GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #3

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So I wonder who had the kids that time, because they were living with her in the apt. Just like her seeing Lonzie at 8pm at the laundromat, but not when Ebron took her to work at 8:30pm. The reporter said the kids weren't present, because the report didn't mention if kids were there, or not in the May drug bust. However, DCF says a full investigation is now underway.

I think it's possible that the kids were staying with their father at the time of the drug bust. I think they were living in an apt closer to where CB lived then weren't they? That's probably why WRE is claiming now that he was "warned" about CB following them to find out where they lived after the bust and eviction. If there is a custody issue, and CB did not know where LL went with the children, he certainly may have been curious. Especially if he knew that WRE was not supposed to have contact with LL.

Lame defense though. Especially if LE showed up at CB's door that night. I also believe they spoke to him by phone. Is WRE suggesting that CB "stole" Lonzie (couldn't get them both because the sister wasn't in the vehicle) and is keeping him hidden? That's ridiculous. But that's what he appears to be trying to float. :notgood:

So I wonder who had the kids that time, because they were living with her in the apt. Just like her seeing Lonzie at 8pm at the laundromat, but not when Ebron took her to work at 8:30pm. The reporter said the kids weren't present, because the report didn't mention if kids were there, or not in the May drug bust. However, DCF says a full investigation is now underway.

I read the May report when it was linked here, but now it isn't available. I need to remember to save these things to my computer (Although then I'd look like a weirdo to anyone who used my computer :eek: ) The kids weren't mentioned, but I'm assuming that if they were there, that report would have looked a whole lot different.

I'm just guessing, but I feel like the kids were with the Dad at that time. I think that if things started to worsen between Lonzie's mom and Dad in the early Spring (for whatever reason, but I thought I read that she started hanging out with WBE in March) the May bust made it a lot worse.

I guess its good that DCE is investigating now, but it is, IMO, too late for Lonzie. Hopefully it will benefit the 5 year old and the Dad.
My significant other has property not far from where JSO evidence facility is. He said yesterday he rode past there and the car was in the lot with like the white panels surrounding the car. He said he rode past there today and it wasn't in the lot. He thought maybe they had it on the inside maybe processing again.

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If you click on the picture of the Florida Star in this article you can read a large portion of Ebron's interview. I'm trying to keep myself from over-analyzing all of his direct quotes, lol.

From the article itself:

Action News asked McLaughlin, “Do you believe this story, do you believe this interview?”

“Um, I can say he seemed like an honest person during the discussion, but there are some questions I had that I don’t wanna talk about and I didn’t put in my paper.”

Detectives have made it clear, they don’t believe Ebron.

“I like fiction too,” Hackney said Friday of the interview.

JSO recorded The Florida Star’s interview with Ebron and Action News has requested a copy of that recording.

I think the forensic psychologists will do a better job than me with Ebron's interview. ;)
Laura Caso ‏@LauraReports [video=twitter;627238365239353344][/video]
Prayer vigil happening now for #LonzieBarton at Oceanway Assembly of God. #FINDLONZIE
My gosh, wear blue shirts but stop with the balloons. How will polluting oceans and killing marine life pay respect to Lonzie?! Seriously. Just like at weddings, we throw bird seed instead of rice because when the birds eat rice it swells in their stomachs and kills them. It's bad enough Lonzie may be gone but stop with the balloons. Donate balloon money to a child abuse fund or a domestic violence shelter.
Originally Posted by Jlr
Also how was the 5 year old sister playing on the phone if the battery was dead?

He will claim it died while the sister was playing on it....remember he stated the sister got out of the car and found him in the more then likely she had the cell on her but who knows with this prep.....none of his story true its all BS.

I don't believe the sister would have left the baby alone, I believe she probably had a big part of taking care of him. MOO

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"I believe he didn’t hurt a child intentionally. I don’t think my child could hurt a child intentionally,” said William Ebron."

I guess they are in a tough spot but your son is a 30-something aged MAN. He is not a child; don't call him a child. Don't try to make listeners or readers think of a child unintentionally, accidentally hurting another child, as if they were peers.

You know who I want to see an interview with? :thinking: His ex-girlfriend.
I thought this too.I still haven't ruled it out.But what evidence did they find in the car if they did? I was maybe thinking they found little Lonzies blood in there.

Me too.
If it was an accident, could it possibly have been an overflowed soaked diaper? Don't body fluids release upon death? If so then he went to great pains to make it look like the car was stolen with baby inside.
Ebron's parents are great in that interview.
She says she told her son if she had the money for his bond she wouldn't bond him out.
She'd give it to the search for Lonzie.
Anyone who would put their own parents thru this also wouldn't care what they put a toddler thru.
I noticed they explained to WRE that accidents do happen. He wasn't going for that one either.
He's cold and calculating IMO
The strip club where Lonzie's mother was working on Emerson, isn't that the same one where Ron Cumming's girlfriend worked?
No, Ron Cummings girlfriend was only 16 years old. She did not work at all.
I hadn't thought of this yet. There is actually a large cemetery right on San Jose Blvd. but VERY nice and I'm pretty sure that would have been locked up for the night.

Two things I keep thinking about is the street drains. They are large on some roads and with the amount of rain we've had....(grabbed a pic of one in the area)
Also, I hope all of the clothes donation boxes around town have been looked at. Makes me sick to think about these things.
View attachment 79227

I hadn't thought of the storm drains They're everywhere in San Jose/Mandarin. San Jose Blvd slopes on each side to help drain the water to the sides of the street and down the adjoining roads. The drains have pretty big openings to prevent lawn clippings/leaves from blocking the drains and flooding the roads.

Regarding the cemetery (a few blocks north of the intersection of San Jose and University), it is locked at night and has security. My mom and aunt are buried there underneath the beautiful, large live oaks.
Major congrats to you for getting clean and being the best parent you can be. I always appreciate insight as you have provided. Thank you for sharing and your kids are probably so glad to have the "best" you!!

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Thanks button was not enough. As an adult child of a mother who never got clean, thank you for doing right by your kids.

ETA: Quoted wrong post, meant to quote LavendarLotus.
Well someone should know if there is a missing mattress from the apartment or not. sigh. This case is making me mental.
The Chief stated today the apt. is still marked off with yellow tape.. The owner said LE can keep it taped off as long as they want..There is a reason to keep the yellow tape around apt. this long.
Who is the man they shared the apt. with. We have NO name, no statements from him. Does anyone else think this is strange?
The Chief stated today the apt. is still marked off with yellow tape.. The owner said LE can keep it taped off as long as they want..There is a reason to keep the yellow tape around apt. this long.
Who is the man they shared the apt. with. We have NO name, no statements from him. Does anyone else think this is strange?
I do.
So the way I take Ebron's statements, from the very morning Lonzie went missing all the way up to now, it is the 5 year old's fault Lonzie is missing.

1) She got scared and followed him into the apartment, leaving Lonzie all alone
2) Before leaving Lonzie all alone for the mystery baby jacker to come and steal along with the prize of a car that has no key, she was playing with the phone therefore poor Ebron could not promptly call LE when the baby jacker took said baby and said car.

Nothing appears to be Ebron's fault. Not his fault he left an unsupervised baby in a running car at 2:30 am. It's the car's. Not his fault the baby's sister did not stay with him. Not his fault the phone battery was dead. Wonder who forced him to stop for cocaine? Probably the fault of the kids who maybe were working his last nerve.

BBM, Do you all think that LE really WOULDN'T have Lonzie's mom try and get the truth out of him? When the chief was appealing for anyone who knows the POI to (basically go to the jail) and talk to him....appeal to his "heart" (not that he has one), it seems like gf would be the obvious choice.....and now, if he's crying 'poor me' seems maybe there would be something to gain by putting them in a "private" room together and observe body language, what is said, not said.....

Other than that, I wish Ebron would have had to go on every search with LE and experience the scorching heat, searing sun, lots of bug bites, exhausting hours - instead of sitting on his *advertiser censored** in the cool airconditioning. =(

Legally, I dont think LE could have Lonna have a meeting with Ebron seeing as they were court ordered not to have contact with each other. In my opinion, that would be LE breaking the law. And I assume she cant go to the jail on her own to visit him due to the same court order. I am just guessing but that makes the most sense to me.
The Chief stated today the apt. is still marked off with yellow tape.. The owner said LE can keep it taped off as long as they want..There is a reason to keep the yellow tape around apt. this long.
Who is the man they shared the apt. with. We have NO name, no statements from him. Does anyone else think this is strange?

If this is going to be WRE's defense, the roommate is a major witness IMO. I'd just as soon he remain anonymous and stay far away from all media. His testimony will be very important and we don't need any defense attorneys picking away at his credibility or testimony because he gave interviews.

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