GUILTY FL - Jerry Perdomo, 31, Orange City, 16 February 2012

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I'd guarantee that the majority of Jerry's pills came from the VA hospital. They are notorious (at least in Florida) for providing more than enough pain killers for the average person.
Look at the violence and criminal activity between these two guys, then think how much more violence, criminal activity and possible deaths resulted as these pills moved to the end users. People destroyed, families destroyed all because a guy saw some quick money and a way to pay for his jaunts to his girlfriend's home.

Amen, Dr Fessel so many lives are destroyed by drug abuse. I do feel bad for this man and all the families involved. I do question is there a consideration in one's mind while getting involved in this sort of activity? I'm not making excuses, but did his medical condition from being a vet play a factor? I say yes it did.

Sad on so many fronts, may his children have loving arms around them for a long time.
Look at the violence and criminal activity between these two guys, then think how much more violence, criminal activity and possible deaths resulted as these pills moved to the end users. People destroyed, families destroyed all because a guy saw some quick money and a way to pay for his jaunts to his girlfriend's home.

You just said it all!
That is why people are so darned upset..........there is this underworld of drugs being sold and distributed in our society and it touches many an innocent.
I am thinking of the middle school and high school kids who go to parties and are influenced by a drug network.

In order for a drug establishment to flow regularly, you continually need new users. It can't be the same old crowd because eventually they die.

I feel stupid just saying this but for some readers it needs to be that they understand the insidiousness of drug dealers. Young people think that at the top-drug dealers are so glamorous. They watch 'drug kingpin' movies over and over like toddlers watch Disney movies over and over. You have to catch adolescents before middle school parents! Take heed.

It is all about the money......a terrible cycle.
I hope this never happens to another fireman, another boy who grew up in the Maine Woods, another wife, father, daughter, brother, son, parent etc.

The Maine State Police have all my respect.
I'd guarantee that the majority of Jerry's pills came from the VA hospital. They are notorious (at least in Florida) for providing more than enough pain killers for the average person.

Wow. I'm surprised. You'd think they'd all be the same. The VA hospitals in my area are very strict, with specific pain management contracts and frequent monitoring (drug tests), with the veterans being "kicked out" (my words) for not following the rules. But I guess there's a way around most anything. People involved in drugs can be very creative.
Amen, Dr Fessel so many lives are destroyed by drug abuse. I do feel bad for this man and all the families involved. I do question is there a consideration in one's mind while getting involved in this sort of activity? I'm not making excuses, but did his medical condition from being a vet play a factor? I say yes it did.

Sad on so many fronts, may his children have loving arms around them for a long time.

Assuming Jerry had some sort of pill problem himself:
Most prescription pill addicts do not consider it an addiction akin to cocaine, heroin, etc., because pills can be obtained via prescription/legally. I've known some pill addicts/abusers and they are usually pretty open with their use, and do not consider it a problem, but rather a "need". The doctor prescribed it, so therefore it is not a problem....they need it for whatever their issue, even if that "need" involves taking many times the prescribed dosage. They'll also usually readily offer you a pill for that headache you mentioned in passing without thinking twice.
Trafficking, IMO, is based in greed. There is alot of money to be made doing it. Although, I do think it is entirely possible that Jerry would have never trafficked, say, cocaine, but in his mind pills were "different, if you kwim...
OMG, I never realized that went for that much on the streets. I have had several surguries over the last few years and had RXs for most of those listed one time or another. Never would I have dream that had that type of value sitting in my cabinet....should have them in a safe.

"Should have them in a safe."

Yes...take out the money and jewels to make room for the Rx!:seeya:
I used to work in a hospital ER, and one individual came in complaining of pain, and doc prescribed a minimal # of pills to get through weekend or couple of days.

Shortly after pt left, local pharmacist called the ER, and this person had received the same pain meds from 5-6 different docs/specialities in the community (some were pretty large quantities) within the same month and this person was crazy enough to return to the same pharmacy to have them all filled. :waitasec:

Thankfully, the observant pharmacist remembered him, accessed the state database and alerted the ER and prescription was cancelled or whatever they do. No more pills that night. :woohoo:

Talk about bold, or should I say stupid criminal? :what:

Guess what I'm trying to say, sometimes it's not very hard to obtain these drugs via a legal prescription within the community, and not always a pill mill.
I wonder how this will affect his wife's benefits as a widow. We have to wait and see how the whole investigation turns out.
I hope they don't start asking for donations...........that would be beyond the pale.
Society has seen too much of that and it imparts a mixed message to the young.
I used to work in a hospital ER, and one individual came in complaining of pain, and doc prescribed a minimal # of pills to get through weekend or couple of days.

Shortly after pt left, local pharmacist called the ER, and this person had received the same pain meds from 5-6 different docs/specialities in the community (some were pretty large quantities) within the same month and this person was crazy enough to return to the same pharmacy to have them all filled. :waitasec:

Thankfully, the observant pharmacist remembered him, accessed the state database and alerted the ER and prescription was cancelled or whatever they do. No more pills that night. :woohoo:

Talk about bold, or should I say stupid criminal? :what:

Guess what I'm trying to say, sometimes it's not very hard to obtain these drugs via a legal prescription within the community, and not always a pill mill.

Delusional, I think. Drug addicts always think they are out-smarting everyone. Story time!
Thanks to his pill abuse, my bil ended up living with us for a time several years ago. Needless to say, the constant lying and doctor-hopping had us searching my guest room like drug dogs every time he left the house. One time, we found a ziploc bag of 400 :what: pills that after a little search on the internet, proved to be muscle relaxers. I told my husnband "Watch - he's gonna say they are Tylenol", and he didn't disappoint! He was not going to let go of that Tylenol story if you put a gun to his head. Needless to say, I don't know too many people that would chase you down and get that upset when you flushed their Tylenol down the toilet ;). Addicts always think you just fell off the turnip truck, so to speak.
Not sure why this case has captivated me so...a father, a husband, a veteran, a FF, caught up in some very bad decisions...just makes me so very sad.
Here it is. I live in an apartment complex and there is a woman who is totally blind on pain meds. And she deals. She deals. Now I find that the asst manager has another drug for her to exchange...and it goes on and on. These people do not work-they live on local and other Government money for rent, food, meds. They sit home all day and smoke dope, deal pills at night and all day long. They go from one doctor to another, cheat on their income tax, do not pay child support, invite homeless bums onto the property, complain all day about the government and are all anti-government.
They love young people and invite them over incessantly. They represent what the young peoples parents do not-an open range.
They couldn't care less what young person they vilify or corrupt as long as the 'network' keeps working.
This why the Jerry P's of the world are EVIL.
The pills are delivered and the tearing down of families and society begin.
OMG, I never realized that went for that much on the streets. I have had several surguries over the last few years and had RXs for most of those listed one time or another. Never would I have dream that had that type of value sitting in my cabinet....should have them in a safe.

Yes. I've seen some PSA's that advise people not to tell anyone you are taking pain pills and to lock them up. Especially lock them up to keep them from family and friends who live with you or visit. locally some LE officers have been busted for stealing pain meds out of the houses they visit. Apartment managers are another problem since they have keys. I've noticed a trend in crimes recently where addicts wrongly or rightly assume that someone has pills in their home. This has led to the home occupants experiencing home invasions or worse become the victims of murder. Does anyone remember the young woman who shot that guy trying to break into her house? The perp knew her husband had recently passed away of cancer. He figured that meant there were pills in the home and was breaking in to steal them.
I do believe you hit the nail right on the head here.

It really is sad too. Trust me, I feel awful that Jerry lost his life. Murder is Murder. Just as, Rape is Rape, even if the victim is a prostitute.

However, we don't know if someone has lost their lives as a direct result of Jerry putting these pills on the streets illegally? Jerry may have victims of his own?

People want to give Jerry a free pass (from his drug trafficking) because he has served our country and was a firefighter. I'm sorry, but knowing that Jerry did serve our country and was a firefighter, makes it a lot worse because he was a trusted member of the community. A lot of the time, that makes them even more dangerous than some random punk low-level drug dealer on the street corner. Rogue cops are constantly being busted too. Same thing.

There's good and bad in everything in life.

Again, I feel awful for Jerry losing his life. I feel even more awful for his parents, wife, and children. Maybe this will help someone from making the mistake of taking the same path?

And I do hope that DP is charged and punished accordingly. Murder is Murder.
It did occur to me to wonder if Jerry had some friends in Florida, maybe even in the department, who were also supplying meds...and that could be why some rushed up there, knowing full well that a situation had gone bad...JMO
It did occur to me to wonder if Jerry had some friends in Florida, maybe even in the department, who were also supplying meds...and that could be why some rushed up there, knowing full well that a situation had gone bad...JMO

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