FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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I too would not mind hearing more about this contractor or whatever other companies were working on site. Do you know if he's still around Orlando?
I too would not mind hearing more about this contractor or whatever other companies were working on site. Do you know if he's still around Orlando?

no idea. i don't think i've even seen his name. this would be a good question for Drew Kesse. I wonder if he still checks this thread
Have there been any other abductions/rapes/murders on or around construction sites since?

I think it would be really helpful for the contractor to share WHERE he got his workers from. whether there's a specific physical site where a lot of illegal immigrants congregate, whether the contractor STILL gets his workers this way... anyone familiar with the migrating pattern and just general pattern of work of illegals doing odd jobs across Orland and larger Florida. i really really think the key to cracking this case is the hispanic community. was this seasonal work? did a lot of these workers likely return to their home countries? It would be really helpful for someone very familiar with the Orlando and general Florida hispanic migrant worker population to speak up (again, this is going off of the fact that the contractor's workers were mainly hispanic). can anyone speak to this?

---also looking more at the photo of the guy, I should have said painter or construction worker. He is very slight, and so perhaps painter would be more appropriate. Does the contractor hire painters as well? How does that all work. I would definitely love for someone to talk more about PAINTERS and their relationship to this contractor in particular
Hi Leila, et, al, there are 3 theories I see here as too what could have happened to her and open to more ideas:

#1. She was abducted by a construction worker or other day labor from the complex - I personally think this is the most likely.

#2. She was abducted by one of the known serial killers or sex offenders in Orlando, like James Hataway or Isreal Keyes - possible.

#3 She was abducted by someone she knew, for example a disgruntled former boyfriend or a coworker or other business associate. I am open to this but I still think its #1.

#4. Something besides these 3 could have happened.

Welcome to hear new ideas. I personally still believe that in any of these 3 cases, Jennifer is probably still located within a finite distance from her former apartment complex.
I dont think #3 should be discounted, if someone she knew came to her house, morning or night, she would have willingly opened the door, I apologize in advance for such a generic scenario, but is it possible she came across some information at her work that was "sensitive"?
Hi Leila, et, al, there are 3 theories I see here as too what could have happened to her and open to more ideas:

#1. She was abducted by a construction worker or other day labor from the complex - I personally think this is the most likely.

#2. She was abducted by one of the known serial killers or sex offenders in Orlando, like James Hataway or Isreal Keyes - possible.

#3 She was abducted by someone she knew, for example a disgruntled former boyfriend or a coworker or other business associate. I am open to this but I still think its #1.

#4. Something besides these 3 could have happened.

Welcome to hear new ideas. I personally still believe that in any of these 3 cases, Jennifer is probably still located within a finite distance from her former apartment complex.

How long did Jennifer live at the complex before construction began? Or was it happening from the very beginning?

I especially think that if construction hadn't been going on at the condo for the whole time she lived there, the day laborer theory is the most obvious one. i mean, what a COINCIDENCE that after construction starts, she goes missing.
i mean, you have the fact she felt uncomfortable around them (and Jennifer was very smart about her surroundings and with a keen eye to safety) , the fact that a lot of them were illegal and had the advantage of going completely under the radar, and the outfit of the suspect walking by the gate which looks like a painter or worker outfit.
Also, Jennifer didn't seem to be the type to have a lot of enemies or the type that was always poking her nose in somewhere.
She worked in investment banking, right? IDK there are definitely lots of psychopaths that work in the banking world but to me there just isn't any evidence to support this theory at all. It's not like it's a government job where there's all this classified and declassified information. And if there were, Jennifer doesn't seem like the type to step out of bounds and poke her nose where it doesn't belong. Also, it seemed like she was well-liked at her work and very responsible.
Did she just get a raise? Could co-workers have been jealous? Did she turn anyone down for a date?
I wonder how many of her co-workers were questioned though.
Hi tricket yes, from my research, there is a possibility that it was someone she knew, however, from my understanding and the research I've done about her job at 24, I suspect she was not very high up the foodchain at her job to be killed for something she knew there. Despite this, there was a coworker who was seemingly jealous of her.

Listen to this guys, it was reported that one of her coworkers said "she's probably taken by alligators by now." This was only hours/days after she went missing - he could not have known that she would be gone for 7 years (perhaps she could've been just ill or in the hospital.
Hi tricket yes, from my research, there is a possibility that it was someone she knew, however, from my understanding and the research I've done about her job at 24, I suspect she was not very high up the foodchain at her job to be killed for something she knew there. Despite this, there was a coworker who was seemingly jealous of her.

Listen to this guys, it was reported that one of her coworkers said "she's probably taken by alligators by now." This was only hours/days after she went missing - he could not have known that she would be gone for 7 years (perhaps she could've been just ill or in the hospital.

That is incredibly creepy. Do you know if law enforcement ever questioned him? What makes you think he was jealous of her? Did she turn him down for a date? What does he look like?
Was Jennifer about to be promoted, perhaps and they were vying for the same position/salary?


sorry for all of the questions, this is very interesting info. also, the co-worker could have known that jennifer lived in a sketchy area, and knew that construction was going on + that LE would think that it was a day worker before ever thinking it was him. could have even hired a hit-man or an illegal he paid a huge amount of money to, to bring jennifer to a location to meet him there, and then drive the car back to a lot
Hi Leila, yes the construction was going on from day 1 if im not mistaken. Agree, day laborer is probably the easiest to believe. She worked at some sort of real estate finance company.
Honestly, I'm not sure about the details, I'm sure they did but I remember reading somewhere that he was acting suspiciously. You should be able to find his name on the Internet somewhere. Post it here if you find it.
Has anyone made a connection between the Orlando cases? Kesse/Ocasio/Parker?
Update on website http://jenniferkesse.com/

November 2013,
As we head into our 8th Holiday season without even a clue as to where Jennifer may be or who may have taken her, we still remain steadfast and Hopeful that she will be found and come home to us her family soon. We have great thanks for all of those who visit this site to stay atop Jennifer’s case and pass it on in helping with awareness of her Abduction 1/24/2006 and any leads that may bring us to her or anyone who may know what happened to her. A $5,000 reward still remains available for information leading to Jennifer’s whereabouts. Please call Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477, no caller ID, no names, or the Orlando Police department at 1-407-246-3950, just information and reward money. As we have seen in the not too distant past, those who have been taken and missing for long periods of time have come home and it is our Hope that Jennifer too will be found and brought home, for the good or the bad.

There are simply too many people to thank for the continued support Jennifer and our family has received over the past almost 8 years. You know who you are and from the bottom of our hearts we thank you. We could not have come this far without your help and support and we hope that you continue along this journey with us until we have Jennifer and answers. We know it’s easy for many to simply stop checking in on Jennifer’s case, to say oh she is most likely not with us any longer or she will never be found. We also know that is really not the case for most of you who have followed this heinous criminal act upon Jennifer. We feel you there, we NEED you there and we thank you for being there for Jennifer. You, the general public, are so important in cases like Jennifer’s. You have shown to be an integral part in bringing home many and you will play a major role in finding and bringing others home too. You are the eyes and ears in our communities, Police cannot do the job alone, never have been able to. It is the responsibility of each of us individually to do the right thing, not look away when bad things happen. To understand the effects and affects crime has on our neighborhoods, families and how we go about living our lives. Will we live in fear or will we stand strong together and speak up when we see crime. Enabling criminals is a crime unto itself and our problems will only grow if we do not take a stand against those who degrade our way of life. As Don Henley of The Eagles so eloquently stated “It’s a fine line between the American Dream and the American Nightmare”. Which one will you choose or be thrust into by no choice of your own.

As we sit around our Thanksgiving tables this year and once again gather with family, friends and strangers please take the time to enjoy their company, to make memories and to strengthen the bonds we have with each of them. Hold that time spent together as precious because you will never get that time back once it has passed.

This is also the Giving time of year. If you wish to help our family in funding The Jennifer Kesse Criminal Justice Scholarship at The University of Central Florida Criminal Justice graduate program, please scroll down this page for all information and a short video on giving to the fund (all donations are tax deductible and made directly to the University’s scholarship fund, not the Kesse family). For those who have helped us with the scholarship we are most thankful and it will help in producing better Law Enforcement personnel in the state of Florida.

In closing we would like to again reiterate our continued unconditional love for Jennifer. We will never quit looking for her or anyone who can shed light as to where she may be. We will not be intimidated by anyone or thing in our efforts to find and bring Jennifer home and we will not give into the criminals who threaten to destruct our family, way of live or our pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness. As time goes by it only means that we get closer to the answers we have for so long been looking for – Our Loved one, Jennifer.

Lastly, we ask which of you will be Jennifer’s Hero? Who will finally say enough is enough, Jennifer needs to go home and make the call to end this all. We know someone knows something. Have no fear in making that call, the information you unleash will set you free. It will release the burden you have shouldered over time and it will enable you too, to live again free of a guilt. The feeling will be liberating. Remember “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the evil in it but because of those who choose to do nothing about it”-Author Unknown. Please be safe during the Holiday season and thank you for caring.

The Kesses
Hey guys, I wonder if necrosearch could help in the Kesse invesigation? Perhaps they have some special equipment that will find her if she is indeed underground.
I think that's a good idea. Anything that could be done should be done to possibly and hopefully find her.
Hoping the kesse's get some awnsers and not have to go through another xmas with out jen...
Hey guys, I wonder if necrosearch could help in the Kesse invesigation? Perhaps they have some special equipment that will find her if she is indeed underground.

It's allway's been my opinnion and just that an opinnion that she was taken somewhere untill it got dark and was brought back close to the appartments where they were doing so much construction and pouring sment so ya i guess GPR may help but where do u start is the problem when thier was so much construction .

Thinking of Jennifer and her loved ones during this holiday season. :beats:

Thinking of Jennifer and her loved ones during this holiday season. :beats:


Love and Prayers to the Kesse Family during this Holiday Season
Jennifer is always in our thoughts...Praying the coming year
will bring forth answers
I have read and followed Jennifer's case loosely over the last 3-4 years and stumbled upon something odd the other day while on a jobsite.

I have my own large contracting company, and work with large subs, painters, carpenters, etc.

I was visiting a large condo complex, and was jolted back to snippets of Jennifer's case when I walked around the corner and noticed a large Hispanic painting crew working on the units- dressed almost identically to the POI in this case. Coincidence? I don't know. I'm no one special...just a hard working biz owner so what do I know.

What strikes me as odd about this case is the simple lack of aggressive investigative work the police/detectives did on the workers who were present on the job and apt complex where Jennifer lived. At least from an information standpoint, that is my opinion.

To put it simply....workers were there painting. As large as that complex was, SOMEONE- whether it was a contractor, building owner or the painting subcontractor himself- had a account open at a Sherwin Williams, Duron, Benjamin-Moore etc.
I know this as a fact.....with numerous men on the job, they would go thru paint and supplies quickly. So quickly that the workers would need an open account in order to keep paint and supplies headed to the job on a consistent basis.

This means there is a record of a purchase of supplies for that job. Stay with me here.....the POI seen in the surveillance video looked to be wearing painters paints....these are not a common shopping mall item- most, if not all painters pants are bought right in a paint store. They are cheap, they are plentiful...and best of all most companies do not frown on employees grabbing 2-3 pairs when picking up supplies.
Did investigators try and find the paint store where these workers were getting their paint and supplies? Did they look thru records? Someone has to SIGN for paint that is delivered...supplies that are delivered, or anything that is purchased in a paint store with an account is the same. Maybe a name pops up that investigators do not have a record of interviewing?

Secondly- no matter if Jennifer's door was locked or not- most HOA and condo/apt buildings under construction have 1-2 "master" keys floating around so that men can get in and out of units quickly. No contractor wants men standing around waiting for a landlord or maintenance man to lock and unlock units that need to be worked on or painted.

Jennifer didn't simply walk out of her building without being seen with numerous workers present. Someone probably had a key to her apt...a master key and was waiting on her, or let themselves in while she was showering. The abductors had a plan before they ever walked thru her door.

I have read nothing about any of these angles being explored.

Just my thoughts...thank you.
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