GUILTY FL - Kaitlyn Hunt for statutory rape of 14yo girl, Vero Beach, 2013

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Why mention it? Why wouldn't mention it, if it happened?
I don't see any contradictions here.

Do you not think that it's odd, that they were "approached" on the evening of Feb. 7th, went home and talked to their daughter that night, learned of the sexual nature of the relationship, and went in to file charges on Feb. 8?

Did you read the court papers link? It is quite apparent they didn't know about the sexual relationship until the basketball game on the night of the 7th.

Then, filing charges on the morning of the 8th doesn't give them much time to warn Kaitlyn twice, does it?
I am somewhat surprised at the controversy here-18 year old Kaitlyn Hunt is being charged lewd and lascivious battery because of her relationship with a 14 year old girl.

The relationship is a sexual one, which makes it...say it with me, rape. No one under the age of 16 can consent to sex in the state of FL. The 14 year old's parents twice requested that the relationship stop. Hunt was apprised in writing that there would be consquences because of the age difference. One evening, the parents checked on their child to find her gone. In a flurry of panic, believing their child was missing and kidnapped, they were told that Hunt had picked her up.

The family says having their daughter run away was the last straw.

Hunt was offered a plea deal which she rejected-felony child abuse, two year watch period and 150 hours community service. Restraining order for her victim and psycho-sexual evaluation. Seems reasonable.

Her atty is claiming that Hunt is being persecuted because this is a same sex relationship.

Not from where I am sitting....if this were a male female relationship, the 18 year old would be in the pokey. I am confused for sure.



I guess people don;t see women as predatory as men.

Here's the thing, I don;t think she is necessarily being persecuted for being gay. And anyone who knows me knows I am a HUGE supporter of gay rights, marriage equality and I am 100% against discrimination of any kind.

There have been various cases of young men who are prosecuted for the very same thing. Although in most of the cases they have been black so I don;t know. Maybe there is an element of prejudice involved in the decision as to who is going to be prosecuted.

But I think much of the outrage has to do with the length of the possible sentence. I think 15 years is far too harsh for statutory rape involving two teens who are no more than five years apart in age. I think a possible sentence should depend on the difference in ages and the level of coercion but if it is simply statutory rape without much of an imbalance in power, I think in most cases, any prison time, perhaps even any jail time would be too harsh.

That being said, the parents of the 14 year old involved told the accused to stop on several occasions. She ignored them and then helped the 14 year old to run away. The parents were worried because the 14 year old was exhibiting behavioral changes and due to the four year difference.

Four years developmentally is a huge deal at that age. It really bothers me that the parents of the 14 year old repeatedly told the 18 year old to stay away and they were ignored. Yes, they perhaps could have called the parents of the 18 year old but they were scared for their daughter and only involved the authorities as a last resort (in their minds).

I would be horrified if my 14 year old son or daughter was having sex, especially with someone so much older. One of my best, childhood friend's son began a "relationship" at age 14, with a 30 year old female roommate of his father. He was "in love" and had a sexual relationship on and off for years. My friend didn't discover it until her son was 18.

Her son is now a heroin addict with serious anxiety disorder. His life fell apart after that woman began a relationship with him. (BTW, the authorities either could not or would not prosecute her after the fact).

It is not okay for young teens to have sex. It is very much not okay for them to have sex with someone more than two years older, IMO. Then, an imbalance of power is typical which allows such kids to be manipulated, coerced and victimized.

I would be beside myself with anguish if some 18 year old of either sex was having sex with my 14 year old and then coercing them to leave the home, or helping them to run away and break the rules. I would be terrified and furious - really, how dare they? - and would do everything in my power to keep such a person away from my child.

What senior wants to date a freshmen anyhow? Someone with problems, IMO, that make it hard to relate to someone their own age.
Do you not think that it's odd, that they were "approached" on the evening of Feb. 7th, went home and talked to their daughter that night, learned of the sexual nature of the relationship, and went in to file charges on Feb. 8?

Did you read the court papers link? It is quite apparent they didn't know about the sexual relationship until the basketball game on the night of the 7th.

Then, filing charges on the morning of the 8th doesn't give them much time to warn Kaitlyn twice, does it?

I don't know the exact sequence here, but per police affidavit the two were dating since Nov 2012. The parents could have noticed the two dating and didn't want them dating. 14 year old probably didn't tell parents about the alleged sex acts in the bathroom. Then after approached by other people, parents contacted police.
None, that's for sure. It's incredibly vulgar behavior. How embarrassing, really, for both girls to have their sex acts described on the internet, complete with parent names and home addresses.

That doesn't mean, just because they are vulgar, though, that Kaitlyn's life should be ruined. I just really, really hate these statutory rape laws. If this were a 28 year old teacher and a 12 year old student, go for the prison sentence. As it is, these are two classmates. I certainly think this is a part of our traditional culture - freshman girls managing to catch a senior boy was a real tribute to the girl, when I was in high school. I even remember in high school sociology (gads that was a long time ago) we talked about high school relationship issues, and I remember the textbook sidebar box: "girls prefer boys a little taller, and a few years older than she." Now, that's a lifetime stamp of sexual predator for the boy "a few years older than she".

It just seems with so many issues, we've lost our common sense.

BTW, JJ - I did see where the parents claim they told Kaitlyn to stop. I haven't seen that anywhere else, especially in the legal documents. Certainly Kaitlyn's parents had NO IDEA the other girl's parents were planning to come after her. I wonder why the coach only gave a heads up to one set of parents and not the other?[
Kaitlyn is an adult, she is responsible for herself. Her parents had no reason to be notified by the 14 yr olds parents or by the coach.
I don't know the exact sequence here, but per police affidavit the two were dating since Nov 2012. The parents could have noticed the two dating and didn't want them dating. 14 year old probably didn't tell parents about the alleged sex acts in the bathroom. Then after approached by other people, parents contacted police.

I agree that's the timeline. BUT, I don't know that a parent would recognize two girls as "dating" if they were hanging out together. I would be curious to know specifically, when and how they told Kaitlyn to leave their daughter alone if they didn't know of the sexual relationship between the two - which they didn't, before Feb. 7. And then they pressed charges on the 8th.

Did they just, in general, disapprove of an older girl hanging out with their younger girl? Maybe, actually, after their daughter ran off in January.
I agree that's the timeline. BUT, I don't know that a parent would recognize two girls as "dating" if they were hanging out together. I would be curious to know specifically, when and how they told Kaitlyn to leave their daughter alone if they didn't know of the sexual relationship between the two - which they didn't, before Feb. 7. And then they pressed charges on the 8th.

Did they just, in general, disapprove of an older girl hanging out with their younger girl? Maybe, actually, after their daughter ran off in January.

They wouldn't recognize the two girls as dating? Why would that be?
Kaitlyn is an adult, she is responsible for herself. Her parents had no reason to be notified by the 14 yr olds parents or by the coach.

Well, the parents of the 14 year old claim anyway, that they did notify Kaitlyn.

Adult or not, schools are considered to be "in loco parentis". That is, in place of parents. I'm working on project graduation right now at our high school, and students aren't admitted without a signed contract permission slip by their parents - even if the student is 19, as some of our kids are. Mommy or Daddy still have to sign.

Students aren't treated as adults by the schools - they're treated as minors. They certainly are not allowed to get up and walk out of the school, as adults would be in any other situation except a public school!

You may not have experienced what it's like to have a senior in high school, but they aren't considered adults by the district.
Okay. So here are the court papers. This states that the "couch", I'm sure they mean "coach", and students and other staff approached the Smiths to inform them about the relationship with Kaitlyn and their daughter on Feb. 7th, in the evening at a basketball game. Why in the world did all these people come en masse? Students, teachers, and the "couch".

THEN, the Smiths go to the police and report and file charges on morning of Feb. 8th. Where is the time frame for them to have warned Kaitlyn twice? Maybe I'm missing something, and they did warn them they didn't want her around before, but they didn't appear to know about a sexual relationship until about 12 hours before they went to the police.

And now, it's "game on". Are the Smiths willing to throw their own daughter under the bus to accomplish ruining Kaitlyn's life? They are quoted saying they thought this would all be over by now (I guess that it would have been quick and neat and clean to destroy Kaitlyn, sad its gotten a little more difficult than they'd hoped). Game on. I'm really looking forward to seeing whether they choose to stick their daughter on the stand at this point. My guess is she is REALLY not willing. So. Are they willing to further harm their daughter in their goal to ruin Kaitlyn?

Does it appear to you that they knew before Feb. 7? Why even mention, in the legal papers, that they were approached by the couch and told of the relationship between the two girls - if they already knew about it?

It seems to me, these girls were mostly "dating" as you say, in the school bathroom. Any other contact - going out socially - wouldn't necessarily raise any flags as they were friends in school.

Yeah, I think they knew before. They may not have known about the level of sex involved but i think they knew before and tried to stop the relationship. The people approached them en masse when they were caught having sex, which is very inappropriate (the sex, that is).

I read the police report. Kaitlyn seems either a bit predatory or immature for her age. But I did not appreciate her persistence with a child so much younger.

Also, to any who claim no one gets upset when it's a boy prosecuted for statutory rape, that's b.s. Lots of people do. I sure do, when the couple is close in age or when the teen is facing ridiculous amounts of prison time.

So to reiterate my thoughts:

1. No teen should be doing ANY prison time for having a consensual, sexual relationship with someone close in age.
2. If there is serious predatory behavior, or manipulation going on in the case of an age gap that is more than two years, then some jail time may be a good thing.
3. If there is simply an age gap of two years, then some form of punishment may be okay, like house arrests, etc.
4. In this case, prejudice may have played a part in why she was prosecuted. I say that without knowing the stats but based on prior cases where the boy prosecuted was usually black and the girl white.
5. I find this girl to be somewhat predatory in her behavior and I would be livid and very upset if she was having a relationship with my underage son or daughter. I would also take every measure I could to stop it.
6. Kaitlyn Hunt made a huge mistake not taking the plea deal. I think the deal is a fair penalty for her behavior or any teens behavior in having sex with a minor who is more than two years younger.
7. I don't think anyone convicted of statutory rape should be placed on the sex offender registry if they were still teens when the crime was committed, unless there is significant predation involved or significant manipulation occurring with a minor who is more than two years younger than the defendant.
They wouldn't recognize the two girls as dating? Why would that be?

Would you? CLEARLY, the younger girl was hiding it from her parents, as they had to ask about the nature of their relationship on Feb. 7th after the coach informed them.

I certainly wouldn't think they were "dating" if she were my daughter. I'd think they were friends, unless told otherwise - and the younger girl clearly did not inform her parents. Otherwise, the coach wouldn't have had to.
Well, the parents of the 14 year old claim anyway, that they did notify Kaitlyn.

Adult or not, schools are considered to be "in loco parentis". That is, in place of parents. I'm working on project graduation right now at our high school, and students aren't admitted without a signed contract permission slip by their parents - even if the student is 19, as some of our kids are. Mommy or Daddy still have to sign.

Students aren't treated as adults by the schools - they're treated as minors. They certainly are not allowed to get up and walk out of the school, as adults would be in any other situation except a public school!

You may not have experienced what it's like to have a senior in high school, but they aren't considered adults by the district.

This is the first time I have heard of any high school requiring permission slips or giving parental notification for anything involving a child 18 or older. I helped raise my three brothers-in-law from ages 6, 8 and 10 on. They are now 17, 19 and 21. Two had IEP's all through school. I also have high school teachers in my family. I have never heard what you are saying.
Would you? CLEARLY, the younger girl was hiding it from her parents, as they had to ask about the nature of their relationship on Feb. 7th after the coach informed them.

I certainly wouldn't think they were "dating" if she were my daughter. I'd think they were friends, unless told otherwise - and the younger girl clearly did not inform her parents. Otherwise, the coach wouldn't have had to.

Not necessarily. She could have been told to end the relationship and not have any sex. Then the parents are notified they were caught having sex. So the minor was questioned as to whether she was continuing to have a sexual relationship with the 18 year old.

I have zero reason to believe these parents were lying when they stated they told Kaitlyn twice, to stay away from their daughter.
Yeah, I think they knew before. They may not have known about the level of sex involved but i think they knew before and tried to stop the relationship. The people approached them en masse when they were caught having sex, which is very inappropriate.

I read the police report. Kaitlyn seems either a bit predatory or immature for her age. But I did not appreciate her persistence with a child so much younger.

Also, to any who claim no one gets upset when it's a boy prosecuted for statutory rape, that's b.s. Lots of people do. I sure do, when the couple is close in age or when the teen is facing ridiculous amounts of prison time.

So to reiterate my thoughts:

1. No teen should be doing ANY prison time for having a consensual, sexual relationship with someone close in age.
2. If there is serious predatory behavior, or manipulation going on in the case of an age gap that is more than two years, then some jail time may be a good thing.
3. If there is simply an age gap of two years, then some form of punishment may be okay, like house arrests, etc.
4. In this case, prejudice may have played a part in why she was prosecuted. I say that without knowing the stats but based on prior cases where the boy prosecuted was usually black and the girl white.
5. I find this girl to be somewhat predatory in her behavior and I would be livid and very upset if she was having a relationship with my underage son or daughter. I would also take every measure I could to stop it.
6. Kaitlyn Hunt made a huge mistake not taking the plea deal. I think the deal is a fair penalty for her behavior or any teens behavior in having sex with a minor who is more than two years younger.
7. I don't think anyone convicted of statutory rape should be placed on the sex offender registry if they were still teens when the crime was committed, unless there is significant predation involved or significant manipulation occurring with a minor who is more than two years younger than the defendant.

Did you know with the plea deal, she was facing a lifetime designation as a sex offender? I wouldn't take that deal, no matter what. That's as bad as life in prison without parole, IMHO. Wrecks your entire life.

Now, she is facing trial, and in order to proceed, it's likely the 14 year old would have to take the stand. It's very unlikely - IMHO - that the Smiths will allow that to happen. So she's gambling the charges will be dropped.

Honestly, I would never ever accept a deal that required me to register for life as a sex offender. Especially for something like this. That designation was designed to warn society of monsters who grab unsuspecting citizens off the street and assault and rape them. Not a designation for teens acting foolishly in the bathroom of the high school.
This is the first time I have heard of any high school requiring permission slips or giving parental notification for anything involving a child 18 or older. I helped raise my three brothers-in-law from ages 6, 8 and 10 on. They are now 17, 19 and 21. Two had IEP's all through school. I also have high school teachers in my family. I have never heard what you are saying.

Check out Prom and Project Graduation contracts. I'm sure you can find them online.

Ask your family members who are high school teachers, or just google around Prom Contracts and Project Graduation Contracts.
Would she have to register as a sex offender under this plea deal? It was for battery on a child.
Did you know with the plea deal, she was facing a lifetime designation as a sex offender? I wouldn't take that deal, no matter what. That's as bad as life in prison without parole, IMHO. Wrecks your entire life.

Now, she is facing trial, and in order to proceed, it's likely the 14 year old would have to take the stand. It's very unlikely - IMHO - that the Smiths will allow that to happen. So she's gambling the charges will be dropped.

Honestly, I would never ever accept a deal that required me to register for life as a sex offender. Especially for something like this. That designation was designed to warn society of monsters who grab unsuspecting citizens off the street and assault and rape them. Not a designation for teens acting foolishly in the bathroom of the high school.

Nope. That is 100% false. You can look at the plea deal for yourself. It's on page 4 of the linked document:

NOTHING is mentioned about a sex offender registry or any kind of registry.

Check out Prom and Project Graduation contracts. I'm sure you can find them online.

Ask your family members who are high school teachers, or just google around Prom Contracts and Project Graduation Contracts.

Yeah, I saw them. Nothing states a student 18 or older has to have a parent or guardian sign.
Per the prosecution, she would not be a sex offender under the plea deal. I don't know if turning it down would pay off for her.
Would she have to register as a sex offender under this plea deal? It was for battery on a child.

Some news media are saying yes, some no, but the plea deal itself makes ZERO mention of s registry.

It also makes zero mention of staying away from children other than the victim.

This girl is making a HUGE mistake in not accepting it. If she wants to work to change the law later, fine,. But she;s facing 15 years and a lifetime on the sex offender registry and she won;t take a deal that avoid that? WTH?

She broke the law as it is written. She has ZERO defense. Making this about homophobia won't help her. It may help change the law later but it will be highly unlikely to affect her sentence. She's making a big mistake here.
Bad reporting. Per prosecution she would not be a registered sex offender. But making it about the supposed homophobia did seem to help her, at least in terms of internet activity.
Well, the parents of the 14 year old claim anyway, that they did notify Kaitlyn.

Adult or not, schools are considered to be "in loco parentis". That is, in place of parents. I'm working on project graduation right now at our high school, and students aren't admitted without a signed contract permission slip by their parents - even if the student is 19, as some of our kids are. Mommy or Daddy still have to sign.

Students aren't treated as adults by the schools - they're treated as minors. They certainly are not allowed to get up and walk out of the school, as adults would be in any other situation except a public school!

You may not have experienced what it's like to have a senior in high school, but they aren't considered adults by the district.
Right...the parents notified Kaitlyn...which is what they should have done since she is 18. They had no reason to contact Kaitlyns parents about the situation since Kaitlyn is an adult. The coach notified the 14 yr olds parents because she is a child and her parents are responsible for her.....not so for Kaitlyn.

I have a teen in school and 20 year old. At our HS the student is able to sign themselves out of class and can leave without parental permission if they are 18.

The fact of the matter is that it is against the law for an 18 year old adult to have a sexual relationship with a 14 year old. Kaitlyn was aware of this and still chose to continue the relationship. Why should she get a free pass? Because they went to the same school? Where should the line be drawn? What if the 14 yr old was 13 or 12? What if it was a 20 yr old classmate? A 20 year old teacher assistant or substitute? An 18 yr old coach?
Bottom line it's illegal.
Would you? CLEARLY, the younger girl was hiding it from her parents, as they had to ask about the nature of their relationship on Feb. 7th after the coach informed them.

I certainly wouldn't think they were "dating" if she were my daughter. I'd think they were friends, unless told otherwise - and the younger girl clearly did not inform her parents. Otherwise, the coach wouldn't have had to.

I think most people can figure out whether someone is dating or just hanging out with a friend.

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