Found Deceased FL - Lane Graves, 2, Walt Disney World, 14 June 2016 #1

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They mentioned comparing bite marks to the 5 alligators they caught, but didn't make it clear if it would be a comparison to Lane or his father.
Body was found about 10 to 15 yards out, and about 6 feet deep.
I missed the presser :( has the ID been confirmed then, since he was intact? Wondering if it is time to move this thread :(
Sheriff was asked if others were in the water, and if what the child was doing was permissable. He said no others in the water, and he thought it was permissable.
thank God he was intact at least.

Yes. It's easy for me to say this, and I realise the actual blessing would be the child being alive, but I think this is a great blessing for the family. To have a body that looks like their son that they can bury with dignity is so much better than what potentially could have happened.
My opinion: Disney regularly removes alligators from the lake. The child was doing what children do... I just can't see placing blame here.
it seem slike a morbid thing to say but if I couldn't have my child back, I at least want ALL of him back for my closure.

Yes. It's easy for me to say this, and I realise the actual blessing would be the child being alive, but I think this is a great blessing for the family. To have a body that looks like their son that they can bury with dignity is so much better than what potentially could have happened.
I agree completely. "No Swimming" suggests to me that there is no lifeguard, or perhaps the water quality is bad. I might still dip a toe. Also, that sign looks pretty small. Is it easily seen at night, in a crowd?

BBM. Agreed, that gives no indication of gators, which Disney might be trying not to scare people, as it's "the happiest place on Earth".
I'm about to read; forgive me if this has been posted...
I have prayed for peace all day...
And I hope this is as it appears. Unlike Maddie.

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All of the frantic activity that occurred just after the child was grabbed must have been enough to run the alligator off permanently.

They just followed up on Fox News by saying that the boys body was not found in the same area from which he was grabbed. He was found just offshore in an area some distance away.
his name was Lane Graves. Rest in soft peace baby boy. No more pain or fear.
How much research should people do before they go on vacation somewhere? If people are so convinced that Disney is this magical place where nothing bad can happen to them, I can't imagine they would be happy about gigantic "alligator" signs everywhere. Considering this has never happened before, there has obviously been enough done by Disney and prior guests in the past. If they had signs about gators in the water, you would have a lot of parents complaining about how the signs are scaring their little ones. Disney really can't win in this situation. I don't think anyone is to blame but I disagree that Disney should've had huge flashing billboards everywhere you go to tell you about how gators are in the water. Why should Disney made a huge spectacle wondering guests about something that has never happened before, and anyone with a computer, could figure out that gators live in Florida waterbodies?

I talked with a friend today who goes to the military "resort". Something Green? She said it is right next to this hotel in Disney. She said the military place has alligator signs all over , but she does not think Disney did. Even though she was staying right next door to Disney with the signs, she never dreamed about Disney having gators.
It's really just common sense. When you are in Florida, EVERY body of water is suspect. Even private swimming pools FGS. I can't imagine venturing into a lagoon, canal, non-supervised body of water in Florida. Is there really anybody that doesn't associate Florida with alligators? They roam everywhere, they don't care if it's Disney property or not. What were they thinking???? I can't blame Disney for this one.
Being a Californian who has set foot in Florida exactly once, and that was to board a cruise ship- I know in theory that gators exist in Florida. I thought swamps. I did not know that Disney World was built next to a lagoon where gators swim!!!
Wow! I was surprised to learn of the size (average 13 ft.) and weight (average 790 lbs.) of an adult alligator. Articles say they prey on many animals including deer and bears! After reading a few articles I am amazed there are not MORE incidents than there have been.
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