Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #10

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If MS made the post it wouldn’t have been since deleted as she is dead now. Who would have deleted it for her?
She didn't - It wasn't her account he was replying to.

It is my opinion / theory that he thought it might be her, (possibly based on the period / overdue timing mentioned in the user's post). It definitely was NOT Madeline, however - The user deleted that post, but made another one last month showing that she's alive and well.
Interesting theory Lets…… And wasn’t there also meniton of some distinct markings, ahem? Wonder if there is a correlation perhaps? MOO
Those markings were like a birthmark or I’ve wondered if they could have even been from an old burn injury or something. Wouldn’t have been a recent injury and may have been something he was born with.
SS had been in her life for FIVE years. Off and on. He used this as an opportunity to "groom her".. establish trust, a relationship that her mom was OK with... sending message to a CHILD THAT everything was OK. SS bought her toys, engaged with her with art activities.... while assaulting her at night. Starting..... When she was 8. Even in middle school she would get texts regularly from SS and her friends knew about it (but it was under the impression they were staying in touch. Nothing gross.)

It's not something a child knows or is able to articulate clearly when they are being abused. Which is why when she was telling her school Counselors about SS, they might have picked up on it.... but they did not. It was too cryptic.
I completely agree, she didn’t have the words for it. I wouldn’t have at 12 either. She was probably scared to tell, embarrassed to tell, etc. and didn’t know how to. Do you just blurt it out? Do you ease in by saying that SS is annoying and weird? What do you even call it? I wouldn’t have been able to say anything so explicit to a school counselor either at that age.
In reading the documents recently shared, I was surprised that they had three iPhones among them (since those are pricey and don't seem in line with their lifestyles), plus a Samsung... however, then it occurred to me: it seems there should have been 5 phones, not 4. Do we know much about the phones?

Phones listed in the documents:
- KIPD 24-001896 // 000163 - **Grey iPhone 13** was seized on 3/1
- KIPD 24-001896 // 000542 - **iPhone w/ purple + cherries case** (seized from SS, but was this his father's?)
- KIPD 24-001896 // 000542 - **Black Samsung** (pretty sure this was SS's original phone, but I thought he didn't have that with him at all; could this just be his father's? That isn't clear, but either way was in his possession) - I believe this was mentioned as the phone he had on 2/26 and which had reset twice (KIPD 24-001896 // 001003), after which he shortly purchased the iPhone below
- KIPD 24-001896 // 000544 - **Apple iPhone w/ blue case** with only 2 cameras (phone itself was black according to KIPD 24-001896 // 001002) - purportedly got it new on 2/27 and was in pocket of SS but they seized it on 2/28 at interview room

What I think we know about them:


KIPD 24-001896 // 000149 - Maddie's best friend says they texted each other on their iPhones; not clear which of the phones, if any, is hers. I would hope they seized it, though, since it's possible SS was resetting/manipulating it 2/26 at 10:55 am (GHI cell tower tracker video shows him at home alone with it when it switched on after the events of that morning; JS was still at dr. appt.).

Was holding an iPhone in her hands during the interview in the insurance office - probably a model 13, since it has the charging circle on back, and mine has that; however, it looks black in the video, and the police log says the iPhone 13 they seized was grey, so did they seize hers at all, or is the color just hard to discern? Edit: All of the grey iPhone 13 pro versions I found online are obviously grey, a much lighter one than black. Image example:

Reports say he had his father's phone on the trip up. I thought (though maybe I'm making this up?) that he didn't have his with him at all, but since one they seized had the CSAM, his day-to-day had to be among them. That makes bringing his father's even sketchier, to me. The earliest phone they seized from him I think was the purple phone with flowered case? They also seized a Samsung, which I saw some Redditors claim was the CSAM one. Then they seized an iPhone with a blue case that came from his pocket that the report says was new and which he had purchased after they took his original phone.


This all makes me wonder: ONE of these has to be SS's actual phone, because it had CSAM when they looked at it, but I can't tell which. And it seems we're short a phone, at least among what was seized? There should have been 5 of them:

- SS's actual phone with the CSAM on it (I think this was the Samsung);
- SS's father's phone (or was this the Samsung? if not, then where was the father's phone that he supposedly had on him? was it the purple iPhone?);
- MS's phone (purple iPhone with the floral case sounds right for a preteen girl, but why did SS have it, then, if so?);
- JS's phone (grey iPhone 13?);
- SS's replacement phone (iPhone with blue case). This is the only one that is known, because the report says he had just purchased it in the last day or two, and they seized it right from him in the interview room.

I could of course be wrong on my interpretation of some of this; does anyone else have insight or thoughts?
it can be confusing, they caught the Lincoln on camera as shown with the cars on the ping map, did they also show ping info for SS Dad's phone? I better watch again.
View attachment 512363
It seems SS was up to his old tricks of sliding his phone under the bedroom door of roommates. I wonder which roommate this was.
View attachment 512364
That's about as creepy as it gets. Putting your phone under the door crack
is almost desperation. I'm starting to think he's selling this stuff to weirdos just like him that get off on voyeurism( for that clip anyway)
Those markings were like a birthmark or I’ve wondered if they could have even been from an old burn injury or something. Wouldn’t have been a recent injury and may have been something he was born with.
" In a picture located on Stephan’s phone, we observed a black mark near the tip of the shaft  in a picture of a penis."

Page 35/896 of the documents
I completely agree, she didn’t have the words for it. I wouldn’t have at 12 either. She was probably scared to tell, embarrassed to tell, etc. and didn’t know how to. Do you just blurt it out? Do you ease in by saying that SS is annoying and weird? What do you even call it? I wouldn’t have been able to say anything so explicit to a school counselor either at that age.
I agree, he was away for 2 months. Was that enough time to emotionally separate enough, for his hold to lose a little power and she started dropping hints, that may invite questions? making it easier to answer than to disclose. I don't know if she trusted people enough to disclose. ( for good reason)
No safety for her. The outcome is such a fear for them
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As far as we know there were only two roommates. A mother and her son. They probably each had their own room, while Maddy was given a spot in the living room.
In the huge document released it is stated that

"She and her fifteen year old son have a room in the home."
On page 987. Highlighted.

I read this to mean they rent one room. Not two.


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Can you tell from the cellphone ping images in the Drop Box data dump? I know from watching GHI that there is an image timestamped when Maddie (with her phone) reaches the house with her aunt. I’m pretty sure her pings are magenta, SS is red, JS is blue.
I still can't figure out those cellphone maps, although I didn't spend a lot of time at it. But, if those images are saying there are 3 different phones, and that they are in 3 different places at the same time, then Maddie's phone wouldn't be one of them as it would need to be traveling with someone (JS or SS).
Curious to know what everyone's theories are as to what Stephan Stern's motive was?

Since she had been abused long-term, I originally thought it was perhaps accidental (such as overdosing her on sleep meds whilst assaulting her) but since the murder was premeditated, I threw that theory out.
I'm very suspicious about Madeline staying with her Grandma for the week prior, which obviously included her birthday. Did Sterns know or think Madeline was about to exposé him? It seems to much of a coincidence that she was murdered within hours/ minutes of returning . Plus why is he turning up at the moment she gets home? It suggests urgency to me

MS felt confident and strong enough to expose him. Turning 13 is a big deal. She was coming into her own. She even verbalized her goal - to live in the woods. She knew she needed a plan. She was so much smarter than him.

SS knew it was game over and MS was going to bury him under the jail. 100% premeditated. Driving up from North Port with his rage building, he retaliated violently.

I wish MS would have had the opportunity to expose him and be vindicated.

This 100%
If he did kill her while JS wasn’t yet home (he may have) then he could have told her she just went to sleep all worn out from the party. jS probably wouldn’t have checked on her and prob would have gone to bed herself. sS would then move the body to the car in the early morning hours when he felt sure everyone home was very asleep.

I do think Js knew her kid was dead well before her body was found even if she didn’t kill the girl herself.
If it's as you said (killed before JS got home) then everything JS said about that night would be a lie.

"She was so happy. She showed us all her gifts. She's just a happy girl, and she showed it on Sunday. When she went to bed, she was so happy," Jenn Soto said.

(And that was it) Not to forget JS said she sent them to room #4 at 11pm. That would have been a lie too. JMO
Curious to know what everyone's theories are as to what Stephan Stern's motive was?

Since she had been abused long-term, I originally thought it was perhaps accidental (such as overdosing her on sleep meds whilst assaulting her) but since the murder was premeditated, I threw that theory out.
There doesn't really have to be a motive as premeditation doesn't have to be planned out beforehand.

All premeditation and deliberation require is the time it takes to form the intent, ponder the crime, and then act. Defendants can premeditate and deliberate in a matter of minutes, as long as the thought process occurs before the act.

Exactly. That townhouse is not a mansion and I've said it before but I doubt you can sneeze loudly in one room without someone hearing it downstairs.

The mom housemate.... (AND possibly the 15yo but I doubt he was there).... Jenn downstairs... and possibly someone else, the 2nd housemate?

Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
......And something horrifying going on in Room 4... and no one hears a thing? The only possible reason would be if she were completely drugged and was assaulted while drugged. Which is entirely possible. But so risky.
I would think, the abusers themselves aren't completely quiet during their "sessions" or are they? So I wonder like you. Maybe, SS (and JS) told a fitting story and strangely enough all the housemates believed it, although I can't believe, the 15yo boy would be so naive (never ever, IMO).

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