GUILTY FL - Kaitlyn Hunt for statutory rape of 14yo girl, Vero Beach, 2013

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Sep 26, 2007
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I am somewhat surprised at the controversy here-18 year old Kaitlyn Hunt is being charged lewd and lascivious battery because of her relationship with a 14 year old girl.

The relationship is a sexual one, which makes it...say it with me, rape. No one under the age of 16 can consent to sex in the state of FL. The 14 year old's parents twice requested that the relationship stop. Hunt was apprised in writing that there would be consquences because of the age difference. One evening, the parents checked on their child to find her gone. In a flurry of panic, believing their child was missing and kidnapped, they were told that Hunt had picked her up.

The family says having their daughter run away was the last straw.

Hunt was offered a plea deal which she rejected-felony child abuse, two year watch period and 150 hours community service. Restraining order for her victim and psycho-sexual evaluation. Seems reasonable.

Her atty is claiming that Hunt is being persecuted because this is a same sex relationship.

Not from where I am sitting....if this were a male female relationship, the 18 year old would be in the pokey. I am confused for sure.


Why would you be surprised? If this were an 18 yr old boy would you still be surprised? And if she were a teacher and the boy a student would we not demand charges be brought?

If an 18 yr old boy picked up my 14 yr old DD, without permission and was having a sexual relationship, I would press rape charges too. It would not matter to me if it was same sex or not, it is s till statutory rape, imo.
I apologize I ment to use girl at all pronouns and ask if this were a 18 yr old boy vs 14 yr old girl would it be different? Isn't sex sex or should we look at it as an "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" kind of thing?

Again I have to apologize because I didn't read your post before I shot my mouth off. Apparently you feel the same way I do. My sincerest apologies lol

Those details were never mentioned on the fb support page, I've been wondering what the other side of this story is. Thanks for this thread.
They are saying that the PARENTS are going after her because it's a same sex relationship.
I know plenty of parents who KNOW their kids are having sex and just let it go.
But those same parents would do whatever they had to in order to stop a same sex relationship.
I've seen it happen. Relationship with boy, no problem.
They break up and she starts dating a girl.... call the cops!

It's a viable argument as far as I'm concerned, because I do know people like this.
I don't know if THESE people are like this. But I do know people like that exist.

I am far more appalled that she is facing 15 years for THAT.
We can't even get a 15 MONTH sentence for a woman who tortured a baby to death for WEEKS. :furious:
I think statutory rape charges, in cases like this, are absolutely ridiculous. When you consider this is ONLY prosecuted if parents want it prosecuted, and not otherwise - what kind of stupid legal system is that?

On the other hand, no one bats an eye when a boy had sex with a girl with this age spread, and goes to prison and is then branded for life, even if it's quite obvious the boy didn't know the girl's age. No one bats an eye or sticks up for him. Why should it be different for her? There are male sex offenders on the list in Texas who later have gone on to marry their girlfriends and had long-time marriages, but they're still listed as offenders.

You can torture a child to death, as MsFacetious notes, (and I can point out several cases) and go on to live without sanctions after a short prison term, but by God if you sell a bottle of Rx pills without an Rx, or you have a loving high school relationship with someone a couple years younger, you're done.

Bizarre system of justice and priorities.
A friend of my son's is sitting in jail right now for the boy/girl version of this story. He will be going to prison and forever labeled a sex offender when it's all said and done.

I don't see how it being girl/ girl makes it any less illegal.
Males are prosecuted day in and day out for statutory rape, and nobody seems to be crying much about it. The only reason people seem to get upset is that 18 year old is a female. Well, the law is gender blind. The parents of 18 year old seem to be raising a big stink over this, but again, if this was 18 year old male, I am pretty sure they wouldn't be getting this kind of support.
They are saying that the PARENTS are going after her because it's a same sex relationship.
I know plenty of parents who KNOW their kids are having sex and just let it go.
But those same parents would do whatever they had to in order to stop a same sex relationship.
I've seen it happen. Relationship with boy, no problem.
They break up and she starts dating a girl.... call the cops!

It's a viable argument as far as I'm concerned, because I do know people like this.
I don't know if THESE people are like this. But I do know people like that exist.

I am far more appalled that she is facing 15 years for THAT.
We can't even get a 15 MONTH sentence for a woman who tortured a baby to death for WEEKS. :furious:

Plenty of parents would turn in an 18 year old male if that male had sex with their 14 year old daughter. Yet these parents are accused that somehow they turned this 18 year old female in because she is a female. And according to the 14 year old parents, they first asked 18 year old to stop this relationship. When she didn't stop, they contacted police. Also, according to the police affidavit, some of the alleged sexual activity took place in the bathroom of the school. What parents are going to be happy to find out their 14 year old allegedly has sex in the bathroom of the school?
Plenty of parents would turn in an 18 year old male if that male had sex with their 14 year old daughter. Yet these parents are accused that somehow they turned this 18 year old female in because she is a female. And according to the 14 year old parents, they first asked 18 year old to stop this relationship. When she didn't stop, they contacted police. Also, according to the police affidavit, some of the alleged sexual activity took place in the bathroom of the school. What parents are going to be happy to find out their 14 year old allegedly has sex in the bathroom of the school?

None, that's for sure. It's incredibly vulgar behavior. How embarrassing, really, for both girls to have their sex acts described on the internet, complete with parent names and home addresses.

That doesn't mean, just because they are vulgar, though, that Kaitlyn's life should be ruined. I just really, really hate these statutory rape laws. If this were a 28 year old teacher and a 12 year old student, go for the prison sentence. As it is, these are two classmates. I certainly think this is a part of our traditional culture - freshman girls managing to catch a senior boy was a real tribute to the girl, when I was in high school. I even remember in high school sociology (gads that was a long time ago) we talked about high school relationship issues, and I remember the textbook sidebar box: "girls prefer boys a little taller, and a few years older than she." Now, that's a lifetime stamp of sexual predator for the boy "a few years older than she".

It just seems with so many issues, we've lost our common sense.

BTW, JJ - I did see where the parents claim they told Kaitlyn to stop. I haven't seen that anywhere else, especially in the legal documents. Certainly Kaitlyn's parents had NO IDEA the other girl's parents were planning to come after her. I wonder why the coach only gave a heads up to one set of parents and not the other?
Maybe because one set of parents had a minor daughter, while the other set of parents had a daughter that was a legal adult.
18 years old is legally an adult.
14 year old is a minor. If these were male and female, I don't think most people would be crying buckets.
As for embarrasing for having alleged sex act described on the internet? I am sure it is. Maybe the solution should have been not having these alleged sex act in the bathroom of the school.
That's not what people send their children to school for.
Maybe because one set of parents had a minor daughter, while the other set of parents had a daughter that was a legal adult.
18 years old is legally an adult.
14 year old is a minor. If these were male and female, I don't think most people would be crying buckets.
As for embarrasing for having alleged sex act described on the internet? I am sure it is. Maybe the solution should have been not having these alleged sex act in the bathroom of the school.
That's not what people send their children to school for.

Agreed. I find it suspiciously easy to peg the family of the minor child as bigoted instead of proactive. jmvho.
Agreed. I find it suspiciously easy to peg the family of the minor child as bigoted instead of proactive. jmvho.

I see total double standard here. In a recent case of 18 year old football players accused of having sex with 13 year old females (described as voluntary sex, mind you) there were plenty of calls for harsh punishment.
Okay. So here are the court papers. This states that the "couch", I'm sure they mean "coach", and students and other staff approached the Smiths to inform them about the relationship with Kaitlyn and their daughter on Feb. 7th, in the evening at a basketball game. Why in the world did all these people come en masse? Students, teachers, and the "couch".

THEN, the Smiths go to the police and report and file charges on morning of Feb. 8th. Where is the time frame for them to have warned Kaitlyn twice? Maybe I'm missing something, and they did warn them they didn't want her around before, but they didn't appear to know about a sexual relationship until about 12 hours before they went to the police.

And now, it's "game on". Are the Smiths willing to throw their own daughter under the bus to accomplish ruining Kaitlyn's life? They are quoted saying they thought this would all be over by now (I guess that it would have been quick and neat and clean to destroy Kaitlyn, sad its gotten a little more difficult than they'd hoped). Game on. I'm really looking forward to seeing whether they choose to stick their daughter on the stand at this point. My guess is she is REALLY not willing. So. Are they willing to further harm their daughter in their goal to ruin Kaitlyn?
Okay. So here are the court papers. This states that the "couch", I'm sure they mean "coach", and students and other staff approached the Smiths to inform them about the relationship with Kaitlyn and their daughter on Feb. 7th, in the evening at a basketball game. Why in the world did all these people come en masse? Students, teachers, and the "couch".

THEN, the Smiths go to the police and report and file charges on morning of Feb. 8th. Where is the time frame for them to have warned Kaitlyn twice? Maybe I'm missing something, and they did warn them they didn't want her around before, but they didn't appear to know about a sexual relationship until about 12 hours before they went to the police.

The two started "dating" in November per police affidavit. So that gives parents plenty of time to warn the 18 year old to stay away from 14 year old daughter.
The two started "dating" in November per police affidavit. So that gives parents plenty of time to warn the 18 year old to stay away from 14 year old daughter.

Does it appear to you that they knew before Feb. 7? Why even mention, in the legal papers, that they were approached by the couch and told of the relationship between the two girls - if they already knew about it?

It seems to me, these girls were mostly "dating" as you say, in the school bathroom. Any other contact - going out socially - wouldn't necessarily raise any flags as they were friends in school.
Why mention it? Why wouldn't mention it, if it happened?
I don't see any contradictions here.

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