GUILTY FL - Jerry Perdomo, 31, Orange City, 16 February 2012

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My understanding is that she went to her mom's house with her son after they had an argument that night. I think he somehow hid the car from her at some point. Then, he borrowed his friend's truck the next day. I believe he used his friend's truck to dispose of the body because it was said in the affidavit that it came back all muddy (which would correspond to where his body was found in the woods). Then he un-hid the car, dropped it off in the Walmart parking lot, disposed of the bag in the trashcan which had Jerry's wallet, phones, and other assorted things. Then he called her to pick him up.

I'm still not sure if she was in on it though. Jerry followed her to his dad's house at his request. They bought the gun together at the pawn shop. So ???
It could simply be that she did a few things that appear she was connected but may have not known the significance of what she did, such as not knowing what was going to happen to Jerry at the house, or why she was picking him up at WalMart. Or at least not until after the fact.

It could simply be that she did a few things that appear she was connected but may have not known the significance of what she did, such as not knowing what was going to happen to Jerry at the house, or why she was picking him up at WalMart. Or at least not until after the fact.


Agreed. If so, that makes his actions that much more sinister, IMO. I still think that there is some other thing going on here in addition to the drug dealing aspect. Another person, some jealously...I don't know.
The gun is of crucial importance.. And oddly the gun is absolutely 100% absent from anyone's accts, evidence, etc.. The only and last info we have of the glock handgun is from gf, Lisa.. She stated that when Jerry left her home afternoon of February 16 that he had both cell phones and the gun.. It's the last we've heard of the gun period.. In the arrest warrant it is obviously absent.. Even absent from Porters acct of the nights events.. Including his self defense claim.. The arrest warrant states that Jerry threatened to kill Porter and his family.. Never mentions word one about Jerry's gun, him brandishing his weapon, him threatening Porter with the gun.. NOTHING.. Not a peep about it!! Porter claims he shot him in self defense but there is nothing stating that Jerry even threatened with a gun.. Only verbal threats..

Also the gun is oddly absent from all of the articles of Jerry's that Porter disposed of.. Both cell phones, wallet, rental car keys, and rental car are all disposed of at Walmart and convenient store trash bin.. AGAIN NO MENTION OF JERRY'S GUN!! The car was left in Walmart parking lot.. Again no mention of Jerry's gun..

And the piece land that Porter disposed of Jerry's body.. LE successfully located the remains of Perdomo..
And once again not word one of the handgun!!!

Where the hell is the gun and why is it not being addressed that it's glaringly obviously ABSENT ALL TOGETHER FROM THE POINT OF JERRY LEAVING LISA'S BANGOR HOME ON FEB 16???

IMO its the main component of a self defense claim.. As in Porter has to show that there was deadly intent on Perdomo's
Part when threatening Porter and his family's lives.. But yet the arrest warrant which contains Porter's acct of the nights events including his shooting Jerry THERE IS STILL OBVIOUSLY ABSENT ONE WORD EVER EVEN MENTIONED OF JERRY's GUN??

Does that make sense?? I almost added in my gun inquiries to last nights post but sadly it was way too long without the add in.. So, I just decided to post a separate inquiry as to the possibilities of why it is missing throughout the entirety of that night and still strangely absent from that point on??

Why and where is it?? It is crucial to the self defense claim IMO .. So why is it absent???

Agreed. If so, that makes his actions that much more sinister, IMO. I still think that there is some other thing going on here in addition to the drug dealing aspect. Another person, some jealously...I don't know.

I am not accepting his "self-defense" version of events at all. Hopefully the supporters of DP won't prevail, or be on the jury and there will be justice for Jerry, who despite whatever he was doing in Maine, did not deserve to be murdered.

The gun is of crucial importance.. And oddly the gun is absolutely 100% absent from anyone's accts, evidence, etc.. The only and last info we have of the glock handgun is from gf, Lisa.. She stated that when Jerry left her home afternoon of February 16 that he had both cell phones and the gun.. It's the last we've heard of the gun period.. In the arrest warrant it is obviously absent.. Even absent from Porters acct of the nights events.. Including his self defense claim.. The arrest warrant states that Jerry threatened to kill Porter and his family.. Never mentions word one about Jerry's gun, him brandishing his weapon, him threatening Porter with the gun.. NOTHING.. Not a peep about it!! Porter claims he shot him in self defense but there is nothing stating that Jerry even threatened with a gun.. Only verbal threats..

Also the gun is oddly absent from all of the articles of Jerry's that Porter disposed of.. Both cell phones, wallet, rental car keys, and rental car are all disposed of at Walmart and convenient store trash bin.. AGAIN NO MENTION OF JERRY'S GUN!! The car was left in Walmart parking lot.. Again no mention of Jerry's gun..

And the piece land that Porter disposed of Jerry's body.. LE successfully located the remains of Perdomo..
And once again not word one of the handgun!!!

Where the hell is the gun and why is it not being addressed that it's glaringly obviously ABSENT ALL TOGETHER FROM THE POINT OF JERRY LEAVING LISA'S BANGOR HOME ON FEB 16???

IMO its the main component of a self defense claim.. As in Porter has to show that there was deadly intent on Perdomo's
Part when threatening Porter and his family's lives.. But yet the arrest warrant which contains Porter's acct of the nights events including his shooting Jerry THERE IS STILL OBVIOUSLY ABSENT ONE WORD EVER EVEN MENTIONED OF JERRY's GUN??

Does that make sense?? I almost added in my gun inquiries to last nights post but sadly it was way too long without the add in.. So, I just decided to post a separate inquiry as to the possibilities of why it is missing throughout the entirety of that night and still strangely absent from that point on??

Why and where is it?? It is crucial to the self defense claim IMO .. So why is it absent???


Excellent question! You really get people to think.

Also, do you think Porter had help in dispensing of Jerry's body? Could he have done it alone?
I have to agree with most everything here..... self defense gunshot to the head....hmmm not likely. torso shot is more common, no? and wouldn't they have shot at each other? didn't hear anything about any stray bullets, or perdomo taking any shots. looks at lot more like this little weasel decided to get the jump on the big guy, luring him out there to kill him. (in his drug riddled brain, it was kill or be killed) I am curious to know the location of the gunshot as well. It is interesting that it occurred near the doorway.. with blood also found under the pool table... presents another slant to the story if the gunshot is in the BACK of the head. It is hard to be threatening when someone is walking/running/crawling away..or if kneeling? Execution style?
Does anyone know how he got mixed up with these ppl from Maine n the first place? Thats 1500 miles from his home n Florida.
He had been making this trip for the last 10 months. Did this not raise red flags with anyone n his family or coworkers? His wife said it wasn't out of the norm for him to help ppl an travel out of town to do so. I can c being a helpful person an helping those around u bt to travel to Maine every month for almost a yr! Dadgum how much "help" can one person need..i just can't wrap my head around his wife believing that an being n the dark about his real readon for going. I don't undetstand how she could b ok with him staying with his girlfriend either. By her own admission she said she knew he was visiting a women bt didn't know the extent of their relationship. If my husband was going 1500on miles every month to c a women he wouldn't b my husband for long! None of this makes sense to me...
I agree..a wife that is accepting in the extent that she knows her husband to be visiting a female monthly for ten months is hard to understand for some of us.
But..I wonder if their relationship had become what I call, for lack of a better word, a working relationship. The goal of both parties is no longer a union between two loving partners raising a family, but a unification/team work for a goal of another sort. (I can't help thinking of Bill and Hillary Clinton.) I don't even know if the "gf" is truly a girlfriend in a "romantic" way. She may be a pawn in this whole drug scenario, as well.

Who knows...drugs can interfere with intimate performance. And/or the need for drugs/money may overshadow any emotional attachments.

This is all just my own thoughts, and I have in no way heard this to be the truth in this particular case.
On 2/28/12 Det. brian Stroud told your afficiant that he interviewed Daniel Porter who stated Jerry Perdomo came to Maine and Daniel Porter owed Jerry Perdomo $3,000.00. Daniel Porter said he and Perdomo were playing pool at his residence in Jackson when Perdomo began making threatening statements toward Daniel and his family. Daniel then told Det. Stroud that Jerry Perdomo is DEAD and he told his father the location of Perdomo's body and the gun. Daniel did not tell Det. Stroud the location of the body and gun and Daniel's father did not want to say either.

The above is the very last paragraph of the affidavit for arrest of Porter (PDF).. Other than what we've already mentioned, that Lisa's statement to LE was that she last saw Perdomo leaving her residence in Bangor at 5:30pm of 2/16 and that Jerry had his wallet, 2 cell phones, and his Glock handgun.. This above last paragraph of the affidavit IS THE ONLY OTHER TIME THAT A GUN IS MENTIONED.. IMO its quite obvious that the gun of which Porter is speaking of above is the murder weapon of which he'd disposed of along with the body.. And im assuming that it is the .357 handgun that Porter purchased on 1/20 that he then used to kill Jerry.. So we're still left with zero mention of Jerry's glock handgun that we know for certain that he had at 5:30pm when he set out enroute to meet up with CN and Porter to be paid the $3,000 that Porter owed him..

Why why why? I cannot make sense of it?!?.. Porter has claimed self defense..yet as you can clearly see in the above snipped quote that Porter only makes the accusation that "Jerry made threatening STATEMENTS toward Porter and his family".. He clearly states they were verbal threats.. I know without a doubt that if Porter's statements to LE included any mention of any type weapon whatsoever IT WOULD ABSOLUTELY BE CLEARLY STATED IN THIS ARREST AFFIDAVIT.. There is nothing even remotely hinting at there being threats made by Jerry with his gun! I find this truly unbelieveable.. Is Porter that ignorant of how the world works? Is he? Because im dumbfounded that he's claiming self defense but clearly as all can see the level of threat that was present was from Jerry in the form of verbal threats.. Does he believe that a person just saying these threats is enough to justify his taking out a .357 handgun and blowing the man's head off?.. He cannot be that ignorant, can he? So where in the hell is Jerry Perdomo's gun?

I have one other possibility that has crept into my mind more than once and ill quickly make mentio he n of it.. Its the fact that we truly have not been told that Porter murdered Jerry with the .357 handgun that and CN purchased from a pawn shop on 1/20.. We have only been told that he purchased one, when, and where. Therefor it has crossed my mind that is it possible that the .357 actually has no part in the actual murder? It would also make sense why Jerry didnt shoot Porter upon whatever happened beginning to escalate(if it indeed did escalate rather than just a surprise attack.with no warning..thats definitely possible).. There were no defensive or return shots fired from Jerry to Porter.. Is this possibly why? Because Jerry had no gun to defend himself with due to Porter having somehow gotten a hold of his gun.. Im beginning to think its possible..

One other reason it fits as well is this.. From what we know the feelings that night between these two were seemingly quite relaxed, friendly, if not even trusting dare I say.. Jerry comfortable enough to go out to Porters all alone. And further more to then go for a drive, drinking brews, AND ALLOWING PORTER TO DRIVE JERRY'S TOYOTA RENTAL CAR!..imo this is all speaking that there was a relaxed atmosphere imo..sadly for Jerry it was just a trick used to lure him into the lair of a killer.. But for whatever reasons it certainly appears as tho it was a relaxed, non threatening, laid back atmosphere with the two out for a country drive drinking brews.. We know that Jerry's car is where he generally "kept his gun" knowing that i do not find it hard to believe with Porter being the driver and having Jerry in a non threatened, relaxed frame of mind..well..its not beyond the realm of possibilities that during the hustle and bustle of their exiting the car upon arriving back at Porters home, I.find it possible that Porter was able to easily take possession of Jerry's gun from the car..

This making several things make sense such as what i mentioned above with Jerry having fired no shots or defending himself with his gun.. Things like that make more sense if knowing that Jerry had already been "disarmed" by Porter taking possession of his glock while out at the rental car.. Maybe it was as I'd stated on one of my theories in that Jerry possibly was headed back out of the house to go get his gun from the car due to things escalating between he and Porter.. Yet Porter already had taken care of that and removed that as an option for Jerry to attempt to seek out to retaliate in a quickly escalating altercation..

Therefor we have Porter shoot Jerry in the head right near the entrance of the home as Jerry may have been attempting to leave or go get his gun.. Porter shoots Perdomo with his very own glock handgun..therefor the glock is the gun of which Porter is referring to in the above snipped quote from the arrest warrant.. The gun and the body and the location where he'd disposed of both.. Could that be the missing gun? And the reason its missing is because it is the murder weapon, which imo would REALLY REALLY MAKE PORTERS SELF DEFENSE CLAIM QUICKLY GO DOWN THE TOILET!! HE STEALS THE MANS GUN WHO SUPPOSEDLY THREATENS HIS LIFE AND THEN SHOOTS THE UNARMED MAN WITH HIS VERY OWN GUN?

WOW! Mind boggling for sure! I just dont know and dont think we will know until more details are definitely not claiming that my theories above are accurate..not at all, but rather just thinking on what different possibilities there are as far as answers for resolving the entire gun issue mystery:crazy:
Smoothoperator, you are really thinking and have so many good points. I don't believe it was self defense, but since there is only one person alive that was in the argument he could make up anything. If Jerry was shot with his own gun, it actually could support self defense ie...Jerry was threatening him with the gun, there was a struggle, and they were both fighting over the gun and "it" went off and hit jerry in the head.
I think we all knew DP was going to claim self-defense. Both men had guns. Both men had threatened each other previously. Both men willingly participants in the illegal drug trade. How serious was Jerry about getting his money? How serious was DP about not giving Jerry the money? DP is going to say he bought the gun because of Jerry threatening him. Jerry's a lot bigger than him. He was in the military. Blah... blah... blah...

And it might work... to a certain extent. The reason is... Jerry was the kind of guy that any community would have trusted... just because of his service in the military and his being a firefighter. A jury may find Jerry to be the ultimate betrayal and sympathize with DP. It was Jerry who came to their community. Corrupted their community. Brought drugs and violence to their community.

I don't think it will go that far though. DP will plea to lesser charges and the State will agree to it. It's a messy case. I doubt even Jerry's family would want it going to trial. Way too messy!
I have wondered if DP was connected to Jerry through Lisa. To add to this, I wonder if there is a possibility that DP was once romantically involved with Lisa as well. This might add "jealousy" to the mix helping to explain why Jerry and DP did not always get along well. Even though DP has a new gf, their may still be jealousy in him regarding Lisa. This is all conjecture obviously, but it has tickled my interest bone for a while now.
Excellent question! You really get people to think.
Also, do you think Porter had help in dispensing of Jerry's body? Could he have done it alone?
Yea, sometimes my mind is way to over thinking on specific issues that I cannot easily make common sense out of.. So, I definitely appreciate anyone/everyone else's thoughts, opinions, or views on these aspects as well:websleuther:..

As far as Porter and his ability to maneuver Perdomo's large body, tho difficult yes.. But IMO not impossible in the least.. The reason I do believe he did it alone is that IMO there are only 2 people that Porter would ever consider having asked for help in this dire situation.. One, who I believe wouldn't offer too much assistance in maneuvering a grown man's large, dead body.. Of course I'm speaking of CN.. And two, the only other person IMO that Porter would have even considered involving who would be of considerable assistance, his father.. He was still in the state of CA when Porter disposed of Jerry's body.. Therefor I strongly suspect that Porter did in fact do it all himself.. Again I believe the task was difficult but not impossible..

How I see it is possible is that Porter shot and killed him inside the home.. IMO what would have been easiest would have been to go grab a large, heavy duty tarp return to the body in the home and simply roll Jerry's body onto the laid out heavy duty tarp.. That tarp would be the easiest transport of the body out of the house, slid over the snow to the truck he'd borrowed and THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF THE TASK WOULD BE GETTING THE BODY INTO THE BED OF THE TRUCK.. Again, while difficult and cumbersome.. It's definitely possible.. I'd also think it likely that the body was wrapped in a tarp, plastic covering, or other type material such as sheets, blankets, etc..

Once inside the bed of the truck he has him wrapped up, but most importantly the thick, heavy duty tarp is protecting the surfaces underneath the body from getting blood, tissue, etc anywhere.. He's got the body in the bed of a truck, likely wrapped as well as covered with a tarp.. No one would ever even look twice he was free to drive about with zero suspicion.. He drives the truck to the location off of Dahlia Rd and due to the appearance of the truck when he returned it a few hours later(friend stated it was covered in mud).. I'd imagine he drive that truck as far into the wooded area as he could without getting it stuck.. So as to help remain undetected, as well as to not have to drag the body from the truck to the disposal spot any further than he absolutely had to..

So he let's the tail down of the truck, hops up into the bed of the truck and could quite forcefully just roll the wrapped body and heavy duty tarp both off the end of the truck bed plopping down onto the ground there in the woods.. The large heavy duty tarp is serving as a protectant to keep anything from being spilled or dropped onto the ground, as well as the tarp is again how Porter would transport the body to the actual disposal site within those woods by simply dragging it(again I think he drove a good ways into the wooded area so that there would not be much distance at all to drag the body on the top to its final resting place)..

So, in looking at it in that way I believe it's very likely he did it all alone.. I've seen huge amounts of weight having been drug via a heavy duty tarp before so I'm quite that Jerry's 200lb body would have been more than able to be transported this way.. But it's jmo, tho!:)

Smoothoperator, you are really thinking and have so many good points. *I don't believe it was self defense, but since there is only one person alive that was in the argument he could make up anything. If Jerry was shot with his own gun, it actually could support self defense ie...Jerry was threatening him with the gun, there was a struggle, and they were both fighting over the gun and "it" went off and hit jerry in the head.
Yep, I too knew the self defense would be claimed and I, too do not believe it for a millisecond.. I guess my biggest head scratcher is the fact that yes, what you just described above would be a perfect example of how self defense could be claimed in this case.. Jerry having pulled out his glock threatening Porter and his family's lives, a struggle ensued with the gun in Jerry's hand, in the struggle of Porter attempting to get the gun away the gun goes off shooting Jerry in the head.. IMO the epitome of self defense/accidental death.. What I am so extremely dumbfounded about is that is NOT Porter's acct.. Porter's acct straight from the words of the arrest affidavit states that Jerry verbally threatened him and his family with threatening STATEMENTS.. As I previously stated I am certain without a doubt had Porters acct involved Jerry threatening him with his gun that 100% would be stated in the arrest affidavit.. It is not.. The acct per Porter that resulted in his being charged with murder was that his words to Detective Stroud were that Jerry Perdomo made threatening statements about Porter and his family resulting in Jerry Perdomo being dead and his body and "the" gun disposed of in an undisclosed location..

That is what is baffling to me!! I get the self defense claim.. I think we all saw it coming a mile away before even the arrest or body recovered.. That was expected.. And I believe most expected that Perdomo's possessing a Glock handgun that night would be the perfect form of deadly threat made upon Porter for him to claim the self defense.. As we now know he did indeed claim self defense but his claim doesn't include Perdomo ever even mentioning a weapon, but rather that the deadly threats were via STATEMENTS..:crazy:

It is downright crazy and it's why I really genuinely was asking is Porter that ignorant?? Because I have no rational explanation for why In "coming clean" with LE "confessing" the events of that night that he would believe that his claiming that verbally spoken threatening statements made by Perdomo justifies his blowing Perdomo's head off?!?!

So while we still don't know where Perdomo's gun is.??.. Or what gun was actually used in the murder??.. I'm still left most baffled at the actual self defense claim that is being used in the homicide.. Verbal threatening statements IMO do not ever justify blowing a man's head off committing homicide.. I don't believe that in Maine or any other state in the continental U.S. would the claim that Daniel Porter has given(ie. Perdomo made verbal threatening statements about him and family) constitutes the brutal homicide that followed as a "supposed" result of those statements..

:waitasec: left scratching my head still...

And of course as is always these are nothing more than jmo, tho:)
Regarding having help...Didn't one of the news stories about the items police removed from the house mention that brand new carpet had been installed? I just thought that would have been a lot of work to do alone.
Regarding having help...Didn't one of the news stories about the items police removed from the house mention that brand new carpet had been installed? I just thought that would have been a lot of work to do alone.

Police executed a search warrant at Porter's father's home in Jackson, and on Feb. 27 reported finding "blood droplets, spatter, what appears to be a piece of skull or bone and evidence of a broken window. There were new carpets on the floor covering an area that tested presumptive positive for blood," the affidavit states.

I guess its all in how each person reads the statement.. My opinion is that its indicating carpets as in multiple, more than one..and the wording imo leads me to believe its not indicaging that someone had stripped up installed carpeting/padding and had new carpeting laid down and tacked down... I read it more as they were area carpets/rugs that were possibly disposed of and new ones laid out...or more likely imo is the fact that officers state that the flooring that was under the carpets was positive for blood and its my opinion that when Porter had cleaned the floor as thoroughly as he could, yet obviously still had not been able to successfully erase all traces of Perdomos blood so he purchased carpet(s) and attempted to better conceal any traces left of blood with those carpets placed on tiop of areas that may still have traces of blood..

Jmo, tho!
Florida "Pill Mills" Fueling Maine's Prescription Drug Abuse Problem
03/05/2012 Reported By: Jay Field
The killing of a Florida firefighter in Maine has focused renewed attention on an ongoing problem facing law enforcement authorities here, as they try to curtail the illegal diversion of prescription drugs. More than half of the pain pills on the black market in Maine still get diverted from legitimate prescriptions, written here. In recent years, though, narcotics have been flowing in from other places too. Florida remains a top origination point for prescription pills that end up in Maine and other states with high rates of diversion and abuse.
FL is (hopefully) getting better in curbing abuse:

Meanwhile in Florida, Attorney General Pam Bondi appears to be making progress in the state’s battle against pill mills. This national debate about the over-prescription of pain medications really started in Florida. The Sunshine State reports that there appears to have been a dramatic reduction in pain medication prescriptions. In 2010, Florida had 98 out of the top 100 doctors responsible for the largest amount of oxycodone prescription offices. Currently, the state has only 13 of the top 100 prescribers.

Some Florida pharmacies are denying medication to pain patients, even if they have a valid prescription. CVS “blacklisted” some pain doctors and Walgreens notified physicians it will not fill prescriptions for painkillers if certain guidelines for the pain medications are not met​
Still want to want to know the main purpose for going to Maine. Was it the trafficking or the affair?

We have heard that in Maine you can be top dollar for the pills but I would think that the price he received would be so reduced by his travel expenses that he would have been better off than selling them closer to home. That is unless he had even more pills than speculated and other other customers there besides Porter.

And if the affair was the main purpose, I would think it must have been awfully serious to go all that way on a regular basis.

I guess we will have to wait for the trial. Anyone know how quickly trials take to get to court in Maine? I am hoping it doesn't take years like so many we have followed.
My fear is that Porter's attys will successfully convince him to take a plea deal.. Especially with his original account of the death was self defense by blowing Perdomo's head off as a result of Perdomo making threatening STATEMENTS.. PLEA DEAL THAT KEEPS THE CASE FROM EVER GOING TO TRIAL... thus all of the details are never brought out to the public via court testimony and evidence..

Therefore leaving us never knowing the facts and will only have drips and drabs of details and thats only if family members/friends choose to publicly speak about the details of this tragic murder
Still want to want to know the main purpose for going to Maine. Was it the trafficking or the affair?

We have heard that in Maine you can be top dollar for the pills but I would think that the price he received would be so reduced by his travel expenses that he would have been better off than selling them closer to home. That is unless he had even more pills than speculated and other other customers there besides Porter.

And if the affair was the main purpose, I would think it must have been awfully serious to go all that way on a regular basis.

I guess we will have to wait for the trial. Anyone know how quickly trials take to get to court in Maine? I am hoping it doesn't take years like so many we have followed.

This would be just a guess on my part but it's possible that he was a drug runner and the drug dealer paid him to transport the pills up there, plus his expenses. Since we live in Texas, we've heard stories of guys making money doing this... quick weekend trip to Mexico, fast bucks, you're paid for the risks, plus they foot the bill for the trip. Needless to say it's not even a temptation but he's known guys who knew guys who did it and got away with it for awhile.

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