Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #11

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How was SA not picked up in all the constipation appointments poor M had? Is JS telling lies that they had so many appointments for M’s constipation?

Were there physical exams or just verbal so that JS could collect constipation medicine?
It would not be likely that there would be a physical exam for a kid with constipation issues imo. At most, an exray to show the constipation... IF that. At times, a motility test might be done to see if there is a lack of motility causing the issue for which a medication might be prescribed to increase motility such as Prucalopride. DOcs are not always keen to even order the tests or try the medications unless you're followed by a GI doc, and even then, constipation is seen as a normal event for many kids. This is all MOOOOO.
Were there actual Dr appointments for the constipation, or is that just what JS has said? I have a hard time believing she was proactive in anything to do with her child. Seems like her life revolved around herself, making sure she slept, got herself a new man, etc
Not sure if it has been clarified anywhere, but Botox can be a medical procedure, not always cosmetic. I know they use botox for overactive sweat glands.
Here I found this:
Botox Injections - Mayo Clinic

"Botox injections are shots that use a toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time. These shots are often used to smooth wrinkles on the face. They're also used to treat neck spasms, sweating, overactive bladder, lazy eye and other conditions. Botox shots also may help prevent migraine."
yes, it has medicinal purposes.
Were there actual Dr appointments for the constipation, or is that just what JS has said? I have a hard time believing she was proactive in anything to do with her child. Seems like her life revolved around herself, making sure she slept, got herself a new man, etc
in the documents released they did get a warrant for her pediatrician and gastro doctor records. page 73

not known when she began having an issue and was recommended to take miralax.

yes, it has medicinal purposes.

Which are generally covered by insurance, which I am assuming she had, since she had no problem financially with the blood draw.

So many unusual happenings that day:

One of the first times SS dropped Maddie at school (per latest interview with JS)
SS gets flat tire for the first time in ten years (per one of his interviews)
SS accidentally left his phone at home not once but twice
JS cancels Botox appointment at the last minute because she couldn't afford it
SS enters JS's bedroom for the first time ever to put the leash on the dog (her latest interview)*

*About that. It sounds as though the dog was on the bed when SS purportedly tried to put the leash on him, because she didn't want him to pee on the bed.

If so, that would mean that the dog was allowed to sleep with JS when she really needed "good sleep", but Maddie was not. Maddie had to go sleep with her abuser.

She didn't let SS drive her car to take Maddie to school to avoid embarrassment, because he was not on her insurance.

Yet she did relent and let him take her car when he wanted to go out searching that night.

She said earlier that on that night she didn't know SS had gone out taking her car until the next morning when she got in it and the seat had been moved.

The whole story has changed once more.

SMH. She had a get-out-of-jail free card, and she tore it into tiny little pieces and threw it into the gutter in the cause of trying to protect SS.

IMO of course.
The JS /LE interview with her counsel present was very interesting. I wish the meeting had been video so we would have the benefit of observing body language — facial expressions, movements, and gestures, which I might have been able to interpret as a confirmation for my judgements.

There is so much here that comes off as deceptive and disingenious to me, but I have the impression a number of you probably agree. Some changes in the story (again), so many long pauses before answering, and some answers almost inaudible. She is so clear on many details but denies knowing or is so uncertain on important stuff related to Maddie’s situation. Then there is stuff that just doesn’t make sense like planning to cohabitate with SS while dating other people, when she has also revealed her meds suppress her desire for a physical relationship. OMO.

[Does anyone find it surprising that bio father of JS (who we are told adored Maddie) was allegedly so ambitious that he would rent out every room in the townhouse at the cost of pre-teen MS being relegated to a corner in the living room? This version of reality doesn’t hold water for me. OMO.]

My summary comment is that JS was/is addicted to SS. She couldn’t live with him, but she couldn’t live without him. She wanted him to have a place to stay while he was starting a new job and yet he had proven over and over he couldn’t keep a job, he is a poster child for arrested development, and she rationalized all that. OMO.

All this is infuriating and unbelievable, at least for me. MOO, MOO, MOO.
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Not sure if it has been clarified anywhere, but Botox can be a medical procedure, not always cosmetic. I know they use botox for overactive sweat glands.
Here I found this:
Botox Injections - Mayo Clinic

"Botox injections are shots that use a toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time. These shots are often used to smooth wrinkles on the face. They're also used to treat neck spasms, sweating, overactive bladder, lazy eye and other conditions. Botox shots also may help prevent migraine."
I think I’ve seen TV ads for Botox being a treatment used for migraines, too. JMO.
Wait a minute here….. IIUC her parents (JS parents) were not fond of SS being there in JS condominium / residence? Not supposedly happy / pleased about him having a relationship with JS? So if that is true…… yet they are receiving money from SS for rent? SMH……

There is an old adage sometimes said: certain individuals couldn’t tell you the truth if you were standing there with money offering it to them to tell it. MOO
I have never heard this adage and it floors me, thank you!

But ok, giving maternal grandparents the benefit of the doubt for a second…is it possible that it was them who actually demanded SS move out? Because I think it’s weird he had so much stuff left behind at JS’s condo when he was supposedly living at his parents after the breakup.

Payment transactions or a formal lease agreement would shine some light. But I know so many people who are not on their current partner’s lease, it’s not something I would ever do again. My own ex is in that situation after cheating on me with his now ex…people live sloppily, and what can I say? JS and SS were sloppy. The evidence photos stress me out, I couldn’t live like that.

I’d want to know if he was paying them directly or if he was paying JS. The gall that he has to have (probably IMO according to Jen’s story) about Maddie’s Christmas money being possibly stolen by him is so pathetic. CS was paying his rent! Why would he be so desperate that he’d steal her freaking Christmas money?

JS could have easily been lying to her parents about the amount of time he spent at the condo. SS’s old roommate made it sound like the living situation was so restrictive and uncomfortable as though the grandparents were around regularly. How would that even work if they apparently despise each other so much?

If it wasn’t the grandparents imposing the rules about being in shared spaces, were those JS’s rules?

I’m just not willing to believe MS’s grandparents knew anything about the abuse and took SS’s money like it was NBD. They could have had their poor opinions and feelings that he was “off” but nothing that they detected about what he was doing to MS.

Remember, SS was a gun owner. According to one of the roommates, SS had threatened to unalive himself in a fight with JS before. I think both SS and JS are manipulative, they manipulated each other and they manipulated Maddie. They manipulate everyone around them, including the police…the public too with those Razzie Award worthy interviews.

From the evidence photos, he obviously didn’t have the gun secured…it it’s not lost on me that it could have easily been used as a deterrent so that MS didn’t tell her grandparents. I can’t imagine that MS didn’t know he had a gun with how it was found by LE. Someone like SS is not above telling a child they’ll shoot up the family if they don’t stay quiet.

I think it’s very plausible Maddie let her grandparents know how much she did not like SS, but wouldn’t tell them the true horrors she was enduring. She was walking around the neighborhood crying to her grandmother on the phone before her birthday. I don’t doubt much of it was centered around knowing SS was going to attack her again. He had done it before around previous birthdays according to the CSAM date stamps.

I don’t buy for a second that it made more sense to JS to let SS be a caretaker bc of her “night shifts” and lack of quality time when MS was at Grandma’s. Why wouldn’t they help take care of her for JS?? Doesn’t JS’s sister also have her own townhouse? Like, c’mon…she had plenty of support around her that she seemingly didn’t want to rely on if it meant getting criticism for dating SS.

When JS says she doesn’t “see Maddie” as much when she goes to her Grandmas, it’s bc Maddie was safe from SS and cared for. Grandma looked relatively put together in interviews in a noticeable way, JS’s sister too. If I were MS I wouldn’t want to be in that pig sty townhouse dungeon with my lazy mom and my abuser.

Looking at that phrase, Maddie may not have wanted to go back home when visiting with Grandma considering the supposed fighting between her and her mom. JS fought with SS too. Then there are other roommates. A girl MS’s age not only wants a cozy room that makes them feel safe, but also privacy. She was struggling at school, falling asleep. In her 12th birthday party videos, the poor thing looks so broken and exhausted, noticeably IMO.

I firmly believe JS was lying to everyone around her just like SS, that includes her own family. TW said the moment he knew MS was missing, he drove across the country to go look for her. That doesn't sound like the indifferent and distant father JS makes him out to be in interviews. TW spoke of Maddie lovingly as a stepmom, I haven't heard JS say a single positive thing about her own daughter in any of her interviews.

JS is not wrong when she calls SS a “master manipulator” but what she leaves out is the projection, because clearly she is too.

JMHO. The most recent police interview released makes me so incredibly angry, I have a feeling she was given derivative immunity bc the police have what they need apart from her statements and future testimony to charge her…eventually.
Which are generally covered by insurance, which I am assuming she had, since she had no problem financially with the blood draw.

So many unusual happenings that day:

One of the first times SS dropped Maddie at school (per latest interview with JS)
SS gets flat tire for the first time in ten years (per one of his interviews)
SS accidentally left his phone at home not once but twice
JS cancels Botox appointment at the last minute because she couldn't afford it
SS enters JS's bedroom for the first time ever to put the leash on the dog (her latest interview)*

*About that. It sounds as though the dog was on the bed when SS purportedly tried to put the leash on him, because she didn't want him to pee on the bed.

If so, that would mean that the dog was allowed to sleep with JS when she really needed "good sleep", but Maddie was not. Maddie had to go sleep with her abuser.
Does the coroner’s report state if Maddie was strangled manually or with an object?
IMO, glaring BS: she didnt notice Madeline didnt get her period in February 'until after everything'?????, but then says something to the contrary***:

Q: the products that she would need if she had her period right, you would have to do that for her? mhm. is that a yes? A yes'
Q Do you remember her using any of those products at all in February because I assume you take the trash out or does she take the trash out or how does all this work? A: I take the trash out. um in February no I didn't notice her using any of her feminine hygiene products

Q did you have any conversations with her about that? A uh no but I didn't notice until after everything

Q like because it would have been due like at the beginning of February and this all happens at the end
of February so she's almost due again in March. so you never had any conversations with her about not having her period at the beginning of February? A: no there have been, she's had other periods that have been missed or like super late so I just assumed this was going to be one those situations again. Q okay. A um but no I didn't.

***if she didnt notice "UNTIL AFTER EVERYTHING" that she didnt get her period all the way up to being found deceased (I guess thats the 'everything' she is referencing), why say she ASSUMED 'this was going to be one of those situations' when the situation of noticing and/or talking to Madeline about it never happened'??????

Q did you ever discuss her periods or lack of periods with Stephan. A I don't think so.
Good catch.


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