Found Deceased FL - Katherine Altagracia Guerrero De Aguasvias, 31, missing, possible armed carjacking recorded by witness, Winter Springs, 11 Apr 2024 *Arrests*

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From the third news conference: "Money and other stuff for a friend"
From the Husband, second news conference "...coming to see family"; repeated in third conference.
From the brother Luis: screen shot cropped to show face of "the last person KAGA spoke to via Facetime"; consequence of his own investigation.
All in immediate past posts: 2 hours worth.
Obviously this case has lots of twists and turns. And WS now has one person a named POI and one person a fugitive.
Intriguing. Stimulating.
Let the flood begin....
Nobody drives 4 hours to deliver "money" when they can use Zelle. Unless of course it is stacks of money and the other stuff can't be had at Publix.
I'm still catching up ( again) but I LOVE Sheriff Lemma. He doesn't disappoint! I've been waiting on his next Press conference. What a hot mess, DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS! IMO
Editing to add, The person(s) who videoed this from the beginning, and turned it in. Thank you. I'm not from that State but this could happen anywhere. Great job and I wish you nothing but the best. IMO
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This is one of the things I hate about drug dealers. They often use women and children to carry out their plans, all for their own selfish financial gain. Women are used as drug mules because they're deemed to be less suspicious. Katherine really took all the risk, for someone else IMO, and lost her life because of it.
I'm not sure I have the details straight. May need a list of the people. :)

Katherine drove 300 miles with some money and other stuff [For now, I'll guess illegal drugs.] One doesn't drive that long distance without a purpose that, in the end, is beneficial.

Along the route, she facetimes w/ a POI [who may be the suspect who shot her].
She tells her husband someone is following her. Her husband says Do not stop! But, she does.

Who points their gun at her? The POI in which she'd been facetiming? So, Katherine was double-crossed by the POI when she was forced to stop and he entered her car? He was no stranger to her.

Jordan, the guy with 11 on his shirt: used his own phone number when he purchased the Acura I believe in January. Apparently LE searched SM for him and found a photo on Facebook where he was wearing the 11 shirt. The identical shirt can be seen on the original kidnap video, he with the 10mm weapon. Full Name Jordanish Torres-Garcia. He was still detained at the Sherriff's office this afternoon. 10mm ammunition was fired at the scene where the Dodge Durango was burnt....

Luis, the brother of KAGA, did some sleuthing of his own as explained during the PC and ended up delivering to Sheriff's office, a (cropped) Facetime image of the last person KAGA spoke to...Name was Giovany Joel Crespo Hernandez and he told the brother that KAGA was "delivering money and other things"....he is pursued by LE but remains at large.

Giovany's girlfriend Monicsabel Romero Soto was also arrested on drug distribution charges for picking up 3 keys from the post office...the drugs had been ID'd by HS but they somehow missed detaining her during the pick up itself. Don't know exactly when the pickup was made.

At the house Giovany and Monicsabel shared, LE also found fentanyl, cannabis, drug paraphernalia, bundles of cash and guns. Photos at link below.

So, at this moment, we cannot connect any of those 3 directly to the shooting but it would appear Jordanish is arrested and incarcerated at least for kidnap and carjacking. The person who drove the Acura after Jordanish got into the Dodge has not been identified either.

I think there are 2 unaccounted for still.

The guy in the green car at the time of the car jacking is an unknown POI.

Then Geovany Joel Crespo Hernandez is the named POI they are looking for.

They could be one and the same if they determine Geovany is the one in the car or their could be a third man they are looking for.

It doesn't sound like anyone here is very smart or should I say savvy in how things work. Using your phone number to buy a car you intend to use in a few crimes and then wearing the same outfit in a crime that you also have on in your FB profile photo??

Also either the brother knows the guy he was facetiming even though he said he didn't or this guy answered a FT call from someone he didn't know and then told that stranger that called him that Katherine was there to deliver money and stuff.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed for sure.
As I understand it, LE has Jordanish and Geovany as POI with the dirty cop and his wife as a side piece.
They have Jordanish in custody. He was the hold-up man. They matched him to his profile photo on his Facebook page. The photo had him in identical clothes, including the ninja piece.
Geovany is on the lam. They matched his photo to Florida jail records, using facial recognition software. They got the photo from Luis.
Didn’t they let the cop out on bond? That was surely a bad idea.
The other thing that bothers me is her car wasn't going to blend in very well with the big for sale and a phone number on it. I mean unless that was code for something, but that number wasn't hers and if you are carrying "money and stuff" why would you draw attention to your vehicle in any way?
IMO the sole purpose of that for sale sign on the vehicle was so the vehicle could easily be identified. I speculate it wasn’t for the purpose of a sale.
Luis is KAGA's brother. Miguel is KAGA's husband. The cop is Francisco Alberto Estrella.

Miguel contacted Francisco's wife to get Francisco to pursue information on the carjack, kidnapping and murder of KAGA as well as the assigned investigator. This the same night of the incident as they drove up from Homestead. I would say Francisco got devious and way past zealous, but it may also be that Miguel was afraid to simply show up at the Sheriff's office and wanted both info on the case and the investigator before he interacted with LE. JMO

Both Estrella and his wife were arrested on a string of charges. Both are on the street. on bond currently.

It appears that Luis was undertaking his own investigation at more or less the same time. That resulted in the house search and pursuit of Geovany.

Somebody upthread opined that all these people may be of a culture where the police and law enforcement generally are not trusted, that regular people avoid any interaction with them. Of course that last condition also applies to drug dealers: thus far that label seems pretty firmly attached to Geovany and his girlfriend. To the rest of the known players, not so much but the fat lady hasn't sung yet. MOO as applicable.
I think this MIGHT explain why Katherine didn't call the police but called her husband instead when her car was being rammed and she was being followed ETC! IMO
So did he know the reason for the trip also? Is that why HE didn’t call the cops? I know they are still saying he’s not a POI, but there is more to this story we aren’t being told, it doesn’t make sense.
So did he know the reason for the trip also? Is that why HE didn’t call the cops? I know they are still saying he’s not a POI, but there is more to this story we aren’t being told, it doesn’t make sense.
Safe to say, Miguel knew the purpose before he got to Seminole County, therefore before he was face to face with an investigator.

But LE is not going to bring charges against Miguel or Luis without a very solid and comprehensive case. Their behavior does not reflect a murder for hire scenario; and although they may have played a role in KAGA transporting money and contraband, they are closely related to the victim and otherwise victims themselves.

The first information from Miguel we heard about, doesn't fit with the rest of what we know, and to that extent you're right, it doesn't make sense and we don't know the whole story.

I'm getting caught up now...on page 16.
Could the tow truck driver have been killed simply as "payback" for towing the car?

Could Katherine's husband and brother not be involved and heavily invested in making sure her killers are arrested? I was thinking maybe they were on a mission of street justice, but not likely as they turned info over to detectives. Police may have been told she was visiting family in the area because that is the story she told her husband. Like others, I don't think she got up that day and all of a sudden decided today will be my very 1st day of delivering "money and other stuff".

Another thought...could husband be involved and brother not?

IMO, Jordan may be a part of a group that robs dealers. The group may have known about Katherine's "supposed" delivery and targeted her. I don't believe he and Giovany work together or that Giovany was the other person in the Acura. Jordan must not have had the means to run off since he was arrested going about his day. Lol, did he not see himself plastered all over the news?

This is a perplexing case with sooooo many layers. I bet many more arrests will be made due to the drug angle.
Safe to say, Miguel knew the purpose before he got to Seminole County, therefore before he was face to face with an investigator.

But LE is not going to bring charges against Miguel or Luis without a very solid and comprehensive case. Their behavior does not reflect a murder for hire scenario; and although they may have played a role in KAGA transporting money and contraband, they are closely related to the victim and otherwise victims themselves.

The first information from Miguel we heard about, doesn't fit with the rest of what we know, and to that extent you're right, it doesn't make sense and we don't know the whole story.

I think there is a Florida law that gets you a long prison term if you are involved in a crime that results in a persons death. That person may also be guilty of a crime as opposed to merely an innocent victim. Usually it is imposed when there is a robbery.
Jordan, the guy with 11 on his shirt: used his own phone number when he purchased the Acura I believe in January. Apparently LE searched SM for him and found a photo on Facebook where he was wearing the 11 shirt. The identical shirt can be seen on the original kidnap video, he with the 10mm weapon. Full Name Jordanish Torres-Garcia. He was still detained at the Sherriff's office this afternoon. 10mm ammunition was fired at the scene where the Dodge Durango was burnt....

Luis, the brother of KAGA, did some sleuthing of his own as explained during the PC and ended up delivering to Sheriff's office, a (cropped) Facetime image of the last person KAGA spoke to...Name was Giovany Joel Crespo Hernandez and he told the brother that KAGA was "delivering money and other things"....he is pursued by LE but remains at large.

Giovany's girlfriend Monicsabel Romero Soto was also arrested on drug distribution charges for picking up 3 keys from the post office...the drugs had been ID'd by HS but they somehow missed detaining her during the pick up itself. Don't know exactly when the pickup was made.

At the house Giovany and Monicsabel shared, LE also found fentanyl, cannabis, drug paraphernalia, bundles of cash and guns. Photos at link below.

So, at this moment, we cannot connect any of those 3 directly to the shooting but it would appear Jordanish is arrested and incarcerated at least for kidnap and carjacking. The person who drove the Acura after Jordanish got into the Dodge has not been identified either.

Excellent synopsis and summary…… this whole case still hard to follow….. for me anyway.

So now wondering whether perhaps one of the recipients of the ‘money and stuff’ requested that the Dodge Durango be marked so they could find it. A pre-agreed clear mark perhaps? IMO that still seems to be an odd way of depicting ‘For Sale’. MOO

ETA….. I missed RickshawFan post # 338 above. Yes to it ^^^
<modsnipped> ... I'm glad someone recorded and sounded the alarm because I fear this would just be swept under the rug if the incident resulting in her death might have not made public and tracked such attention.
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Jordan, the guy with 11 on his shirt: used his own phone number when he purchased the Acura I believe in January. Apparently LE searched SM for him and found a photo on Facebook where he was wearing the 11 shirt. The identical shirt can be seen on the original kidnap video, he with the 10mm weapon. Full Name Jordanish Torres-Garcia. He was still detained at the Sherriff's office this afternoon. 10mm ammunition was fired at the scene where the Dodge Durango was burnt....

Luis, the brother of KAGA, did some sleuthing of his own as explained during the PC and ended up delivering to Sheriff's office, a (cropped) Facetime image of the last person KAGA spoke to...Name was Giovany Joel Crespo Hernandez and he told the brother that KAGA was "delivering money and other things"....he is pursued by LE but remains at large.

Giovany's girlfriend Monicsabel Romero Soto was also arrested on drug distribution charges for picking up 3 keys from the post office...the drugs had been ID'd by HS but they somehow missed detaining her during the pick up itself. Don't know exactly when the pickup was made.

At the house Giovany and Monicsabel shared, LE also found fentanyl, cannabis, drug paraphernalia, bundles of cash and guns. Photos at link below.

So, at this moment, we cannot connect any of those 3 directly to the shooting but it would appear Jordanish is arrested and incarcerated at least for kidnap and carjacking. The person who drove the Acura after Jordanish got into the Dodge has not been identified either.

Thanks for this breakdown. Couple of questions while putting all these puzzle pieces together in my head. In this case, we need a flow chart with names ...
  • How are JTG and GJCH connected, if at all?
  • The "money and other things" belonged to to GJCH? Is he believed to be the owner of what she was transporting, or a mid-level participant?
  • How are JTG and GJCH connected, if at all?
  • The "money and other things" belonged to to GJCH? Is he believed to be the owner of what she was transporting, or a mid-level participant?
JTG bought the Acura. KAGA facetimed with GJCH shortly before the carjacking occurred.
Somehow the people in the Acura including JTG were pointed at the Dodge Durango....Obviously that implied some communication, though it may not have been GJCH that advised JTG. There may have been a layer or 2 in between; and it could be that the gas station along with the For Sale wrap was collectively a signal to the occupants of the Acura. Otherwise: how do 2 people in the Acura find the Dodge? MOO

I believe GJCH was a cutout, that he was expecting contact from KAGA and was to give specific directions to KAGA. I believe that whoever gave GJCH those directions, pointed the Acura at the Dodge. I beleive in hierarchial terms, that person to be at least one level above GCJH and probably at least 2 above JTG. That inclination does consider their ages... but also I don't believe either mentioned party to be candidates for a Rhodes scholarship. I believe the Acura had been used for transport of similar "goods" in the past but on a considerably more local level. MOO and subject to revision as we learn more, obviously.

We don't know that much about any of these parties, though if we had the apartment lot address from which the Acura was towed and the address where JTG laid his head, that might encourage more speculation.
First News release is also at link

Seminole County (April 19, 2024) – At a press conference held this afternoon, Sheriff Dennis Lemma
announced a person of interest in the armed carjacking/homicide case has been taken into custody. Jordanish
Torres-Garcia (DOB 7/29/1995) was arrested just after noon today by the United States Marshals Services on
unrelated charges. Torres-Garcia was transported to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office to be questioned by
The investigation revealed Torres-Garcia is connected to the green Acura used in the crime. In addition,
Torres-Garcia’s Facebook profile photo showed him wearing the same mask and outfit as the suspect in the
carjacking video.
The investigation also revealed a connection between Katherine and Giovany Joel Crespo Hernandez (DOB
8/28/1996), an individual possibly known to her. A search warrant was obtained for a home at 1440 Guinevere
Drive in Casselberry where Hernandez and his girlfriend, Monicsabel Romero Soto (DOB 05/03/1996), reside.
During the execution of the search warrant trafficking amounts of Fentanyl, money, and a firearm (not
believed to be connected to the carjacking) were discovered.
At the time the search warrant was being executed, Soto accepted a controlled delivery by Homeland Security
Investigations containing three kilos of cocaine and was ultimately arrested in Osceola County. Hernandez is
still outstanding and has an active warrant for Fentanyl trafficking. Anyone with information on his
whereabouts is urged to contact Crimeline at (800) 423-TIPS (8477) or text to **TIPS (8477), or call the
Seminole County Sheriff's Office at (407) 665-6650. Calls made to Crimeline remain anonymous, and tips that
lead to the felony arrest of suspects are eligible for cash rewards of up to $1,000.
"At the time the search warrant was being executed, Soto accepted a controlled delivery by Homeland Security
Investigations containing three kilos of cocaine and was ultimately arrested in Osceola County"

I did not hear it quite this way yesterday, and thought that Soto had gone to pick up the cocaine and not been detained when it was first handed over...Apologies, my bad.
Must have been an interesting scene: (2) county crime scene teams, detectives, evidence specialists and record keeping, a couple of uniformed to manage the scene.... and HSI shows up for a sting, dressed as USPS(?) with a big brick of powder. LE multitasking convention.

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