it is beyond the beyondo at this point......thanks for the reminder....her MORNING medication.
Madeline's meds were in JS's bedroom. she doesnt mention her ADHD meds in her media interviews, nor asthma. Madeline's meds seem to be a touchy subject...IMO, because they were in her bedroom. dog/leash/prevent dog pee story.....awake enough to remember
that.....but no ADHD meds for Madeline? no reminder to SS?
"3 prescription medications belonging to Madeline Soto from downstairs bedroom" - page 40
then this: <-----page 36 ( JS makes sure Madeline takes her morning meds )
and her April/ subpoena interview:
she was asked what a normal school day is with HER and Madeline: Yet, she wasnt asked by William Jay if she was given her morning meds that morning by SS. but
something got redacted before her 'ummm' when asked if they were given only on school days.....
JS: Um, we'd wake up, the alarm would start ringing around 7:30. We'd snooze it up until 8:00, then she'd get up. Um, she'd get dressed and then she'd lay back down in bed (laughs) while she would wait for me to make her breakfast.
WJ: So she would—she’s a breakfast eater?
JS: Yeah.
WJ: Okay.
JS: Uh, she'd have breakfast, then she would start, you know, with, um, brushing her hair, brushing her teeth, putting on makeup.
I would give her her ADHD medications for school.
WJ: Is that every day or just school days?
JS: [redacted] Um.