FL FL - Kelly Rothwell, 35, Indian Rocks Beach, 12 March 2011

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Nothing on Kelly???? I can't believe there is nothing going on, she was so close to being LE. I would think there would be more support for this young lady. I know the family is from MD so maybe that is why no one is screaming to get out there and find her.
I wish there was a medicine that existed and that could be and would be mandated that could make someone grow a conscience. Where is Kelly?
Nothing on Kelly???? I can't believe there is nothing going on, she was so close to being LE. I would think there would be more support for this young lady. I know the family is from MD so maybe that is why no one is screaming to get out there and find her.

There is a small group of women who are screaming to get out there and find her as well as planning events to make sure she is not forgotten. Some of them even involved in the searches done by the CUE Center.
It does make it more difficult to motivate the community when the family is from another State but media participation is harder. So far WTSP has been the only outlet who has followed this story from the beginning. I truly believe if Melanie Michaels wasn't so dedicated to this story, that it would not be as public as it is now.

It will be a year this March 12th. We will keep screaming as long as it takes.

Please continue to pray for Donna and the Rothwells.
Oh my word, I can't believe it was a year ago that I started Kelly's thread. Never did I think a year would pass and Kelly would still be missing and Perry would be walking around free as a bird.
A few article resources and a timeline on the anniversary.

Great Timeline article:

3:38 pm: Rothwell drives away (IBM: from lunch with DS on her way to breakup with DP) in her Subaru.

4:30-5:30 pm: Downstairs neighbor Ken Williamson and his wife hear a loud pounding noise on the floor of Rothwell's condominium, which is directly above the unit where he and his wife live. The pounding sounds like something being dropped on the carpeted floor, Williamson said. It is followed by the sound of a vacuum cleaner running in Rothwell's master bedroom.

6:30 p.m., March 12th: Rothwell is a no-show for a planned get-together at Caddy's, on Sunset Beach, that include some of the cadets at the St. Petersburg Police Academy.

6:30 p.m., March 12th: Scharrett gets a text from Rothwell’s phone, advising that she will call later. Scharrett recalls there are misspellings, which are unusual for Rothwell.

Before midnight March 12th: Perry, Rothwell's live-in boyfriend, leaves Indian Rocks Beach for Elmira, NY. Perry leaves behind many belongings.

Perry ex-wife#1 (before Kelly):

She says Perry punched her in the stomach while she was pregnant, causing her to miscarry. She says Perry choked her, put a gun to her head, and cheated on her with her friends and their babysitters.

She added that he even threatened to kill their children if she fought him on custody of their three children when they divorced.

Greenfield believes that Kelly's body is in New York.

"I think that's she probably up here somewhere. He knows places. She could be up here anywhere. Anywhere he used to hunt even. Why would he race up here?" Greenfield said.

Perry ex-wife #2 (after Kelly):

Walker finally met with her attorney and filed for divorce around 3 p.m. Hawaii time. She claims she wanted to clear her name with the Tampa Bay media, admitting that she made a mistake in marrying David Perry. She told detectives, "I want nothing to do with him. I did my own investigation."

great reading from someone very close to the case/family here --> [LINK]
After going through all the resources I could find, I put together my own timeline through the first 2 weeks, and then David Robert Perry being labelled the prime suspect in the homicide death of Kelly Rothwell.

March 11

KR spends night w/good friend DS.

March 12

KR & DS spend day toether.

Witnesses say David Perry stalked the young cadet and her best friend that entire weekend. In fact, sources say, Perry followed them to a local Publix supermarket. [LINK]

3:38 pm: After Kelly Rothwell has lunch at Chili's restaurant (US 19, Clearwater) and finishes shopping at Publix w/friend DS her car is caught on camera leaving the Publix. She had told DS she was going to her Indian Rocks Beach condo (2708 Gulf Blvd - 20 minutes away from that Publix) to end her relationship with her abusive live-in boyfriend, a former NY corrections officer, David R Perry.

4:30-5:30 pm: Downstairs neighbor and his wife hear a loud pounding noise like something being dropped on the floor of KR's condo (directly above their unit), then later the sound of a vacuum cleaner running in KR's master bedroom for some time.

5:20 pm: DS received a text message from KR's phone. PCSO believes the message was not authored by KR. Phone was in the area of Ulmerton Road and 119th Street (appx 12 min away from her condo) when the message was sent. [interesting: thats 100 yards from a Home Depot, across the street from the large Largo shopping area]

6:30 pm: KR did not show to pick up the keys for her new residence.
6:30 pm: KR is a no-show for a planned police cadet get-together at Caddy's, on Sunset Beach.

"prior to midnight": David Perry heads for his hometown of Elmira, NY - leaving most of his possessions behind.

"within hours of KR's disappearance" cell towers placed Perry's phone at State Road 52 and Interstate 75 in north Pasco County [about 80 minutes away from condo]. Search there later turned up no evidence.

March 13

10:00 am - 12:00 pm: after another cadet called DS to ask if KR was with her, DS gets extremely worried and calls PCSO to request a welfare check at KR condo. WCSO find no signs of KR or DP at the condo, they force entry. Condo is immaculately clean ("too clean"), no blood. KR's police academy binder and notes are found in the condo complex Dumpster. Both KR and DP cars missing.

1:00/2:00 pm(?): KR&#8217;s car (green Subaru) found parked at a Holiday Inn (401 2nd Street, Indian Rocks Beach) 2 miles from her condo. Rothwell's green 2007 Subaru Outback was found in Indian Rocks Beach, parked in front of the Holiday Inn at 2nd Street and 4th Avenue. Det. Bailey says it's possible Perry parked it there. "To obviously make it look like she had departed and left the residence on her own accord, but she has no affiliation with these businesses in the area, nor did she check in the hotel," said Det. Bailey. [LINK]

When contacted by detectives (uncertain of time - but must have been a call to his mobile while he was entoute to NY), Perry said little except that police should check with Rothwell's police academy friends, one of whom he claimed was a "love interest" he believed Rothwell was cheating with. [LINK]

March 14
David Robert Perry is located in Elmira, NY. He refuses to talk to New York authorities, who subsequently learn that Perry told family members "this is going to get bad".

March 15 - March 20
David R Perry travels to Ohio, then Oklahoma

March 21
David Perry arrives back in NY. Authorities inspect Perry's car and report a strong odor of chemical agents. Piece of carpet sent to labs for testing. No blood or female DNA found in trunk carpet (DNA breaks quickly in corrosive chemical agents).

March 27 David Perry resurfaces in Florida at a storage unit
Detectives say they became aware Perry was at a local storage facility removing items at 10:30 am Sunday March 27. They went to the facility and attempted to talk to Perry. "Even being face to face with detectives, who are trying to find his girlfriend, he still refused to cooperate," according to a statement released by the sheriff's. Perry told detectives he would not speak with them without his attorney present. [LINK]

June 14
David R Perry is formally named by homicide detectives as the prime suspect in the disappearance of Kelly Rothwell. "His bizarre behavior and lack of cooperation coupled with David Perry (starting) a new relationship with another woman shortly after Rothwell disappeared has detectives now naming him a suspect in her disappearance," the statement said. Detectives say that Perry's family members in Elmira also are uncooperative and have requested an attorney to be present during questioning. [LINK]

Here is what I think might have happened:

Since there are witnesses and evidence to the fact Perry had been stalking KR up that point in the weekend (Publix), it makes sense that he arrived back to the condo after she did (followed her back).

Assuming the murder occured at 4:30 (loud thumps heard), and that David Perry had KR's phone with him at 5:20 near the Home Depot/shopping area - then I think its a good bet that David Perry was out buying all the specialty clean-up and body transport supplies he would need. To avoid an electronic trail, he pays cash from the stacks of cash he seems to have around according to reports. He probably replied to the DS text at 5:20 just to make sure DS would not become concerned about the aftermath of the break-up and go to the condo (where Kelly's body was), after all Kelly's friends have said David Perry threatened to kill her if she ever broke up with him. Its possible he went from there to Eagle Lake Park to scope out a potential dump point, which is where the dog-walking witness who came forward in Dec made eye contact with and saw him acting suspiciously and hiding behind trees. While this witness could not specifically recall the day, since she said for sure it was "that week" (same week her mother passed) - Saturday 3/12 was the last day of that week, the day Perry left FL, and day of the week KR went missing. If he was looking to dump the body there later he definitely did not want to be placed at the scene - so he abandonned those plans.

Perry returns to the condo and starts cleaning up ("continuous vaccuming" heard later). He tosses KR's academy books and notes into the dumpster - why? many of her personal belongings were still in the condo. Was she using her book/notes to show demonstrate something to him that enraged him? By the time he is done cleaning its immaculate - no trace of anything. Prior to finishing the clean-up, he will have also situated the body in a way he could later remove it from the condo (I hate to suggest the "Grant Haze" method, but its possible).

His next move would be to get Kelly's car away from the condo to a place it could sit for a while without drawing attention (the Holiday Inn 2 miles away). Then what? walk back? Probably, I doubt he would have taken a cab or bus (surely LE interviewd all bus drivers and cabbies). Phone records would probably indicate if he had called someone for a ride, and I'm sure his phone was OFF and left at the condo. 2 miles was probably the extent of distance he could go and walk back within 30 minutes, and a safe minimum distance in his mond. Were there no images of him on surveillance cameras anywhere on his walk back on Gulf Blvd to the condo? maybe he just walked on the beach.

Perry gets back to the condo and makes preparations to leave for NY: KR's car has been moved 2 miles away, the condo is cleaned of any forensic evidence, the body is packed up. Perry leaves items in the condo, and in a storage unit (he comes back for some of those 3/27), because he needs to get out of there as quickly as possible. The longer he's there the better the chance of him getting caught - he rather leave most of his belongings, as culpable as that appears he knows he will be fingered immediately regardless.

I think Perry left the condo for good at 9:00 or 7:40. LE has specifically requested info on the whereabouts of either KR or Perry from 4-9, so there must be a reason they are sure of where he was (or heading) after 9. LE has also stated he left for NY before midnight. I bet his phone pinged 80 minutes away (I75 & 52) at 10:20 or at 9:00. The only time for the ping given has been "within hours of KR missing", so this would fit. I doubt he was 80 minutes away earlier and then came back to the condo - not enough time to clean the condo and move KR's car if that was the case.

Perry has not been arrested yet, for anything related to Kelly Rothwell.

(more from the Jan article): [LINK]


Rothwell's friends have said all along that David Perry threatened to kill her if she ever broke up with him.

Detective Bailey explained why felony stalking charges are being pursued.

"Basically, they follow the person, excessive phone calling, wanting to know their whereabouts, tracking the person down, wanting to know their every move, that type of thing. So that's what happened in this case, without giving any details of it," Detective Bailey told 10 News.

Right now, detectives say, there's simply not enough evidence to charge Perry with murder. But the charge of felony stalking may be a possibility.


Glad to see he was arrested today for Grand Larceny. I also hope they do at least eventually arrest him for stalking. If convicted, it carries a 1-10 year sentence, and something tells me Perry would be looking at 10. If he's arrested, it would also give LE additional tools and avenues to investigate the murder.
Been thinking more about this case for a few days now. Detectives state that, "there's simply not enough evidence to charge Perry with murder". I believe there is a pretty strong circumstantial case, even without a body.

Take the Hans Reiser case: no body, ex-wife's car was moved away from the crime scene, ex-husband HR acted oddly and would not talk to LE, referred everyone to attorney, his actions and lack of certain actions after the disappearance are conducive with him knowing she is dead, he suggests a story about her dropping everything and taking off overseas, he suggests persons of interest who may be the "real" culprits if something did happen.

The forensic evidence in the HR case was scant enough, and the amount of circumstantial evidence potentially insufficient enough, that it was not sure thing to proceed to trial. A lot of folks thought he was innocent (including quite a few here in this forum), WAY more so than DP in Kelly's case. Fortuneately it did proceed, because several months after his conviction he lead authorities to Nina's body.

1) Proving beyond a reasonable doubt that KR is actually dead would rely on the prosecutions ability to both show that the sudden disappearance was not voluntary, and point out the lack of any evidence whatsoever that the person was alive beyond the disappearance. Granted, HR's ex Nina had primary custody of their young children - a strong indication she did not disappear on her own free will. However, I think an equally strong case can be made for KR. There is a lot pointing towards a sudden and involuntary disappearance, enough to convince a jury she is dead IMO.

2) Then they must prove DP (in this case) was responsible for the death. We have statements from friends and family to the fact that DP told her he would kill her if she ever tried to leave him. He was stalking her on the day she went missing. The condo was immaculately cleaned that day. Before anyone knew she was missing, he took off for NY and left most of his belongings behind, even though KELLY was the one moving out to a new place. Who takes off at 9:00 at night to drive from FL to NY??? within hours of your live-in girlfriend's last known sighting??? Someone familiar with her plans sent a text from Kelly's phone to DS to keep DS from becoming suspicious. He chemically sanitized his car before turning it over to authorities 2 weeks after Kelly disappeared. He told his ex-wife once he could kill her and no one would ever find her body after he ran her through a wood chipper.

I actually think they may be more confident in #2 than #1, but the HR (and Scott P to some extent) cases show that juries can indeed make rationale and correct inferences, even in murder cases, given a totality of circumstantial evidence.

The DA in the HR case did a tremndous job, especially in closing. Here is a link to that.

At this point its unlikely KR's body/remains will surface without a confession from DP, and unlikely any smoking gun-type evidence will suddenly present itself in the near future. DP will not cooperate - no way. I think they should try for an indictment now and get him on trial for the murder of KR. Subpeona everything, search all of his properties and possessions, interview his family. Sure, there is a chance he is aquitted, but he can still be put away for stalking and the grand larceny - so he's going to jail for a while anyhow. I think its worth a shot.
I am glad she came to her senses! It is weird how some educated women can fall for a creep. I think when we are young it easy to make the mistake. Some men are good at hiding their true selves too.

That divorce MW filed for on New Years Eve....?


"Her sister was thrilled to know the relationship was over.

But, then there were signs, troublesome signs. "I went three weeks without talking to her. I told my husband, 'I think she's back with him,'" Cassie told 10 News.

Her sisterly intuition was spot-on, and her nightmare started all over again. Melissa went back to her ex, even though she told numerous people, including 10 News, that Perry was a bad guy and very dangerous.

"I couldn't believe it," said Cassie.

10 News asked Cassie why her sister would go back to David Perry. "Honey, your guess is as good as mine."


As for Cassie, she has written off her sister. She says she realizes it's harsh, but she has no choice. "I had to do this, and some people may not be happy about it."

"If [you want] to stay with a murderer, you deserve what you get. I know it sounds bad, but that's the way I feel. I've tried to protect her," said Cassie."



Heh, we pretty much posted this at the same time. Unbelievable turn of events, although when I checked the Hawaii records earlier this week I saw that the paperwork was submitted to the court 1/14/12, but there was no additional follow-up.

maybe its time to revisit the question of "exactly how much does MW know?". Yes, he started a relationship with her while still with Kelly, she says she had no idea about KR or her disappearance and that the relationship started a few weeks later. Why lie about that?
Nancy Grace show tonight (THU 3/15) : "Where is missing police cadet Kelly Rothwell"

interviews with Kelly Rothwell’s sister Lindsay, friend Donna Scharrett and Sheriff Bob Gualtieri.

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