct this image to form an overall opinion of what this guy was wearing, before you can begin to make an identity. I heard that the dog tracked his scent all the way back to Jennifer's condominium. I know that there were day-laborers working around her condo during this period. Yet, I still wonder if this fellow was actually a permanent resident of the condos at the time, albeit an eccentric and weasel-like character. Regardless, I feel that my enhancement captures the flavor of the mystery man. He somehow reminds me of the scrawny crazed scientist in the original Reanimator movie or the original movie version of Flight of the Phoenix.

If the suspect in fact turns out to be an illegal alien (this is implied on CNN- Nancy Grace), this person has a fairly pale skin color.

And there is something else- if a transient laborer was responsible, why have the remains of the victim not been found? A transient laborer would not know the town well enough to permanently hide their victim in such a short period.
My opinions only, no facts here:

Come on good buddies. I am calling this person of interest out with my enhancement of the surveillance cam images. To me, this case is not cold. I can see this man right in front of me now. He CAN be identified, with persistence.

I have a saying: "the evidence is always right, if you can read it."

The "hat scene" in the Jeremy Brett (Sherlock Holmes) episode of 'The Blue Carbuncle' is a must-watch.
Thanks for the interesting posts, Mr. Noatak. It's always good to get "fresh eyes" on this case.

Can you elaborate on the cricket garb theory? It is a bit ridiculous, but when looking at a picture of a cricket player next to the POI pic I find the resemblance pretty uncanny.

EDIT - regarding your post above. I wish I could be as optimistic as you, but after 6 years it seems like the possibility of this man being identified is less than ever, with each passing day. This case could have had a break had it been established sooner and word put out sooner that Jennifer was abducted. I still do hold out hope though, of course. You never know when a miracle will happen.
Mr. Noatak, I hope your valuable work can we seen by people local to the area and/or the Kesse family. Would someone remember an eccentric, small person in the development. Is there some kind of sports club nearby where people would dress like this?
I was thinking that if anyone really thinks it could be a cricket player, perhaps checking the roster names for that year and seeing if any players lived in the building might be possible. Here is an article that may help someone to attempt such a venture. Even though the article predates Jennifer's case, I felt it held good information and could be used as a stepping stone. Praying for answers.

My opinions only, no facts here:

The "cricket garb" theory is easily found on some of the well-known sites that compete with Websleuths. I do not necessarily agree with that theory, but can understand why the surveillance images can suggest this to some researchers. I will stick with my own opinion that this is a hospital or painter outfit, for now.

I agree that after all these years it seems somewhat hopeless, but the peculiar gait and distinctive apparel of this diminutive person-of-interest may still be recognizable to someone.
On a different note, I looked at the sex offender registry of the area that the car was dropped off with offences against women, one guy stood out but I couldnt tell if its current or relevant to when this all occured. I wonder if all sex offenders were contacted by LE then. Also where this person walked to was in the opposite direction of were the SO lived.. I just hate nothing new has come from this. This cannot be a lone person crime, someone, a girlfriend, a co worker has to know who did this or had her veichle for 4+ hours..
I note that the man has short legs and a long upper body and walks with an active forward-stepping style. Almost as if he had marched in the military at some point in his life. I also note that the man has short arms and possibly walks with his fingers curled.

Totally out of left field, but what about a former high school marching band member?
I think he was a transient painter, possibly an illegal, than was working in the building complex. It was reported that there were workers who had 'slipped through the cracks' and were never interviewed or investigated.

I think she was being watched/stalked and was taken early that morning.
Every day, thinking of Jenn.... someone knows something and its time to come forward. Cannot believe it's been 6 years, 9 months and 6 days since Jenn was last seen or heard from. PLEASE..... bring Jenn home... good or bad... it's time for answers.
I think he was a transient painter, possibly an illegal, than was working in the building complex. It was reported that there were workers who had 'slipped through the cracks' and were never interviewed or investigated.

Yep Thats exactly what i have said on my previous and many posts ..My guess is he is a mexican imigrant worker .dissagree with an earlier post that he is not musculer many of these smaller guys from mexico are quite well fit they are just simply smaller like a manny packiow fighter .I don't think his boots were too too big for him maybe some but that bend that u see when he starts to lift off that bend is very common on all work boots because of the steel toe in the boot it comes back about 3 inches and is a light grade steel that doesn't best like a reaguler shoe it bends just the way you see the shoe in the video bend...Thats allways been my take on the guy anyway ..this is too the late night ping If she did go out remember that was allways speculated because they wondered did she maybe try to go out and find a store like i don't know a UPS type store to ship her brothers friends cell phone back as was thought she might have at that time...just a thought.
Do you have a link on what tower it pinged from, I looked at various UPS/FED/POSTAL drop sites in that area and they all seem to be in nice areas ..sorta. Im a local. The other thing is that if this was a crime that was away from the condo, the chances of them(poi/s) drop the car a block away is questionable. Unless she went to a bad area of town (where the car was dropped) and they used it and ditched it the next day.

Also a fact that bothered me is why they dropped it at an apartment cmplex in broad daylight. I know most people arent home at noon unless home for lunch, but to hold on to the car from 11pmish to noon the next day seems very, very odd. Its also would be odd that Jennifer didnt tell her boyfriend that she was going to go out and do this unless she didnt want to worry him or felt like my wife does and thinks she can always handle herself going out at night.. sigh.. thoughts comments?
the pings were located in the area of International Dr and World Center Drive searched by L.E back in early January of this year...
Hey so I am on business here right now, can you refresh my memory on windemere

Windemere I believe is like 20 min. fron Int. Drive. Sounds very odd if it is a solid lead that the phone pinged there at 10:40 ish. It takes about 20 minutes to get there from her apartment.

I wish there was one more break in this case. There has to be someone that knows about this still walking around.
Early L.E reports claim the pepper spray to be located in Jennifer's condo and then as u say I have read elsewhere where a couple claimed to have found it on a street in Windermere. I have also hoped for clarification. As far as the sweater I think it is more reasonable to assume the sweater belonged to one of the guys who was staying in Jennifer's condo than the person who perpetrated the crimes against Jennifer. That said, I don't know for sure. It is sad and telling the known facts in this case are still treated with a whisper.
Perhaps just the pepper spray cannister was in her condo? I think I have read where Jennifer had removed the cannister due to airline restrictions.

Why didn't anyone claim the sweater? Well, I presume they haven't.

That is poignant about facts of this case being treated with a whisper. Very telling indeed and true.
It has been like this from the get-go. Why?

Ok so I just stayed at this windemere area and something I noted there and other areas of orlando is it is so dark. They do a poor job with lighting there imo. parking lots, streets, etc!
Recently saw this case for the first time.
First I have to say that after many trips to Florida, it can be as creepy as hell.
There are a lot of people with condos, lots of empty condos.
There are a lot of people coming and going.
And to be sure, a lot of criminal activity.
A person walking alone even inside of their own Condo complex could be pulled into another condo and who would know?

In this case, I do find quite a few things odd.
1) The argument with the Boyfriend. It's my understanding that he was totally cleared.
He was 2hr drive away. But if he started driving shortly after she left, he might have been only 1/2 hr behind her for example. Did they talk by phone as she drove home?
Did she make any other calls on the way home?

2) Did she have any friends at all? I can imagine her wanting to hang with a friend, even though it's a Sunday night.

3) This person who ditched her car left no fingerprints? There were no other cameras at all in the area? I find it hard to believe that someone could walk around in that area and not be caught on another camera. The person obviously knew the area. Why would they dump her car so close to her building? Especially since her phone pinged 20 minutes away from there? Does this mean that she was in a different vehicle? How about this: She gets home, and is arguing with bf. She decides she needs something from the store. She takes a very quick shower to freshen up. Before she gets to her car, she is stopped, outmaneuvered and put into a different vehicle. Since they have her keys they take her car and park it elsewhere. (I forgot what time this happened)? She's driven away and at some point her phone is tossed out the window or battery removed.
1) The argument with the Boyfriend. It's my understanding that he was totally cleared.
He was 2hr drive away. But if he started driving shortly after she left, he might have been only 1/2 hr behind her for example. Did they talk by phone as she drove home?
Did she make any other calls on the way home?

a.)Jennifer left his place that morning and went to work. He stayed at his location and the talked at night. He didnt follow her back to Orlando.

2) Did she have any friends at all? I can imagine her wanting to hang with a friend, even though it's a Sunday night.

a.)Nothing has come up as she making a phone call after the talk with the boyfriend. According to him, it wasnt so much an argument as a I miss you/we live far away kinda deal.

3) This person who ditched her car left no fingerprints? There were no other cameras at all in the area? I find it hard to believe that someone could walk around in that area and not be caught on another camera. The person obviously knew the area. Why would they dump her car so close to her building? Especially since her phone pinged 20 minutes away from there? Does this mean that she was in a different vehicle? How about this: She gets home, and is arguing with bf. She decides she needs something from the store. She takes a very quick shower to freshen up. Before she gets to her car, she is stopped, outmaneuvered and put into a different vehicle. Since they have her keys they take her car and park it elsewhere. (I forgot what time this happened)? She's driven away and at some point her phone is tossed out the window or battery removed.

a.) besides a few ashes from cigarettes, no fingerprints. That area of town is kinda rough, I lived there, unless he walked by a cash advance place no real camera, the direction he was heading lead to a bus stop. I agree the person knew the area. I think they dropped it there because it was a rough area or knew someone there. Not sure. The car was dropped of at the apartment complex a mile from her condo at noon the day of or after depending how you look at , her abduction.
1) The argument with the Boyfriend. It's my understanding that he was totally cleared.
He was 2hr drive away. But if he started driving shortly after she left, he might have been only 1/2 hr behind her for example. Did they talk by phone as she drove home?
Did she make any other calls on the way home?

a.)Jennifer left his place that morning and went to work. He stayed at his location and the talked at night. He didnt follow her back to Orlando.

2) Did she have any friends at all? I can imagine her wanting to hang with a friend, even though it's a Sunday night.

a.)Nothing has come up as she making a phone call after the talk with the boyfriend. According to him, it wasnt so much an argument as a I miss you/we live far away kinda deal.

3) This person who ditched her car left no fingerprints? There were no other cameras at all in the area? I find it hard to believe that someone could walk around in that area and not be caught on another camera. The person obviously knew the area. Why would they dump her car so close to her building? Especially since her phone pinged 20 minutes away from there? Does this mean that she was in a different vehicle? How about this: She gets home, and is arguing with bf. She decides she needs something from the store. She takes a very quick shower to freshen up. Before she gets to her car, she is stopped, outmaneuvered and put into a different vehicle. Since they have her keys they take her car and park it elsewhere. (I forgot what time this happened)? She's driven away and at some point her phone is tossed out the window or battery removed.

a.) besides a few ashes from cigarettes, no fingerprints. That area of town is kinda rough, I lived there, unless he walked by a cash advance place no real camera, the direction he was heading lead to a bus stop. I agree the person knew the area. I think they dropped it there because it was a rough area or knew someone there. Not sure. The car was dropped of at the apartment complex a mile from her condo at noon the day of or after depending how you look at , her abduction.

Thanks for responding to my questions, however some were not answered.
And now some new ones, Please take another look:

1) Didn't she have any friends in the area?
2) The phone ping time is inconsistent with the time you say she left boyfriends, etc.. Please post a timeline of the known facts:
Left BF's at ?
Arrived at her condo at?
Last Cell Phone Ping at ?? location and ?? Time.
First person to notice her missing at ?? Time
Didn't show up for work at ?? Time
3) Not knowing the above sequence, I've not been able to rule the bf out from driving to her condo, and then driving back home. Did anyone actually see her return home?
4) Did those cameras capture anyone else before or after (walking in the opposite direction of the POI)? If you can figure out those potential witnesses you might get a better take on the POI.
5) Why ditch her car so close to her condo?? - 1 mile is very close as opposed to her phone pinging some 20 minutes drive away. This tells me that the person was staying/living very close by. They pick her up, go for a drive, then come back fairly close to home and ditch the car.
6) The direction that POI was walking, was that towards her condo?
7) Have others vanished or reported rapes within a 10 mile radius?
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