GUILTY FL - Kaitlyn Hunt for statutory rape of 14yo girl, Vero Beach, 2013

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In 20/20 interview, linked above, reporter asked Kaitlyn if she made a mistake in dating (romance w.? having sex w? forgot wording) 14 y/o.

I thought Kaitlyn said (paraphrasing) I did not know it was illegal to have sex w a 14 yr old,
as if claming ignorance of the law should have given her a pass.
I tried to watch again, to get exact wording but clip did not load.

Do sex ed classes cover age of consent? Other classes?

Then reporter asked, did you make a mistake in sending 20,000 text messages to her.
She seemed to try to shrug it off, dismissing that too, as inconsequential.

Sorry for just having skimmed thru this thread, but -
- did she have cell phone in jail to send texts from?
- in jail, if she did not have cell, how did she send texts to victim?
IIRC, having a cell in jail w/hv called for disciplinary measures. Yes? No?

A mistake? One, singular? GMAB. 20,000 texts?
IMO, doesn't matter if each text was only a word or phrase.
IMO, it was 20,000 mistakes.
Blaming the victim and naked pix exacerbated those mistakes.

Remember TV clip months ago of her crying and saying her life is ruined?
Since then her actions have damaged her further.
Her dismissive attitude on 20/20 interview is icing on her trainwreck cake.

JM:twocents: and as always, I could be wrong.
....Do sex ed classes cover age of consent? Other classes?

Sorry for just having skimmed thru this thread, but -
- did she have cell phone in jail to send texts from?
- in jail, if she did not have cell, how did she send texts to victim?
IIRC, having a cell in jail w/hv called for disciplinary measures. Yes? No?

Snipped by me

MY sex ed class sure as hell didn't cover consent or age of consent, but it's pretty much well-known, I knew it, everyone I knew knew it.

I was under the impression that she was let out on bail, or put on house arrest.
In my community there are organizations that provide education to students on rape, which would include age of consent. Some schools, especially the private religious schools, don't want them to come in and speak.
She was not in jail when she send the messages. She was put in jail after prosecution discovered she kept contacting the victim. Even though she was ordered by the court not to.

Thx for the answer about her text messages to victim were not from jail.

I missed how Kaitlyn's continuing text messages to victim came to the attention of LE & prosecutor.
Perhaps victim's parents were aware of them and alerted LE & prosecutor?
Anyone know?
In 20/20 interview, linked above, reporter asked Kaitlyn if she made a mistake in dating (romance w.? having sex w? forgot wording) 14 y/o.

I thought Kaitlyn said (paraphrasing) I did not know it was illegal to have sex w a 14 yr old,
as if claming ignorance of the law should have given her a pass.
I tried to watch again, to get exact wording but clip did not load.

Do sex ed classes cover age of consent? Other classes?

Then reporter asked, did you make a mistake in sending 20,000 text messages to her.
She seemed to try to shrug it off, dismissing that too, as inconsequential.

Sorry for just having skimmed thru this thread, but -
- did she have cell phone in jail to send texts from?
- in jail, if she did not have cell, how did she send texts to victim?
IIRC, having a cell in jail w/hv called for disciplinary measures. Yes? No?

A mistake? One, singular? GMAB. 20,000 texts?
IMO, doesn't matter if each text was only a word or phrase.
IMO, it was 20,000 mistakes.
Blaming the victim and naked pix exacerbated those mistakes.

Remember TV clip months ago of her crying and saying her life is ruined?
Since then her actions have damaged her further.
Her dismissive attitude on 20/20 interview is icing on her trainwreck cake.

JM:twocents: and as always, I could be wrong.

Snipped by me

MY sex ed class sure as hell didn't cover consent or age of consent, but it's pretty much well-known, I knew it, everyone I knew knew it.

I was under the impression that she was let out on bail, or put on house arrest.

She was out on bail early on after her arrest and her bail was revoked much later after the thousands of text messages were discovered.

And okay, let's say she didn't know it was against the law to "date" a 14 year old child. She sure as heck knew it when she sent those text messages and she sure as heck knew that she was expressly forbidden form further contact after she was released on bail.

Finally, I note she appears to be quite a different person in her jail interviews. Not so much the wide-eyed, innocent and scared kid she and her parents tried to portray her as. She looks like any other inmate, with her braided hair and hardened "I don't give an F" attitude.

I think I had this gal's number from the beginning.
I'm still really confused about this case. Till I came here , I thought it was a teen romance. But I still think it's messed up that things like what happened to Daisy or Stubenville happen, but this chick gets 20 years. Where is the line drawn? Give them all prison if one gets it. I'd heard originally that it was 15 and 17. That doesn't seem so bad, but 14 and 18? That's crazy.
I'm still really confused about this case. Till I came here , I thought it was a teen romance. But I still think it's messed up that things like what happened to Daisy or Stubenville happen, but this chick gets 20 years. Where is the line drawn? Give them all prison if one gets it. I'd heard originally that it was 15 and 17. That doesn't seem so bad, but 14 and 18? That's crazy.

Yeah, I agree with you that the monsters responsible for all the forcible rapes should get much more time.

But Kaitlyn Hunt accepted a deal, she could have faced 20 years, just like the Steubenville rapists faced 20 years, but neither she nor those monsters will be behind bars for 20 years.

And yes, when the sex occurred Kaitlyn Hunt was 18 and her lover/victim/girlfriend was 14. They were like 3 1/2 years apart? I can't remember, I listed the age difference a while ago in this same thread if you want to search for it for me.
20/20 is doing an episode on Kaitlyn tonight at 10pm est. She has been released.
I am late to this thread and a lot of the news link were not working so I searched on my own and found this:

In May 2013 a social media campaign was created to garner media attention and build a base of support for Kaitlyn Hunt, an 18 year old woman charged with felony acts involving sexual activity with a 14 year old minor. The "Stop the Hate - Free Kate" campaign worked, finding an international audience and driving hundreds of thousands of people to sign a petition in support of Kaitlyn within days, before the actual facts of the case began to come to light.

On the strength of the Hunt family narrative alone, a base of tens of thousands of supporters joined the Free Kate Facebook group and donated tens of thousands of dollars.

My intent is to present here the facts of the case clearly as a reference, as well as provide some of my own thoughts and concerns on the Free Kate movement.

WOW. Is all I can say.

Very informative with links to back up everything they were able to disprove that came from the Hunt family,
snipped for focus:
....found this:
WOW. Is all I can say.
Very informative with links to back up everything they were able to disprove that came from the Hunt family,

Regardless of what anyone thinks about the original charges,
IMO, Kate and her parents were very deceptive afterward.
From the TV feature I mentioned a few posts up,
Kate, fam, & supporters painted a rosy pix of Kate's actions.

W. MSM and SocMed accounts, I always wonder what is being omitted,
either deliberately or inadvertently by reporter or participants.

Thanks Lovejac for linking this.

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