GUILTY FL - Jerry Perdomo, 31, Orange City, 16 February 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IMO, I feel this was pre-meditated. Porter bought a gun on Jan 20th knowing that Jerry would be coming back to collect the money. I feel CN knew what was going to happen when she had Jerry follow her to Porter's father's house. I don't buy that she didn't know anything else. It was a plan.

News reports indicate Porter bought a car with $5000 cash. Why didn't he just pay Jerry the $3000 he owed to him? He had the money.

Again, just my own thoughts on the matter.


My guess is Porter didn't have the $$$..He stole that $5000 off Jerry before he dumped his body..If Porter owed him $$$ others in Maine probably did too & Jerry had collected it along with maybe selling more pills for cash prior to meeting with Porter later that 'fateful' night.
Great thinking! I hadn't thought of that.


My guess is Porter didn't have the $$$..He stole that $5000 off Jerry before he dumped his body..If Porter owed him $$$ others in Maine probably did too & Jerry had collected it along with maybe selling more pills for cash prior to meeting with Porter later that 'fateful' night.
Danielle Waugh ‏ @DanielleWaugh
The Medical Examiner's office has IDed the body as that of #JerryPerdomo
Originally posted by cluciano63
Is the type of dog specified? Just wondering as there have been some cases with dogs lately that always make me wonder, are they using the right dogs, etc...just wondering if this was a specially trained cadaver or human remains dog.

Ive not yet seen where they have given any specifics whatsoever about the dog used other than this info:
Officials said a Maine game warden and his dog made the find about a half-mile from Dahlia Farm Road in Newburgh about 9:30a.m.,0,6946430,full.story

I, too have quite similar concerns and I believe that sadly it will take some type of grave error that will prohibit justice from being served due to the wrong or incorrect type dog being used in a case thus calling the entire evidence found into question.. I fear it will take something very negative to occur before we see the type of clamping down on using extremely specific dogs according to their specific training and certification to be implemented.. I hope thats not the case and that we see those changes occur before a negative impact occurs..jmo..
Not important at all but back in 2008 Jerry apparently changed his legal name from Gerardo Jr to Jerry. Not that there's anything wrong with best friend just changed her name too, to a name she's always wanted. And it takes a lot to get a legal name criminal history, for one. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.
I absolutely believe that CN knew everything that happened. She was "on the run" with Daniel for those few days after Jerry was missing. Her fb statement said she was sorry for their "loss". She did what she could..... Maybe she made some deal with LE as witness or that she gave them information......
6:15 p.m.: Speaks to wife for 11 minutes.

7:41 p.m.: Calls wife again and told her that he was on a dirt road. This is the last time anyone hears from Perdomo.,0,6265141.story

Theres a detailed timeline at the link.. The above is snipped from that timeline.. It shows there was an additional call made to Tonya after the 11min call at 6:15.. She was the last person he spoke to at 7:41 and he told her he was traveling on a dirt road.. Now of course this means nothing cetain either way, but imo I believe that Tonya does know what Jerry was doing once a month in Bangor.. Atleast the selling pills.. I just find it very telling that this was the last call he made and that he gave specific info about the dirt road.. MOO :cow: I believe it possible that Jerry's instincts were already kicked into high alert and there was something telling him in his gut that something was up, out of the norm and this led to his calling Tonya.. Imo if Tonya was unaware of his illegal activities he would not have made the call TO HER, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY IMO HE WOULD NOT HAVE TOLD HER HE WAS DRIVING ON A DIRT ROAD..

But that is jmo and nothing more..
In a way it was good they found Jerrys' body as soon as they did, with the cold and everything, DNA will be preserved. Sorry to have to be saying this .
Also, I think that Porter had help disposing of the body...Jerry was not a small man, and I think it would be difficult to lift and place a body of a full-grown man into a car/trunk.
They should (imo) question that girlfriend (C. Nowak) further.
My condolences to Jerrys' family.
There is no way that DP moved Jerry's body by himself!! Someone else is involved for sure. Maybe not with the actual murder, but definitely with dumping Jerry's body. Maybe it was this person who let detectives to that general location?

ETA: Oops, should have read further. Above me, someone said the same thing.
Hi peeps... I am sorry to learn that Jerry is gone; I'd hoped against hope that there would be a better outcome for him.

Please let's hold off on sleuthing LG for the time being.
Not important at all but back in 2008 Jerry apparently changed his legal name from Gerardo Jr to Jerry. Not that there's anything wrong with best friend just changed her name too, to a name she's always wanted. And it takes a lot to get a legal name criminal history, for one. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.

BBM Not to make light of the situation, but if my name was as close to Geraldo as Jerry's orginal name was, I would change it too. Especially with his involvement with Jose Baez in 2008?
I'm still catching up on this case, but I'm wondering exactly how many pills Jerry was getting each month to sell and from where. Unless Jerry put the money up for the pills and Porter had the connection to get them and they each got a percentage of the profits.

Seems like a long way to go just to sell drugs when you can sell them anywhere.

If they were prescription drugs, who was prescribing so many without questioning his need for a large amount.
I'm still catching up on this case, but I'm wondering exactly how many pills Jerry was getting each month to sell and from where. Unless Jerry put the money up for the pills and Porter had the connection to get them and they each got a percentage of the profits.

Seems like a long way to go just to sell drugs when you can sell them anywhere.

If they were prescription drugs, who was prescribing so many without questioning his need for a large amount.

To get quantities enough to sell, he was either getting scripts from a number of doctors, or other people were involved on the Florida end, IMO, getting meds too, and he was the "runner". I know as someone who relies on these meds, the amount given is very small and exact to the day, can never be filled early under any circumstances, etc...if you take more one day due to worse pain, tough luck for you. These cases just make me so angry...I can't even get legal access to anything close to what people are selling on the streets for profit, and what people are buying to "party." JMO
There is no way that DP moved Jerry's body by himself!! Someone else is involved for sure. Maybe not with the actual murder, but definitely with dumping Jerry's body. Maybe it was this person who let detectives to that general location?

ETA: Oops, should have read further. Above me, someone said the same thing.

Resp. snipped

Yeah, from the photos of DP, he looks like a rather thin young man, whereas JP looked taller and more 'fit'. I've never lifted even an unconscious person (certainly not a deceased one !) myself and I doubt this young man acted alone. I'm curious if LE is questioning the girlfriend of DP ( CN) ....if I were LE and had permission/warrant , I'd have alot of questions for her.
I think this is going to be a very deep investigation. The horror of it all......seemingly 'normal' people involved-drugs........the sordidness of it...........tragedy within both the families....

Many many questions. Where/how/when did it all start?
Oh, and IMO.........I do feel that CN is HIGHLY involved. Actually I am shocked she is not also under arrest.
If I may venture another opinion of my own-the arrestee was younger than, more inexperienced than, had less standing (perhaps) in a community than, and smaller than.........the deceased.
Who intimidated who and how do they both end up shooting pool and then one is dead.
The phone call to his wife that Jerry made-about driving down a dirt road. What was that about? What was she supposed to do/think? That sounds so insane to me. Was there a false bravado in his voice where he told her 'don't worry though.I have it under control'......And did she beg him to turn the vehicle around?
This whole story is so bizarre and sad.

I think people are so angry about the whole thing because you see an adult responsible male (Jerry) putting himself into a dangerous situation when he had children to think about. And you see a younger male maybe not so accomplished with not as much to lose. Gee he is only 24 and looks 16. Not as much to lose but a lot to be scared about because he 'stiffed' someone over drugs............
Did he buy the gun for the intent to get rid of the problem or for self-defense. It is almost a Keystone Cops situation-the bad guys calling the good guys to help. I guess it built up since the bad guys can't stop posturing after they leave and more importantly, the main beef, 'drugs' never comes up in the conversation.
Very scary story.
And, yet, JP went back in Feb....I must be Super Chicken because I'd be shakin in my boots...

O/T...I don't think I ever posted 3 in a row...LOL

I would be shaking, too!

But JP looks (ed) buffer, was taller, and firemen, historically speaking, work out to keep in shape. He probably thought he could "take" the little "rascal" DP....especially when JP was fueled by drugs and greed.

If these two have a history of threatening each other, why was Jerry at Porter's house playing pool? Did they have a love/hate relationship? What was the hate about - other than money? Wow! Just WOW! IMHO - Porter's daddy knows a great deal about this murder.

I imagine the game of pool was not a way to hang and "bond".

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