GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #9

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Exactly Willow Knight. I don't buy it either. He waited 6 months knowing the wee one would be too badly decomposed to determine COD imho, then took a plea deal for a lesser sentence. What a . I think LLB is equally responsible. Lonzie was supposed to have fallen down the stairs to receive those fractures, OK hmm I bet he walked into a few doors too <sarcasm> Breaks my heart. Poor baby :(
I'm not sure I believe Lonzie drowned the way RE states, still reading and just catching up tho. This sounds like a well thought-out story that will insist it was an accident. Also, it will include Lonna, is RE thinking if I'm going down so is she? The two of them have lied so much, will we ever really know the truth? What about previous injuries, the head injury, the blood? Why did RE take the pictures of an injured Lonzie if Lonzie died in the tub? The one thing I'm willing to believe is RE knows what happened to sweet Lonzie and was involved.

However, he could have been in the tub to clean off blood and other due to his injuries. He could have died from his injuries while he was in the tub. As in, Lonzie drowned because of his injuries. And are we actually hearing this baby had broken ribs and no medical care? I just don't know what to think at this point, however I cannot believe either of them, so why should I believe this version from RE?

I'm so sorry Lonzie.

Im not sure he drowned at all. If he did, I like you think that it may be to do with them dumping him in there to clean off the blood. That wee baby suffered in agony for what, days, weeks, months with no one caring. I hope llb never sets eyes on her daughter ever again
We're never going to know how Lonzie truly died. I've accepted that. But, as I said
in a post yesterday... he was disposed of in the daylight hours... So LB had to know.
I'm curious if Hackeny gave us these details, so we could figure that out? IDK
Interesting that drowning was also one of the accidental reasons bandied about for Caylee Anthony's death. I am so sick of these monsters beating the system. I volunteered for TES in the hunt for Haleigh Cummings. And she's never been found... Grrrrrrr...
Exactly, it was after Lonna testified that RE gave up where baby Lonzie's body was. Me, being no fan of LLB, just can't believe what RE states is the truth. I believe he lead LE to Lonzie out of spite, then added lonna to his dirty deed. In my heart I still believe this baby died due to injuries prior to that day. Lonna is just as guilty in my mind as she always was, however I don't believe RE's story. It is possible I could also accept lonzie died prior to LLB going to work, but I don't think it was because this child drowned.

I am so angry at these two, may the both do max time for drug charges.

Samantha Manning &#8207;@SamanthaANjax 57s57 seconds ago

Prosecution says autopsy for Lonzie Barton has been completed, cause of death undetermined @ActionNewsJax
Poor baby was left out there too long so now they can't even tell how he died, smh.

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Yes that's her. According to LLB (as stated in her interview with LE) Brittany was at the apt on the Thursday (23rd) and went with LLB to the dollar store. I'm trying to think, but I'm not sure we have heard it from Brittany or from LE. But she is assumed to be the witness that saw Lonzie alive on that day. I think I recall the roommate had gone out with his daughter?

It does make you wonder. When we were talking about LLB talking about calming her heart rate down, she said "when he died they told me to" who is they? According to RE, he was there with LLB. If this is indeed what she means, 'they' implies more than one. Could Brittany have been another? Just thinking out loud. Who knows with these two what's truth, and what's lies and BS.

Thanks for clarifying about Brittany. I do recall too that the room mate was not there that day.
As far as what LB said about someone that died we aren't sure if she was talking about Lonzie, and the "they" could mean LB & "they" were injecting drugs in a motel room as we saw on video , and maybe someone died after that in that type of scenario previously, as in overdosed, but LE would probably know about that. But it could well have been Lonzie she was talking about.
For this charge he will do 85% of 20 yrs which works out too 17yrs just for this remember he faces other charges in Baker county which are drug charges.
Guess the drug charges will get him harder time than killing a child?
"Lonzie" is tending on Twitter RIP

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We're never going to know how Lonzie truly died. I've accepted that. But, as I said
in a post yesterday... he was disposed of in the daylight hours... So LB had to know.
I'm curious if Hackeny gave us these details, so we could figure that out? IDK

I tend to think Lonzie obviously died from abuse, :(
Poor baby was left out there too long so now they can't even tell how he died, smh.

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Yeah, its beyond disgusting and it's what that type of relies on IMO. Harder to prove murder that way too.
So sad.
I keep thinking about the early video recorded interviews when the detectives allowed the pair of them in the interview room together - what performances! LB in particular really turned on the dramatics didn't she?!
Several fractured , healing bones and ribs. Where is the record of medical intervention? How can anyone tell these injuries didn't happen on RE's watch?

How does a baby's skull get fractured AFTER death? WTH did they do to him?

It's just horrendous, poor little Lonzie, how could they.
I remember not long ago i watched one of the video interviews at the PD, and LB & her mother were in the interview room, i think it was when LB was initially charged/arrested for neglect and CB bonded her out soon after that. LB's mother mentioned about having Lonzie on the Monday and that he was fine then. And LB said she had scheduled a Dr. appointment for Lonzie on Friday. I wonder if that was true? So if Lonzie was really okay when LB's mother had him on the Monday, then was the abuse, broken bones etc. inflicted on him after that and he consequently died from his injuries? But then he had healing fractures according to the autopsy report, so they wouldn't have had time to heal in just a couple of days?
The 'he drowned in to the bath tub' excuse is a lie. The 'sister pushed him down the stairs' story is a lie. Lonzie was beaten, neglected and unloved and he was murdered by his mom and her BF.
Wow I'm so angry all over again. I don't think I have ever seen so much evil. I too think back to them interviews, when they let both LLB and RE in the room together and they are joking about like little school kids, KNOWING where poor Lonzie was. I think we need to accept that we will never ever know the truth unless 1 of them has a brain transplant, never in a million years, they don't know the meaning of honest!

Also, a reply to a past poster regarding LLB going to Lonzies funeral. I don't know how many of you followed Mikael Kulars case here in my hometown of Edinburgh but his mother was the cause of his death. Beat him to death, over a bath and admitted to culpable homicide - 9 years be out in 6 years on good behaviour, still getting visits from her other kids in jail & she attended Mikaels funeral. Makes me sick, I think it's up to the family! He was a twin and he looked so much like her ex (his father) that was her excuse, couldn't bond, reminded her of him etc. Had the whole of this city out looking for him, she is scum! Really makes my blood boil my taxes go to feeding and keeping these monsters inside, just be done with them...
Edinlass - and Lonzie looked just like his dad, Red_____, whateverhisnameis.

These are another 2 that I wish would be kept in cages outside in the elements and have scraps thrown at them for dinner.
Almost to the end of this thread after reading through all 9. My heart is heavy for dear Lonzie, who sadly may not have known love from any adult during his short life. I wish I could love and care for his sister. I hope she's far from her old life.

I just have no words...
I hate these people.

I don't believe for a minute a fall down the stairs broke his ribs. Most of the searches I did regarding broken ribs were either in children under 1 year of age or 5 and under. However, almost every search regarding broken ribs lead me to believe that it's a common injury in abused children and in car accident victims. I'm not a doctor, but everything I read made me think if a kid comes in with broken ribs, a doctor should definitely look into possible abuse.

Also, my own children have proven time and time again taking some pretty nasty spills down stairs rarely leads to more than a bruise or two (and also "don't play/run/wrestle on the stairs means absolutely nothing to them :rolleyes:)

I don't buy accidental drowning either. I think it was straight up murder and they should both fry. My opinion wouldn't change if they could somehow prove it was an accident.
I don't believe he broke his ribs from falling down the stairs, either. Infants and toddlers' bones are still malleable, which means they have not hardened completely, yet. This makes it MUCH more difficult to break or fracture the bones. Of course, it does happen, but it's difficult, and requires more force than breaking the bones of an adult or older child.

Poor Lonzie. Sweet, beautiful boy.
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